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Hey /halp/, been long since I been here. Currently running a Lenovo Windows 7 laptop and my screen is fucked up. How do I fix this? Pic related.
Plug into an external monitor. Video good = Screen or cable is bad. No Video = GPU or Mobo is bad. Cable is the cheapest to replace but from my experience if you see anything on the screen then the cable is good. Screens run about $40ish and aren't "too" hard to replace if you don't know what you're doing. See if that model has a YouTube disassembly video to help. TL;DR I'd bet your screen is broken. ~$40 fix. EZPZ
>>22010 Guessing that I was right. Did think it was the screen that was the issue, lucky I kept my Windows XP monitor. Thanks Anon.
Np, have a good one.