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Mikey Part 1 MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 20/05/25(Mon)23:48 No. 26763 [Reply]

This is one chapter of a larger work in progress. The plan is a series of vignettes based upon my real life experiences as a preteen. The chapters will be connected by an overarching thread. Word count on this chapter is just short of 7,500. Comments are welcome. Could use an editor.


Mikey Part 1

“Come to church with me. We'll get laid.”

Jeez, where did it start with Mikey?
Church, I guess. Ain't that ironic?
See, Mikey was home-schooled so he didn't know any of the in-school kids I knew, except those who lived near us. That's how we met. Hanging around the neighborhood playground park.
But he wasn't lonely. His Mom was like super-religious, and their family hung out with a big church-going crowd that I didn't know.
When I say Mikey's Mom was super-religious, I mean not only was he not allowed to cuss, but he couldn't even use “soft” cussing like “Gosh darn!” or “Golly Gee” because those were all really Jesus' name, disguised sort of, but still very much taken in vain. Which was a sin. So he had no language stronger than saying “Wowwee!”
But as strict as she sounded, she was always really nice to me when Mikey brought me over. She helped us set up a little clubhouse by cleaning out a tool shed in the yard, and she furnished it with blankets and pillows in case we wanted to nap. She even suggested a name for our club. “How about 'The Golden Knights?'” We didn't adopt that, or any other name. We were just "us friends".
I was, like, two years older that him, maybe. I think two grades ahead, but I don't really know how grade levels work for home schooled kids. I found the younger kids easier to hang around with than those my age or older. The big kids were always trying to be cooler and tougher and braver and I just didn't want to deal with that. I was no good at it. The younger kids were easier to deal with. I didn't have to try to be cool. Me just being a year or two older made me cool enough in their eyes.
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Admin help MikeyAndMe!BUf3a8nZe6 20/05/27(Wed)04:50 No. 26767

Admin: I am unable to delete this first version. Can't find help on irc. Please delete 26763?

It's the End of the World as We Know It Phoenix 14/10/29(Wed)17:58 No. 22649 [Reply]

So I've been meaning to write a story for this board for a while. A couple half-hearted attempts later, I've finished the first chapter! Woo.

I don't know what tags to mark this as, especially since I don't know what any of the tags mean. If you don't like stories with underaged girls, don't read this. If you don't like stories with a super long build up, don't read this.

Let me know what you think, I want feedback because I've never shown anyone my erotic literature before and I don't know if it's even any good. Also, if you have a suggestion I don't mind hearing it, I think I have a general idea of where I want this story to go but I'm not really sure.

Enough fucking around. Chapter 1, go.

* * * * *

"Dad! Look out!" "Oh hell, Matthew! The door is giving way!!!" "My arm, my fucking arm! Oh my g—"

He woke in a sweat. It was bad enough when he was awake, but now their deaths haunted his scant sleeping hours. His brother, his wife, his son...
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Phoenix!!xlZGywLzWw 16/06/13(Mon)07:47 No. 24346

I love all the speculation! But now I have to prove you all wrong by completely changing the original plan.


Anonymous 20/05/18(Mon)01:15 No. 26745

what happened to op? i liked this one

Anonymous 20/06/16(Tue)19:27 No. 26800

it's been 4 years. let it go..

The Creeper (Loli) Anonymous 13/12/27(Fri)00:33 No. 20531 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

So, where to start?

Name’s Ed. Edward to my parents. Ed to everyone who doesn’t treat me like a four-year-old piece of shit. My story isn’t particularly a normal one, although I guess if it was, it wouldn’t be much of a story. But I guess you’re wondering what the super, awesomely amazing thing that I have taken the time out of my day to tell is. Well, it kind of is amazing, but all good things come to an end. But, I’ll get to that later. Don’t want to ruin the story before it’s even started, do I?

The Creeper. Quite an apt name to describe myself, to be perfectly honest, even if it does contain a bold resemblance to the giant green penises within that god-awful game called Minecraft. Ahem, anyway, the name is kind of related to my story. Or completely related, I guess. You see, throughout my life, I’ve been a bit of a creep. Not in a complete beta-fag, following girls around with pit stains and braces, trailing them until they recognise my existence kind of way. In fact, to be completely honest with you, I’ve never been bad with girls. I mean, I lost my virginity at 13, so I guess that’s not too bad of an achievement, eh? Anyway, enough bragging. The reason for the name is sort of derived from my ahh… hobbies. Ever since I got my first phone (or at least, phone with the nifty little camera on it), I’ve been a fan of taking creep shots. Y’know, sneaking dirty pics of people in public without their knowledge or consent, to then take back to my home and have a glorious fap to. Weird, but nothing too abnormal to create a story about, right? Wrong.

Taking creep shots is generally looked down upon, but to some people it’s a good thing. It helps other people to get their dick hard, so it’s really a good thing. Although, the sort of creep shots I take probably shouldn’t be shared with anyone. Ever. But I’m fine with that. I’m generally quite a selfish person anyway. But I can hear your voices screaming at me to tell you the mystery shots that I could possibly take. I assume a lot of you have guessed this already anyway, but I’ll comply nonetheless. They are girls. Little girls. Lolis. Whatever you want to calm them. I would hover around parks and wait for these girls in short skirts to reveal their cute little butts after swinging around on the monkey bars. Oh the panties. They were perhaps the biggest turn on for me. Pink was best. The girlier the better. And there I’d be, with my phone out, sneaking every shot possible. Then I would travel home just awaiting that amazing fap.

Anyway, you know the name, but not the game. So, I’ll tell you my story. I guess the best place to start would be when I was 13. At this point, I wasn’t even remotely close to being interested in little girls. I was simply interested in any girl my own age, much like any other guy. Ironically, it was the involvement with a girl my own age that actually got me into girls much younger Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Anonymous 17/05/31(Wed)23:24 No. 25049

More 'fan fiction'...so don't blame the OP for this...

Chapter 21: Fashion Designer

On my next visit, both girls were excited to show me their new secret treasures. The past weekend, their mother had done some pruning of all the clothes closets and drawers, creating a donation pile, adding some pieces to their rag collection, and disposing of the rest. The girls had retrieved most of what had gone into the bin, some things from the rag bag, and even some select items that were slated for donation. But this evening, they just wanted help with a pair of denim cutoffs.

These had started life as Ellie's jeans, and turned into shorts when her growth spurt made the legs obviously too short. They were well-loved and well-worn, so much so that they didn't even qualify as hand-me-downs and had been tossed. Ellie had attempted to prune them into a style she had seen on the internet, but was stymied as soon as her scissors came to one of the heavy 4-ply seams, which were more than a match for her tiny hands. So now it was up to me to sculpt them, as per her vision.

The shorts and even the scraps would have to go home with me, since what she had in mind was entirely inappropriate for a girl her age. Ellie wanted them high-cut on the sides, leaving about half the front pockets exposed, and barely half of her ass cheeks covered. She wanted the gusset to be little more than the center seam itself, but I talked her into leaving about an inch and a half, promising that I would unravel the threads at the margins, turning it into white fringe. She was familiar with that style, and liked the idea, though she was disappointed that the transformation would necessarily take time. But in short order she had some seriously immodest booty shorts that I was certain would be featured in her upcoming video production.

Soon after Ellie thundered up the stairs with my phone, Sara came down for a visit. I was stretched out almost prone on the big sofa, but rather than taking her normal place at the opposite end, she sat nearby on the coffee table. She was wearing a shiny satin-y red skirt, which if I am any judge was probably part of a Supergirl Halloween costume. The tiny skirt covered very little, but just to be sure, Sara cocked one knee up and planted her foot on the couch cushion, simultaneously letting her other thigh drift wide.

What she had on underneath was eye-catching, to say the least. The gauzy white fabric didn't cover much in the first place, and her stance improved the lighting so that the details along the valley between her bulging peach halves were very much on display. I found out later that this was one of their mother's discards: a thong that had been so low-cut that it looked natural on Sara's small frame. The thin but oversized waist had been modified by the simple expedient of tripling the fabric at the sides, and stapli Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Andrew+Lewis 18/03/10(Sat)09:44 No. 25443

Bump to encourage the fan fiction

Anonymous 20/05/14(Thu)20:54 No. 26737

Bumping another abandoned masterpiece for anons wanting something Roommates-ish. Once you get past the first three chapters you'll start to notice the similarities.

The Hunter pt 1(?) Stonebrow!AN26.8FkH6 19/01/22(Tue)05:21 No. 25929 [Reply]

MF Dubcon Beast(ish) Generic Fantasy Setting

I finished setting up my tent and let out a sigh of contentment. I had a few more hours of light left, and the first stage of my camp was nearly ready. Over the next day or two I’d have to set up workspaces for butchering and skinning, but I’d gotten a basic latrine, tent, and firepit set up.

It would do for the few months I would spend in the area hunting. I would have loved a cabin, but that was just asking for nosey gamekeepers to start asking questions. Like, “have you paid taxes on those,” or, “Don’t you know it’s illegal to hunt deer on the king’s land,” or my least favourite, “Does this sword in your gut hurt?”

Such is the life of a poacher. Don’t worry, it’s not actually that dangerous if you follow a few basic rules. Such as no permanent dwellings. I was in a valley owned by a lord of advanced age, no longer interested in hunts. He had few gamekeepers or wardens on his payroll, and those that he did have weren’t the type to pull steel over a few skins.

I set up a pot to boil. I’d do something easy tonight, it had been a long hike out here. Porridge, made sweet with a bit of honeycomb and some dried fruit.

I continued to busy myself with arranging firewood, and bedding and so on, when I heard a cry off in the distance. It was the direction I had set a few rabbit snares earlier, just for eating rather than the pelts, but much too loud to be a rabbit. I frowned. Rabbit snares really didn’t catch anything substantially bigger.

I shrugged and strung my bow. I figured I had better investigate. I strapped a large butchering knife that I’d used a few times against boars (and few more times against people) and a few arrows before taking off.

I had set the traps not very distant, figuring that I’d set new ones after a few days once I’d scouted the area better. Something was making a racket, and was definitely larger than a rabbit.
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Stonebrow!AN26.8FkH6 19/10/01(Tue)05:17 No. 26380

My muse is all over the place, and I'm going back to school. So... maybe? I want to. but no concrete plans.

Anonymous 20/04/15(Wed)11:40 No. 26694

I’ve read this yuffie/nanaki story before. How long ago did you write it?

Stonebrow!AN26.8FkH6 20/04/19(Sun)05:01 No. 26702

A few days before I posted it here?
Sorry, you must be thinking of something else.
I have posted it on a my mother's fax machine, but only after here.
Unless someone's posted it on a elit site without telling me.

The Sleepover Anonymous 20/04/11(Sat)18:17 No. 26684 [Reply]

Another xnxx rescue. This time the account is just gone.

The Sleepover Pt.1 by Unknow user

Mfff, exhib, cunnilingus, incest

Posted Wed 17th of June 2015

Fuck! I can't believe what I'm seeing in my parents' living room. Three giggling teenage girls, wearing sheer lingerie are sitting on the couch cheering on a fourth girl who is attempting to deep throat a dildo. What the fuck! The cheers and laughter is probably why they didn't hear me come in through the kitchen door. I step back into the shadows of the hallway while my cock responds to the luscious, pale ass cheeks of the fourth girl. Her purple sheer nightie has ridden up over her heart-shaped ass, revealing her matching thong as she starts to gag on the rubber dick suction-cupped to the glass topped coffee table.

"I can do this!" the girl exclaims, taking a deep breath and sliding her lips back down the realistic looking cock. Holy shit! That's Lauren's voice! My dick is hard and I'm having perverted thoughts about my 18-year-old sister. I guiltily look away from her scrumptious ass cheeks and try to forget what her lips look like sliding down that fake cock.

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Anonymous 20/04/11(Sat)18:18 No. 26685

"Damn... right... I'm...going... to... cum!" Alex has abandoned any inhibitions she might have arrived with and is unabashedly fucking my face with her pussy. Her fingers are entwined in my hair and she's rocking so hard against me that I'm having trouble breathing. Just when I think she might suffocate me, I go in for the kill shot, gently biting her clit between my teeth as I push my tongue hard against the tip of it.

"OhhhhhhhhHHHHHH FUCK!" Alex screams as the floodgates open and pussy juice gushes from her wide-open fuck hole. Her clit is too sensitive now and she pushes my face away and tries to close her legs. I pull my finger from her pussy as I block her thighs from closing so I can lap up her freely flowing cream. Fucking delicious!

I raise my eyes to see her face but they stop at her luscious breasts and her dark nipples, thick with arousal. I reach for those black nubs, pinching them between my fingers as I continue to devour her soggy pussy.

"Unfuckingbelievable!" Kylie says as I release Alex's nipples and lower her legs down onto the couch. She still hasn't caught her breath as I sit back and wipe my face with my arm. The other three girls are flush with arousal, their legs pressed tightly together as they watch their friend recover from her orgasm.

"I need to wash up," I say to no one in particular as I stand up and head to the bathroom. Fuck! One down, and two to go. My face brightens into a wide smile. Or maybe three to go... we'll see.

I wash my face and hands, brush my teeth and get myself presentable for my next contestant. This has turned into the wildest night of my life... and to think it's with my sister and her friends! As crazy as we got at some of my college parties, I've never experienced anything like this.

As I walk back to the living room, Alex is giving the other girls a detailed description of how she felt during the whole thing. I listen for a minute before I go in.

"No one has ever eaten me like that!" she says. "The guys I know just stick their tongue in a few times and then want to fuck." She lets out a big sigh. "Thank you, Lauren, your brother really knows what the fuck he's doing!" This seems like a good time to make my entrance.
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Anonymous 20/04/11(Sat)18:19 No. 26686

I keep teasing her pussy and rubbing her little love button, as I kiss my way down her body. Positioning myself between her widespread legs, I replace my finger with my tongue and eat her through an amazingly powerful orgasm.

"Oh fuck!" she screams. "Ohhhhh Brandon! Oh God! OhhHHHHHHHHH!" I'm sucking on her clit and fingering the opening of her tight, virgin pussy. "I'm fucking cumminggggggg!" she shrieks while entangling her fingers in my hair and pulling my face tightly into her quivering pussy. I stay with her clit until she collapses back on the bed, then start lapping up her sweet nectar.

"You going to fuck her now, Brandon?" Alex asks when I pause to take a breath.

"Not yet," I answer. "She's not ready yet.

"Yes, I am," Kristina counters.

"You'll be more ready after I eat you again," I answer as I dive back into her delectable pussy. Flicking my tongue in every crevice of her labium, I devour her juices and tongue fuck her tight, virgin hole. She moans appreciatively as I push her legs in the air and ream her asshole.

"You're right," she pants, turning her face toward Alex, "that feels wonderful!" She squirms responsively as I slowly lick her perineum, that sensitive area between her asshole and her pussy.

As I progress towards Kristina's soggy pussy, I stealthily steal glances at Alex, Kylie and Lauren. All three girls are clearly aroused from watching this live action sex show. While Lauren and Kylie are being a somewhat discreet, Alex is openly rubbing her widespread pussy and finger fucking herself. The other two girls have a hand between their legs but are not being so obvious about it. Damn! My cock is fucking hard!
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Anonymous 20/04/12(Sun)21:41 No. 26687

In case you were wondering/wanting more, the author is SamSlam, and can be found on literotica.
this is part one of three, and the others, and more stories can be found on their profile page.

Backyard Princess Anonymous 20/03/07(Sat)23:10 No. 26661 [Reply]

Another purge rescue, this time from xnxx. I'm not the author and this one's pretty vanilla. Fap at your own risk.

Backyard Princess by Daddycums

tags: teen male/teen female, voy, mast, 1st time

Posted: 2010-03-27

Chapter 1
Champion of the Elder World

I sat and stared at the wall, the only thing to do in this miserable dungeon in which I had been imprisoned. All of my friends were out adventuring in far-off lands, so I had no hope of rescue. All of the exits had been enchanted with unbreakable magical locks. Now the ravages of hunger and thirst were beginning to assault me, driving me deeper and deeper into insanity.

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Anonymous 20/04/09(Thu)04:12 No. 26680

It turns that while this story was pruned from xnxx the author is on asstr. You can find this and their other stories, in a variety of formats, here:


Anonymous 20/04/10(Fri)12:44 No. 26681


From what i can tell, most of those links 404?

Anonymous 20/04/11(Sat)17:42 No. 26683

I just went through and everything I checked, all the txt and epub and pdf and a few html and mobi, are all working. Try them again.

My First Story Gragnost 19/12/19(Thu)08:52 No. 26536 [Reply]

Tags : Incest, Spanking, Mf, Future ff, Mff

It’s hard to believe that tomorrow makes fifteen years since the day that things changed for my sisters and myself. My parents were going to Hawaii for their twentieth wedding anniversary and they had left me in charge of the house and had told my two sisters Milly and Mandy the night before at dinner that while they were gone my authority was absolute and my word was Law around the house.
It was the second monday of summer vacation and I awoke to the smell of blueberry muffins. After glancing over at my alarm clock, I momentarily wondered what was going on. My parents’ flight had been scheduled to depart at 5:30 that morning, and since my alarm clock told me that it was 10:37, my parents had to be somewhere over the Pacific Ocean at that time. That left my sisters as to the reason I was smelling muffins. The problem was my mother didn’t like my sisters to use the stove because they almost always left a huge mess afterwards that she had to clean up after they left the kitchen. I sighed and got out of bed to see what mischief Milly and Maddy were up to.
After throwing on a pair biking of shorts and a tee shirt, I always slept in just my jockey shorts, I went downstairs. I pushed open the kitchen’s swinging door and walked into what looked like a white hurricane had blown through the room. There was flour all over the counters and stove, as well as on the floor and the kitchen sink. The sink held a half-dozen mixing bowls, plastic spatulas, and various other batter covered utensils. There were two muffin pans filled with muffins sitting to the left of the stove and an open tub of butter sitting in front of the pan. Four muffins were missing from the pan on the left and standing about three feet away from the pan stood my sisters; each of them buttering the two halves of a blueberry muffin, their clothes dusted with flour.
Before I say anything more about what happened after I walked into the kitchen and my sisters‘ mess, I think I should give a bit more context to what the situation was here. It was June 26, 1996; just a little over a month until my eighteenth birthday. Milly was thirteen and Maddy was twelve, and both were as rambunctious as redheads are supposed to be.
I think I should give a bit of background on myself and my sisters before I go any farther in this story. The three of us were something of a mystery to our parents. There had been no redheads on either side of the family for generations, and yet all three of our parents’ kids had red hair. (Trying to figure out where our hair color came from was one of the main reasons why I chose a career in genetics when I went off to college after I turned nineteen.) Our parents were also a bit unusual when it came to naming us as well. For instance, I was named after my parents’ favorite actor and my middle name is my father’s middle name. Until I went off to college, Harrison seemed to me to b Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Gragnost 20/03/02(Mon)07:09 No. 26647

And the e-mail has been sent.

Gragnost 20/03/08(Sun)05:10 No. 26664

Should I wait to hear back from Ulfin or just upload part 3?

Gragnost 20/03/14(Sat)00:25 No. 26670

I'm uploading part 3 as well as my updated parts 1 and 2 With Italics this weekend. (Part 4 is almost finished and I'll most likely be typing it up on saturday night or sunday morning. I'll be starting a new thread using the story's name, Beat Like Red Headed....)

Behind The Shed Anonymous 20/03/02(Mon)05:58 No. 26645 [Reply]

This is another saved story from Literotica (before the purge). I am not the author. It's unfinished and anyone is welcome to continue it.

tags: teens, incest, exhib, voy, mast, anal, mff

Behind The Shed
by Cphucker©

Chapter 1

"You're sure about this?" I asked hesitantly, crouching next to my younger sister behind our shed in the backyard.

"Positive," Bree said, fidgeting nervously next to me.
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Anonymous 20/03/02(Mon)06:01 No. 26646

"We did it together last night too," Bree said. "If you ever want to join us..."

I nodded, hoping she would. "We don't do anything different, just masturbating."

She seemed to be thinking it over. The fact that we were all still naked, completely content and openly exposed to each other, seemed to help make it not so weird.

"Maybe," Marie said, still reluctant. "We'll see. I don't usually cum more than once a day."

"Really?" Bree seemed truly surprised. "Ever since I started watching you, I've been cumming at least twice. Sometimes three or four."

I couldn't believe Bree admitted to that, but it wasn't out of character. Like Marie had said, she was a horny little thing.

"I probably don't want to know how long you've been watching me," Marie said, reaching for her clothes. "But it doesn't bother me anymore, so it's fine. I guess I should be flattered."

"We really just liked watching," I said, hoping it would help. "You're so beautiful, especially when you're doing that."
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Rin!y7chl82msE 20/03/03(Tue)09:22 No. 26650

I enjoyed this, but I don't like how it escalated so quickly. I would have liked a bit more build up personally

Anonymous 20/03/03(Tue)22:51 No. 26652

The plot does a Herculean polevault in chapter 7 but I guess that's a compromise with quick fap material. I liked the rest of it.

Pure Heart Anonymous 20/02/19(Wed)03:06 No. 26597 [Reply]

Pure Heart Pt. 01
by bartok_star©

Chapter 1

It was a late Friday night and I had just returned to my room after watching TV with my sister, Sara. I was pretty tired, but I had been looking forward to getting online to view some new porn and get myself off after a tough week at school. I was twenty and going to a two year school to get certified as an auto mechanic. With all the dirty jokes we guys threw around during class, I always came home with a bit of a buzz.

I sat down and started browsing to some of my favorite sites. I was already in my boxers and I was just about to pull my dick out when I heard a quick knock on my door and it began to open. I scrambled to try to hide what I was looking out, but not before my sister stepped into the room and gasped.

"Alex!" She said in shock.

"What are you doing coming in here?!"

"I wanted to give you your book back. Is that porn? I can't believe you!" She said, quite upset.

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Maintaining history Red. 19/11/04(Mon)06:26 No. 26459 [Reply]

Hi, I'm a somewhat experienced website developer and I've been thinking recently about this board.

So many people have come and gone. So many brilliant stories and fragments of imagination have entered the first page of this board and fallen off the last, shared for moments with a not so stereotypical community, and never to be revisited. Maybe that would feel slightly different were this board unlimited in length, but who knows.

I feel some pangs of sadness for the loss of work and the artists and readers who have come and gone over the many years. I'd like to create a safe place to store and talk about these stories that aren't quite mainstream. I honestly think the deletion of these stories is a loss for humanity.

ASSTR exists, but it can be temper-mental at best, and part of me knows that it won't remain online forever, and provides little in way of discussion.

My main hang ups are hosting and funding. I feel some sort of drive to do something to preserve what I consider a strange yet beautiful art in it's own right, yet the money required to host such a site would need a source, and I would never want a great deal of my real reputation to be ruined from involvement with this kind of community, as sad as that is to admit.

Furthermore, certain countries and companies have different (and evolving) attitudes to hosting such content. It is all a strange thought, but something I feel would be a good thing to do.

If anyone has any advice or opinions (positive or negative) please share them. Thanks.

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Anonymous 20/01/05(Sun)01:38 No. 26554

Seems unorganised and relies on no censorship. Plus no feedback routes?

Not a bad solution, just playing devils advocate.

Rin!y7chl82msE 20/01/09(Thu)11:36 No. 26561

It's a very interesting thought that I have no input on, but if there's any help to be done I'd be willing to chip in.

I came back here after a long time to revisit my own work that I never backed up and now it's gone for good. Obviously my own fault for not archiving it myself but..

Also I'm not even sure if that's my old tripcode but I think it was so...

Anonymous 20/01/30(Thu)06:01 No. 26585

Which story was it?

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