Anyway, I've yammered on enough. You haven't gone running for the hills, so either you're shell-shocked and thinking about how to expose us--trust me, it won't work--or you're already thinking about which Dolls you might like to run into. Or you think I'm bullshitting, telling a messed-up story to scare away a big-city sucker into forfeiting that non-refundable fee for a rental room. You probably haven't seen any of the Dolls yourself, and those pictures I showed you could be staged. With tits that big, maybe the Cow I showed you is just a fetish porn-star with a baby-face similar to Bethany-Anne.
Come on, then, follow me down to the barn.
See? Seeing is believing. It's pretty comfortable for a barn, really, I used some milk money, put in a heating system, so she can be naked pretty well year round. There's a plumbing system she can use without me... even installed a TV on the wall so she has something to keep her mind stimulated. What are you watching Bethy? Do you want me to change the channel? I'll change the channel. By the way, this is our new boarder here. Would you believe, he didn't know anything about the Dolls before today?
She's still a little shy around new people, probably won't talk until she gets to know you a little. But go ahead and grab those teats. I can see you want to, and Bethany-Anne won't mind, it's what she's made for. If it helps, she's almost legal by now. Suck on her nipples, if you want... there you go, just don't expect anything, I just finished milking her and it takes her a while to recharge. It's faster if she's properly stimulated, of course, and remember, that lower room fee was contingent on you helping out with chores around here, and that includes milking duties, from getting her lactating to hosing her down after. This right here's a vibrating 'cattle prod' I use in the mornings when I haven't had my coffee, but don't feel the need to limit yourself to this... to help get her juices flowing, you're welcome to do anything that doesn't hurt her. Like I said, she's super docile, and makes a great cum dump. Don't you Bethany-Anne?
That moo means yes. She won't tell you herself, but I can tell she likes you. Go on, try her out.
Now, she didn't come back with birth control like most of the other Dolls, but don't let that worry you... Bethy's much happier when she's pregnant, she pumps out more milk, not to mention the beautiful, healthy, smart babies that come out of her womb. I've got no shortage of families who are willing to pay good money to adopt a baby like she makes. I know, that seems callous, but it's what's best for everyone. I certainly can't take care of both my little Doll and grandchildren, and I make sure they have good, loving homes. The Hallowe
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