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Anatomy of a Catfight Pt 1 odiscipline!!xlAmp4BJLj 19/02/13(Wed)22:57 No. 25956 [Reply]

Author's note: there's almost no description in this story. This is meant to be read somewhat like a transcript to a nature documentary. I know someone else on here was writing stories in a similar vein, I think it's an idea we have all had at one time or another, so I gave it a shot here.


It is after school, in the evening. Inside the old school building, in the music hall, sounds of Where Discourse Goes To Die™ can be heard.

Here we have the beginnings of a contest, a duel for primal supremacy. Two alpha females, arguing over territory, posessions, and status. In this case, the territory and posession is an alpha male on the football team.

The blonde, Jill, stands tall, wiry, slender and feminine, has been dating and mating with this male for the past 6 months. She is a cheerleader, and is one of, possibly the, most desired girls in the school. Up until now, Jill has mated exclusively with the star quarterback, himself a high status male, both for the sexual pleasure he provides her, and the status it grants her. Jill now seems to believe that her mate is being unfaithful to her.

The challenger, Callie, is a recent transfer into this school system, having been there about 3 months. Callie is on the swim team, and is also a gymnast. Even though she is not as visibly popular as Jill, she poses something of an indirect threat to the cheergirl's popularity. At first glance, the two girls share similar body types, lean, muscular, athletic. Callie is maybe a half inch shorter than Jill, and it looks like Jill has slightly longer reach than Callie. But underneath their private school uniforms, another story is revealed. Callie has about 20% more muscle mass than Jill, gained from her time as a swimmer and a gymnast. Jill, while herself a marvel of fitness, maintains more fat around her hips, thighs, and abdomen. This trait makes her more visibly sexually attractive to the average male in her territory. But when compared to someone like Callie, who has similar endurance, strength, and agility, it could be a detrimental detraction.

The two girls are inches from each other now, shrieking and screaming, arms waving and gesticulating wildly. Each one has tried every physical display of anger and agression they know to get the other to back down, without actually engaging in a physical contest. The blood flow throughout their bodies has visibly increased, the proof of this can be seen in their flushed skin - while resting, both girls are usually pale. Now, their complexion is visibly pink, almost red.

The physical animations are to no avail. Jewlery has been removed, accesories have been discarded. Both girls have crossed over the verbal and social line, and now neither one can back down. Who will strike first.
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The Breaking at St. Gregory's odiscipline!!xlAmp4BJLj 19/02/13(Wed)22:49 No. 25955 [Reply]

The children of St. Gregory have prepared themselves for this day. The barbarians have sacked the surrounding city, and now they come for the monastery and diocese. The children know that soon, Heaven awaits them, but first, the barbarians will beat and torture them, to try and get them to forsake their god. But the barbarians will fail: the faith of the children of St. Gregory is too strong, and nothing will make them forsake their god, nothing.

They are huddled in the church, praying, when the barbarians break in. Their swords drip with blood, and every step they take into the church leaves bloody footprints.

The children shudder, as the barbarian strolls towards the altar.

Finally, one of the children, a girl of about 9 or so, approaches the barbarian. Her faith steadies her shaky hands, and quivering voice, as she welcomes the barbarian to St. Gregory, and asks to pray for him.

The barbarians roar with laughter, and the children are stunned. They do not know if their plea has caused the barbarians to reconsider, if the holy spirit of God has filled these vile animals with forgiveness. The laughter continues for a minute or two, and the children find themselves nervously laughing along with them.

When it ceases, the barbarian asks the girl if she is the one in charge, to which she nods. He asks her her name. She replies that it is Alexandria. The barbarian then asks her if she believes in God. Alexandria nods yes again. The barbarian asks if she thinks there is anything that can make her forsake her God. With tears in her eyes, Alexandria shakes her head, knowing of the various tortures that await her.

Then the barbarian says something that shocks her. He points at the sun, halfway across the sky. He says that before the sun sets, that she will willingly defile the altar of God, and forsake him and the saints. With more defiance, Alexandria shakes her head - she knows that her and all of her friends have given themselves over to God, and fear no torture or death, either of themselves or of one another. There is nothing that can make her forsake her God.

The barbarian grasps her by her habit, ripping it off. With a deft stroke, he slits the rest of her clothing with his dagger, leaving the tiny blonde naked before the other children.
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Mandragora Girl Under the Desk Stonebrow!AN26.8FkH6 15/11/15(Sun)22:34 No. 23985 [Reply]

Before we start, let me set expectations: this is just the first chapter- I have vague plans for continuing it, but I just started my first 'real' job, and have basically no time for writing at the moment. If you can't deal with not having moar immediately, pass this by.

Secondly, although I'm happy with it for what it is, I'd say this is almost an outline. It's short, the sex scenes are under detailed, etc. Sorry. My idea behind this was that I wanted to write, but I was having no ideas, so I thought I'd transcribe some h-manga into text form. I'll give the link out at the bottom.

Finally, I think this is my old tripcode. I doubt anyone will remember it, but whatever. It's been years.


Mandragora Girl Under the PC

So. My buddies at high school told me I should post my experience here. I'll be honest, I'm not much for writing, so sorry if it's crap. Um, to get everyone on the same page, you've probably seen people on the internet claiming that monsters are appearing in the world again, right? That thing about the Mayan calendar 2012 nonsense, and all?

Well, it's not nonsense.

We just didn't understand it.
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Stonebrow!AN26.8FkH6 15/12/06(Sun)22:25 No. 24027

yeah. I have no further plans for that though, in case you were curious.

Anonymous 19/01/25(Fri)10:49 No. 25939

So glad I found this before it got pruned.
Great adaptation of the doujin. Bumping this so more people can see.

Anonymous 19/01/29(Tue)01:24 No. 25944

A very good adaptation; I think I like it better than the doujin. Well bumped, Sir.

Lost Erotic Story (Loli, Incest, Bestiality) ErrorInvalid 19/01/04(Fri)06:14 No. 25912 [Reply]

I can't remember where I found this story and I'm hoping someone who has read it knows where it is, or something similar.

It started with a brother babysitting his younger sister, and is tired of her. It escalates when he tricks her into wearing his father's big "onaholed" teddy bear, his father comes home and the brother panics leaving his sister in his father's bedroom stuck in the bear. The father is drunk and doesn't realize stuff is moved in his room. He quickly just does his nightly ritual involving his big cock and the bear in bed. It feels way better than it should but he just fucks her for hours with his cock in her, even while passed out. The brother tries to retrieve her and (here is where my memory gets fuzzy) he ends up in the hallway with her still inside and something happens. Next thing I remember is the family dog mounts the teddy. (Fuzzy Memory) Then the daughter becomes sexually broken, slightly addicted to her father's cock, he figures it out and the family environment improves as a result.

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Anonymous 19/01/07(Mon)01:42 No. 25916

It's not a story, it's a game called Stuffed. You can find it on 8ch's /hgg/.

Anonymous 19/01/28(Mon)05:42 No. 25942

It's called Trapped in Daddy's Sex Toy and can be found on the loli stories page in the All The Fallen forum.

Anonymous 19/01/28(Mon)20:38 No. 25943

Thanks! That story ticked a few boxes I didn't even know I had. O_O

Young Summer The+Bard 18/07/22(Sun)18:31 No. 25716 [Reply]

Hey guys. I know I've been absent for a while now that I'm working on an actual book. For some reason my idea of writing Breaking Nancy isn't going so well. I just can't find the inspiration to write it. I have been tooling around with this story for fun when I need a break from writing an actual novel, but I know you guys will appreciate it.

Young Summer is about a twelve year old girl's first summer romance with the boy she always has a crush on. Unlike my other story this one is not pre-planned and will not be updated like the first one.

(Tags: HEA, Romance, Loli and wherever else this will go. Tags are for suckers anyway.)

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The+Bard 18/11/15(Thu)05:43 No. 25862

To be honest, I never got into the show. I bailed after the first two episodes where it became clear it was going to be less awesome zombie killing and more soap opera drama bullshit with a light dusting of mediocre zombie killing.

The+Bard 18/11/15(Thu)05:47 No. 25863

Oh, next bit is being worked on. Give me a few weeks and you shall have some steamy scenes in your future.

The+Bard 18/12/28(Fri)20:30 No. 25907

Update: If you have followed my stuff you know there are times I write a full chapter, decide it sucks, delete it and start over to make it better. This is one of those times.

Hermaphro High Hermaphro High 18/10/04(Thu)08:21 No. 25803 [Reply]

Futanari Softcore Highschool Drama

I should have put on my condom. I was in a rush that morning, and was already out the door before I had realized my mistake. At that point I decided that I could brave the day without the protection. Now I was on the bus, with no condom between my sensitive dick and the tight, ribbed fabric of my cock sock. I should have worn a long skirt, fashion be damned. Still, I could take it. I wasn't like most girls, drooling my way through two, maybe three condoms a day. I could usually get by with just one, and not even toss it full when I changed after school. Maybe I'd need two if we had gym. Regardless, I kept looking around to see if anyone had noticed my missing article, as if they could see my penis in all its nakedness. Shifting in my seat, I tried to not let my vulnerability bother me. This train of thought was keeping me gently throbbing, which certainly wouldn't help. At least I had worn black socks, so maybe with careful management I could get through the day without anyone noticing.
I glanced across the aisle, and sitting a couple seats back from me was Brook, texting on her phone. Her forearm-sized penis was dangling below the seat between her legs, clad in a striped stocking. Brook was the embodiment of a ripe fruit, plump and dripping with juices. We hadn't even gotten to school, and already her condom was forming a bulbous protuberance at the end of her dick, slowly filling with fluid. I faced forward and smirked to myself. If she ever forgot her condom -excuse me, condoms-, she'd be spattering the floor in minutes.
The bus made another stop, and Michael stepped on. I self-consciously adjusted my penis as I saw him casually check me out. We locked eyes for just a moment before he started walking towards his seat, and I felt my heart flutter. I also felt a small drop of precum soak its way into the end of my sock. I sighed and rolled my eyes. This wasn't going to work.

I had made it through most of the day without incident. A few slow dribbles had been coaxed from my penis by a daydream involving Michael, his tongue, and my naked body, but otherwise my sock remained relatively dry. As I was pulling some books from my locker, I glanced across the hall and saw Braden forming a cage against the wall with his lean, muscular arms. Gazing up at him with wide eyes was meek and buxom Brook. I saw her dick started to fatten and twitch from beneath her pleated skirt, and she squeezed it between her thighs. Braden was known to be a bit of an animal, and all of the girls' dicks drooled for him. Trapped between him and the wall, Brook was practically pleading to be ravaged. I bit my lip in erotic sympathy as I saw Braden run a hand down Brook's face, then down her blouse, which was tented by her torpedo tits topped with obscenely erect nipples. I guess I wasn't the only braving the elements. She bit h Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Anonymous 18/11/26(Mon)08:04 No. 25877

Chapter 2 please?

Anonymous 18/11/26(Mon)23:53 No. 25879

This premise is ridiculous why am I masturbating

Anonymous 18/12/25(Tue)09:30 No. 25899

Anyone want to continue this?

Roommates (loli) Anonymous 12/10/06(Sat)11:32 No. 17319 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

It all started when I was 19, in my first semester at college. I'd moved away from home and into my first apartment, and got my first roommate as well. He was a year younger than me, but unlike me he hadn't spent a year after graduating highschool saving up his money for tuition and rent. His parents died in an avalanche at a ski resort, and between their considerable savings and the payout from the life insurance, he could afford college and not have to work for years. I hadn't known it when I met him at orientation and we decided to share an apartment, but he also had custody of his 11 year old sister.

The apartment was big, and nicer than I could have ever afforded on my own, so all three of us had separate bedrooms (hers was supposed to be a laundry room or something originally.). I also discovered my roommate was a bit of a dick who neglected his little sister.

I don't think it was intentional, more a result of losing his parents and having to adjust his plans for the future to revolve around caring for his sibling, and he probably wasn't ready for that sort of responsibility. But unless he needed to give her a ride or buy her something she needed, he basically didn't interact with her. He also barely did anything with me; maybe once a week he'd play video games with me, but he spent nearly all his time in class or shut in his room studying.

His little sister was cute, with her blue eyes, freckles, and short, light brown hair, but obviously way too young for me. She didn't play with dolls or anything, so I guess she was mature for her age, but she also spent all her time shut in her room when she wasn't at school. And I don't think she had any friends at her new school either.

After a month or so with my new roommates, we'd settled into a routine. If they weren't exactly friendly, they weren't bad either; quiet, clean, and they were the only way I could afford a really nice apartment just a block from campus.

I wish I'd known then what I know now. It'd have saved me a lot of grief.

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Anonymous 22/07/11(Mon)18:15 No. 27631


Anonymous 23/03/15(Wed)02:13 No. 27831

Bump so this isn't lost.

Anonymous 24/10/15(Tue)08:28 No. 28026


Much ado. (MF cons) Count Jean Pierre Michel de la Roquefort!5XbE4VjR8E 18/08/28(Tue)13:47 No. 25766 [Reply]

Verily I was laying in a supine position upon my bed with my hand firmly wrapped around my more than erect member.

I remember with some clarity that I was in fact enjoying one of my regular noonday erotic fantasies in the aforementioned position when, without so much as a by your leave, my maid of many years standing, and more than a few laying down, saw fit to enter my bedchamber and then my inner sanctum.

Upon spying each other from across the breadth of my royal quarters she did occasion to gasp in surprise at the vivid scene before her, whereupon without so much as a thought to apologise for her intrusion she immediately divested herself of her scanty uniform and proceeded to mount the very bed upon which I laid before crawling towards me as though she were a tiger stalking it's next prey.

Within a heartbeat our lips met with a fiery passion and a moment later as we separated I noticed with intense interest that she had taken up a new position atop my reclined body and had herself taken a firm hold of my now most painfully throbbing and stiffly erect member and was proceeding apace to lower her nubile form down onto it.

Soon enough the two of us were most thoroughly joined as one and were enjoying with much vigour the carnal pleasure that is the sexual act, and there we both stayed writhing and pawing against each others bare naked flesh until quite some time later when, with a great scream of obvious delight and much pleasure, that I dare say could be heard halfway across the estate, the young lady achieved a great and clearly soul shaking climax, the sight and sensation of which in turn immediately stimulated my own body to respond in kind, wherein I vigorously deposited my regal seed with a gush into her post-coitally flushed and enchantingly sweat soaked body.

The End.

Anonymous 18/11/04(Sun)05:16 No. 25855

I actually enjoyed this. It was funny at first, but then I settled down and got into it.


Cabin Fever Anonymous 18/11/04(Sun)02:27 No. 25854 [Reply]

Not my story but author never finished it lets see what you guys can come up with


It was the first week of summer and I was already bored out of my mind. We lived in a relatively small town in Maine with little to do and few girls to gawk at. Dad was a lawyer with an office in town and mom was a housewife, and my 2 month old sister seemed to keep her occupied most of the time.

Having few girls around and a mother as beautiful as mine I naturally became attracted to my 39 year old mom. I was a big Indiana Jones fan and always felt my mother was a striking image of Kate Capshaw from "Temple of Doom." Mom was a little chunky from her recent pregnancy, but overall she had a striking body. Mom had always had large boobs, but I couldn't believe how enormous they had gotten from her being pregnant. Her boobs were the source of my constant facination, whenever I was around her.

Which brings me to the present. My father was at work, like he most always was and Mom was in her room breastfeeding my sister. I loved breastfeeding time because it was the one time I got to sneak peeks at mom's breasts while they were partially unclothed. Her bedroom door was open and I snuck up carefully and peeked in a crack through the door. Mom was sitting on the edge of the bed facing the door. She was in her short silk robe and had it open, nursing Amanda, my baby sister. Mom looked amazing, sitting there in her bare feet, with her long milky-white legs crossed. But what I was there to see were her large white boobs hanging from her chest. She only had one entirely exposed and I could only see part of it 'cause my sister's head was in the way. What I could see however was the deep canyon between my mother's breasts. For a good two minutes I stood and stared. What I would give to be my baby sister right now, I thought. Mom's voice caught me off-guard.

"Jake, come in here, I need to ask you something." Mom said.

Oh my God! Had she known I was there the whole time? I moved into her room and stood in her doorway.

"Yeah?" I asked.
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The Three Amigos Skibby 15/03/17(Tue)01:37 No. 23383 [Reply]

The first time I tried it was on a bet. All of my neighborhood friends and me, which amounted to three of us in total, wagered over which one of us would end up with the least phone numbers after our first school dance of 9th grade. Second place would get to watch while third place took an X-Change pill and the winner fucked her.

This wasn't normal for boys to do, of course, but we were little perverts. We had grown up together and spied on eachother's sisters and had been bragging about getting pussy since before any of us were old enough to have gotten any.

We had been discussing Lauren Holdy's tits/ass while swimming at my house and were in a heated debate over which part of her was the best. Her boyrfriend was a senior on the Varsity football team and he had sent all of the naked pictures she texted him to his friends. One of his friends worked as a trainer for some of the junior varsity guys, and ended up sending a mass text containing all of the pictures to half of the junior varsity team.

This is how Marcus ended up getting them being a JV lineman and, in the hopes that someday we would reciprocate if we got classmates' naked pictures, he emailed them to us after saving them and we often found ourselves discussing her whenever nobody else was around.

Lauren had been one of our classmates since Kindergarten. We all knew her because everybody knew her. She was the girl whose mom was in charge of all of the school events. She was a member of the school board and made sure that Lauren was involved in all of the clubs and councils she possibly could be. This made Lauren a responsible girl who then blossomed into a tall and blonde freshman cheerleader.

She wouldn't date any boys throughout middle school because her council duties kept her busy and because her mom would have had him castrated. When she began cheer, she began talking to talk to Darren Applewhite, a senior, and to everyone's surprise they began to date. When Darren's little presents from her reached us, we found ourselves divided on which part of hers was the sexiest. Looking at her athletic, well-developed form and imagining that suave ogre fucking her often kept me up at night.

Keif liked her legs the best, and admittedly they were wonderful. Even with the sloppy mirror photography, her skin was a light brown and she was one of the tallest girls in our grade, which made her toned thighs ooze sex. Marcus told him it was funny he liked her legs so much, since she was about two inches taller than Keif was. Keif stood a very average 5'6 and Lauren looked like some Norse goddess next to him, standing at a strapping 5'7.

Marcus liked her ass the best, and I told him that being into her ass seemed normal enough since he was a nigger. I launched into a Jim Crow impersonation talking about the few stereotypical black people habits Marcus had. He l Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Anonymous 18/03/19(Mon)14:16 No. 25464


Pools of Needs Skibby 18/09/21(Fri)19:55 No. 25790

I slid slow off my pool noodle and felt it grind against the fabric of my bikini bottom buoyantly and I almost yelped. Something had started happening to me while I wasn't paying attention. A pressure on the floor of my pelvis. An arousal that stimulated inward instead of outward like I was accustomed to. I wanted time to process this so I could move forward, but Kevin scooped me up with one hand behind my knees and another behind my shoulders.

I had no choice but to surrender to the moment.

He had me floating close against his chest.

"Just breathe deep and slow" he said, keeping my ears out of the water. I smiled, blushing I'm sure. My hair was floating around my shoulders.

He carefully lowered me and if I kept myself calm and semi-straight I seemed to bob with my face just above the surface. I looked at him and giggled.

"It works if I keep moving a little" I said, my voice muffled to my submerged ears. He nodded and his hands brushed against my back and thighs, hovering just below me.

I closed my eyes, knowing he was looking at me now, free to observe.

His hand moved from my shoulders to my mid back, the other slide up the back of my thigh cautiously. The pressure was growing now, hitting in waves. I had to fight to keep my face calm, from displaying the turmoil happening inside me.
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Anonymous 18/10/31(Wed)05:06 No. 25848

woah..... an update. Nice! lol

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