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/banner/ - Banners

Okay, so we need some new banners since there's all sorts of old shit in our banner rotation. However, we don't want shitty banners, and we don't want a clusterfuck, so here are the rules.

  1. Banners must be 300px wide, 100px high. File size must be under 1000KB.
  2. Do not post off-topic shit here. We're pretty lenient about that on other boards, but not here.
  3. Your banner must reference an existing 7chan board, or 7chan in general.
  4. Drama will result in bans, as will breaking of any of the global rules.
  5. Banners will be selected for addition to our rotation pool based on the quality of the banner. This means that we won't be selecting too many MS Paint banners.

Resources (templates, people to bother for help) are in /gfx/. Tutorials are on Google (and here). Fucking use them.

  • Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG, WEBM
  • Maximum file size allowed is 1000 KB.
  • Images greater than 200x200 pixels will be thumbnailed.
  • Currently 337 unique user posts. View catalog

  • Blotter updated: 2018-08-24 Show/Hide Show All

Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

/cd/ and/or /di/ Bruce Banner 12/08/23(Thu)22:27 No. 854 [Reply]

File 134575362540.jpg - (13.48KB , 300x100 , banner_cd.jpg )


Bruce Banner 12/08/23(Thu)22:28 No. 855

File 134575368980.jpg - (13.41KB , 300x100 , banner_di.jpg )

Also, this one. Although it fits best for cd

Bruce Banner 12/10/26(Fri)22:40 No. 888

I vote yes.

Bruce Banner 13/06/04(Tue)13:13 No. 997

Someone should clean up that /cd/ logo. MSP is great IMO but only on solid backgrounds usually.

Also, I'm pretty sure this moment in FFVII got me into trannies, subconciously. You know, where he can end up picking you?

He picks me every time bitches

Bruce Banner 13/05/16(Thu)02:16 No. 995 [Reply]

File 136866340693.png - (45.55KB , 300x100 , be_banner.png )


Bruce Banner 13/06/25(Tue)02:10 No. 999


Bruce Banner 13/04/22(Mon)14:34 No. 991 [Reply]

File 136663406557.jpg - (10.68KB , 300x100 , sbanner.jpg )

My first attemp

Bruce Banner 11/01/08(Sat)16:08 No. 21 [Reply]

File 129449930866.jpg - (1.50KB , 300x100 , Eh3.jpg )

Probably too exciting!

17 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bruce Banner 13/04/01(Mon)00:37 No. 981

File 136476947463.png - (42.54KB , 300x100 , eh_highway.png )

Bruce Banner 13/04/01(Mon)01:02 No. 982

Like this one a lot.

Bruce Banner 13/04/15(Mon)23:53 No. 985


Bruce Banner 12/12/16(Sun)14:49 No. 930 [Reply]

File 135566578396.png - (42.61KB , 300x100 , s.png )

dou ypu like?

2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bruce Banner 13/01/13(Sun)03:01 No. 940

File 135804247880.png - (45.55KB , 300x100 , random.png )

is this any good ?

Bruce Banner 13/02/22(Fri)14:57 No. 959

I'd do something with the font and color of the letter. Other than that it's great.

Bruce Banner 13/04/06(Sat)16:51 No. 984

her perfectly smooth skin reminds me of this thread I saw on OnionIB where a guy was cleaning up photos to remove bruises, etc.

XII 13/02/28(Thu)08:29 No. 967 [Reply]

File 136203655840.png - (117.56KB , 300x100 , hellyea.png )

I tried.

Bruce Banner 13/03/08(Fri)16:53 No. 968

I like.

Bruce Banner 13/03/11(Mon)22:54 No. 970

Looks good to me.

Bruce Banner 11/11/14(Mon)00:30 No. 612 [Reply]

File 132122702746.png - (71.25KB , 300x100 , men.png )

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bruce Banner 12/03/20(Tue)17:54 No. 734

Well, I'm not a fan of Family Guy so my opinion is biased towards not liking it.

Ydrill!!R1Awt3ZmOx 12/11/20(Tue)21:56 No. 914

File 135344495538.gif - (0.96MB , 300x100 , men_penis.gif )

Bruce Banner 12/12/30(Sun)14:12 No. 933


so graceful

Hope you like it! Interest 12/06/24(Sun)23:38 No. 801 [Reply]

File 134057388633.gif - (4.28KB , 300x100 , 7chan.gif )


5 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bruce Banner 12/10/15(Mon)09:06 No. 877

I used to spend a lot of my time on 4chan, but after lurking 7chan for about 2 months, I have decided I like the culture better.
Although, I think the main difference is just the amount of activity, 7chan having much less. I think this is good and bad, bad being not as much content, but good being that the content is of a higher quality, due to the fact that 7chan isn't as well known.
Also, the atmosphere is more relaxed. On 4chan, anon is very quick to attack.
Also, I actually do really like the banner.

Bruce Banner 12/12/15(Sat)01:07 No. 928

File 135553003413.jpg - (83.21KB , 900x183 , burroughs_smoking.jpg )

I feel the same way about differences of 4ailchan (i was just recently banned for an hour from using the correct name...don't know why) and 7chan. I have been here on 7chan not too long but after seeing the amount of torn anger and blind hate on 4ailchan for while I have come to respect the anon here and looking forward to learning the culture more. Bad ass banner...looks old school :)

Bruce Banner ## Mod ## 12/12/16(Sun)00:50 No. 929

7chan is for 7chan. If you wanna discuss NIGGERTITS, go to NIGGERTITS.

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