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/banner/ - Banners

Okay, so we need some new banners since there's all sorts of old shit in our banner rotation. However, we don't want shitty banners, and we don't want a clusterfuck, so here are the rules.

  1. Banners must be 300px wide, 100px high. File size must be under 1000KB.
  2. Do not post off-topic shit here. We're pretty lenient about that on other boards, but not here.
  3. Your banner must reference an existing 7chan board, or 7chan in general.
  4. Drama will result in bans, as will breaking of any of the global rules.
  5. Banners will be selected for addition to our rotation pool based on the quality of the banner. This means that we won't be selecting too many MS Paint banners.

Resources (templates, people to bother for help) are in /gfx/. Tutorials are on Google (and here). Fucking use them.

  • Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG, WEBM
  • Maximum file size allowed is 1000 KB.
  • Images greater than 200x200 pixels will be thumbnailed.
  • Currently 337 unique user posts. View catalog

  • Blotter updated: 2018-08-24 Show/Hide Show All

Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

/w/ TigerWoods 12/05/27(Sun)08:03 No. 785 [Reply]

File 133809859450.png - (71.31KB , 300x100 , weapons.png )

4 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bruce Banner 12/10/15(Mon)09:10 No. 878

This one is nice

Bruce Banner 12/10/17(Wed)21:23 No. 885


Bruce Banner 20/08/04(Tue)04:22 No. 1487

v i n t a g e

Bruce Banner 21/02/25(Thu)10:05 No. 1501 [Reply]

File 161424390095.jpg - (37.18KB , 300x100 , bums for b 2.jpg )

Bums for /b/

Yes, just yes really

2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bruce Banner 21/06/30(Wed)22:29 No. 1509

File 162508499515.png - (11.50KB , 128x115 , 2360_peepo_chair.png )

actual shit

Bruce Banner 21/10/25(Mon)17:45 No. 1522

>1509 is a faggot this is cool.

Bruce Banner 21/11/17(Wed)15:04 No. 1523

I suspect in >>1509's (foreign) dialect that is a compliment.

I am not particularly well-versed in failfrogese, but I have seen this phrase used for things that were obviously good here and there. My impression is that it means something along the lines of "serious thing" or "the real stuff".

Bruce Banner 20/06/19(Fri)21:45 No. 1481 [Reply]

File 159259590979.gif - (915.53KB , 300x100 , 7chan-assegg_in-n-out_sm-opti.gif )

Yeah, this happened. >>/b/799189

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bruce Banner 20/08/23(Sun)17:52 No. 1490


Bruce Banner 21/12/17(Fri)21:42 No. 1525

What in the name of god.

Bruce Banner 22/03/19(Sat)17:50 No. 1529

This guy dropped in, this is what he does for money, but he did this for us for free.

There was no way I wasn't going to make it a banner.

blogsandarticleslife guzaurit 22/04/01(Fri)07:52 No. 1530 [Reply]

File 164879233723.jpg - (26.02KB , 533x300 , 1.jpg )

Life is a journey, you don’t care about the destination, you care about the scenery along the way and the mood of seeing the scenery.
Others laughed at me as crazy, I laughed at others and couldn't see through.

Bruce Banner 19/08/08(Thu)03:38 No. 1436 [Reply]

File 156522829857.png - (14.72KB , 300x100 , 7chanbanner.png )

I know nothing about graphic design, but I like 7chan and I love Little Caesar's pizza.

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bruce Banner 19/08/08(Thu)08:38 No. 1438

Sounds like you haven't had Papa Johns.

Bruce Banner 22/02/12(Sat)14:02 No. 1527

If your local Papa John's is that shit then so is your entire neighborhood buddy

Bruce Banner 22/03/19(Sat)17:48 No. 1528

It's crude.

I like it.

banners from other websites Bruce Banner 20/11/22(Sun)21:27 No. 1494 [Reply]

File 160607684012.jpg - (21.70KB , 300x100 , niggers trolled again.jpg )

what sites have the best banner?

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Bruce Banner 21/09/30(Thu)15:30 No. 1521

94 isn't listed, shit's out of date

Bruce Banner 21/11/17(Wed)15:10 No. 1524

Case in point. It's also missing every non-English chan and a bunch of otherwise nation-based chans.

Bruce Banner 22/01/14(Fri)09:38 No. 1526

You can choose phtoshop, other online picture editing services and if you need to remove date from photo https://www.softorbits.net/photo-stamp-remover/articles/remove-date-from-photo.html when you create banner with use own photos. I created banner few times for some websites.

Bruce Banner 21/07/17(Sat)12:56 No. 1512 [Reply]

File 16265194088.jpg - (14.30KB , 300x100 , apathy-never-dies_banner_sfw.jpg )

Inspired by >>/b/807067

Bruce Banner 21/07/17(Sat)15:32 No. 1513


Bruce Banner 11/01/15(Sat)01:12 No. 147 [Reply]

File 129505037317.jpg - (40.03KB , 300x100 , 129443679396.jpg )

I made a banner.

17 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bruce Banner 21/01/26(Tue)09:32 No. 1497


Roombaclock 21/06/01(Tue)08:03 No. 1508


2desno 21/07/04(Sun)08:20 No. 1511

File 162537965771.jpg - (46.32KB , 506x640 , Web capture_3-7-2021_161759_boards_4channel_org.jpg )


Banner in Japanese meaning Bruce Banner 20/04/19(Sun)15:34 No. 1466 [Reply]

File 158730327846.png - (40.76KB , 330x110 , userUploadTempCache_ip93_37_81_225_utc_20200323-01.png )

I was wondering if anyone knows what's the meaning of the banner attached. With my (very limited) knowledge of kana and a lot of Google translate I can tell it translates as:
"What is Nana (7) Tsuba (katana guard)?"

Also, why is The Fury in there?

3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bruce Banner 20/07/19(Sun)04:29 No. 1483

File 159512578852.png - (2.93KB , 256x256 , 7.png )

I recovered more original 7chan regalia.

Bruce Banner 20/07/19(Sun)04:31 No. 1484

File 15951259186.png - (361B , 64x64 , 7chfaviconlg.png )

A "hammer and sickle" approach; hail the motherchan!

Bruce Banner 20/07/19(Sun)04:34 No. 1485

File 159512605713.png - (99.82KB , 353x347 , 7chon1.png )

Circular nanatsuba.

Bruce Banner 19/08/11(Sun)04:35 No. 1439 [Reply]

File 156549091161.png - (46.58KB , 300x100 , airwolf.png )

Bruce Banner 19/09/10(Tue)11:09 No. 1448

File 156810655750.jpg - (17.22KB , 300x100 , 5bux.jpg )

Bruce Banner 19/10/20(Sun)02:11 No. 1451

I think this is a really good banner. I'm inspired to make banners, actually. Can I do my own thing? What is the general rule situation for making banners? I might do that all day. Just adopt some inexplicable obsession for making banners and let the rest of my life fall to the wayside. Don't you dare question the muse when she comes. lol
It could be that banners are my medium for the rest of my life. The small size, to me, indicates that practicing making banners comes along with the making of banners a relatively small danger of criticism from the small dimensions of banners. The small scope of banner's reach is another factor, too. And the functional purpose of banners in place, thus never leading to banners being made for their own sake is a nice element, too. As I am, the least risky forms of art are the ideal, I wouldn't sacrifice an ounce of cushiony life for anything. lol If I can have it my way, the entire world will be padded and void of threat. I vote for a safe space world.

Bruce Banner 20/05/24(Sun)20:26 No. 1478

File 159034477531.png - (4.38KB , 300x100 , banner-rules.png )

This pretty much sums it up.

Go wild!

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