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/banner/ - Banners

Okay, so we need some new banners since there's all sorts of old shit in our banner rotation. However, we don't want shitty banners, and we don't want a clusterfuck, so here are the rules.

  1. Banners must be 300px wide, 100px high. File size must be under 1000KB.
  2. Do not post off-topic shit here. We're pretty lenient about that on other boards, but not here.
  3. Your banner must reference an existing 7chan board, or 7chan in general.
  4. Drama will result in bans, as will breaking of any of the global rules.
  5. Banners will be selected for addition to our rotation pool based on the quality of the banner. This means that we won't be selecting too many MS Paint banners.

Resources (templates, people to bother for help) are in /gfx/. Tutorials are on Google (and here). Fucking use them.

  • Supported file types are: GIF, JPG, PNG, WEBM
  • Maximum file size allowed is 1000 KB.
  • Images greater than 200x200 pixels will be thumbnailed.
  • Currently 337 unique user posts. View catalog

  • Blotter updated: 2018-08-24 Show/Hide Show All

Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Bruce Banner 16/02/16(Tue)12:31 No. 1269 [Reply]

File 145562229417.jpg - (9.29KB , 300x100 , whatisdepression_sfw.jpg )

/grim/ needs banners too.

5 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bruce Banner 16/12/05(Mon)13:04 No. 1299

File 148093946384.gif - (27.80KB , 300x100 , noose-grim_sfw.gif )

Bruce Banner 17/01/22(Sun)15:32 No. 1313

I think I doubled one of the colors in this one. The cycle is incomplete.

Pirate+Pete 17/03/05(Sun)07:07 No. 1323

File 148869403377.jpg - (3.71KB , 300x100 , 1.jpg )

Bruce Banner 17/02/12(Sun)12:11 No. 1314 [Reply]

File 148689786640.png - (24.64KB , 750x470 , Edward England.png )

In need of a banner for a pirate board I'm making, computers shit so if someone would be helpful enough to make a banner with the jolly roger for my nee /arrr/ board that would be great.

Pirate Pete 17/03/05(Sun)07:01 No. 1322

File 148869369915.jpg - (9.59KB , 300x100 , arrr.jpg )

here ye go matey
may yer new board look mighty fine with all the finishins

Bruce Banner 13/01/02(Wed)06:45 No. 934 [Reply]

File 135710555668.png - (62.41KB , 300x100 , 1(1).png )

Have a few

7 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bruce Banner 16/11/08(Tue)10:20 No. 1289

File 147859685342.png - (60.67KB , 300x100 , e.png )

Got bored.

Bruce Banner 17/01/09(Mon)20:33 No. 1309

I think Saz has started taking his meds; he's displayed unprecedented levels of giving a shit lately >>/7ch/9046

Bruce Banner 17/02/23(Thu)06:02 No. 1321


Bruce Banner 17/02/19(Sun)21:38 No. 1317 [Reply]

File 148753671155.jpg - (22.41KB , 300x100 , panawave-ban.jpg )


Bruce Banner 17/02/20(Mon)08:36 No. 1319

File 14875762092.jpg - (21.28KB , 300x100 , panawave-ban-x_sfw.jpg )

Paranormal and Conspiracy

sage 17/01/19(Thu)06:01 No. 1312 [Reply]

File 148480208728.png - (72.24KB , 300x100 , halp.png )

I tried and failed again.

Bruce Banner 17/01/09(Mon)10:49 No. 1306 [Reply]

File 148395537019.png - (16.76KB , 300x100 , irc.png )

ponbiki's ascii logo

Bruce Banner 17/01/09(Mon)11:44 No. 1307

File 148395866465.png - (15.02KB , 300x100 , irc_ponsdick_nsfw.png )

while we're at it, ponbiki's dick also.

Bruce Banner 17/01/05(Thu)19:46 No. 1304 [Reply]

File 148364198669.gif - (87.42KB , 300x100 , faildance_sfw.gif )

How hard does this /fail/?

Bruce Banner 14/02/15(Sat)16:56 No. 1091 [Reply]

File 13924797871.png - (53.19KB , 300x100 , 7chan Banner-1stattempt.png )

first in an erratic sequence

3 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bruce Banner 14/05/13(Tue)07:03 No. 1131

bamp for pls use

Bruce Banner 14/05/13(Tue)07:03 No. 1132

bamp for pls use

Bruce Banner 16/12/04(Sun)14:16 No. 1298

File 148085741354.gif - (211.41KB , 300x100 , 7chbanner2-unopti.gif )

Something goes wrong with the last or first frame when this banner comes up.

If I had to guess, I'd say it's the same problem kusaba seems to have with thumbnailing optimized gifs. You can see a little distortion in the thumbnail here, then a different kind of error when this banner comes up in the rotation. Somehow automated optimization breaks kusaba's handling of graphics interchange format.

pic related, unoptimized with gimp and cut "7chan" out of all but the background layer. does this work better?

Bruce Banner 14/02/17(Mon)13:16 No. 1093 [Reply]

File 139263938492.jpg - (42.09KB , 300x100 , 7chan operate on another level.jpg )


2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Bruce Banner 14/02/17(Mon)14:32 No. 1097

File 139264396685.png - (24.86KB , 300x100 , 7chan PEKABOO black.png )

Bruce Banner 14/03/04(Tue)09:27 No. 1104

File 139392167917.jpg - (33.25KB , 500x632 , Le-Merchant-10.jpg )

It's kind of irritating that the text is flipped along the vertical axis in the second frame.

Bruce Banner 16/11/16(Wed)06:29 No. 1291

I like it.

Bruce Banner 16/10/10(Mon)17:03 No. 1288 [Reply]

File 147611181539.gif - (181.37KB , 300x100 , v54tgWz.gif )

/fl/ banner
couldn't think of anything more creative to do with the board tag.
giffed up -8 from imgur.com/gallery/as0Lq

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