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/zom/'s decline? Shambler 12/11/22(Thu)16:27 No. 4027 ID: 0c4f7f

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Seems like zom has slowed down considerably.
What could we do to bring back the numbers of this forum?

Shambler 12/11/22(Thu)17:09 No. 4028 ID: 61c112

New content always brings people back. I just think the zombie thing as pretty much been fleshed out as much as it's ever going to.

Shambler 12/11/22(Thu)17:35 No. 4029 ID: 0c4f7f

Perhaps some sort of zom group effort would help? Theres a zombie run in dallas-fort worth this december fo example. Maybe we can get people to run there.

Shambler 12/11/22(Thu)18:32 No. 4032 ID: c1bebf


Bite more people.

Shambler 12/11/24(Sat)03:08 No. 4035 ID: 9e59d3

Perhaps a BOB thread would bring some interest, or if anyone has one posting survival plans could bring about allot of discussion.

Shambler 12/12/04(Tue)09:35 No. 4064 ID: 6097dd

Done and done. I'll start:

Army M109A3 - 2.5 ton offroad/no-road capacity
- M105 trailer - 1.5 ton offroad/no-road capacity
- Wood burning stove
- Queen size mattress
- Sink
- Propane stove & oven
- Solar trickle charger
- Food stores
- Water stores
- Diesel stores
- Propane stores

FN FS2000 & clips
- Spare magazines
- TLR-1s HP for long distance light
- EOtech sight, 3x magnifier, and spare batts in stock
- Backup tritium night sights in stock
- Grip-pod bipod

XD 5" tactical .45 cal
- Spare magazines
- TLR-1 Pistol light
- Tritium night sights

Kelty backpack w/ 3L camelbak - digital ACU
- Army standard tritium lensatic compass
- Telescoping fishing pole, spare hooks, and string line
- Parachute cord,
- Firestarters-lighter, matches, scrape & strike, etc.
- 2 emergency blankets
- Frog Toggs rain gear - tan
- Collapsable Gerber saw
- Signal mirror
- Signal flare/fire starters (2)
- Spare knife
- Three function headlamp
- Spare headlamp, one function
- Garmin GPS
- Spare batteries
- Compact Leupold binoculars
* Navy issue Gas Mask - *to be replaced*
- Two dozen plastic grocery bags
* Axe handle (blunt weapon)
* Face shield
- Toilet paper
- Pocket size backpacking spade
- Spare clear & tinted eye shields
- Thin/light leather gloves
- Thin orange fleece gloves
- Thin Orange fleece beanie
- Emergency Poncho
- Nine hour candle
- Razor blade
- Water purification tabs
* Backup water bag
* Empty Ziploc bags
- Duct tape on dowel
- P39 can opener - more than one in different pockets
- Emergency whistle
- Orange marker tape
- Glow sticks
- Butt pack/bag to keep light kit in
- Multiple carabeaners, non-load bearing
- Mcmurdo FastFind GPS PLB
- Off backwoods "dry" bugspray
- Bullfrog 30 spf "dry" facial sunscreen
- Wood shims for splinting or fire
- Ozark Trail 'kitchen tool'
- Backup Leatherman
- Medikit suitable for an EMT
- Stethescope
- Meds

- Battery and handcrank backup powered radio w/ weather alert
- Handcrank w/ integral battery powered spotlight
- Chili cheese Fritos - food and firestarter (yep)

Shambler 12/12/04(Tue)09:44 No. 4068 ID: 435599

Info plz

Shambler 12/12/04(Tue)09:52 No. 4070 ID: 435599

I like and propose we move this to another thread, same formatting

Shambler 12/12/04(Tue)09:59 No. 4072 ID: 6097dd

Create it, I shall follow. Still here and still have my list. Updated even

Shambler 12/12/04(Tue)10:01 No. 4074 ID: 6097dd

Whoops, nevermind. Found it:


Martin Grim 12/12/04(Tue)21:53 No. 4079 ID: 435599

Would a new version of "The Game" interest anyone? Im thinking of doing a super-powers edition using the aberrant system. Pick your super powers for the zombie apocalypse, sound fun?

Shambler 12/12/05(Wed)06:13 No. 4080 ID: 6097dd

I could definately use a blank 'fill in the box' with what your vehicle, primary weapon, secondary, etc....will be for z-day. Always wanted to fill one out

Noahsan 12/12/05(Wed)08:00 No. 4081 ID: 11d3c8

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and what I found via google

Shambler 12/12/05(Wed)08:57 No. 4082 ID: d74f7f

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Only v4? Here, have v5.

Shambler 12/12/08(Sat)06:42 No. 4093 ID: 6097dd

Back ta top with ya scurvy dog!

Shambler 14/06/10(Tue)03:02 No. 5132 ID: b7a3de

Woooo.....last page eh? Ha!!!!!

Shambler 14/06/10(Tue)08:14 No. 5133 ID: 9c1726

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I keep it real.

Shambler 14/09/30(Tue)01:38 No. 5235 ID: 3232b6

wtf are you going to do with an electrician kit?

Shambler 14/10/04(Sat)02:02 No. 5239 ID: db695f

I hope you have a secure bug out destination in mind and keep enough fuel to get there in your vehicle at all times because there is no way you are getting enough gas to feed that fuel guzzling monster for long after z-day.

Also hope that you dont find the need to ever leave your location.

Shambler 14/10/07(Tue)22:23 No. 5243 ID: bfcbce

>>4027 like this?

a] zombies are basically the people around you (office co-workers, students, convenience-store customers) who have been infected with a strange disease that disables intelligence and creates a ravening hunger for BRAINS!!!
b] solution - infect everyone you know with ketamine (water cooler route, air-freshener aerosol dispenser, use your imagination)
c] do NOT wait for the symptoms to wear off - get started!

Shambler 14/11/20(Thu)17:20 No. 5278 ID: a5e770

Not essentially electrician kit, I was thinking more like, multipurpose toolbox, for whatever crafty post-apocalypse needs.

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