Welcome to /wp/, 7chan's board for hi-res images and wallpapers.
Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.
File 128491023469.jpg - (99.60KB , 1024x768 , 0ae30257632e7a5be1f192c9baf497cb.jpg )
Dark/demonic wallpapers plz ill start
File 146666299275.jpg - (359.29KB , 1024x768 , c380f2aee35ad8aa.jpg )
File 146666319391.jpg - (110.07KB , 1024x614 , jkldjsfljsdfmslvm;d,cv.jpg )
File 146666333056.jpg - (102.42KB , 1131x707 , 56454661636.jpg )
Kinda dark, but meh. She's a decent character from DC.
File 146547476191.jpg - (138.02KB , 1280x647 , 9326865_p0.jpg )
Awesome Pixiv Vistas
File 146547480955.jpg - (1.30MB , 2024x1133 , 36486130_p0.jpg )
File 146547483956.jpg - (0.96MB , 1286x910 , 48319254_p0.jpg )
File 146547496357.png - (3.62MB , 1500x1049 , 36022374_p01.png )
File 145989182414.jpg - (2.01MB , 1437x1430 , night painting2.jpg )
I painted this with oil when i liven in Crimea near the sea. i think it was 30x30 or something. enjoy brahs
I'll take it, thanks dude.
File 146179018299.jpg - (763.97KB , 1920x1080 , 1920x1080_polet-skafandr-nevesomost-lightfarm-stud.jpg )
Hello, i need a Haken wallpaper please guys.
File 13260706268.jpg - (216.87KB , 2000x1000 , CageBusey.jpg )
I made a sweet ass desktop for you for a present to you. let's have this thread become OC that is good for a sweet ass desktop you wet nips.
File 133385831989.jpg - (23.04KB , 585x299 , hahaha.jpg )
Be jelly lol.
File 133875775342.png - (339.00KB , 1366x768 , 2.png )
I just made this out of a crappy photo i found online. Now it's a halfway decent wp.
File 138830044658.jpg - (1.27MB , 3600x1080 , girls-spy-3600x1080.jpg )
3600x1080 wish I could find wallpapers in this size. fucking elusive.
File 132308574713.png - (268.56KB , 1366x768 , umbrella.png )
Resident evil wallpapers, please.
File 143965578169.jpg - (246.17KB , 1920x1080 , resident evil (3).jpg )
File 143965583223.jpg - (296.62KB , 1920x1080 , resident evil (2).jpg )
File 14497152937.jpg - (194.07KB , 960x800 , Umbrella_World-wallpaper-7052292.jpg )
File 144921527685.jpg - (233.31KB , 1191x670 , Deadpool-Wallpaper-K7.jpg )
File 144971405882.jpg - (140.54KB , 1920x1080 , deadpool-flying-on-iron-man-funny-hd-wallpaper-192.jpg )
Ride em cowboy
File 126748229969.jpg - (93.20KB , 1280x800 , Desktop_3-01-2010.jpg )
Post your desktop.
File 155207674429.jpg - (78.30KB , 1366x768 , Capture.jpg )
Yeah i know we are in 2019!! And so what! :D
>>57514 There's no way you're still around but kia ora bro
File 172661446189.png - (3.54MB , 1920x1080 , Capture.png )
>>78804 my new current one
File 133057154184.jpg - (1.02MB , 1642x1276 , xrorshach136.jpg )
I enjoy making these while on psychoactive substances, they are like Rorschach tests with extra colors.
File 134016332830.jpg - (449.36KB , 1600x1200 , Dead_Space_desktop-hd-wallpapers.jpg )
Here's two Dead Space themed Rorschachs
File 134016336691.jpg - (274.69KB , 1920x1200 , DeadSpace_2_-_Inkblot.jpg )
File 143789141648.jpg - (1.46MB , 2304x1296 , Homestuck_Purple_cartoons_fantasy_anime_2304x1296.jpg )
Homestuck Wallpaper?
File 143789199114.jpg - (140.44KB , 728x409 , homestuck john egbert mspaint adventures dave stri.jpg )
File 144224692414.jpg - (1.55MB , 1920x1080 , 211376.jpg )
File 144224696323.png - (93.80KB , 1280x770 , 1409439525185.png )