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/wp/ - Wallpapers

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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Anonymous 11/12/31(Sat)15:52 No. 76796 [Reply]

File 132534313271.png - (955.17KB , 640x960 , 132519137555.png )

posting my iPhone backgrounds. They're edited so if you want the original for your desktop just ask. Feel free to dump your Iphone backgrounds

32 posts and 28 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 16/09/18(Sun)02:45 No. 78944

Full size of this one?

Anonymous 23/12/29(Fri)14:03 No. 79590

Do you also have a million random screenshots of your lock screen, or is it just me who has both left hands?

Anonymous 24/01/09(Tue)09:35 No. 79591

If you are using a Mac for the first time, then you may have various questions about how to perform certain actions that are performed differently on Windows. In many ways, I find articles like https://setapp.com/how-to/how-to-delete-screenshots-on-a-mac useful, and in general you can find a lot of useful info on SetApp, as well as various software and apps.

Anonymous 10/07/07(Wed)17:36 No. 34990 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

File 127851697765.jpg - (747.69KB , 1920x1200 , CCCP.jpg )

Gonna dump some flag eagles.

168 posts and 70 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
AnVoWiDo 21/01/31(Sun)14:59 No. 79482

File 161210159130.png - (1.56MB , 1920x1200 , rhodesia adelaar.png )


AnVoWiDo 21/01/31(Sun)15:00 No. 79483

File 161210164515.png - (1.44MB , 1920x1200 , rhodesia 2e adelaar.png )

Or fucking this?

Eagle flag Lorenzo 23/12/28(Thu)12:36 No. 79589

File 170376336470.png - (47.98KB , 2560x1640 , 2560px-Flag_jbala_maroc_svg.png )

I want jbala flag in eagle flag design please

YOUR VERY OWN WALLPAPER Anonymous 22/04/17(Sun)01:23 No. 79517 [Reply]

File 165015139584.jpg - (54.30KB , 668x350 , spring_light_by_kloir_df3h4l9-350t~01.jpg )

Post yours
Post your own made
This one is
Blackpink wallpaper the forest that is real yet fantasy in every way
The name is
★†*Spring Light*†★

Anonymous 22/04/17(Sun)01:24 No. 79518

It's for Gboard or any keyboard you want your main wallpaper is your hubby/waifu of course ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Anonymous 23/07/15(Sat)15:46 No. 79586

File 168942876651.jpg - (458.29KB , 1920x1080 , 1669345590796538.jpg )

Super Car Supercar 23/07/03(Mon)16:46 No. 79582 [Reply]

File 168839559815.jpg - (224.74KB , 2250x1375 , Bugatti-Chiron4-3742260304.jpg )

Do you like this car?

i like very tretas 23/07/03(Mon)16:49 No. 79583

i like today

Anonymous 23/07/03(Mon)19:24 No. 79584

Never been a fan of Bugatti, but they do look all right, some of them. Perhaps driving one would change my opinion, but they look heavy as fuck.

Silvia S15 definitely one of my dream car. AMG GT is cool and probably comfy af. Toyota gr/gt86. And a few other ones that look badass.

It all takes an exorbitant amount of money if you want to make it exactly like you want it. Some I just enjoy some power and comfort for now.

Cars are not the only avenue of art and expression and fun and Motorsport and late night sessions. Far from it.

But I appreciate a nice car every time I see one. Even the shitty cars that I've had, I've always loved them so much.

Military Wallpaper Anonymous 22/08/27(Sat)02:01 No. 79542 [Reply]

File 166155851380.jpg - (511.44KB , 1920x1080 , aamt (1).jpg )

Fly https://ibb.co/album/SD0LSs

Anonymous 23/05/08(Mon)14:43 No. 79564

File 168354983720.jpg - (1.66MB , 2560x1600 , 20230510.jpg )


Anonymous 23/05/25(Thu)11:42 No. 79567

File 168500774484.jpg - (198.40KB , 1920x1080 , 20230527.jpg )

Armored Tracked Vehicle

Anonymous 23/06/20(Tue)14:00 No. 79581

File 168726240433.jpg - (1.22MB , 4096x2304 , Clipboard01.jpg )


general wallpapers handbanana 12/05/20(Sun)08:20 No. 77163 [Reply]

File 13374948055.jpg - (453.91KB , 1920x1080 , 1337213346583.jpg )

contributing. feel free to drop in at anytime

37 posts and 36 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 23/05/31(Wed)13:12 No. 79568

File 168553155865.jpg - (481.96KB , 1920x1080 , clippy.jpg )

Warframe's HILDRYN

Anonymous 23/06/13(Tue)12:19 No. 79575

File 168665157745.jpg - (811.26KB , 4638x2841 , 347565183_805105747867987_5638861785142588831_n.jpg )

Three veg

Anonymous 23/06/20(Tue)13:59 No. 79580

File 168726234582.jpg - (200.91KB , 1366x900 , 20230624.jpg )

Activate the Feng Shui Engine

Random Wallpaper Anonymous 22/07/05(Tue)19:20 No. 79520 [Reply]

File 165704160512.jpg - (308.96KB , 2560x1440 , 0adyvKN.jpg )

23 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 23/06/13(Tue)12:06 No. 79574

File 168665080524.jpg - (518.98KB , 2560x1440 , 20230613.jpg )

Goth Cammy

Anonymous 23/06/14(Wed)13:36 No. 79576

File 168674259335.jpg - (183.60KB , 1920x1080 , 20230614.jpg )

Pike maids

Anonymous 23/06/20(Tue)13:57 No. 79579

File 168726227614.jpg - (215.99KB , 1600x900 , 20230623.jpg )

I can save her

Anonymous 13/11/29(Fri)17:53 No. 78449 [Reply]

File 138574399973.jpg - (167.48KB , 1920x1200 , minimal-imagination.jpg )

All minimalist wallpapers.

20 posts and 20 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Greyson 14/04/17(Thu)22:37 No. 78598

File 139776703621.jpg - (1.17MB , 1920x1080 , metroid_prime_2_echoes___title_screen__recreated__.jpg )

Not entirely sure this is strictly minimalist, but I do enjoy this one quite a bit.

Start screen from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Anonymous 22/09/06(Tue)11:19 No. 79546

File 166245596572.jpg - (21.69KB , 1920x1080 , bmtg (3).jpg )


Anonymous 23/05/31(Wed)13:14 No. 79569

File 168553169862.jpg - (36.21KB , 1920x1200 , clippy.jpg )

Code Geass

F0x 14/06/06(Fri)10:36 No. 78642 [Reply]

File 14020437714.jpg - (1.32MB , 2136x1202 , emilyblunt.jpg )

Edge Of Tomorrow was awesome

F0x 14/06/06(Fri)11:15 No. 78643

File 14020461099.jpg - (1.56MB , 2500x1406 , emilyblunt2.jpg )

Anonymous 14/06/11(Wed)04:54 No. 78646

Was supposed to go see it today, didn't. Only movie i've seen in a while that I actually don't mind Tom Cruise in.

Anonymous 23/05/12(Fri)15:08 No. 79565

Prefer Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible.

anonymous 23/04/29(Sat)15:20 No. 79563 [Reply]

File 168277445167.jpg - (1.48MB , 2013x2013 , k.jpg )

k wallpaper

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