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Nice beach Anonymous 12/09/30(Sun)13:27 No. 77695

File 134900444949.jpg - (379.01KB , 1521x1141 , Cayo.jpg )


Anonymous 12/09/30(Sun)18:09 No. 77696

File 134902136343.jpg - (164.87KB , 1024x768 , South_Padre_Island_beach.jpg )

I'm a little jealous of you op. I've never been to a beach with clear blue water like that. I live in the south so the beach water here is very murky. Did you take the picture or record this footage?

Anonymous 12/12/24(Mon)22:48 No. 77971

"The south" is really vague. I've lived in Florida where the beach had water that clear. Unfortunately I have nothing relevant to contribute to this thread. :C

Anonymous 13/01/19(Sat)07:40 No. 77986

I lived in the south as well and I know well about that "murky" water, but I also have seen quite a few places where water is clear like that, they're rare yes but they do exist. Also the type of underlying sand seems to bring out water clarity I've found (bright quartz sand vs the usual southern dull brown dirt)

anon 14/01/31(Fri)03:56 No. 78487

dude...that's like water in grand cayman.

Nothing special

Anonymous 22/09/06(Tue)11:00 No. 79545

Nice beach

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