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/wp/ - Wallpapers

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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Do you know? Anonymous 13/01/27(Sun)23:29 No. 77992

File 135932578984.jpg - (214.21KB , 1221x647 , Find.jpg )

Does anybody know the wallpaper of this?

Anonymous 13/01/27(Sun)23:37 No. 77993

it's one of the seven skyscrapers (called sisters if i remember correctly) in moscow, I don't know which one

Anonymous 13/01/27(Sun)23:40 No. 77994

I was wrong, it's Stalin's Tower in Warsaw.

Anonymous 13/01/27(Sun)23:48 No. 77995

source found.

Anonymous 13/01/27(Sun)23:49 No. 77996


Anonymous 15/01/28(Wed)15:52 No. 78762

File 142245672351.jpg - (617.71KB , 1200x800 , warszawa-nocc485-008.jpg )

As a guy from Warsaw I can confirm that it is indeed that building. Although it is not named after Stalin, we scratched that name when that fucker died.
Although the Moscow ones are pretty similar in style and architecture, if I remember right they were designed by same guy.
Last year it was illuminated with pink/violet light, and year before that, with animated rainbow colours. Pic related.

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