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i don't know. Even when I lived on 420chan, I though that they mostly just dirtied up the traffic. But they mostly kept to themselves so their existence was both tolerated and treated with respect.
The rest of the imageboard I actually actively embraced and appreciated.
I understand that Kirt just wanted as big of a userbase as possible (his later decisions would refute that statement), but honestly how retarded do you have to be to rave about that shit for straight decade and not run out of things to say, unless this was all a big and extremely elaborate troll where everyone was basically just pretending to be interested in that shit just to make fun of the ones that appear to actually be doing so...
Jenk, transgender boards, hell even tinfoil and... well basically the rest of the chan was actually a nice addition.
But again, we never had any beef with them so who gives a fuck, just for mutual respect alone I guess they deserve to be treated well and given a chance to find a place that they call their own.
Tl;dr a shitty retarded board, but we must be open minded enough to host somebody who doesn't cause any trouble and just circlejerks their stupid WWE shit or whatever the fuck it is that they were doing there