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/weed/ - 420chan Refugee Camp
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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Dimebag Anon ## Admin ## 23/03/17(Fri)17:21 No. 435 Stickied

File 167907006246.jpg - (452.31KB , 3000x2000 , 220724124922-marijuana-stock.jpg )

Over the next few months, we are going to try out a few of the more popular boards that were lost with 420chan going offline. If they generate interest, we will then add them as permanent boards. We are starting out with /weed/, but please feel free to leave suggestions for other boards in this thread (e.g. /woo/).

40 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Dimebag Anon 23/04/13(Thu)12:59 No. 477

What do you have in mind?

Dimebag Anon 23/04/13(Thu)19:36 No. 478

enthusiasm was late but one of the best ones imo (coming from an enthusiast)

Dimebag Anon 23/04/14(Fri)12:19 No. 479

File 168146758589.jpg - (68.20KB , 805x483 , 1623982490939.jpg )

Idk man, I'm too stoned. I just enjoyed the word filters on 420chan. SLAYER was fun.

Dimebag Anon 23/04/14(Fri)17:04 No. 480


Dimebag Anon 23/04/15(Sat)20:28 No. 481

File 168158329468.jpg - (131.25KB , 700x700 , 1504566362140.jpg )

I've been on the site for well over a decade and I feel like I'm finally ready to put out the query:

What is 'Dicks Everywhere' all about? I always assumed it had to do with the fact that the mods/owners were a bunch of fags and a good portion of the userbase too, but I know there has to me more to it than that. Soo, can someone please explain it in layman terms?

Dimebag Anon 23/04/17(Mon)00:53 No. 482

some imageboard software have an ability to create "default replies", ie. if you post something with the message field empty, it'll get replaced with a default text. 420chan used this to have posts say DICKS EVERYWHERE.

420chan was also the only board I remember that used the wakaba random name generator.

Dimebag Anon 23/04/17(Mon)02:49 No. 483

yeah, I noticed, you strawberry, I'm asking WHY THAT?

Also, it's an imageboard hosting site. A library has books, doesn't mean it IS a book. Go home, your drunk.

Dimebag Anon 23/04/17(Mon)12:40 No. 484

because the owner felt it was funny, and that's about it.

>Go home, your drunk.
I wish.

Dimebag Anon 23/04/17(Mon)19:44 No. 485

File 168175348542.jpg - (269.11KB , 954x1280 , 280098972_1043587822906792_5010732929951420551_n.jpg )

No there must be more to it than that. I just didn't care enough to ask when it was just oldfags posting there (15 years ago).

Now that I care, there's not a oldfag insight.

I know they were all a bunch of fags who really admire dicks in their free time, but there was also some sort of backstory that goes much deeper than that. I think even CIA was involved. If Kirt was here, he'd tell lengthy elaborate stories of how it started the anonymous movement, is what the entire internet culture is built upon and all that, but beyond.

Dimebag Anon 23/04/18(Tue)04:32 No. 486

It comes from that one toy story screenshot and Kirt set it up due to porn spam. That's about all the history there is to it.

Dimebag Anon 23/04/18(Tue)11:35 No. 487

File 168181055757.jpg - (297.77KB , 750x820 , IMG_20220929_225328.jpg )

>Toy story screenshot
color me intrigued. Please post the screenshot or describe the inner contents

Dimebag Anon 23/04/18(Tue)12:52 No. 488

File 16818151362.jpg - (42.14KB , 556x303 , c68.jpg )

jolly african american seriously?

>As an image macro, "X, X EVERYWHERE" had its beginning on 420chan imageboard in 2007, when Kirtaner, one of the site administrators, implemented a wordfilter that would automatically fill in any text-less image posts with the phrase "DICKS EVERYWHERE." Although it was designed to curb some of the users from spamming the board with porn, other users soon began posting variations of X Everywhere, replacing "Dicks" with a word more relevant to the image attachment.

Dimebag Anon 23/04/18(Tue)13:33 No. 489

File 168181759613.jpg - (38.91KB , 500x311 , 1385517801130.jpg )

well dAm, it does make some sense now. But I guess I never cared about the toy story memes and just somehow expected so much more from all this.

Anyhow thanks for enlightening

Dimebag Anon 23/04/19(Wed)19:47 No. 490

File 16819264681.jpg - (262.91KB , 500x638 , 1431805288267.jpg )

I want to see combined dis del psy board

Stoner faggots aren't quite to spec for that and we all have a blazer inside of us regardless, so it entirely beside the point if you are on a 5 decade hiatus or all day erryday since you was a crawler.

A need there is for a separate place dedicated serious hallucinogenic discussion - says one person.

Dimebag Anon 23/04/20(Thu)06:02 No. 491

Would there be a way to party BWH threads?

Dimebag Anon 23/04/20(Thu)11:31 No. 492

Second on Party threads, with a proper arbitrary ban for the OP. /woo/ would probably get more posts than /weed/, if we're going by the last 420chan metrics, tbh.

Dimebag Anon 23/04/20(Thu)20:37 No. 493

I mean we already have the rainbow on the clickable parts of the page. I'm no programmer but I assume 7chan would be able to do that for the textboxes at least.

Dimebag Anon 23/04/20(Thu)23:34 No. 494

File 168202647452.jpg - (50.58KB , 480x640 , tumblr_mbx9j6cqoJ1ruvzkjo1_500.jpg )

7chan doesn't know how to program either. The original codebase was inherited from other small altchans and of any changes that were actually made along the way, the owner of 7chan outsourced to cheap labor markets in Africa and Asia. Shit sucks, but it's better than no 7chan at all, so we all have to be humble and grateful for what we do get.

Dimebag Anon 23/04/20(Thu)23:59 No. 495


Dimebag Anon 23/04/23(Sun)01:17 No. 496

File 168220546742.png - (277.88KB , 381x496 , sfb.png )

I dunno, do we want a buncha wrestling nerds coming here?

Dimebag Anon 23/04/23(Sun)01:59 No. 497

File 16822079817.jpg - (5.72MB , 5684x4226 , 1401841666368.jpg )

i don't know. Even when I lived on 420chan, I though that they mostly just dirtied up the traffic. But they mostly kept to themselves so their existence was both tolerated and treated with respect.

The rest of the imageboard I actually actively embraced and appreciated.

I understand that Kirt just wanted as big of a userbase as possible (his later decisions would refute that statement), but honestly how retarded do you have to be to rave about that shit for straight decade and not run out of things to say, unless this was all a big and extremely elaborate troll where everyone was basically just pretending to be interested in that shit just to make fun of the ones that appear to actually be doing so...

Jenk, transgender boards, hell even tinfoil and... well basically the rest of the chan was actually a nice addition.

But again, we never had any beef with them so who gives a fuck, just for mutual respect alone I guess they deserve to be treated well and given a chance to find a place that they call their own.

Tl;dr a shitty retarded board, but we must be open minded enough to host somebody who doesn't cause any trouble and just circlejerks their stupid WWE shit or whatever the fuck it is that they were doing there

Dimebag Anon 23/04/24(Mon)02:45 No. 498

/woo/ is dead long live /woo/

Dimebag Anon 23/04/24(Mon)18:35 No. 499


Dimebag Anon 23/06/03(Sat)21:05 No. 502

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Dimebag Anon 23/06/08(Thu)02:43 No. 503

holy shit literally me

Dimebag Anon 23/06/10(Sat)04:25 No. 504

File 16863639371.jpg - (65.97KB , 1028x1039 , for crybabies.jpg )

We could have a secrets board. A place for naughty or shameful truths.

Dimebag Anon 23/06/10(Sat)16:10 No. 505

Don't have anything shameful to share, but when I was younger I once almost kind of sucked my own dick. Well I at least licked it. That's pretty naughty if you ask me. Definitely would do again and I ain't even that much above average. Right around average actually if measured from the beginning of the shaft.

Dimebag Anon 23/06/15(Thu)03:25 No. 506

That's normal, not shameful. Pretty sure every dude does that.

Dimebag Anon 23/06/16(Fri)01:35 No. 507

It was posted as something naughty. You should read more carefully my friend. Also, no, not every dude does that, not every dude is this flexible I mean come on. I couldn't do it right now. And my dong is only slightly above average.

Dimebag Anon 23/06/25(Sun)19:55 No. 508

Yeah, but every guy has made the attempt, even if it was just bending a bit and saying, "Nah, won't happen."

Dimebag Anon 23/06/30(Fri)00:12 No. 509


Dimebag Anon 23/10/06(Fri)14:25 No. 510

bring Netjester AI back

Dimebag Anon 23/12/23(Sat)22:05 No. 512

Man 420chan going down really fucked me up.

Dimebag Anon 24/01/19(Fri)22:25 No. 521

Confirming myself.

Dimebag Anon 24/01/20(Sat)02:01 No. 534

Someone stop this mad lad

Dimebag Anon 24/03/24(Sun)05:16 No. 591


I'll start on a project.

Dimebag Anon 24/03/24(Sun)05:18 No. 592

Bring together /weed/ and /rx/. It can hype up the non /b/ side of the site.

I+want+to+take+it+easy!ds8De64mpw 24/07/20(Sat)05:05 No. 600


I+want+to+take+it+easy!ds8De64mpw 24/07/20(Sat)05:05 No. 601

Yeah drugs

Dimebag Anon 24/09/04(Wed)03:16 No. 622

/dis/ or die

Dimebag Anon 25/01/04(Sat)01:29 No. 856

/opi/ /psy/ /other/

Dimebag Anon 25/01/15(Wed)13:40 No. 878


is there an irc for us to all go to?

Dimebag Anon 25/01/22(Wed)11:23 No. 884

It's not real.

Dimebag Anon 25/01/30(Thu)05:28 No. 898

File 173821128487.png - (1.00MB , 1200x675 , 1735268944040180.png )

There's chimo porn AGAIN on the front page. Am I reporting it incorrectly?? Keep this place clean please. I have no sympathy for pedos.

Dimebag Anon 25/01/30(Thu)05:49 No. 899

i used to have no sympathy for them either, but keep an open mind, it grows on you with time.

Dimebag Anon ## Admin ## 25/01/30(Thu)07:57 No. 900

Please continue to report it if you see it, thank you. It does send alerts to the moderation panel so any staff online can more quickly delete the content, and permanently ban the poster.

Dimebag Anon 25/01/31(Fri)19:42 No. 903

Glowies have set bots to post it on here and on lainchinz constantly. Lets keep this place clean.

Dimebag Anon 25/01/31(Fri)19:44 No. 904

Another reason to add to the list of why its completely fucked, its an addictive acquired taste.

Dimebag Anon 25/02/17(Mon)01:15 No. 926


Dimebag Anon 25/02/21(Fri)16:24 No. 940

nta but yep just like any other super niche fetish, if you entertain it it becomes addictive. there is a specific word to describe this that im trying to remember...somehow im not recalling the term but im recalling the definition, something like "any thought/concept/behavior that is inherently toxic but also inherently moreish and likely to become compulsory once entertained seriously."

that is why you never look at abhorrent content, because it does indeed grow on you if you do.


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