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/weed/ - 420chan Refugee Camp
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Working-class Stoners 23/10/31(Tue)21:17 No. 129 [Reply]

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I'm a delivery guy for one of those stupid grocery/food apps during the day, and a musician most nights/weekends. Between the two I make enough money to live pretty well and nobody's up my ass making sure I'm not getting high in my free time. I think shit's pretty cash overall--running around the city on someone else's moped is fun and doing music professionally is VERY fun, but sometimes I get curious about whether or not the grass is greener somewhere else.

What shitty niches in The Man's machine do you fill that allow you to keep smoking??

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Dimebag Anon 24/08/21(Wed)19:42 No. 147

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OP reporting back in because I finally remembered where I put this thread. I ditched the moped and now I'm actually teaching music in addition to gigging. No drug tests in sight and I'm exclusively doing things I like to do for work, feeling pretty SLAYER these days

Dimebag Anon 24/09/25(Wed)14:26 No. 148

you did good son

now go find your true meaning and calling in life!

Dimebag Anon 24/09/28(Sat)18:31 No. 149

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I do all the screenprinting/DTG/vinyl for a small print shop. I get paid ten cents above minimum but I live a quarter of a mile from the shop, have shit tons of vacation time, no drug tests ever, there's a shop cat, I can be late everyday and no one says a word about it. It's pretty sweet.

Dimebag Anon 24/09/02(Mon)06:19 No. 126 [Reply]

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I've been getting weed delivered for over a year at this point but my SIL told me she knew a guy who could get an ounce for seventy dollars. I couldn't pass up such a deal so I went for it, plus I took Friday off to give myself a four day weekend. Would you believe I'm completely dry because this jackass decided to go to Massachusetts instead? At least I got my money back. I hope my dispensary is delivering tomorrow.

Dimebag Anon 24/09/02(Mon)14:19 No. 127

I know i pay more in the long run but i never buy more than an eighth, just incase the bag is booty weed.

Dimebag Anon 24/09/13(Fri)04:48 No. 128

NGL, the weed was pretty intense. Just wish I could get it with some regularity.

baby stoner here Sophie 24/08/31(Sat)04:18 No. 124 [Reply]

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its like my brain is working with shitty wifi, shitty RAM, and all the bliss of my inner cranium

Dimebag Anon 24/09/03(Tue)11:29 No. 125

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daaaaym son you brain werk?

Depressed boys Dimebag Anon 24/06/03(Mon)08:09 No. 121 [Reply]

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Demiurge Sheesh
Nobody chats about how the throat opens like an ALEPH as if the Jude's stole the real alphabet that controls reality
Combine with sayonces smoke herb and meditate like a Buddha you get godass insight. Unblock your nose with some olive oil like in cadets jolly african americans down a small Tetley stirrer down your throat like the voice actors do~ ,there's 108 connections from the heart to the mouth if they ever took your teeth you don't get enough oxygen ~ free yourselves.

Dimebag Anon 24/07/20(Sat)14:12 No. 122

This jolly african american reads all the same shit as I lmfao

I+want+to+take+it+easy!ds8De64mpw 24/07/22(Mon)20:57 No. 123

Skibidi Toilet Gegagedigedagedago

Dimebag Anon 24/07/07(Sun)02:42 No. 115 [Reply]

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Why do all edibles seem to be sweets? I stopped eating sugary stuff recently and noticed almost all the edible THC products my dispensary offers are sweet things, like cookie bars and syrups. The only savory edibles they have are CBD beef jerky. I don't even eat beef! I might have to bite the bullet and start trying to make my own weed cheesebread or something.

Dimebag Anon 24/07/09(Tue)16:45 No. 116

There's NOTHING stopping you from doing it yourself. Weed can go into oils, butters, sauces, fuckin anything if you brain good for a few minutes and figure a process out. Making weed chili oil is an experiment I want to try at some point

Dimebag Anon 24/07/17(Wed)13:09 No. 117

This. It is stupid easy the only hard part is growing a pair to use bigger amounts of weed at once, infact I wasted quite a bit because of this "on noes I'm gonna overheat it" just fucking ignore these qualms. I can offer an easy as fuck re ipe

Decarb some weed in a toaster oven or a regular one in your kitchen. First thing is to preheat to somewhere around 120-150 Celsius (not Fahrenheit Celsius) for a good few minutes. You don't need to grind up herb but you can if you want to be sure heat go through it, put your tray in the oven and leave in there for at least 15 mins but I go for 20 at 130-150. Don't worry if it doesn't come out brown that doesn't mean it's done wrong so let it cool and grab yourself some milk. Pour a little milk into a mug and put in the microwave for 1 minute but stopping every 15 seconds making sure not to scald the milk. Once it's piping hot throw your de arbed bud in the milk and let it cool then drink (you can screen out the bits of weed but I leave it in for full effect)

Dimebag Anon 24/07/19(Fri)01:18 No. 120

Make some weed butter, and some fine-ass homemade bread. Put the butter on the bread. Reach goddamn nirvana.

Baal Dimebag Anon 24/06/30(Sun)22:10 No. 112 [Reply]

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I like to smoke in my nostrils with a teaspoon down my throat for balance and then I boogie woogie like Uma Thurman in that movie to the floor. Getting high on the floor is so much better because you get balance and oxygen. Best strategy for getting high. The spoon is so you can conduct a seance and receive Devine knowledge as it is the fifth Chinese element (mercury lok) lmao.
Fun times

Dimebag Anon 24/07/02(Tue)04:23 No. 113

>>Uma Thurman in that movie

You fucker.

increasing anxiety - did this happen to anyone else? Dimebag Anon 23/03/20(Mon)03:18 No. 88 [Reply]

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I first smoked weed when I was in high school in 2010. It was all SLAYER, not a single hint of anxiety. As I experimented with it more throughout high school feelings of anxiety and paranoia would creep into the high, but I always felt exhilarated and it was still fun. After high school around 2012 I started smoking all day every day to cope with crippling depression. The anxiety got worse and worse but I still managed to find enjoyment out of it and become addicted to it for the next several years. Until about 2020 when the entire experience began to be too awful, pure anxiety, no longer exciting, made my depression worse even, no fun left to be found in it. So I quit.

I tried smoking, vaping, etc. several times after quitting but always the same shit. I tried taking 2.5mg and 5mg THC pills and working my way up. I've found that any dose strong enough to get me any effect is just unpleasant now.

Has this happened to anyone else? Also I would love to know if there's any way to reverse this. I had a dream recently where I was smoking weed and enjoying it like back in the old days and it made me nostalgic.

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Dimebag Anon 24/06/03(Mon)08:11 No. 109

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Nigga smoke with a teaspoon in your mouth and sit down on the floor left heel touching your anus. 0 anxiety.

Demiurge Sheesh
Nobody chats about how the throat opens like an ALEPH as if the Jude's stole the real alphabet that controls reality
Combine with sayonces smoke herb and meditate like a Buddha you get godass insight. Unblock your nose with some olive oil like in cadets jolly african americans down a small Tetley stirrer down your throat like the voice actors do~ ,there's 108 connections from the heart to the mouth if they ever took your teeth you don't get enough oxygen ~ free yourselves.

Spoon give balance ~ pull away from your right ear with your left palm jolly african americans.

Dimebag Anon 24/06/08(Sat)07:03 No. 110

THC can trigger undiagnosed psychiatric problems, you might want to see a psychiatrist, and you'll probably have to stop consuming THC.
Non THC CBD might help, but there's more to therapy than medication alone.

Dimebag Anon 24/06/14(Fri)23:36 No. 111

Damn, God damn dude. I don't know who put that knowledge in your head, but man, I am grateful.

Weed Dimebag Anon 24/04/08(Mon)21:29 No. 85 [Reply]

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Dimebag Anon 24/03/24(Sun)17:53 No. 79 [Reply]

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Which tobacco do you roll your joints with?

I use pueblo

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Dimebag Anon 24/04/26(Fri)18:58 No. 82

Cones work good for this, just mix up the weed with 1/4 of a fig and pack down smoke Great but sometimes I fight with the joint for a hit

Dimebag Anon 24/05/12(Sun)02:02 No. 83

Cones are great but if you overpack them, they hit like ass.

Dimebag Anon 24/05/12(Sun)08:55 No. 84

Yea sometimes fighting with the roach fir a hit if pack em poorly. They can smoke up too quick as well but I've made absolute bangers with packed cones but a good few went to complete waste

I want to take it easy!ds8De64mpw 24/04/26(Fri)02:49 No. 78 [Reply]

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