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general drugs discussion Dimebag Anon 24/11/25(Mon)02:07 No. 784

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Hello Brothers. I feel like it's time finally to do some drugs. I have been on some decade-long hiatus. What for? All of these engagements that supposedly kept me busy, were distractions it seems like right now. Have you met some real ones while you wasn't doing drugs? If not, what is it all for? What are you even doing? To whom, for whom? Was it ever more real than the adventures in your youth?

I guess it's one of those things. You get shocked to the core and recoil a little bit even if you know it's ultimately what you need. In that sense, maybe those 10 plus years were not wasted. Just took me that long to process what had happened.

Yeah, not all drugs are created equal, still, we got to have a lot of respect for those who dare to dabble.

Dimebag Anon 24/11/28(Thu)22:51 No. 792

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You're right, friend. Not all drugs are created equal. Now its up to you to decide if you're ready again.

What were your drugs of choice?

Dimebag Anon 24/11/29(Fri)00:13 No. 793

TBH I'm a big fan of mescaline, LSA and many tryptamines, but even things like salvia, amanitas, MXE (also PCP, DXM, NO and other dis) are highly interesting. Especially the naturally occuring ones. Even stuff like henbane, but I'm in no rush to try it at this point in my life. Wanted to try quailudes for a time and a good half dozen of other more obscure stuff.

Maybe some opium. definitely would like to learn what's so hyped up about cocaine and speed, never tried those, but I want pharma grade d racemic. which isn't that common here in EU, neither have I been really looking since those are definitely not my top interests.

Weed obviously although past years I smoke like a week or two per year.

Dimebag Anon 25/01/04(Sat)02:36 No. 858

mescaline ftw

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