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/weed/ - 420chan Refugee Camp
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Dimebag Anon 23/09/07(Thu)06:48 No. 19

File 169406208495.png - (20.78KB , 588x643 , trap for stoners.png )

Imagine Jigsaw(from Saw) decided to punish you for smoking too much weed.
The trap I came up with works like this:you wake up in the middle of a pipe structure coiled around your body, with joints sticking out of holes drilled in, held in place with clips. then a stick of dynamite is inserted at the top, while the joints are lit by a fast spark mechanism below the tip inserted in the pipe a few seconds before the dynamite reaches them. you have to smoke the joints down so they don't light the dynamite, of course it should take place in a small chamber to prevent escape and the pipe should be coiled too tightly to allow it anyway. as you smoke more you lose oxygen making it harder, and all the smoke creates a hotbox condition making you too high to function properly, and harder to see the lower joints. if you try to remove a joint from the clip it'll fire up and lock in the spark mechanism and light the dynamite anyway, to punish you for cheating.
Think you could survive? If not, come up with a trap you think could top mine. I'd like to see it.

Dimebag Anon 23/09/25(Mon)11:43 No. 20

This wouldn't work for several reasons. I won't go into it but suffice to say one could easily just break the pipe and catch the dynamite in a hand where it couldn't be lit. Long tubes of glass are so fucking easy to break.

Dimebag Anon 23/09/28(Thu)15:29 No. 21

it's supposed to be PVC pipe. you're the guy that dies first trying to find some way out of the situation. Jigsaw thinks of everything.

Dimebag Anon 23/09/29(Fri)09:02 No. 22

So he's punishing you for smoking too much weed by making you smoke more weed? How does that work?

Dimebag Anon 23/09/30(Sat)17:06 No. 23

they're all like that at least in the sequels. like making a former heroin addict dig through needles for a key or something. look up the wiki page for the traps they're all like that.

Dimebag Anon 23/10/06(Fri)14:23 No. 24

he should just make you smoke one joint that's really strong or choose between one that like kills you with drugs or shoot you

Dimebag Anon 23/10/14(Sat)20:46 No. 25

>jenkem joint
Let the games begin

Dimebag Anon 23/10/15(Sun)03:55 No. 26

File 169733493282.jpg - (53.98KB , 1156x868 , if-the-part-of-jigsaw-where-we-see-billy-takes-pla.jpg )

>Hello, Pothead, I want to play a game.
>Only one of the 710 blunts in front of you contains the antidote, but ALL of the wraps were soaked in dookie water.
>You have until the clock strikes 4:20 to find, and smoke the correct blunt, before the poison coursing through you veins kills you.
>Good luck.

Dimebag Anon 23/10/16(Mon)05:50 No. 27

I am so stoned, I mean boned

Dimebag Anon 23/11/17(Fri)16:09 No. 28

Dude, sick, Jenkem Weed, fuck yeah.

The+Red+Barron 24/01/02(Tue)05:06 No. 29

I have a THC meter reading your levels in this room. You have to remain totally fucking ripped-blazed 10/10 and have paranoia constantly or the gun in my hand will shootnyour dumb brain

Dimebag Anon 24/01/10(Wed)20:57 No. 30

Never change, /weed/

Dimebag Anon 25/01/22(Wed)11:39 No. 885

File 173754239986.jpg - (262.94KB , 1366x608 , jointwithjesus.jpg )

Fantasies can't be quantified.

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