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Highspell.com MMORPG Highspell.com MMORPG 23/08/30(Wed)07:45 No. 146986 ID: a90854 [Reply]

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Similar to OG Runescape Classic or OSRS!

23/08/24(Thu)07:42 No. 146984 ID: 60ea6f [Reply]

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what went so right?

23/08/24(Thu)10:23 No. 146985 ID: 741b89

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Literally everything. The story was awesome and emotional. The graphics for the time blew 7 out of the water and, though many retards hate on the combat system high iq chads who live on the right side of the bell curb understand how fun and nuanced the combat system is which is perfect for an autistic like ourselves.
10/10 game that shits on its predecessor.

23/08/14(Mon)07:48 No. 146977 ID: 60ea6f [Reply]

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JRPGs peaked here

23/08/15(Tue)22:55 No. 146978 ID: b4b54b

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and this one peaked as well

23/08/11(Fri)03:58 No. 146975 ID: 4c0e3e [Reply]

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OMG, Quake 2 (remastered by nightdive) has been re-released to Xbox One/Series S & X, PS4/5 & Nintendo Switch & PC, how did you feel when Quake 2 has been re-released and remastered today?

23/08/11(Fri)06:34 No. 146976 ID: 04b148

I felt impressed

Leave a comment on my blog about Overwatch 2 and win a prize! Joao 23/08/07(Mon)01:17 No. 146973 ID: c3af8a [Reply]

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Hello everyone!

I'm [Joao Silva ] and I'm the author of the Playstationcouch blog. I've been writing about video games for many years and I have a great love for Overwatch 2.

Recently, I've started writing about the different characters in the game and I've been getting great feedback from my readers. However, I'd love to hear more from you!

If you're a fan of Overwatch 2, please leave a comment on my blog posts. I'd love to know what you think about the different characters and their abilities.

Your feedback is important to me and it will help me write better posts in the future.

Thank you for your help!

[Joao Silva ]

Any Monster Hunter peeps around these parts? 23/07/15(Sat)07:32 No. 146965 ID: 9a8ecb [Reply]

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julia 23/06/22(Thu)06:35 No. 146958 ID: e52a6c [Reply]

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Si como a mí te encantan los juegos, entonces necesitas entrar en este juego que es simplemente lo mejor de 2023.
JUEGA AHORA:https://nsfw-01.blogspot.al/p/7c-game.html

22/10/19(Wed)15:30 No. 146809 ID: 3033d4 [Reply]

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My dad is way worse than Amouranths husband. She doesn't need any sympathy. Nobody ever gives me sympathy. Amouranth is a millionaire with thousands of people who love her. She needs no sympathy fuck her.

1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
23/01/16(Mon)12:28 No. 146865 ID: 94380b

GO HOME, you're drunk

23/06/12(Mon)15:59 No. 146947 ID: 88736e

Playing ideogames can make you $$?

23/06/12(Mon)18:25 No. 146948 ID: 97465f

Hey googoo,

What can I make from this for a healthy break fast tomorrow mornin'

22/02/21(Mon)16:24 No. 146553 ID: c5fd05 [Reply]

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What do you say 7channers? Vs. Pepe?

5 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
23/02/24(Fri)11:23 No. 146890 ID: d9a46f

>4ch*n mods
glowies got them by the balls, they can do nothing about it

23/05/11(Thu)12:13 No. 146931 ID: 220f76

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>/lop/ nahc4 is making inroads on 7chan /vg/

23/06/08(Thu)16:01 No. 146946 ID: d06850

I wish a girl would grab me by the balls

Nick Cage DBD Perks 23/05/30(Tue)11:40 No. 146942 ID: f1f6ec [Reply]

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No big story about how I got these, don't work there but know someone at Behaviour who knows I play and wanted to show off, they're trying to be super tight but he was making fun of the steps they've been taking and bragging he could get past it and I egged him on so he converted the perk texts using an app that rotates everything through the alphabet so snoopers wouldn't notice. Long story short, I got the perk descriptions for Nick Cage and I've been keeping them to myself the weekend but I decided fuck it and before I head off to work today I'm gonna spread 'em. This is what I think he called a 'workprint description', for people internally to refer to while coding and testing. Flavour text like quotes get finalized by a separate team (working with Cage's people so running later than usual) and some of the language gets punched up. Everything's still being balanced so numbers might change but this is the basic thrust of what you'll get. Unless my friend was just messing with me or doing a targeted disinfo leak which is possible I guess.

Game Changer:

A difference in wardrobe, hair or makeup... you can use anything to quickly create a distinctive character and project a whole new image to the world.

While in a Locker for more than 10 seconds, press and hold the Active Ability button for 1 second to access a menu that lets you change your cosmetics when you emerge. Charms or Head, Torso, and Legs cosmetics can all be swapped out for any in your inventory except those of Legendary rarity. You also may not change which Survivor you're playing or any other aspect of your Loadout. Changing your outfit while Healthy grants you the Endurance Status Effect for 3/4/5 seconds upon exit. Changing your outfit while Injured cures you of the Haemorrhage Status Effect if you have it. When you leave a Locker after changing any cosmetic, you always do it as a rushed action.

Game Changer has a cool-down of 60 seconds, starting from when you leave the Locker after a change.

23/05/30(Tue)11:41 No. 146943 ID: f1f6ec

Massive Talent:

You're able to draw on experiences from life to perform convincing portrayals of human beings in crisis.

While healing yourself or being healed, hold the Active Ability button as the heal completes to feign that your Health State has not changed. You will continue to move and make Grunts of Pain as though you are still in the previous Health State, but you will not leave Pools of Blood. Should the Killer miss an attack on you while you are feigning a lower Health State or within 1 second of it dropping, you break into a sprint of 150 % of your normal Running Movement speed for 3 seconds. After this, you gain the Exhausted Status Effect for 25/35/45 seconds.

Massive Talent does not work while Exhausted. Gaining the Exhausted Status Effect or your Health State changing in any way cancels your false Health State. Performing any rushed action while feigning the Injured State, or running while feigning the Dying State also cancels your deception.

Declaration of Independence:

You're often imitated but always find a way to stand out.

Should anyone become Hooked while you are on the Hook in your first or second Hook State, you instantly free yourself. You gain the Broken Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. This perk deactivates should only two Survivors remain in the Trial.

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