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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

sonic ova original ending storyboard. SSVZ 23/05/29(Mon)17:27 No. 146941 ID: 183373 [Reply]

File 168537403893.jpg - (34.38KB , 626x261 , 2AD0A9B2-30A0-48DE-A602-663B1D630049.jpg )

So I’ve had this image for a while and I’ve been fumbling around with it for a while. In 1996 my good freind max who worked at sega at the time, gave me a screenshot of the digital storyboard he had bookmarked for him to work on that day. What’s weird is that some of the parts he animated never got to be in the actual sold copies of the movie. Most of the cases, though weren’t that interesting so it didn’t matter. But one scene in the storyboard that wasn’t used was one that was hinting to a sequel. The image says alot but max told me everything in the original storyboard was animated, and seemed to be approved by SEGA. It was probably a last minute decision to remove them, so there was probably a tape or alternate test version of the movie with these scenes in them, fully animated. Nowadays max lives far away and we don’t really talk anymore so he probably has nothing to add to the search for the original tape. I’m really invested what this scene would look like animated, so any help would be appreciated.

Rain World Experiences 23/05/04(Thu)07:18 No. 146925 ID: ebb0ac [Reply]

File 168317750241.png - (13.65KB , 600x800 , Dead Red Eye Arty Morg The DREAMer.png )

find food, kill lizards, hide from heavy rain search for pearls, find scavengers, pay toll, pass.

Wowoslskaqk 23/05/29(Mon)17:05 No. 146940 ID: 183373

That looks stupid

more sonic ghosts? anonjk420 23/05/01(Mon)18:33 No. 146920 ID: c1c5b7 [Reply]

File 16829588024.jpg - (392.37KB , 1335x910 , 6ECFC1C9-96C1-41C0-88D1-B56A4930AA69.jpg )

so you might remember when I said I saw a ghost in a sonic hero's level. And the freakiest part was that if you messed with brightness and contrast of the image you could see a face. Just my luck I saw another one, this time it’s in a sonic colours for the ds level?? This one’s easier to see, and I swear I didn’t edit this. What would be the point of that? I don’t think anyone would care to waste their lives on spreading misinformation.

5 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
23/05/05(Fri)14:25 No. 146927 ID: 88736e

File 16832895073.jpg - (135.88KB , 1158x794 , 20230505.jpg )

Sonic Boom!

23/05/05(Fri)14:30 No. 146928 ID: 88736e

File 168328984567.jpg - (72.21KB , 680x880 , 20230505.jpg )

I can't see anything...

Anaonjk420 23/05/11(Thu)22:08 No. 146932 ID: afd620

File 168383573437.jpg - (620.16KB , 1678x1178 , 595F0188-9B8A-4CE9-A419-EE0DA1FE083F.jpg )

Alright fags, this might help

unkown flag in flag quiz Gdfan34 23/05/08(Mon)17:18 No. 146929 ID: 5646c1 [Reply]

File 168355913725.jpg - (472.21KB , 934x555 , 2AF6D563-0A70-4167-AC20-BBFA02FA3A66.jpg )

So I was playing a flag quiz for fun and in the background I saw an unfamiliar flag. It never came up in the quiz 2nd image in replies gives more insight.

Gdfan34 23/05/08(Mon)17:20 No. 146930 ID: 5646c1

File 168355921640.jpg - (446.72KB , 858x734 , 0F062171-0F37-49D6-8DB8-BBCBCE7B4D22.jpg )


Play this game. 22/05/31(Tue)22:10 No. 146603 ID: 099740 [Reply]

File 165402783516.jpg - (233.40KB , 1252x1032 , 7i7ue67.jpg )

I'm sure you know what it is, fags. Why don't you feel happy and joyous once in a while? This game will let you do as such and you'll love it!

23/02/10(Fri)14:02 No. 146880 ID: 709bab

what is the name of the game in the sc ?

23/03/10(Fri)00:37 No. 146898 ID: 0e0e14

Galaxy Fraulein Yuna

23/04/29(Sat)06:17 No. 146918 ID: 88736e

Rather play this

New RPG's 23/04/25(Tue)04:28 No. 146917 ID: 26189d [Reply]

File 168238972166.jpg - (307.18KB , 500x700 , F498E6C7-F807-463E-BC91-05B3F98C0D55.jpg )

Soul Hackers 2 is great so far. I'm having a lot of fun with it on PS5. Disgaea 6 was also really good, redeemed the series for me, might pickup 7 asap. I have the new Star Ocean for my next game in backlog. SH2 caught a lot of flak for things like not having negotiations but honestly it makes up for it in the dungeon crawling. Negotiations would be a great addition but the game has great graphics, music and most importantly story. It's about an AI program that makes copies of dead people to try and fight the Summoners planning on causing Armageddon. As all SMT's I'm guessing the protags fail to prevent it, should be interesting.

Creepy face in sonic heros level!?!? anonjk420 23/04/09(Sun)19:14 No. 146910 ID: 32e1de [Reply]

File 168106047133.jpg - (34.31KB , 875x738 , 426A7DDF-B999-4139-AEFC-450A1521705B.jpg )

If you look in the top left you can BARLEY make out a face... Right?
Idk if it’s just me

Open image anonjk420 23/04/09(Sun)19:19 No. 146912 ID: 32e1de

You might have to open image

23/04/15(Sat)05:25 No. 146913 ID: 86a635


23/04/25(Tue)04:24 No. 146915 ID: 26189d

lmao, confirm

Honestly how fucking high are you OP lmao

Apples, I need them Cheeb Cheep 23/01/26(Thu)18:27 No. 146869 ID: bb5a4e [Reply]

File 167475403540.jpg - (18.14KB , 379x440 , show.jpg )

Apples, I need apples in Animal Crossing New Horizons. I've tried the Nook-azon with no luck. No one I know out of 5 people that play who have apples.

What do I do? Please don't say, "Ask Reddit."

3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
23/02/16(Thu)15:44 No. 146885 ID: bb5a4e

Me, my wife, my sister, and my friend all tried that. Kept getting pears and peaches for the home fruit. I ended up getting som on nookazon.

23/03/23(Thu)11:05 No. 146905 ID: ba9987

How do you like them apples?

23/03/31(Fri)12:10 No. 146908 ID: a21945


That looks scrumptious.

The Multiversus game 22/10/07(Fri)00:44 No. 146800 ID: f9aa2e [Reply]

File 166509626241.jpg - (211.17KB , 1480x822 , multiversus-warner-bros-fighter-ottiene-il-primo-f.jpg )

What do you think about Multiversus?
What characters do you think should be added?
Do you think there will be a post-game comic after it gets old and what do you think it would be like?

23/01/16(Mon)12:29 No. 146866 ID: 94380b

It's okay, tutorial just bored me. I also wanted to arrest lebron as velma.

23/02/19(Sun)06:08 No. 146887 ID: c9d146

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LeBron is the worst WB character

My video game 22/12/28(Wed)16:36 No. 146855 ID: e91630 [Reply]

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I made this here video game:
I would love for yall to play it.

23/01/11(Wed)17:13 No. 146863 ID: d23bc1

game is now free.

23/02/18(Sat)06:13 No. 146886 ID: c9d146

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Nice one

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