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/ss/ - Straight Shotacon A board for general straight shota content

1. Straight shota content only. A female must also be involved.
2. There is a "Shota General" board (/sh/). Use it for solo, bisexual, gay, trans, and other non-straight shota stuff.
3. If posting a full doujin, create a new thread for it.
4. Posting a request thread without at least three related pictures is a bannable offense.
5. Western cartoons are fine, as long as they're good quality. 3D CG is fine as well, as long as it's good quality and not too realistic. If you're unsure if it's too realistic, it probably is.
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Demographics? Anonymous 17/06/04(Sun)19:04 No. 29760

File 149659585433.jpg - (336.90KB , 772x1080 , image.jpg )

I'm just wondering your guys' genders are and if that affects how you like SS.

I am of the female variety, so I always read SS for the shota, although after being here a while, I understand how you all like your MILFs.
Also, if you are male, do you read hentai of other genres? As a vagina owner, I also read a bit of Yaoi, but that's only because other genres don't really ever focus on the male. (SS is the best, though)

I just find myself enjoying the shyness and innocence of a smaller boy who just wants to do his best. And if it's with a hot chick, all the better.

Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=58292644

120 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Anonymous 21/06/08(Tue)23:51 No. 35826

File 162318906333.jpg - (280.92KB , 976x1000 , oie_ss3swwXXyFpd.jpg )

28-male. I like other porn as well not just shota.

I have to admit that I am one of those shotadom liking heretics. The rapey kind as well. I find the idea of a grown woman being at the mercy of little kids who use her to explore the female body and become "men" very hot. And the degradation of being used and pleasured like that by the last people on earth she would expect or want it from. Although I do find that it kills it for me when the reason they dominate her is "unrealistic", like a 10 year old that can pin a grown woman to the ground for some reason.

As for the reason, I don't know.
I was fantasizing about girls as well as grown women since I was 8(my teachers, classmate's moms, milfs on tv etc), many of those fantasies not consensual. And of course since I was a little kid I fantasized that those women were fucked by little kid me. I guess those fantasies just never left, mixing with the rest.
Kids are by definition socially inept, lacking in empathy, hormones on legs that don't really comprehend their actions. Its not strange to think that if they actually find a grown woman in a compromised position they would take advantage without thinking of her or the consequences.

Anonymous 21/06/09(Wed)17:51 No. 35830

>Kids are by definition socially inept, lacking in empathy, hormones on legs that don't really comprehend their actions. Its not strange to think that if they actually find a grown woman in a compromised position they would take advantage without thinking of her or the consequences.

That's just absolutely wrong. Yes kids don't understand consequences,(to carrtain degree), but to say they're apathetic asocial animals is taking it too far.

In fact, kids who do such "inept" things mostly knew what they were doing.

Kids aren't as unconscious as you think. That's something made up by adults as a defense mechanism against kids who're onto them.

Anonymous 21/06/09(Wed)17:53 No. 35831

Another thing I don't understand, why the hate for shotadom?
Shotas are always being used and abused by old men and women yet you guys see nothing wrong with it. Lolis can be domineers of the bedroom yet you guys see nothing wrong with it.

Anonymous 21/06/10(Thu)23:03 No. 35833

Maybe I phrazed it wrong. I didn't mean that they are totaly unconscious. I meant that they are socialy and mentally underdeveloped(which is why it is important that they socialize and play with other kids) and because of their changing bodies they are often at the mercy of their hormones.

Anonymous 21/06/11(Fri)04:10 No. 35834

At the mercy of hormones?
Not exactly. More like their emotions.

Besides, why is youth sexuality demonized yet adult sexuality isn't?
You think that bc kids develop libido that they're automatically imminent rapists?
By that logic, adults are too.

Also, kids aren't inherently innocent anyway. They have worldy drives for money and sex, but adults demonize said drives.
Adults for some weird reason have a dichotomous impression of youth. Children aren't allowed to have worldly, complex thoughts and still be good.

Anonymous 21/06/11(Fri)04:16 No. 35835

Another thing, adults are paradoxical about children's sociality.
They think kids whom are socially endowed are shallow trendsheep, yet kids whom are content being alone are branded as sociopaths.
Yet, adults whom are social are seen as "looking out for others", while reclusive adults are seen as reserved.

Anonymous 21/06/11(Fri)06:21 No. 35836

For some weird reason,people love rough femdom, tentacle rape and lolidom, but shotadom is an absolute no-go.

Anonymous 21/07/14(Wed)17:31 No. 35867

23yo male. Back in kindergarten I got "molested" by a group of older girls. They thought I was cute, so they held me down, undressed me and kissed me all over. I did not develop any kind of loli fetish (thank god), but ss gets me going crazy hard. I'm glad a relatively harmless ss fetish is the worst I got out of the situation

Anonymous 21/07/19(Mon)12:41 No. 35872

lemme smash

Anonymous 21/07/29(Thu)05:56 No. 35881

Male 21.
The dynamic between the much more mature woman and the young innocent boy is the main turn on for me.
I'm not a pedophile, I don't find young boys or girls attractive on their own.
Like some other people in this thread, I had sexual contact with an older woman as a preteen. It probably didn't help that I was raised by a single mom. My only authority figures during my developmental years were older women, and one of them had sex with me.
It was my mother's best friend who moved in with us after a nasty divorce. Being a housewife, it took a good while for her to get a job so we spent a lot of time together and she took a sexual interest in me.
Unlike some in this thread, I don't have any negative feelings attached to the situation. As an adult, I understand it wasn't good and could have been damaging, but the only lasting effect for me has been in my sexual fantasies.

I liked making someone I looked up to feel good, I liked that she trusted me enough, I liked the mix of shame and lust she had. These are all now things I seek from SS.

As for other forms of hentai, I rarely consume it. This is my only fantasy that cannot or shouldn't be done with real people, and I generally prefer that over drawn stuff.

Rohit 22/04/30(Sat)22:24 No. 36904


Anonymous 22/05/14(Sat)12:45 No. 36909

idk, I just like kids

Anonymous 22/05/18(Wed)23:40 No. 36911

Male, 35.

I was raped by my sister as a kid, and well I'm obsessed with incest and age-play now. It's so hard to find a woman who is also into incest/age-play and wants to have kids, I met a 18 year old from Vancouver on Ok Cupid in 2017, but I chickened out.

For me it's about the experience of opening up a new world of experience with someone you trust completely, exploring that world until both of your borders dissolve and you know one another inside and out as well as you know yourself, and then bringing new people into the life.

It's like there's a hidden world just under the surface of reality, and you can live there with those you love, but no one else would understand so you have to keep it in the family.

Anonymous 22/07/15(Fri)06:08 No. 36950

Sexually or in a parental way?
I find it funny that people saying I love dogs is considered healthy but saying I love kids automatically means pedophilia.

People justify violence and gore but criminalsise sex. People think fictional kids being in romantic situations is child porn and exploitation.
Yet, these same people think kids being blown up or tortured in fiction isn't abuse.

horny12yearold 22/08/27(Sat)20:18 No. 36963

Im very horny

Anonymous 22/08/29(Mon)08:16 No. 36966

I wanna read this

Anonymous 22/09/23(Fri)01:15 No. 36984

Im a dude and for me its the idea of me being the ss dominating an older women. The ss has to have a huge cock tho. If they dont and instead have a kid penis its gross to me. I like the taboo of it but the kid aspect only works if the kid is dominant. If he isnt then I dont like it because then its like a actual child which I find awful.

Anonymous 22/09/23(Fri)01:17 No. 36985

On top of that I like shortstacks but again only cuz of the ass and tidies portion of it. Like female dwarfs from fantasy. Actual lolis do nothing for me.

Anonymous 22/09/26(Mon)04:06 No. 36986

That's shallow. Imo, I like the shots in all their respective personalities, either dominant or passive, little dick or big.

This was patched together from multiple copypasted writings on the subject Anonymous 22/10/27(Thu)08:50 No. 36997

A small penis going into a large pussy, ass, or mouth is one of the best things ever, made even better by the larger female partner actually getting off on it.

I find the concept of a woman pleasuring a microcock and loving it far hotter than if it was a huge monster shlong at the center of her attentions.

That's the appeal of /ss/ for me, it's the complete reversal of the normal expectations of female sexual desires: the shota is far younger, shorter, weaker, and more vulnerable than her, his ochinpo is tiny and not even fully developed yet, he's sexually innocent meaning she has to not only take the lead but also teach him everything (or he is expected to be), and the woman or teen girl has to actively pursue the boy for sexual activity, potentially she may also be risking a lot in the process, and once she has him it's her that has to do all the work (or so she expects).

She has to be very interested in the male partner who is in every way the exact opposite of what society expects her to sexually desire, and that makes it so much hotter.

None of this works unless it's a very young boy with a very tiny and realistically depicted thing between his legs, unfortunately this kind of /ss/ is very rare, and most works that fit this criteria also tend to include the humiliating feminization of the kid, which for me is a huge turnoff.

I'd much rather have a very young boy who just gets laid by a horny female pedophile with a taste for preteen peens.

There can be all sorts of justification on why she prefers sex with boys younger than 8 and wielding a twig shorter than 4 centimeters. Perhaps because most of the pleasure receptors are at the entrance of the female orifices, perhaps because a female psychology makes sexual pleasure more about mental stimulation than physical, perhaps this is just her paraphilic fetish and she doesn't need to explain why a chisai chinpo is the best thing to make her cum hard. Her enjoyment might be vicarious, similar to porn, one would take pleasure in the empathic experience of what another person, like her partner, is likely experiencing, his pleasure and excitement is hers.

Another appeal is the degree of sexual depravity the female must have going on to be in a sexual encounter with a very young boy, especially if she enjoys it and sought it out.

The idea of being sexually dominated by a MILF as a kid and being the kid who had a MILF sexually submit to you is an adult fantasy that is very appealing as well.

There are some scenarios I like where the boy is just been born, as a prick typical for a newborn, or one that is even smaller than average, and women are already excited to sexually interact with that little thing with their bodies, like the baby's genitals must be physically stimulated, the boy is sexually appealing to adult women even on his first day, and the women love getting this lucky little bastard laid.

It says a lot more about the women of this world than it does about the kid himself, even if you write in some excuse like the idea that the boy has some mutant power that makes females inexplicably horny for him, and unable to resist doing all sorts of sexual acts with him (like the rapebait doorknob scp).

I like seeing a beautiful woman sucking or getting fucked by a micropenis, especially if se enjoys it.

Anonymous 22/11/10(Thu)05:40 No. 37006

youre so wrong
they're objectifying you as a glorified dildo and you don't even notice

I mean, I honestly don't think that is necessarily bad to be objectified, I'm kinky enough to find it hot, but I find it disturbing that you're so closed into thinking that way

Anonymous 22/11/22(Tue)09:50 No. 37020

>You're so
Anyone else hear helicopters?

Anonymous 23/09/03(Sun)02:56 No. 37146

Ain't giving much about myself except that I'm a guy and why I enjoy /ss/. I think what I prefer is the romantic aspect of it, and a lot of it comes from my own childhood where I crushed on girls my age or older. I started off on regular porn and hentai when I was a kid, then it all went downhill from there... as in "I actually ran into actual cp" downhill, that fucked me up big time, and partly makes me glad I don't go out much. I don't even really have any sexual attraction to my mom but I've found myself drawn to milfs, teachers, and loving nurturing female figures (in a way the saddest way I can describe myself is Denji without Makima).

With /ss/ I tend to prefer stuff that is not rapey and agressive, but more loving, wholesome, and romantic (with maybe some ENF included in). I REALLY hate rapedom and other fetishes that involve people being harmed, whether the victim is a shota or a woman, I also tend to hate the ugly bastard trope and NTR, which has sadly polluted hentai, and there is an unfortunate amount of it in straight shota stuff as well, what really fumes me is when a shota with a crush on an older woman gets NTR'd by a bunch of ugly bastard shotas (why anti-NTR isn't much of a thing I'll never know, beating the crap out of ugly bastards who harass women seems like a great fantasy).

Its also why I REALLY don't get much into lolis since its infested with the stuff I mentioned earlier. I think I just hate the idea of sex being used as a form of power dynamic and forcing others to submit no matter how much you hurt them (which may or not have originated from my hatred for being bullied and other things.)

I don't really have an irl attraction to children thankfully (I'm too much of a Booba Enjoyer), and I'm deadset against actual pedophillia. But for stuff like /ss/, its thankfully just fantasy, granted most of that stuff is sadly produced by a bunch of basement dwellers who don't know what actual relationships and development are like, but I've found myself way more interested in /ss/ recently than regular vanilla stuff, mainly because its so hard to find tame vanilla stuff that either isn't dull AF or is buried by a bunch of the less appealing fetishes like hyper genitals and other stuff.

I tend to prefer innocence and puppy love, with a good bit of the shota wanting to pursue a relationship in a non cringe way (if anybody is familiar with insexual awakening 1 and 2 you probably know what I'm talking about).

Survivorship bias alert. Anonymous 23/09/20(Wed)01:57 No. 37154

Anyone with an attraction to kids will probably not tell you about it, or lie.

Alternatively, people without said attractions might also not want to post here in fear of being misidentified, or they would lie and say they do.

For me the appeal of /ss/ is women or girls who are sexually active with a partner that they do not typically consider to be attractive IRL.

Even in cases of female teachers getting involved with their students, it's typically tweenagers and teenagers, legally they are minors, but biologically speaking they are adult.

Never do I hear of an adult woman who was sexually active with a boy who did not yet begin to develop his secondary sex characteristics.

Hence why I am interested in /ss/ involving shotas who actually resemble kids younger than 8 or 9 years old, especially when it comes to their boypeens, because a well-endowed shota is pretty much missing the point of what makes /ss/ so appealing to me.

I'd also appreciate a girl or woman who likes or prefers a smaller penis to one who prefers them average or larger, like how men also appreciate the women without tits or hips.

Hot dog down a hallway? Something big devouring something a lot smaller? I see an appeal in that, too, as for women sexual pleasure is mostly psychological, it's gonna feel good for her if that's what she's into.

Physical stimulation mostly follows from the stimulation of the mind, that's how fetishes work and keep in mind that even the natural procreative instinct is psychologically the same as a fetish, as someone who looks at porn, you should understand that, even fapping without material is just using the material you are accessing in your mind.

Anonymous 23/09/26(Tue)01:17 No. 37162

Most straight shota is just death by snu snu. Its tiring after a while.

I prefer the more genteel romantic approach like you said.

Theres also non-sexual straight shota that I like.
One example is Demon Shota and Corporate OL.

Also, you can be attracted to kids in a non-sexual manner.

Anonymous 23/10/02(Mon)20:17 No. 37186

M 24
A Women I knew used to hit on me when I was 12to16. I say the signals but was stressed and shy to do anything. But was super horny to it.

Anonymous 23/10/05(Thu)05:17 No. 37192

IRL women rarely go after boys younger than their tweens, most often it's pubescent boys that had already begun entering puberty. True fempeds don't seem to exist, they are more like hebes. In shota this seems to be the case, but to a lesser degree. Though if a kid is younger than 8 years and he's got a dick longer than half the length of a credit card, is he really a child? It's hard to find /ss/ of the "tiny pricks in adult chicks" variety. even toddlers are way too well-endowed to be average or below average for their ages. I get that artists think realism isn't appealing but it's got an appeal of it's own. Similar to loli works where the dick can't fit inside, so instead they stick to outercourse and slide her cunny along the length of the guy's cock. I think some of the best sex scenes involve working around a restriction, using the limitations to heighten the sense of satisfaction that can still be found in the sex acts being depicted. Removing the impracticalities of sex in loli or shota is like cheating your way to victory in a video game. You want there to be difficulties in between you and your goal, maybe even to be educated on the obstacles that could exist within context of the premise a work of erotic fiction is written around.

Anonymous 23/11/23(Thu)05:59 No. 37237

I'm a guy. I had a sheltered/neglectful childhood and missed out on a lot of stuff growing up, and that includes all the sexual experiences most kids have with each other. Closest I ever got was in 6th grade when a girl flashed her panties at me during class, but even then I figured she was doing it just to bully me. Everyone seemed to hate me back then. I didn't even make my first friends until I was almost out of highschool.

I like shota because it's the closest I can get to making up for these missed experiences. Don't even mind if it's straight or gay, just as long as there's a shota I can imagine myself as, preferably alongside someone his age. Teenage girls and young women are fine too.

Anon 23/11/27(Mon)22:12 No. 37240

teenagers are ypung adults. Just because first world PC laws infantilize their subjects doesnt change biology.

Also, most kids dont have as much sexual escapades nowadays. Theyre more like you than you think.

Most youth sexuality is just porn amd roleplay and fanfiction.

Anonymous 23/12/07(Thu)00:05 No. 37246

My greatest shota fantasy is to see a kid fuck a hot married woman

Anonymous+ 23/12/07(Thu)00:14 No. 37247

Male,43,been into adult women since I was 11,every fantasy I now have is shota based either I have a hot wife who fucks shota cock or I have a young son whose teacher flirts with him,i have mainly celeb based fantasies: Jennifer Aniston, Rachel Riley and Louise redknapp are 3 women I frequently visualise pleasuring little boys

Anonymous 23/12/07(Thu)03:29 No. 37251

I'm really only into /ss/ with shotas who look like the average specimen younger than 8 years. The point is that they shouldn't be capable of pleasuring women with their small tools and the focus is instead on the pleasure of the shota.
The oneechan or okaasan derive pleasure from from their ability to stimulate the shota.
In terms of sexual psychology this is a flip between the traditional male and female roles; males are typically focused on as the providers of pleasure to the females, and the females are the ones being focused upon as the recipients of sexual stimulation from the males.
/ss/ can turn this dynamic around by making the males smaller and weaker and less capable of delivering pleasure to their partners by turning them into shotas, while the females are the ones assuming the male role by having the greater drive and capability to stimulate the shota, even when the ages are matched the best that can be hoped for is even ground.
With /ss/ the guy is mainly a recipient of sexual pleasure, a traditionally feminine role, and their female partners are the ones who care more about the kind of experience they could give to the shota they snusnu with, the traditionally masculine role.
That's why very young and small-dicked shotas are the best, it's the okaasans and onnechans who have to focus down on making the tiny thing feel good, and take their enjoyment from their ability to give him a good feeling.
This bring me to another part that makes the 8 and under shotas with micropeens the best, and that is the appeal of sex occurring with difficulties that are being worked around. The whole world of fetishes centers around sex under conditions that complicate the process. I remember /monstergirl/ threads on fairies where the appeal of not being able to put your dick in the tiny woman was greater than the appeal of her being able to stretch to accommodate your thing or either of you changing to a more equal size. The fairy had to work around the obstacle for the sake of a good sexual experience with the adventurer, and this limitation heightened the enjoyability of the experience.
A very young shota with poor endowment being paired with an older girl or woman adds the extra dimension of fetish appeal to the scenario, on the reverse of the minature woman with a full-sized man being unable to put his thing inside her. The problem with this /ss/ is how to have a great time when you are "throwing a hot dog down a hallway", psychology comes into it, and the sex with complications makes it a more fetishistic scenario.
On the swapping of sexual roles between male and female partners it is interesting how the interest in /ss/ grew as men started having increasing levels of difficulty with women, we want a woman who would take care of us, the "mother you can fuck" type of devoted wife who greatest pleasure is to serve her useless gamer husband, even taking the initiative and riding him as he plays call of duty or league of legends.
On the fetish appeal of the complications that a small, innocent, and poorly endowed male being with a large, sexual, and very accommodating female would bring up in /ss/, it fits a similar theme of desirable females going out of their way for the sake of making inferior males happy, and in many cases taking advantage of their greater status to aggressively deliver pleasure to their male partners.
/ss/ of this sort is not really about little boys, it's about the frustrated and grown ass men the shotas represent.

Anonymous 24/01/15(Mon)02:49 No. 37271

why is shotadom so bad?
We have femdom art thats celebrated but shotas are supposed to remain ragdolls?

Anonymous 24/01/22(Mon)21:35 No. 37275

Ive been away for a couple of years and just discovered that the regular shota section is gone.
Why is this? Can anyone tell me, please?

Anonymous 24/01/22(Mon)21:59 No. 37276

No clue. It just up and crashed one day and we never got an explanation why, or update to remove the page link.

Anonymous 24/01/23(Tue)02:07 No. 37278

The normal shota board is being blocked at the webserver level to avoid host termination, due to some complaint/issue received. Last I heard, Sazpaimon said it may have been long enough now that it doesn't matter anymore, but I haven't heard any more about it since that conversation several months ago.

Anonymous 24/10/06(Sun)07:02 No. 37621

Tbh my (F) first contact with nsfw /ss/ was the classic Rich Thots doujin. To this day I find momdom a bit overrated compared to gyaru stuff. I mean, a gyaru represents a complete and utter rejection of the idea that women must be pure while shotas are also counter-cultural in that aspect. While a mom is like, cuddly and stuff, which isn't bad, but it's not really my cup of tea.

Gyarudom represents a sexually active predator/carnivore (which for a woman is sacrilegious for a sexist society) that compliments better with a sexually submissive prey/herbivore (which for a man is sacrilegious in a sexist society) much better than a protective okaasan.

Like, I get if you like it, I respect you if you like it, I don't dislike it proper, but I prefer gyarudom.

On another note, Why shota? I don't know, really. Ever since I watched Kanokon back in 2008 I found out I liked less masculine boys. Honestly I'm not attracted to real minors since they're like...bland? Like, I've seen a lot but they're just so different from shotas I find it disgusting to think about them that way. They're basically average men but shorter and with a high pitch voice which isn't my style at all. I'm much more into adult femboys or twinks because they're actually androgynous.

For a shota I suppose I like a small penis. The smaller the better but never to the point penetration is impossible.

I like the fact it centers on male pleasure much more since I'm more of a giver, but normal porn appeals to a male receiver fantasy rather than a female giver fantasy.

Anonymous 24/10/06(Sun)07:03 No. 37622

Tbh my (F) first contact with nsfw /ss/ was the classic Rich Thots doujin. To this day I find momdom a bit overrated compared to gyaru stuff. I mean, a gyaru represents a complete and utter rejection of the idea that women must be pure while shotas are also counter-cultural in that aspect. While a mom is like, cuddly and stuff, which isn't bad, but it's not really my cup of tea.

Gyarudom represents a sexually active predator/carnivore (which for a woman is sacrilegious for a sexist society) that compliments better with a sexually submissive prey/herbivore (which for a man is sacrilegious in a sexist society) much better than a protective okaasan.

Like, I get if you like it, I respect you if you like it, I don't dislike it proper, but I prefer gyarudom.

On another note, Why shota? I don't know, really. Ever since I watched Kanokon back in 2008 I found out I liked less masculine boys. Honestly I'm not attracted to real minors since they're like...bland? Like, I've seen a lot but they're just so different from shotas I find it disgusting to think about them that way. They're basically average men but shorter and with a high pitch voice which isn't my style at all. I'm much more into adult femboys or twinks because they're actually androgynous.

For a shota I suppose I like a small penis. The smaller the better but never to the point penetration is impossible.

I like the fact it centers on male pleasure much more since I'm more of a giver, but normal porn appeals to a male receiver fantasy rather than a female giver fantasy.

Anonymous 24/10/07(Mon)04:16 No. 37627

Why fo peoppe always wanna compare shota to irl minors in a patronising way?
We get it that youre not sexually attrated to minora no need to put them down for not being something theyre not supposed to be.

Also, most irl femboys try to hard to be feminine and it can lead to blotchy results

Anonymous 24/10/07(Mon)10:52 No. 37628

I like when the shotas are younger than 8 years old, and look like they are younger than 8 years old. I like when an /ss/ artist gives the shota the kind of fun-sized microdick cocklet that boys of that age should have (you can check the article on human penis size to see how big that is). it makes the older female a genuine shotacon pedophile who prefers her weenies to be teeny. my fetish for /ss/ is parallel to an interest in giantesses and mother-son incest. the idea of a little man with a large woman who enjoys fucking him even though his pole is much tinier than her hole, like the proverbial hot dog in a hallway, is for some reason the hottest thing ever for me. male btw.

Anonymous 24/10/10(Thu)15:18 No. 37629

I completely agree, I love not only the size difference but the unlikely couple, a very beautiful woman with an amazing body wanting to pleasure her little lover is seriously hot to me, a woman with model looks wearing nothing but black stilettos on her knees with a little 3 inch c0ck in her mouth is just perfection to me

Anonymous 24/10/10(Thu)15:56 No. 37630

I fantasise daily about hot celebs seducing shota, I love the idea of beautiful women like margot Robbie, Kate Upton, Jennifer Aniston, and Jennifer lopez to name a few, seducing boys who have just reached double figures

Anonymous 24/10/26(Sat)11:23 No. 37641

you like your shotas a bit older than me, i stick with the "8 and under" age ranges for character design, id go as high as a 9 year old shota, maybe 10, bit 11 is 100% a no-go for me.

I want the girls and women to be true pedophiles, not the lame "pedophile" teachers who only ever went after pubertal tweenaged boys at the youngest, thus making then hebephiles, not pedophiles.

boys that age are already getting interested in sex and their dicks have already begin growing to their adult size.

so there goes the fantasy of the sexually aggressive girl or woman introducing a little boy to the brand new world of sex teaching him how not icky the female sex is, and doing her best to deliver pleasure to the teeny-tiny (sub 6 centimetres) pricklets of the smol and innocent shota, one that she will corrupt and turn into the kind of shota that flips the dynamic and sexually dominates her.

found it for ya, check "size and age".

Anonymous 24/12/06(Fri)05:34 No. 37679

Female, 19
Nothing really happened, I just grew up watching porn since I was 7.

I really love smart and nerdy boys who are curious about womens body.
Also shotadom is great and being taken by 3 bratty shotas at once like the pic here >>35826 is one of my favorites.
Plus points if the shota loves video games or rock music, just a way to spend time with him.

Anon 24/12/11(Wed)21:47 No. 37686

30+ M. I've thought about this a lot I think I might've been molested as a child and blocked it out which could be a factor...I had some traumatic issues and was diagnosed with PTSD at a young age. I've started remembering things in the past few years I never did before and I've had flashbacks to glimpses of what I believe to be my former aunts house and her walking naked to the bathroom while I was laying on the bed in their bedroom.

Also the fact I have a small penis may be a factor I'm into larger women so I probably just have a smaller guy bigger woman kink which is what I've always thought prior to this realization.

Anonymous 24/12/24(Tue)00:44 No. 37708

File 173499748553.jpg - (72.91KB , 388x575 , IMG_2863.jpg )

Samefag, I used to love hetalia so that’s why probably

Anonymous 24/12/27(Fri)22:20 No. 37713

Bruh, those chibi designs don't look twelve. They look seven to eight

run away Anonymous 24/12/31(Tue)02:48 No. 37717

I remember a hentai of little girl running she caught by someone who phone her dad he come and pick her up as there taking the elevator down the dad stopped it and started fucking the little girl think she was around 9

Anonymous 25/01/12(Sun)12:07 No. 37729

And its cute

Anonymous 25/01/12(Sun)12:09 No. 37730

Unfortunately there is no threads about hetalia anywhere.
Not even in other image boeards


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