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Celsius ## Admin ## 11/08/30(Tue)00:08 No. 5660 Stickied

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stop fucking asking for advice or i'll ban your bitch ass

90 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Angsty Teen Girl 14/09/02(Tue)04:58 No. 19964

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tfw a mod bans your ass so hard

Angsty Teen Girl 14/09/02(Tue)12:39 No. 19966

would kusaba even allow that (and are you paying any fucking attention?)?

Angsty Teen Girl 16/01/13(Wed)05:42 No. 20848

the tfw when nobody gave me advice :`(

we can root / core , etc. all the trouble away but in Arkansas . Angsty Teen Girl 16/09/26(Mon)02:56 No. 21199

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jaclyn if this is you then please behave and stop causing harm . want to talk about astrology then please message me through marie and ej . thanks if you are jaclyn and sorry if you are not jaclyn . i do not know who is alive after all the hauntings , killings , codings , and time travel connections for stabilization because people prayed wishes for God to keep order together and that can include time travel .

Angsty Teen Girl 16/09/26(Mon)05:53 No. 21200

the postbot has found /rnb/

Angsty Teen Girl 16/10/23(Sun)10:28 No. 21256

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The machines are here.

Angsty Teen Girl 16/12/29(Thu)09:08 No. 21341


Angsty Teen Girl 17/10/15(Sun)03:29 No. 21704

How do I stop asking for advice? Advise me!

Angsty Teen Girl 17/12/27(Wed)06:12 No. 21788

Step 1 - Don't ask for advice.
Step 2 - ???
Step 3 - Profit

Angsty Teen Girl 19/05/30(Thu)01:33 No. 22178

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I fucking dare you, pussy
I ask advice on how to stop dabbing on celsius.


Angsty Teen Girl 19/11/06(Wed)18:57 No. 22316

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The odor is stronk with this one...

5660 sunny 19/11/08(Fri)08:17 No. 22323

I like cake.

BCS!zYWrhqMVos 20/03/09(Mon)12:58 No. 22505


Angsty Teen Girl 21/01/07(Thu)20:35 No. 23269

Your friendly reminder that, even if the picture in the OP was current with the date rather than older, that girl is almost certainly an adult by now.

And there's something deeply sad about that.

Src 21/01/08(Fri)09:54 No. 23276


Angsty Teen Girl 21/01/22(Fri)20:08 No. 23314

why? bc hebephilia?

Angsty Teen Girl 21/01/23(Sat)19:44 No. 23315

I mean if you want to see the corruption of a pure child into something ugly and mean, forced to labor away her life for mere survival and/or forced by social mores to become a baby-factory, rather than enjoying her life as an individual, as something sexual... yeah, sure. You do you, man.

Angsty Teen Girl 21/01/26(Tue)04:52 No. 23320

Lol no. Thats what "traditionalists" want. Also, youth =/= innocence/vulnerability.
From my personal experience, girls arent the sweet little dames you think they are. Theyre ambitious she-wolves looking for horndogs with the fattest wallet and "prominent air". And this isnt just a "rebellious phase". This is happening even in elementary school. And no its not some new thing because of PC culture.

The problem isnt wanton for sex and/or money. Its that they use it as a substitute for character and labor.

Angsty Teen Girl 21/02/16(Tue)00:34 No. 23434


It's far to dangerous to raise kids in front of the TV or on the internet these days, anyway. It always was, frankly. Ever wondered why the West is getting fatter and fatter, on average? Fucking screen time. Rather than let your kids play outside and trusting them not to take sweets from strangers and trusting them to be home by tea and setting boundaries, we have been terrified into thinking that if they're out of sight for one moment, they'll be grabbed by marauding gangs of paedos (forgetting that most child abuse is at the hands of family members). So they're rattling around bored and watching shit on television or the internets and munching on calorie-dense snack foods. Ironically, your kiddo is most likely to be nonced at on TikTok or other social media than in meatspace these days. All the more reason not to let them at smartphones or social media until they're over 16.

Angsty Teen Girl 21/02/16(Tue)01:56 No. 23435

>Ever wondered why the West is getting fatter and fatter, on average? Fucking screen time. Rather than let your kids play outside and trusting them not to take sweets from strangers and trusting them to be home by tea and setting boundaries
Remember when you were a little shit and got smacked upside the head in order to establish those boundaries, yeah, parents aren't allowed to do that any more.

Kids can literally get away with murder but the west is so soft they're remiss to slap 'em on the wrist for it.

Meanwhile the Chinese beat a kid within an inch of his life for dishonouring the family with bad grades. And lo their kids are smart and mindful.

Angsty Teen Girl 21/02/16(Tue)03:14 No. 23436


>Kids can literally get away with murder but the west is so soft they're remiss to slap 'em on the wrist for it.

Case in point: Shanda Sharer, Sylvia Likens....even the juvenile torturers/killers of the latter said they should've been punished more....

Angsty Teen Girl 21/02/16(Tue)06:54 No. 23441

>Internet and TV are dangerous for youth
Classic strawman. You actually think kids were innocent before television and Internet? You are sadly mistaken.

They're a nothing wrong with kids having smartphones. You just gotta get good parental blocks. And also, stop trying to euphemize the real world. And stop trying to deny children's acknowledgement of race, money, sex, and fashion. I'm sorry but the Luddite fantasy of childhood we assume for children is smothering and false.
If anything, childhood should go back to ending at 12. This whole "teenagers are children" is an artificial law finalized in the 1940s.
"But muh brain development". Classical confirmation bias strawmna used to further patronized and smother the youth. Which creates generations of faux-adults.
Like I said, adults in general have a weird smothering moralistic fetish for youth. They think children are supposed to be locked away in a wonderland where they're not allowed to disagree, question the grime of adults, or want possessions for themselves.

Adults ironically have no morals. Or rather, they use it for self-preservation.

>Meanwhile the Chinese beat a kid within an inch of his life for dishonouring the family with bad grades. And lo their kids are smart and mindful.

I love this classic "Asian kids are role model children" straw man. Always uttered by wannabe disciplinarians or pedophobics. You haven't looked at the social/economic condition of East Asia at all. They're broken, emasculated, alot of them adapted asocial/hermetic lifestyles, etc.

Romanticism of childhood was a fatal mistake.

Angsty Teen Girl 21/02/16(Tue)07:17 No. 23443

Also, forgot to add, "teenager" was a marketing buzzword made up in the 1940s.
Is it any coincidence that traditional pop gave way to rock'n'roll shortly after?

Angsty Teen Girl 21/05/18(Tue)07:56 No. 23803


Only if you are a normalfaggot that cares what people think. I think it's a hot pic, personally.

Angsty Teen Girl 21/05/21(Fri)02:42 No. 23814


>Only if you are a normalfaggot that cares what people think.

You mean like unironic imageboard users who are so concerned about what people think that they still desperately cling onto this dead medium 'cause normies use all the other cesspools like Fakebook and Twatter?

Angsty Teen Girl 21/05/21(Fri)08:51 No. 23821

what's it like to have an uncomfortable dildo up your front hole all day that makes you so angry and insufferable that you're no longer able to have fun?

Angsty Teen Girl 21/05/22(Sat)04:02 No. 23824


Why don't you ask all the boomerlennials who seem to have this puritanical contempt for fun? 'Cause everywhere I turn, it's one of y'all saying it's "degenerate" or "racist" when someone civilized, "normies," have fun.

Angsty Teen Girl 21/05/22(Sat)19:10 No. 23827

LoL at yourself. If she can do that job well she can.
Are you secretly upset about the thought someone younger than you having more abilities?

Angsty Teen Girl 21/05/22(Sat)19:13 No. 23828

It's more adults nowadays are becoming petulant about children's activities. Anything that's popular with kids is automatically bad bc "I don't understand it."

Angsty Teen Girl 21/05/24(Mon)20:34 No. 23847


>It's more adults nowadays are becoming petulant about children's activities.

That's why millennials keep fucking with youth culture - they're STILL seething over how much their childhood sucked, and are trying to live vicariously through today's YA books and cartoons, thus gentrifying and destroying those for today's, y'know, kids? Look at how many millennials supported Sarah Dessen, N.K Jemisin and others as they literally tried to fuck over a Zoomer college student for wanting to read about serious issues in college, not YA schlock.

You literally saw black millennial authors support a WHITE BOOMER KAREN going after a BLACK ZOOMER for wanting to read about police brutality - and all millennials can do is stomp their feet and insist they're not like boomers, honest!

Millennials are worse than boomers. Boomers will demand to speak to your manager. Millennials will want to speak to ALL your managers about this one time a decade ago.

Millennials have done to YA what they did to American comics: pushed out all the kids, had everything pander to them, then wonder why sales have plummetted and everyone makes fun of them.

Zoomers are playing violent video games, jacking off to anal sluts on Pornhub, and more, and why? Because "youth culture" is basically just a millennial hugbox where they can pretend they're still preteens, and zoomers are normal, civilized people who actually want to grow up and live life.

And don't think this shit isn't seen in the "right-wing" millennial sites either - how many right wing millennials, like those on 8kun doomer, do you see saying zoomers are trannyphile faggots or whatever, yet who was it that started the trend?

Boomers, with the sexual revolution. Millennials, who took it to the point of MAPs, Drag Queen Story Hour, Desmond is Amazing, etc.

Zoomers were just their guinea pigs.

Of course, I haven't even mentioned the zoomers who are more based than they are, who don't pretend to be "race realists" while watching shit made by non-whites and idolizing a country that killed white men in droves and tried to do what China did decades later and send literal plague balloons over to the West Coast. Sorta like how Joe Biden was actually more based than Trump when you compare their track records.

Angsty Teen Girl 21/06/01(Tue)04:26 No. 23878

>>It's more adults nowadays are becoming petulant about children's activities.
>That's why...

Angsty Teen Girl 21/06/01(Tue)13:23 No. 23879

typical teenage girl

Angsty Teen Girl 21/06/06(Sun)22:54 No. 23944

Because what I said is true?

Angsty Teen Girl 21/06/07(Mon)18:02 No. 23950

Yea I guess that's what you look like. A grumpy little fat zitty girl that never grew up

Angsty Teen Girl 22/03/06(Sun)06:47 No. 24458


>A grumpy little fat zitty girl that never grew up

So you mean a female version of yourself?

Angsty Teen Girl 22/03/09(Wed)16:10 No. 24460


>Because what I said is true?

Because millennials don't like it when you tell 'em off for being into children's activities like watching anime and playing video games.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/05/08(Sun)19:41 No. 24567

What are adult activities? Talking about the NASDAQ? Renewing your subscription to the AARP newsletter? Fuck off, you bitter prick.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/05/08(Sun)20:16 No. 24568

You forgot about watching 12-15 hours of TV, ogling at underage girls, blasting oldies music, walking the dogs, calling the grandchildren, etc.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/05/08(Sun)22:43 No. 24569


Oh my, I hit a nerve, didn't I? Look, faggot, no one said you couldn't do those things, but be honest with yourself about them.


>You forgot about watching 12-15 hours of TV

Most of which is spent watching boys old enough to be their sons (or even grandsons) play kids games for six figure salaries. Sports camps and the like is just toddlers and tiaras grade shit for men.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/05/22(Sun)22:03 No. 24585

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1 Corinthians 13:11 says:

>When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

This what was taught to previous generations. For some reason, recently, our generation is proudly defying this.

It's perfectly OK to outgrow video games, comic books, toy collecting, and such. The last game console I had was a PS3. I barely played it, compared to the hours I put into gaming as a youth. I'm reminded of the spergouts over the AVGN's supposed decline. One reason I liked James' content is he remembers stuff the way a kid growing up in the eighties and nineties would, as that was the entire point of the AVGN "character"; some old man who was still mad at the toys he used to have way back in the day and refusing to let it go, which made people finding out he wasn't someone who kept playing vidya into adulthood something of a personal slight.

>What do you MEAN he doesn't know what a PS4 is?!

I know people living through other people is nothing new, but this is pathetic. This response (picrel) is my favorite, though. What a fucking loser. Imagine having your identity based off of a person reviewing games then crying about it. And they have an entire subreddit about this? And thing of it is, he did like vidya and did have a (albeit much smaller until he got more money) videogame collection. They're just mad that wasn't the only thing he did, and only liked the shit he had growing up.

And millennials wonder why people make fun of them. They literally write our material.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/05/23(Mon)20:12 No. 24587

Actually the boomers started the trend of holding onto childhood things and turning them into vicarious philosophy.
Also, there's nothing wrong with enjoying your childhood hobbies in adulthood. Just don't take it so seriously.
(Maturity is 4/5 aesthetics)

But I think millennial nostalgia is fuelled more by lack of life lived than any real experiences they wanna recreate.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/05/24(Tue)03:22 No. 24591


>Also, there's nothing wrong with enjoying your childhood hobbies in adulthood. Just don't take it so seriously.

And that's my point.

>I think millennial nostalgia is fuelled more by lack of life lived than any real experiences they wanna recreate.

Kinda hard to have any sorta life when you're bitch made and whining about muh normies or whatever. I personally want to be a fly on the wall when they're 50+ and see them have to cope with failing bodies AND nothing to look back on.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/10(Fri)09:13 No. 24663


>I think millennial nostalgia is fuelled more by lack of life lived than any real experiences they wanna recreate.

Hence their gentrification of YA. Look at John Green. You think that twig boy faggot's cringefests are written for kids/teens? Or for millennial goofs who can't get over the fact high school is over and the local Stacy didn't slut it up for them? I mean, shit, I read Looking for Alaska once and that's exactly what it was. Then I read his other works, and it's the exact same shit. And it figures he says he was inspired by David Foster Wallace, the living embodiment of a hipster band nobody's ever fucking heard of and never fucking will. Infinite Jest was a glorified proto-imageboard shitpost. You can literally HEAR the fedoras tipping, reading that shit.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/24(Fri)21:09 No. 24746

I think you're being unfair to Infinite Jest but I agree 100% about everything else. Looking for Alaska was fucking pathetic.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/25(Sat)05:05 No. 24753


Perhaps. I just don't really care for how overtly pretentious a lot of shit like IJ feels like, writing-wise. I mean, I GET the point of it, and all that, but DFW turned a fucking Monty Python skit that took about ten minutes to wear out its welcome into a doorpost. The political satire is hamfisted and idiotic, the humor is puerile, and the point is tired and worn out. Vonnegut did it much better. As for John Green, the guy is cringe incarnate. At least Stephanie Meyer's work had a visible appeal. I have yet to find anyone who can tell me why John Green is so great. The guy literally tries so hard to appeal to teens that it's almost embarassing, not even including the obvious self-inserts that always seem to be his protagonists. This is why kids don't read anymore. Because books these days aren't for them, they're for millennials who peaked in high school and can't stand aging with nothing to show for it. The 'precocious' youth go straight to shit like Melville and Poe, the rest just go straight to gaming.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/25(Sat)19:25 No. 24762

I also recognize the cringe in Infinite Jest but I think that 1. it's a pretty small percentage of the book, which is otherwise a very serious lesson in empathy and 2. it would have been a lot less cringe at the time it was published

Kurt Vonnegut is also reddit as fuck by modern standards, but at the time it was cutting edge. It's the same principle that makes classic 4chan sound like reddit, reddit copied something new and genuine and sucked the life out of it.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/25(Sat)19:59 No. 24764


Well, to be honest, I'm not that big a fan of Vonnegut. I just think if I want a critique of the status quo, he's better at it than DFW.

>is also reddit as fuck by modern standards, but at the time it was cutting edge. It's the same principle that makes classic 4chan sound like reddit, reddit copied something new and genuine and sucked the life out of it.

Have you actually READ Vonnegut? What's exactly Reddit-esque about him?

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/25(Sat)20:20 No. 24769

Yes I have read multiple of his books and like them a lot. I don't know how to quantify this but it very much has that quippy, "so random" style. You can hear the smugness in his voice.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/25(Sat)20:37 No. 24772


I disagree. Writers like James Joyce and Robert Anton Wilson would qualify, moreso. On the other hand, Rand and Nabokov would fit right in on 4chan. Nabokov, especially. I'm going to be honest: I think Lolita is one of the most overrated books of all time; once you look past the risque subject matter, it's boring as fuck. I find his writing dull and his personality one I wouldn't want to know. Should have been a short story like the German one he stole the plot and characters from.

Angsty Teen Girl 22/06/25(Sat)20:45 No. 24774

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It's obviously a very subjective thing, but I'm not alone in thinking that Vonnegut has an extremely reddit tone (by modern standards). I'm not really talking about the actual content and message of the books, just how it 'sounds'.

I have not read those others but what I know about James Joyce totally corroborates what you're saying.


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