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Just read this entire bread and am glad I did because I gleaned a ton of insights and noticed my personal experience corroborates most of the points made. None the less its been correctly said (in contrast to OP’s also very true and correct point) that many religions are exceedingly autistic in their writings, rituals, and practices. Its also been correctly noted that many of the young people flocking to religion and spirituality based groups today are often extremely autistic. In my experience and in my opinion there are a variety of different types of tists and spergs, it is a spectrum after all. The real spectrum of tism isnt just about how “high or low functioning” the person is but also the type of person in question.
Many of the posts in this bread are speaking about the worst type of tist/sperg who often frequents image boards and whether it be online or IRL is the most likely to make a spectacle of themselves on the basis of the types of behavior and attitudes described in this thread. But there are other types who are not as narcissistic, not as anti-social, not as lacking in emotions and empathy, and are more apt to be appreciative of others and have a desire to understand themselves, others, and life. The type of tist you guys are mostly talking about is an agoraphobic, narcissistic, intellectually ingenuine, psychologically rigid, hyper literalist, who on top of that is on the lower end of the autistic spectrum in terms of “function”.
Modernity has helped usher autism in this type of direction, by allowing all this to be encouraged and run rampant, just like how encouragement of cluster B illness’s have a strong tendency of bringing out the worst in women, ASD has a strong tendency of bringing out the worst in men. But this is entirely by design. Thats not to deny that people are willful victims though. Every tist/sperg is willingly allowing in the worst of themselves which then manifests as the all too often “evil manchild” style of autism. But that is not the absolute essence of what Autism really is in its most raw and unmolded state. At its core its really just a set of basic concepts (most of which were mentioned and explained correctly here in varying degrees) which in and of themselves are only severely problematic for the person in question and others around them when they become willingly driven to the worst of themselves. No different than ordinary folks in that regard. Both tists and neurotypicals are constantly guilty of bringing out the worst of themselves, at all ages. Both become NPCs (husks) by doing as much, and both make themselves and those around them suffer on these accounts. Many, many such cases.
Anyway just wanted to throw in my 2 cents cause this was a real top quality bread, and I genuinely enjoyed reflecting and introspecting on it after my lifetime of experiences growing up and living around the autistic and aspergian. For anyone who didn’t notice, this thread is mostly constituted of the better half of tists/spergs autistically analyzing the worst half of tists/spergs, or in other instances the worst half of themselves. Sure made for good discussion, and a few terms which I screen-capped to look up on wiki. Autism has skyrocketed since 1989 and I bet almost everyone who posted in this thread was born then or after then.