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Atheism Spectrum Disorder Anonymous 24/04/20(Sat)17:24 No. 15387 ID: 01d296

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>Religious believers intuitively conceptualize deities as intentional agents with mental states who anticipate and respond to human beliefs, desires and concerns. It follows that mentalizing deficits, associated with the autistic spectrum and also commonly found in men more than in women, may undermine this intuitive support and reduce belief in a personal God.
>...it is possible that the autism spectrum is associated with interest in math, science, and engineering (IMSE), which in turn reduces religious belief.

If autistic people lack the ability to understand other people's feelings and desires, then obviously there can be no moral imperative for them to care about anyone other than themselves. If your life is based on numerical values in a graph, calculations using formulas and looking at the world through a mechanistic lense then you become sociopathic.
I've never met an autistic person that wasn't socially awkward and giving off creepy serial killer vibes.

Anonymous 24/04/20(Sat)20:30 No. 15388 ID: 4bda4d

Makes sense to me.

Anonymous 24/04/23(Tue)13:14 No. 15389 ID: d34dfe

Being autistic means you can't see the forest for the trees.

Anonymous 24/04/26(Fri)16:25 No. 15390 ID: e00345

I always get the feeling that autists are disconnected from everything that's innately human. It's like talking to a machine sometimes. A machine that only lives on stimulus from its surroundings.

Anonymous 24/04/29(Mon)10:44 No. 15392 ID: 91d9f4

There is a piece missing in their minds so obviously their behaviour is defective by nature. You can't blame them for it but you also don't have to care about them or take their wellbeing into consideration. I rarely see autistic people that treat others with dignity or have a basic understanding of compassion because it's all just repetitive rituals to them that make it easier for them to blend in.

Anonymous 24/04/30(Tue)14:45 No. 15393 ID: 052a4b

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>I believe that to understand neuronormativity, we must first understand Solipsism. Solipsism is the belief that only the self and its experiences exist. A solipsist would believe that their experiences are the only experiences, essentially reducing others and their experiences to sub-human automations.
>In my opinion, while neurotypicals have been using ideas such as theory of mind to accuse Autistics of lacking the ability to know another’s mind, neurotypicals have been so unaware of the existence of neurodivergent experience that they will inflict pain on us to “help” us conform to their standards.

You can tell that autism is a huge problem for society. The majority of autistic people have alexithymia which means they’re unable to know what feelings are and that makes them mentally unstable. If an individual with these kinds of issues gain political or monetary power it will always be disastrous. Think of it as involuntary psychopathy.

Anonymous 24/05/01(Wed)19:44 No. 15394 ID: 0c3784

Gotta love the "understanding" on here.

I hate the glorification of autism but this whole pathologising autists as sociopaths is ironically projective.

Fuck all of you.
I bet you all have a level of autism and you dont even know it.

Also religion amd science arent mutually exclusive in pursuits

Anonymous 24/05/02(Thu)09:03 No. 15395 ID: 52f22c

Quite scary.

It's true, though. Due to autists lack of understanding they also misunderstand social context and more damage can be done in any situation.

Anonymous 24/05/02(Thu)12:41 No. 15396 ID: 5a87f7

Autistic people can hold grudges over nothing. The danger of not being able to comprehend normal daily interactions is that you get angry and vindictive over absolutely ridiculous comments or banal conversations.

Anonymous 24/05/02(Thu)15:25 No. 15397 ID: bea32b

They grind their teeth all the way down to the pulp because of some random woman asking about directions in the street and she just happened to put emphasis on one syllable which made the entire sentence a sarcastic, verbal assault against their pride and self-esteem.

Anonymous 24/05/07(Tue)09:44 No. 15398 ID: 52f22c

They are way too sensitive compared to normal people.

Anonymous 24/05/09(Thu)16:15 No. 15400 ID: 30f9d0

I think the autistic people ypure referring to are the more "social" ones.

Theres autists that dont have any sense of ego or worldly desire.

Anonymous 24/05/09(Thu)16:18 No. 15401 ID: 30f9d0

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Anonymous 24/05/17(Fri)08:31 No. 15402 ID: 62090e

>Paraphilic Disorder in a Male Patient with Autism Spectrum Disorder
>This case details the history of an 18-year-old Caucasian male, with a past psychiatric history of ASD
>These fantasies included being aroused by "anthropomorphic animal characters" and were self-described as "furry". He had a self-reported history of having a violent sexual fantasy in which he "had sex with a girl and then cut off her head."

Autistic people seem to be extremely deranged to the point of being a danger to themselves and everyone else.

Anonymous 24/05/17(Fri)14:06 No. 15403 ID: 1445a0

Not surprising that an atheist would indulge in any kind of depravity so long as it "feels good".

Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)09:24 No. 15404 ID: 52f22c

I've read that there is an overlap between schizophrenia and autism so if you're autistic you're probably also schizophrenic.

Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)10:19 No. 15405 ID: 30d984

Irony is thats also alot of theists.

Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)10:21 No. 15406 ID: 30d984

And neurotypical people arent?

Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)10:22 No. 15407 ID: 30d984

Autism was thought of as schizoohrenai until recently.

Bit the brain patterns are differemt.
nia is more "consistent".

Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)10:25 No. 15408 ID: 30d984

Such thibgs are also common in non autostic people.
But its more fun to blame autists because mocking Down Syndrome is not cool anymore.

Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)14:05 No. 15410 ID: 659ed7

I have read that too. I have seen one autistic guy that walks around and talks to trees so he obviously hears voices that aren't there.

Anonymous 24/05/21(Tue)15:46 No. 15411 ID: bc3cca

The worst part is that he can’t grasp how detached from reality he is.

Anonymous 24/05/23(Thu)11:17 No. 15412 ID: 52f22c

They have extremely similar pathology.

Anonymous 24/05/24(Fri)11:58 No. 15415 ID: fd94ab

Autists are probably the most devious people there is. Their whole outlook on life is so warped that they treat everything as a game.

Anonymous 24/05/24(Fri)16:28 No. 15416 ID: e00345

The evil manchild syndrome.

Anonymous 24/05/25(Sat)01:05 No. 15418 ID: 8502c5

I think you guys suffer from projection.
Alot of armchair philsophers tend to suffer from this.

Anonymous 24/05/25(Sat)16:04 No. 15419 ID: 4f149d

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You are right in a sense that autistic people are like evil manchildren because autistic people are innately immature way past their childhood age, but when you say evil I think you mean that they are indifferent to everyone around them. A small child can pick up a kitten and play with it roughly, causing its death and then have no remorse whatsoever when the kitten died because children are naturally self-absorbed and have not really developed a sense of empathy or understanding of the world around them. Autistic people suffer from mindblindness and so their way of thinking revolves around their own needs and desires.

Evil manchild is a good description, though.

Anonymous 24/05/27(Mon)08:49 No. 15421 ID: 428a5e

I will never understand why autists get a free pass.

Anonymous 24/05/27(Mon)10:06 No. 15422 ID: fd2f5a

Infantilization. They take advantage of this and use their mental defect as a shield. If you call them what they are (autists) they get offended and suddenly want you to treat them differently.
I've seen this first-hand and it's the most sneaky rat behaviour ever.

Anonymous 24/05/27(Mon)18:00 No. 15423 ID: 970175

Is this the thread where we roleplay as neurotypical as if any neurotypical person would ever visit this site?

Anonymous 24/05/28(Tue)11:02 No. 15424 ID: 52f22c

Yeah that's true. Autists are always victims in the eyes of everyone.

Anonymous 24/05/28(Tue)18:57 No. 15426 ID: dae4d5

im not sure about that.
Small children may not have developed advanced empathy but to say they dont feel remorse?

Anonymous 24/05/28(Tue)19:24 No. 15429 ID: dae4d5

irony is the way you describe children is how children were treted by adults in historic times.

They were seen as nothing more than test subjects for whatever creed they were born into.

Anonymous 24/05/30(Thu)08:49 No. 15430 ID: 52f22c

It's true, though. Small children (2-5 years old) don't cry because they killed a kitten. They cry because their parents yell at them when they get caught.

Anonymous 24/05/30(Thu)10:32 No. 15431 ID: c587f6

Anyone that has spent time around small children knows they cannot control their impulses and that makes them dangerous. Indirect harm is always a risk because they couldn't care less about everyone else.

Anonymous 24/05/30(Thu)16:23 No. 15432 ID: 940839

Do you remember that 6 year old who killed his teacher last year? A good example of what happens when you let children do as they please. As far as I know the child in question never showed any remorse when they asked him why and he had no signs of mental illness or odd behaviour.

Anonymous 24/05/31(Fri)08:53 No. 15434 ID: 62090e

Fun fact: you cannot accurately diagnose children with psychopathy because, what you call antisocial or psychopathic behaviour in adults is normal among children.

Anonymous 24/05/31(Fri)13:56 No. 15435 ID: ff359a

Call him pathetic, a manchild, crazy snd it runs off him like water off a duck's back. But call him autistic and you'll be amazed how hurt he is, how he recoils in shock, gasping "I've been found out!"

Anonymous 24/05/31(Fri)15:48 No. 15446 ID: e00345

Children can be extremely ruthless so just think about what an adult evil sperg can do.

Anonymous 24/06/03(Mon)09:03 No. 15447 ID: 53dfdd

Most autists are really obnoxious and that's mostly because they're so egotistical that it devolves into a parody of the Truman show.

Anonymous 24/06/03(Mon)15:38 No. 15448 ID: 7fc6d6

Jason Beckman was autistic and he killed his father. Angry manchild revolt against his parents in the most aggressive way.

Anonymous 24/06/04(Tue)09:12 No. 15449 ID: 52f22c

Adam Lanza too. It seems to be a common theme for autists to sperg out to the maximum and kill everyone around them.

Anonymous 24/06/04(Tue)19:00 No. 15450 ID: 3633de

I think you all misunderstand what psychopathy is.

No, chikdren arent normalised to psychopathy.
Just because they havent developed greater moral awareness dosnt make them psychopathic.

Also surprisingly, alot of things we condemn kids for are more common in adults.

Anonymous 24/06/05(Wed)07:09 No. 15451 ID: f168b2

Children are psychopathic but it's not malign. You can't diagnose them because their development depends on going through an overtly self-centered period in life and then shed that behaviour.

Anonymous 24/06/05(Wed)08:32 No. 15452 ID: 52026c

It's kind of scary when you think about it. What you call innocence in children is actually a totally uninhibited form of egotism where you do as you please without any consequential thinking. A human being that lack restraints.

Anonymous 24/06/07(Fri)10:34 No. 15453 ID: fd94ab

He only shot his teacher, he didn't kill her. However it still proves that children can murder with intent albeit less malicious like an adult.

Anonymous 24/06/07(Fri)13:55 No. 15454 ID: 50f5ba

Ignorance is bliss they say, even if it means you can't comprehend your own actions.

The thing about the whole situation is that it was planned. He took time and effort to find his mother's weapon and bring it to school to cause harm so it was all premeditated. That's not a crime of passion, that's calculated volition.

Anonymous 24/06/07(Fri)15:50 No. 15455 ID: e00345

>it was planned

Exactly. A child trying to kill someone isn't based on some vengeful behaviour that is rooted deep in their mind but because of childish reasons. It's immature.

Anonymous 24/06/10(Mon)09:32 No. 15456 ID: 582194

Children can't really rationalize murder in the same way adults do either. If someone calls them stupid or ugly then they just retaliate in the most primitive way possible, just like in a schoolyard fight. Children use violence all the time. They hit each other from a young age if something is displeasing to them (a brother or sister stole a toy or didn't obey their commands) but it's not malevolent. It's simply empathetic detachment and they lack everything that make it possible for humans to coexist with one another.

It's psychopathic but it's necessary.

Anonymous 24/06/11(Tue)09:49 No. 15458 ID: 52f22c

Autists on the other hand are overgrown infants.

Anonymous 24/06/11(Tue)13:02 No. 15460 ID: 358684

That's why they are so dangerous.

Anonymous 24/06/11(Tue)15:11 No. 15461 ID: 302984

Mentally unstable manchildren with zero understanding of the world around them? What could go wrong! Nothing whatsoever, lol.

Anonymous 24/06/12(Wed)12:52 No. 15462 ID: 5a87f7

Scary and sad at the same time.

Anonymous 24/06/12(Wed)14:19 No. 15463 ID: d7e80c

Most children do not murder people; it's not normal for a child to kill a person or even an animal.

Anonymous 24/06/12(Wed)14:24 No. 15464 ID: d32116

The point is that they can if they're allowed to. Normality has nothing to do with it.

Anonymous 24/06/13(Thu)13:02 No. 15465 ID: 940839

Carl Newton Mahan is another example.

Anonymous 24/06/13(Thu)15:05 No. 15466 ID: f68b67

Children usually settle disputes with violence and it only becomes deadly if they have access to weapons since they lack brute strength.

Anonymous 24/06/14(Fri)10:37 No. 15467 ID: 62090e

Mahan is a tragic case. He kills a boy, sits and laughs during the trial because he is not able to comprehend the seriousness of the whole ordeal and committed suicide later as an adult. It’s like children that get molested when they’re young. They grow up and slowly develop heavy mental issues.

Anonymous 24/06/14(Fri)15:31 No. 15468 ID: 1445a0

The only language they understand.

Anonymous 24/06/15(Sat)04:41 No. 15469 ID: 52e652

Are you sure about that,? All this sounds like moral projection.

Then how do you consider adults using physical punishment on kids for non-physical offenses, like speaking out of turn?

And you think the bast majority of petty crim by adults isn't the same?

Ignorance is not bliss. That's a patronizing sentiment use by bitter disgruntled adults who don't like basic responsibility.

Anonymous 24/06/15(Sat)04:49 No. 15470 ID: 52e652

Have you seen the way adults handle conflicts when they have no personal luxury or rights?

Adults overestimate age numbers (especially the own) as a moral compass.

Men especially are guilty of abusing their seniority to overrule basic decency.

Only because we patronize children as pets.

Anonymous 24/06/17(Mon)09:03 No. 15471 ID: 53dfdd

Murder is a game to them and understandably so. Another extension of the self-absorbed mind.

Anonymous 24/06/17(Mon)10:36 No. 15472 ID: 740fe1

All is fun and games so long as they are not affected.

Anonymous 24/06/17(Mon)14:10 No. 15473 ID: 915276

Tit for tat is the golden rule among children and it has no real threshold.

Anonymous 24/06/18(Tue)09:37 No. 15475 ID: 52f22c

Autists often exaggerate all of their experiences due to being too sensitive so when they get angry they lash out with greater force than is necessary. Think of it as a 7 year old on steroids.

Anonymous 24/06/18(Tue)13:38 No. 15476 ID: a1422b

I've met plenty of autistic people that have no awareness when it comes to what is proportional or what is harmless. They sperg out hard and always have this sense of entitlement and think the world should let them do whatever they like.

Anonymous 24/06/18(Tue)14:28 No. 15477 ID: 3137df

They obsess over all the irrelevant minutiae in their lives so of course they think they matter more than others.

Anonymous 24/06/19(Wed)08:04 No. 15478 ID: ebad54

This all sounds like misopedia.
All these pathologist aren't limited to prepubescence.
Look at how adults handle their affairs.

Anonymous 24/06/19(Wed)09:18 No. 15479 ID: 52026c

That is their biggest issue: pointless details that make no difference.

Anonymous 24/06/19(Wed)15:14 No. 15480 ID: 1cef5a

It's useless to engage in a conversation with them. They can't express an opinion without writing a 9 page essay on a trivial situation. It's like communicating with a human compiler that see everything as a long sequence of code that has to be deciphered.

Anonymous 24/06/20(Thu)08:27 No. 15481 ID: 52f22c

Must be frustrating going through life with compulsive thoughts about observing every little detail that has no real importance in the long run.

Anonymous 24/06/20(Thu)12:58 No. 15482 ID: beef8f

Their whole existence is to systematize everything.

Anonymous 24/06/22(Sat)18:11 No. 15483 ID: e7d901

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Insufferable and delusional.

Anonymous 24/06/24(Mon)08:05 No. 15484 ID: 428a5e

Wow. How annoying.

Anonymous 24/06/24(Mon)09:21 No. 15485 ID: b178e5

The biggest reason why autistic people do more damage than good. They think they're more special than they actually are. They're "special", not special.

Anonymous 24/06/24(Mon)15:19 No. 15486 ID: 67f937

Yet their own thoughts only orbit the miniscule and petty.

Anonymous 24/06/25(Tue)11:02 No. 15487 ID: 52f22c

Autistic people are like little microcosms of useless sensory experiences and overloads.

Anonymous 24/06/25(Tue)13:55 No. 15490 ID: 3302e0

Not only are they self-absorbed but also cruel.

Anonymous 24/06/25(Tue)15:08 No. 15491 ID: a1fc11

Cruelty is natural for them.

Anonymous 24/06/26(Wed)08:29 No. 15494 ID: 6bf015

Atheism is something suited for pedantic people and when you are autistic there is no room for heuristic gaps.

Anonymous 24/06/26(Wed)12:37 No. 15495 ID: fc3baf

To me autism is a brutal form of mental gymnastics. The mind becomes a prison full of "nuances" that you can't ignore.

Anonymous 24/06/26(Wed)15:46 No. 15498 ID: 77cd87

Perpetual overthinking.

Anonymous 24/06/28(Fri)08:13 No. 15505 ID: 62090e

Contemplating something so ordinary and dull that you assign extreme value to it.

Anonymous 24/06/28(Fri)11:02 No. 15506 ID: 81c0c2

Trapped in an imaginary world.

Anonymous 24/07/01(Mon)08:14 No. 15516 ID: 53dfdd

Hypothetical thinking multiplied by a billion which amounts to nothing.

Anonymous 24/07/01(Mon)13:49 No. 15518 ID: 915276

Living in a fantasy world so that it becomes detrimental to everything else you do.

Anonymous 24/07/02(Tue)09:28 No. 15521 ID: 52f22c

Don't forget how their sensitivity leads to misanthropic hatred of the world around them.

Anonymous 24/07/02(Tue)13:09 No. 15522 ID: 1a904b

No compromises due to high need of control and constant safe space.

Anonymous 24/07/02(Tue)14:31 No. 15524 ID: 3137df

Unshakeable conformity that has to be in line with your own desires.

Anonymous 24/07/03(Wed)15:38 No. 15528 ID: 1445a0

Autism without medication always ends in failure.

Anonymous 24/07/04(Thu)14:11 No. 15529 ID: d23dc9

It's like they can't function properly at all.

Anonymous 24/07/15(Mon)11:06 No. 15543 ID: 52f22c

Autism is a burden and doesn't contribute anything to the world.

Anonymous 24/07/18(Thu)04:30 No. 15552 ID: 3781ef

the way yall are talking sounds ironically like autism.

Anonymous 24/07/27(Sat)21:55 No. 15560 ID: fd6509

>If autistic people lack the ability to understand other people's feelings and desires, then obviously there can be no moral imperative for them to care about anyone other than themselves.
Autists don't lack the ability to understand others feelings, they have a harder time doing so than non-autists. Psycopaths on the other hand lack the ability to understand other peoples feelings, and usually lack yhe moral imperatives you speculated about. You also seem to confuse sociopathy with psychopathy

Anonymous 24/08/05(Mon)09:27 No. 15574 ID: 59c8ad

Autists have alexithymia so no. You're wrong. If you can't identify feelings then it's pretty much as if you lack them.

Anonymous 24/08/05(Mon)14:12 No. 15575 ID: e4de8c

Also there tends to be a flattening of emotions among autists. They become desensitized.

Anonymous 24/08/07(Wed)11:37 No. 15576 ID: 1ef628

Autists are face blind so it becomes harder for them to understand emotions.

Anonymous 24/08/08(Thu)08:53 No. 15577 ID: 69c0c2

The don't even know how to smile like a normal person.

Anonymous 24/08/08(Thu)10:24 No. 15578 ID: 376b01

They look like they are constipated.

Anonymous 24/08/09(Fri)09:00 No. 15579 ID: f4c4d7

It is impossible for them to adequately connect a facial expression with a certain emotion. They're like shitty animatronic dolls that have exaggerated smiles and raised eyebrows.

Anonymous 24/08/10(Sat)11:51 No. 15580 ID: fd6509

Only around 50% of autists have alexithymia. Furthermore, not being able to identify one's emotions is not at all the same as not having emotions at all. Lastly, as I said earlier, autists do understand other's emotions, even if they might have a harder time doing so than the average population. It' astounding how you lack the ability to formulate a valid argument, considering we're on a philosophy board.

(Source for my claims: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-with-autism-can-read-emotions-feel-empathy1/)

Anonymous 24/08/10(Sat)11:51 No. 15581 ID: fd6509

Only around 50% of autists have alexithymia. Furthermore, not being able to identify one's emotions is not at all the same as not having emotions at all. Lastly, as I said earlier, autists do understand other's emotions, even if they might have a harder time doing so than the average population. It' astounding how you lack the ability to formulate a valid argument, considering we're on a philosophy board.

(Source for my claims: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-with-autism-can-read-emotions-feel-empathy1/)

Anonymous 24/08/12(Mon)13:45 No. 15582 ID: 915276

That's what happens when you have no real emotions.

Anonymous 24/08/13(Tue)13:09 No. 15584 ID: c358e9

It's like they try to act emotions instead of feeling them.

Anonymous 24/08/15(Thu)09:56 No. 15589 ID: 77929d

I think that the reason that autists are so socially awkward is because they're so alienated from themselves. They can't handle their own inner self and are unable to understand anything that has to do with the human condition.

Anonymous 24/08/16(Fri)08:53 No. 15591 ID: 75425f

Same here. Science is the pacifier they need.

Anonymous 24/08/17(Sat)22:36 No. 15592 ID: 171aab

you say that like science is some sort of impersonal toy

Anonymous 24/08/19(Mon)09:22 No. 15596 ID: 4aec4d

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Science is the only anchor that autists rely on. It's their crutch.

>Research scientists are under pressure to get published in the most prominent journals possible, and their chances increase considerably if they find positive (thus “impactful”) results. For journals, the appeal is clear, writes Philip Ball for Nautilus: they’ll make a bigger splash if they discover some new truth, rather than if they simply refuted old findings. The reality is that science rarely produces data so appealing.
> The quest for publication has led some scientists to manipulate data, analysis, and even their original hypotheses. In 2014, John Ioannidis, a Stanford professor conducting researching on research (or ‘meta-research’), found that across the scientific field, “many new proposed associations and/or effects are false or grossly exaggerated.” Ioannidis, who estimates that 85 percent of research resources are wasted, claims that the frequency of positive results well exceeds how often one should expect to find them

>Science is facing a "reproducibility crisis" where more than two-thirds of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, research suggests.
>"It's worrying because replication is supposed to be a hallmark of scientific integrity,"

Anonymous 24/08/20(Tue)09:03 No. 15597 ID: 52f22c

Your opinion is only valid if the autistic scientist says so.

Anonymous 24/08/20(Tue)15:56 No. 15598 ID: 052a4b

lol this

Anonymous 24/08/20(Tue)16:25 No. 15599 ID: 48a5f4

Idk man.
Alot of autists rely more on Sonic and MLP than actual science.

Most people, neurodivergent and neurotypical, look down on science as impersonal

Anonymous 24/08/21(Wed)09:59 No. 15600 ID: fc3baf

Alan Turing is a good example.

Anonymous 24/08/22(Thu)09:57 No. 15601 ID: 52f22c

The original computer autist.

Anonymous 24/08/22(Thu)13:43 No. 15603 ID: 4c2f96

The first incel.

Anonymous 24/08/23(Fri)08:18 No. 15606 ID: 62090e

Autists can only grasp the world through the lens of science.

Anonymous 24/08/23(Fri)15:25 No. 15607 ID: e00345

A psychopathic materialist.

Anonymous 24/08/26(Mon)14:32 No. 15612 ID: 5968fd

It wouldn't surprise me if the majority of mathematicians and physicists are autistic.

Anonymous 24/08/30(Fri)08:38 No. 15614 ID: 75425f

You need to have some kind of spectrum disorder if you enjoy looking at zeros and ones on a computer screen all day.

Anonymous 24/09/03(Tue)06:23 No. 15626 ID: ba8a7f

You should e glad to have tech devices you can spout your opinions on

Anonymous 24/09/03(Tue)09:08 No. 15628 ID: 52f22c

Unironic automaton.

Anonymous 24/09/06(Fri)15:23 No. 15636 ID: e00345

Without real experiences.

Anonymous 24/09/11(Wed)15:29 No. 15645 ID: 6a0da8

Autistic people are scary to me. They seem inhuman.

Anonymous 24/09/12(Thu)09:16 No. 15647 ID: 52f22c

Extreme egocentrism is what defines them.

Anonymous 24/09/12(Thu)12:38 No. 15648 ID: dae3b6

They have no inner depth.

Anonymous 24/09/12(Thu)13:37 No. 15649 ID: 52615e

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They are dead inside.

Anonymous 24/09/12(Thu)13:39 No. 15650 ID: cdaec0

Exactly. A mechanized human.

Anonymous 24/09/12(Thu)15:51 No. 15651 ID: 9cbb53

A quite sterile approach to living.

Anonymous 24/09/13(Fri)16:08 No. 15653 ID: e00345

That's right. It's all shallow.

Anonymous 24/09/16(Mon)13:52 No. 15655 ID: 5968fd

No genuine happiness. Only parroting.

Anonymous 24/09/18(Wed)12:26 No. 15656 ID: fc3baf

That's because they can't relate to other humans other than superficially.

Anonymous 24/09/19(Thu)09:15 No. 15657 ID: 52f22c

It's delusional arrogance coupled with zero empathy.

Anonymous 24/09/19(Thu)09:51 No. 15658 ID: a30731

That's always been the case their like ego incarnate a creature that does what it wants with no need to care for much else

Anonymous 24/09/20(Fri)16:06 No. 15661 ID: e00345

Like a cartoon villain.

Anonymous 24/09/23(Mon)08:08 No. 15668 ID: 087fa3

You rarely see autistic philanthropists.

Anonymous 24/09/24(Tue)16:33 No. 15672 ID: 6d40a6

Because they're all bitter.

Anonymous 24/09/26(Thu)13:19 No. 15675 ID: f4c4d7

More like a childish mental patient.

Anonymous 24/09/26(Thu)15:10 No. 15676 ID: 6002d2

Dead inside is a good description.

Anonymous 24/09/27(Fri)08:49 No. 15677 ID: 75425f

Ravaged by nihilism.

Anonymous 24/09/27(Fri)16:08 No. 15678 ID: e00345

They're Max Stirner on steroids.

Anonymous 24/09/30(Mon)09:28 No. 15682 ID: 50ff1d

lmao you're 100% right

Anonymous 24/10/02(Wed)12:28 No. 15685 ID: fc3baf

That says a lot since Max Stirner is the greatest fedora overlord.

Anonymous 24/10/03(Thu)09:15 No. 15687 ID: 52f22c

Anything that intrudes on absolute freedom is awful for autists.

Anonymous 24/10/03(Thu)12:57 No. 15688 ID: aa6243


Anonymous 24/10/04(Fri)08:19 No. 15689 ID: 62090e

I bet 99.99% of libertarians are autistic.

Anonymous 24/10/04(Fri)15:22 No. 15690 ID: e00345

I'd say 100%.

Anonymous 24/10/05(Sat)06:08 No. 15691 ID: f0dc15

idk i think cartoon villian is more accurate.

Anonymous 24/10/05(Sat)06:10 No. 15692 ID: f0dc15

Thats not such a bad thing.

Anonymous 24/10/07(Mon)14:18 No. 15693 ID: 915276

Totally unaware of their surroundings to the point of ignoring basic human understanding.

Anonymous 24/10/08(Tue)09:36 No. 15695 ID: 52f22c

It is. Scientism is distilled autism.

Anonymous 24/10/11(Fri)13:42 No. 15696 ID: edaed7

That's unfortunately how they all behave.

Anonymous 24/10/11(Fri)16:26 No. 15697 ID: e00345

The scientific method isn't flawless so it becomes obvious that relying on it is stupid.

Anonymous 24/10/13(Sun)21:44 No. 15698 ID: 97dc2e

idk. Autism isnt logical nor consistent.
i think you just dontlike the idea that "scientism" doesmt appeal to personal sentimentality.

I love how people only point out the limitations of scientific method when it comes to disagreeing to general scientific evidence

Anonymous 24/10/14(Mon)14:20 No. 15699 ID: 68d9c6

The scientific method is developed by humans, flawed beings with biases. What is "scientific" is more or less a skewed definition that depends on who is asking the question.

Anonymous 24/10/14(Mon)14:23 No. 15700 ID: 5185ed


>The scientific method is developed by humans, flawed beings with biases

Which is what peer review is for. What the fuck are you talking about?

Anonymous 24/10/14(Mon)15:11 No. 15701 ID: 68d9c6

Peer review = a large group of people say something is true because they have the same opinion.

Anonymous 24/10/15(Tue)09:12 No. 15702 ID: 52f22c

>There is no way to absolutely rule out the idea that gravity is caused by invisible, insubstantial pixies that have an obsession with everything having to be as close together as possible.

It's funny that scientists say that gravity exists when in reality there is no tangible, measurable force that can be detected. Gravity only exists in theory. Gravity as a concept is highly unscientific.

Anonymous 24/10/15(Tue)11:25 No. 15703 ID: 5185ed


Peer review is a large number of people that can replicate experimental findings and imperial evidence.


Ignoring the fact that what you've just linked isn't the same as what you've commented on it: even a layman can set up an experimental apparatus and demonstrate gravitational attraction.

Anonymous 24/10/15(Tue)12:57 No. 15705 ID: bc6380

Exactly. Another poster in this thread already mentioned the replication crisis so peer review is nothing more than agreement based on opinion.

>demonstrate gravitational attraction.

Are you autistic? That's not the same as the force itself. Everyone can drop an object to the ground and see that it falls (every human since time immemorial has seen it happen). Obviously this phenomenon is real but the force called gravity isn't. Electricity and magnetism are tangible and measurable but gravity is not.

Anonymous 24/10/15(Tue)15:14 No. 15706 ID: 1445a0

Talking to autists is like talking to aliens.

Anonymous 24/10/16(Wed)10:16 No. 15707 ID: fc3baf

I don't think they can grasp regular existence quite good enough.

Anonymous 24/10/17(Thu)12:57 No. 15710 ID: aa6243

Peer review is just another way of saying that if the majority doesn't support it then it's "objectively" wrong.

Anonymous 24/10/17(Thu)22:23 No. 15711 ID: 611e8b

>"Are you autistic"?
>"Electricity and magnrtism are tangible"
>"Gravity is not tangible"

The hypocrisy of imageboard users especially when criticising others as autistic/schizo/sheeple/etc while shiving opinions with no consistency is never-ending.

This is the same kind of logic that autists have that you criticise them for.

Anonymous 24/10/18(Fri)10:11 No. 15712 ID: 62090e

>no consistency

He’s right though. You can only prove that gravity exists by measuring when an object falls to the ground and not gravity itself. This elusive force is purely theoretical and not physically tangible.

Anonymous 24/10/18(Fri)15:43 No. 15713 ID: e00345

Too much misinterpretation.

Anonymous 24/10/19(Sat)19:40 No. 15714 ID: 8dab37

The same could be said for electromagnetism.
Or brain development.
Or race.

Anonymous 24/10/20(Sun)01:26 No. 15715 ID: 01d296

File 172938037317.gif - (316.01KB , 500x290 , theories.gif )

>Gravity is just geometry
>the quantum particle that transmits gravity
>remains stubbornly hypothetical

>Preference for Geometric Patterns Early in Life as a Risk Factor for Autism
>Overall, toddlers with an ASD as young as 14 months spent significantly more time fixating on dynamic geometric images than other diagnostic groups. If a toddler spent more than 69% of his or her time fixating on geometric patterns, then the positive predictive value for accurately classifying that toddler as having an ASD was 100%.

You can prove that gravity exists, without physical evidence, as long as you have extreme levels of autism.

Anonymous 24/10/21(Mon)08:09 No. 15716 ID: 087fa3

Must be terrible to lack any semblance of normal interaction.

Anonymous 24/10/21(Mon)14:01 No. 15717 ID: 915276


Anonymous 24/10/22(Tue)09:14 No. 15718 ID: 52f22c

Life is theory to them and never practice. You could say they all suffer from atelophobia.

Anonymous 24/10/22(Tue)18:41 No. 15719 ID: 7c82c0

The way this whole thread is pathologising autists for not appealing to "neurological" sentiments, to the point of conjuring up clinical diagnosis for them sounds a lot of like.....
Wait for it ......AUTISM

Anonymous 24/10/23(Wed)10:27 No. 15720 ID: 748f00

Autistic triangles and squares.

Anonymous 24/10/24(Thu)03:16 No. 15721 ID: f5545a

I actually think it's the opposite. People who only care about others insofar as they can put themselves in the shoes of the victim are halfway close to being sociopaths. You should care about others, not because you could be them, but because they simply matter.
Sympathy =/= empathy.

Anonymous 24/10/24(Thu)09:28 No. 15723 ID: 52f22c

Who wouldn't obsess over rhombus shapes all day?

Very autistic reasoning. This is why you can't understand mutual respect and how to reciprocate good behaviour. It all boils down to deceptive egotism.

Anonymous 24/10/24(Thu)14:03 No. 15724 ID: 6545b9

Kant's principle of morality ("Act so that the basis of your action may be valid for all men") is what most people can agree on is justified. If you deviate from this and proclaim your right to "freedom" then you clearly don't care about others.

Anonymous 24/10/24(Thu)14:56 No. 15725 ID: 57fef3

I have noticed that too. Very unhealthy approach to living.

Anonymous 24/10/25(Fri)15:58 No. 15729 ID: e00345

A spaz will always be a spaz.

Anonymous 24/10/29(Tue)08:58 No. 15732 ID: 52f22c

All of the autists that I've met always love Nietzsche or Stirner. Fedora overload.

Anonymous 24/10/30(Wed)14:14 No. 15733 ID: 01dc05

A life full of pointless chores and meaningless existence.

Anonymous 24/10/31(Thu)09:27 No. 15734 ID: 52f22c

Autistic life is by default devoid of actual joy and happiness.

Anonymous 24/10/31(Thu)20:31 No. 15735 ID: 85033b

No way, there is always the hunt for larger Mersenne primes.

Anonymous 24/11/01(Fri)14:32 No. 15736 ID: 85033b

File 173046797339.jpg - (36.85KB , 1794x1008 , GbTWraqWMAADInU.jpg )

Here's a fun way to find primes: append a digit to the front or back of existing ones. The smallest prime that can't be turned into another prime by appending digits to either end is 773.

Anonymous 24/11/01(Fri)16:02 No. 15737 ID: e00345

File 173047332488.gif - (585.64KB , 480x360 , autism intensifies.gif )


Anonymous 24/11/02(Sat)05:07 No. 15738 ID: a11a12

This. People are only able to care about others if they're psychologically similar to them.

Anonymous 24/11/02(Sat)05:10 No. 15740 ID: a11a12

The fact that you're getting upset at the other anon for suggesting that sympathy isn't the same as empathy goes to show that they're right

Youre acting just like those wokescolds

Anonymous 24/11/02(Sat)16:16 No. 15741 ID: 01d296

The biggest problem for autists is that they desire their "freedom" and will do anything to keep it. They don't want to reciprocate behaviour that goes against their own lifestyle. It becomes quite clear that the autists like to appeal to the very vague notion of all-encompassing tolerance for the sake of appearing kindhearted. What this actual means is that you accept all kinds of behaviours and every kind of twisted and disgusting rationale behind them without demanding some kind of effort to prove their worth in the eyes of others. This is the very core of egotistical behaviour: "I have no reason to show why I'm allowed to have a share of society's collective wealth because I just think I'm above it all and shouldn't have to prove it". It's essentially nihilism. Nothing has value, nothing matters and everything should be permitted for the sake of it.

Talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words, but that's something the autists can't understand.

Anonymous 24/11/04(Mon)09:09 No. 15743 ID: 087fa3

The face you make when some neurotypical says 0.999999999999999999 = 1.

Anonymous 24/11/04(Mon)10:52 No. 15744 ID: 3c36a1

Supreme autism.

Anonymous 24/11/04(Mon)15:26 No. 15745 ID: 1445a0

Hours upon hours looking at zeros and ones.

Anonymous 24/11/05(Tue)08:27 No. 15746 ID: 52f22c

Programming autist.

Anonymous 24/11/05(Tue)15:02 No. 15747 ID: 302984

99.99% of them will never do anything for someone else out of kindness because they simply haven’t got the mental framework for it. They only receive but never give.

Anonymous 24/11/07(Thu)09:11 No. 15750 ID: 52f22c

I know about an autist that recently became a Christian and it's so painfully transparent that he doesn't believe in a higher power. His whole behaviour is so rehearsed and forced that it's sad to watch because he tries desperately to fit in with his surroundings but fails ultimately. Totally oblivious.

Anonymous 24/11/07(Thu)13:21 No. 15751 ID: 419d2e

When your life is all about following numbers.

Anonymous 24/11/08(Fri)08:58 No. 15753 ID: 75425f

Sounds like mental health issues.

Anonymous 24/11/11(Mon)13:27 No. 15756 ID: babdf2

Obviously. Autists have this peculiar tendency of interpreting everything as an insult if it isn't outright praise of something.

Anonymous 24/11/12(Tue)09:27 No. 15758 ID: 52f22c

I've seen that so many times it becomes annoying. They think everything has to do with themselves or their own person as if the world revolves around them and everyone is out to get them in any given social situation. It's no wonder there is a crossover between autism and schizophrenia.

Anonymous 24/11/12(Tue)14:50 No. 15759 ID: ce5ea4

If it doesn't follow a specific pattern then the autists is unable to grasp it.

Anonymous 24/11/13(Wed)15:21 No. 15761 ID: 120352

Literal binary machines draped in flesh.

Anonymous 24/11/14(Thu)12:25 No. 15763 ID: cc7459

They trust the science no matter what.

Anonymous 24/11/15(Fri)08:16 No. 15764 ID: 62090e

They're mentally unstable so it isn't surprising that you have to walk on eggshells when they're around.

Anonymous 24/11/19(Tue)09:15 No. 15765 ID: 52f22c

Reality doesn't make sense without it so they treat it as dogma.

Anonymous 24/11/20(Wed)10:29 No. 15766 ID: 9bb984

Snowflake syndrome.

Anonymous 24/11/21(Thu)15:11 No. 15768 ID: 204191

”Scientific” spergs.

Anonymous 24/11/25(Mon)10:11 No. 15774 ID: e0342e

It causes a disturbance in their moderation of the self.

Anonymous 24/11/26(Tue)14:46 No. 15775 ID: d89ceb

Autistic approaches in everything.

Anonymous 24/11/28(Thu)08:20 No. 15780 ID: 52f22c

Worst possible idea ever.

Anonymous 24/11/28(Thu)14:52 No. 15781 ID: 2085ba

I think they can’t actual grasp what they are.

Anonymous 24/11/29(Fri)15:52 No. 15783 ID: 366d52

That’s all they have.

Anonymous 24/12/02(Mon)08:09 No. 15784 ID: 087fa3

Being human is completely the opposite of what they experience.

Anonymous 24/12/02(Mon)14:01 No. 15785 ID: 915276

No wonder they have no understanding of others.

Anonymous 24/12/02(Mon)15:33 No. 15786 ID: 1445a0

Extreme aversion towards others.

Anonymous 24/12/03(Tue)15:23 No. 15787 ID: bea32b

It is always their perspective and nothing else.

Anonymous 24/12/05(Thu)09:25 No. 15790 ID: 52f22c

That's because of their extreme self-awareness.

Anonymous 24/12/05(Thu)12:40 No. 15791 ID: eef9af

So narrow it becomes a burden.

Anonymous 24/12/06(Fri)08:50 No. 15793 ID: 75425f

Don't forget their exaggerated sensitivity.

Anonymous 24/12/09(Mon)09:32 No. 15798 ID: 71f3f2

If you are unable to interpret information properly then everything will be hostile.

Anonymous 24/12/10(Tue)15:33 No. 15799 ID: f927de

I think that's their biggest defect.

Anonymous 24/12/11(Wed)08:48 No. 15800 ID: 6bf015

I've noticed that they easily get offended by the slightest comment. It's like they're made of glass.

Anonymous 24/12/12(Thu)14:31 No. 15802 ID: 3df903

What’s worse is when they forget their medication.

Anonymous 24/12/16(Mon)08:24 No. 15807 ID: 087fa3

They think they don't need it but they do.

Anonymous 24/12/16(Mon)14:10 No. 15810 ID: 9d6e03

Fragility is a word that doesn't describe them accurately because they go beyond that.

Anonymous 24/12/19(Thu)11:32 No. 15815 ID: 1060ca

I've encountered several autists that think marijuana is a good herbal medicine. Absolutely retarded.

Anonymous 24/12/19(Thu)13:28 No. 15816 ID: 20404b

If you consider the fact that there is comorbidity among autists (schizophrenia) and that new research shows that cannabis can trigger schizophrenia then it's not really a good choice to smoke blunts all day long.

Anonymous 24/12/20(Fri)16:10 No. 15817 ID: e00345

I've seen this too often. Some sperg tries to cure himself with bongs and joints but in the end he becomes more and more deranged because he never stops smoking. Sadly chronic behaviour.

Anonymous 24/12/23(Mon)08:25 No. 15819 ID: 71f3f2

Indeed, and it only gets worse with time.

Anonymous 24/12/23(Mon)10:45 No. 15820 ID: 5a7553

Autistic males on weed = Info Wars audience.

Anonymous 24/12/23(Mon)14:08 No. 15821 ID: 40393f

Watch this


Anonymous 24/12/27(Fri)13:59 No. 15826 ID: 50f5ba

Pretty much this. All the spergs love Alex Jones.

Anonymous 24/12/27(Fri)15:42 No. 15828 ID: e00345

The curse of the autistic mind.

Anonymous 24/12/27(Fri)16:07 No. 15829 ID: 1001cb


It's not so bad anon, you just ignore the whispers and keep your secret mask on, and nobody knows.

Anonymous 24/12/30(Mon)07:05 No. 15851 ID: 5b5262

Anti-weed propaganda and typical strawmanning Meanwhile, alcohol is the most abused drug and often leads to violence and belligerence.
Also, irony is, most Info Wars fans are often neurotypical boomers who look down on weed.

Anonymous 24/12/30(Mon)07:08 No. 15852 ID: 5b5262

Alcohol does far more damage.
Why is there no pathological concern over alcohol like there is for weed?

Alot of anti-weed folk are often rationalisers for alcohol

Anonymous 24/12/30(Mon)13:46 No. 15854 ID: 9d6e03

The way Alex Jones spergs out all the time is pretty much autistic temper tantrums.

Anonymous 24/12/30(Mon)15:02 No. 15855 ID: 1445a0

Inevitably the burden no one wants.

Anonymous 25/01/02(Thu)08:59 No. 15860 ID: 52f22c

Take it easy, schizo. Put down the bong.

Anonymous 25/01/03(Fri)08:41 No. 15861 ID: 6d4202

And some ADHD.

Anonymous 25/01/03(Fri)15:14 No. 15862 ID: e00345

Alex Jones needs a lot of Ritalin.

Anonymous 25/01/07(Tue)13:14 No. 15863 ID: f927de

He's too high to understand what you're writing.

Anonymous 25/01/07(Tue)15:43 No. 15865 ID: ddce85

I feel sorry for his children. They will become fucked in the head.

Anonymous 25/01/08(Wed)09:40 No. 15869 ID: 1ef628

Probably believes in aliens.

Anonymous 25/01/10(Fri)09:48 No. 15871 ID: 62090e

The pyramids were spacecrafts.

Anonymous 25/01/10(Fri)16:11 No. 15872 ID: e00345

They will become schizophrenic.

Anonymous 25/01/13(Mon)13:31 No. 15878 ID: 9d6e03

If we could eliminate all the autists then the world would be much more peaceful.

Anonymous 25/01/14(Tue)09:18 No. 15880 ID: 52f22c

You sound stoned.

Anonymous 25/01/14(Tue)12:54 No. 15881 ID: b5e74f

They already are.

Anonymous 25/01/14(Tue)15:21 No. 15882 ID: bea32b

All the overthinking would vanish in an instant.

Anonymous 25/01/15(Wed)04:13 No. 15883 ID: f53649

Most Christians don't believe in a higher power. They only believe in God as a concept. Or rather, God is a psychosomatic effect.

Anonymous 25/01/15(Wed)08:11 No. 15884 ID: f8c3f2

His thoughts are all over the place.

Anonymous 25/01/15(Wed)15:38 No. 15886 ID: 121e6a

Just ponder how much more silent and calm everything would be.

Anonymous 25/01/15(Wed)15:38 No. 15887 ID: 121e6a

Their dad scarred them for life.

Anonymous 25/01/16(Thu)09:07 No. 15888 ID: 52f22c

I highly doubt that. Sounds more like an autistic interpretation of Christianity.

Anonymous 25/01/16(Thu)10:27 No. 15889 ID: 748f00

Autistic people without medication is annoying.

Anonymous 25/01/16(Thu)13:53 No. 15890 ID: eb68c3

All the cerebral anguish that autists feel is highly unnecessary and only makes it worse for everyone else.

Anonymous 25/01/17(Fri)10:07 No. 15894 ID: aae562

Just like Elon Musk.

Anonymous 25/01/17(Fri)16:09 No. 15895 ID: e00345

Mister Literal strikes again.

Anonymous 25/01/21(Tue)09:14 No. 15897 ID: 52f22c

You would think that they could control themselves but apparently not.

Anonymous 25/01/21(Tue)15:24 No. 15898 ID: 649393

A suicidal existence that only gets worse with time.

Anonymous 25/01/23(Thu)09:40 No. 15902 ID: 52f22c

That man has a lot of inner turmoil.

Anonymous 25/01/23(Thu)13:09 No. 15904 ID: 2adc99

You mean mister schizo, lol.

Anonymous 25/01/24(Fri)09:02 No. 15907 ID: 62090e

They act on urges.

Anonymous 25/01/24(Fri)13:01 No. 15908 ID: 50f5ba

Drug abuse is quite common.

Anonymous 25/01/24(Fri)16:16 No. 15909 ID: e00345

The perpetual overthinker.

Anonymous 25/01/27(Mon)08:32 No. 15912 ID: 087fa3

It's kind of scary to think that most autists might actually be schizophrenics.

Anonymous 25/01/27(Mon)14:06 No. 15913 ID: 9d6e03

Animal children, you could say.

Anonymous 25/01/28(Tue)14:42 No. 15916 ID: b5e74f

They medicate themselves in hope of attaining sanity.

Anonymous 25/01/29(Wed)13:40 No. 15918 ID: b44204

Everything is misinterpreted.

Anonymous 25/01/29(Wed)15:39 No. 15919 ID: 121e6a

Probably more than half of them.

Anonymous 25/01/30(Thu)12:21 No. 15923 ID: 3811dd

Driven purely by impressions.

Anonymous 25/02/03(Mon)09:38 No. 15925 ID: e7545d

Wouldn't surprise me if most homeless junkies are actually autistic.

Anonymous 25/02/04(Tue)15:43 No. 15927 ID: b9fe79

Spergs without the ability to understand context.

Anonymous 25/02/05(Wed)09:58 No. 15928 ID: fc3baf

I wonder why so many autistic people abuse drugs. Probably because they can't focus.

Anonymous 25/02/05(Wed)10:37 No. 15929 ID: 322e37

i think the reason why most autistic people use drugs is because they can have a hard time regulation emotions and finding meaningful relationships with people which can make them use drugs as a way to cope or to fit in with others around them

Anonymous 25/02/05(Wed)14:37 No. 15930 ID: 06f3c9

Their way of interpreting regular speech seems not to be only literal but also as assaults against them. A lot of autistic people appear to be inherently paranoid without having a cause for concern.

Anonymous 25/02/06(Thu)11:28 No. 15931 ID: 1060ca

Autism is a mental illness and it's quite common nowadays. I wonder what percentage of homeless people have avoided being diagnosed at a young age.

Anonymous 25/02/06(Thu)13:42 No. 15932 ID: 49072a

Must be rough when they visit imageboards.

Anonymous 25/02/07(Fri)09:36 No. 15934 ID: 62090e

Mostly it's them being uncomfortable with themselves and not their surroundings.

Anonymous 25/02/07(Fri)12:20 No. 15935 ID: fb80f7

it's probably a lot of both

Anonymous 25/02/07(Fri)15:55 No. 15936 ID: e00345

It's as if they need to hide something.

Anonymous 25/02/10(Mon)10:47 No. 15943 ID: 3c36a1


Anonymous 25/02/10(Mon)14:03 No. 15944 ID: 9d6e03

Their discernment is crippled so I think they must be unaware about the subtleties.

Anonymous 25/02/10(Mon)15:30 No. 15945 ID: b57547

Autists are a lot more prone to be gay so they have many mental issues.

Anonymous 25/02/10(Mon)16:00 No. 15946 ID: d72e80

autists don't conform to social norms by definition, so it would make sense that:
1. they wouldn't submit easily to societal pressure to be in heterosexual relationship
2. they would be more likely to come out to others, not recognizing the dangers from societal discrimination

Anonymous 25/02/11(Tue)09:03 No. 15947 ID: 52f22c

They're naturally disturbed so the can't really be themselves.

Anonymous 25/02/11(Tue)14:40 No. 15948 ID: b5e74f

>autistic males are 3.5 times more likely to identify as bisexual than non-autistic males, whereas autistic females are three times more likely to identify as homosexual than non-autistic females

Autism means that your sexuality is warped. It's almost like how autists have trouble with proper social interactions. Both your social skills and sexuality is damaged and you misinterpret everything.

Anonymous 25/02/11(Tue)17:21 No. 15949 ID: d72e80

that's dumb, the people with more inhibitions are less likely to "be themselves". for example, there's probably been at least one moment where you just wanted to murder or fuck someone, but your inhibitions likely stopped you. you probably didn't admit it to anyone, and if they asked if you were considering murdering/raping another person, you'd likely say no, where an autist would be a bit more likely to admit it. who's the liar here?

Anonymous 25/02/11(Tue)17:27 No. 15950 ID: d72e80

your social skills are less likely to be inhibited by social norms. that doesn't mean it's damaged.
"social norms" are filled with lies we tell one another, mostly to not look desperate and to signal to others that while we may have an interest in them, we have other prospects (probably a lie), so they think we're higher on the food chain than we are.

Anonymous 25/02/12(Wed)08:46 No. 15951 ID: f8c3f2


That's part of the reason why they're unable to be members of society as a whole. Like malign egotism that causes estrangement.

Anonymous 25/02/12(Wed)13:36 No. 15952 ID: 05b6b3

Autists aren't honest. Their emotions are exaggerated because they can't tell the difference between people's conduct in various situations and get aggravated for no reason. It's the exact opposite because there is so much distortion mentally in a person who lacks understanding of other's mental states.

Anonymous 25/02/12(Wed)15:30 No. 15953 ID: 121e6a

Inhibition =/= lie. You sound like you think life is a competition and everyone is out to get you.

Anonymous 25/02/13(Thu)08:54 No. 15954 ID: 52f22c

Must be horrible to think that everyone is an enemy.

Anonymous 25/02/13(Thu)11:36 No. 15955 ID: d72e80

>friend gets in a car accident
>ride with her to the hospital
>her family meets us there
>she needs surgery, nothing life threatening
>before surgery, she looks at me
>"anon, thanks for staying here with me, i'm sure you'd much rather be home"

would me saying something along the lines of "nah it's fine, i would rather stay here and make sure you're okay" not be a lie to make her feel better?
because to be 100% honest, hospital waiting rooms suck.
the term "white lie" itself was made for shit like this.
"you're not wrong, you're just an asshole"
"they said what everybody else was thinking"
boss asks you to do something extra and you say "no problem"? bullshit, you'd rather be doing something for yourself and still making money.
people are liars. everyone's life is full of those lies to manipulate others.

Anonymous 25/02/13(Thu)11:52 No. 15956 ID: 3356ad

I would tell her straight up what I think, but I would inject a little bit of humor to diffuse the situation. And other words, don't be afraid to tell it like it is, but also be cool about it. I mean, you don't have to pretend you care about people more than you do. But you can be both - transparent about it and cool enough to where they want to hang out with you regardless.

>Yeah, I actually don't care about you, but since I'm here and that fact makes both of us slightly uncomfortable, let's have some fun with it and keep it open enough so there's an possibility to change that fact, but until it is something else than what it is - let's have fun with it and let's work with it.

And if your friend is in dire straights even - fuck it, people are dying in Ukraine by the thousands every day and a pointless war, people are getting bombed more or less indiscriminately in Gaza, we have no problem just moving on with our lives in regards to those things. If you cannot say to the 22 y/o Ukrainian to his face that you don't really care about him that much or enough to be bothered about him in your day-to-day life, I think you should do some self-examination and soul searching. Do you or do you not actually care? It's all right if you don't, but if you do in one circumstance and you do not in another, somewhere within yourself you are lying to yourself and that's never a good thing.

Anonymous 25/02/13(Thu)11:55 No. 15958 ID: 3356ad

Tl;dr there's always a way to make fun of or make light of the things that give us anxiety, you are free to do exactly that. unless the anxiety is overwhelming or the person in front of you is literally dying, but at least online folks seem to have no trouble making fun of even dying people, so idk

Anonymous 25/02/13(Thu)12:06 No. 15959 ID: d72e80

"out of sight, out of mind" is a real thing.
if the world paused for every injustice, it would never progress.
and sure, you can do that for a friend. not every friend, and they may not have the introspection and humor to take what you said and laugh about it.
again, we do this in workplaces as well all the time.
you may be an exception, but there's an expectation of respect, subordination, and hierarchy in a workplace and society that inconveniences everyone in one way or another.
you "grin and bear it", which is yet another common phrase that shows the general public lies about shit all of the time.

i don't understand how i can show you all of these extremely common phrases people use to show they put on a front (lie) in society and how you can still deny it. maybe you're autistic.

Anonymous 25/02/13(Thu)12:35 No. 15960 ID: 73afa3

Autists act like schizoids and their impression of reality is like that of a video game playing 10 year old.

Anonymous 25/02/13(Thu)13:41 No. 15961 ID: 59665f

The irony of this guy

Anonymous 25/02/13(Thu)14:04 No. 15962 ID: 3f8e42

Did I hit a nerve, my spergy friend? You know it's true. That's why you sit behind you computer screen all day.

Anonymous 25/02/13(Thu)18:24 No. 15964 ID: 8b3ef1

True that. I'm shazoid too, I don't just act like it.

Anonymous 25/02/13(Thu)18:33 No. 15966 ID: 8b3ef1

>>15959 I am autistic, but I never denied the claims that you said that I denied... I do see that everyone is lying, I'm just saying what I RECOMMEND the op or whoever that was - do.

The workplace stuff is very real (I FUCKING UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT), but it is easily solvable by moving into some kind of craft or something that doesn't require you to be fake to make money. There's plenty of work that you can do at your own home if you're skilled with hands and have a analytical mind. If you don't have those things, well look at girls, they walk dogs or whatever. I mean, if you wanted to, you could figure it out unless you live in absolute shithole of a country.

Anonymous 25/02/13(Thu)19:01 No. 15967 ID: d72e80

>easily solvable by moving into some kind of craft or something that doesn't require you to be fake to make money
lmao even

Anonymous 25/02/13(Thu)21:56 No. 15968 ID: b46f1c

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Just read this entire bread and am glad I did because I gleaned a ton of insights and noticed my personal experience corroborates most of the points made. None the less its been correctly said (in contrast to OP’s also very true and correct point) that many religions are exceedingly autistic in their writings, rituals, and practices. Its also been correctly noted that many of the young people flocking to religion and spirituality based groups today are often extremely autistic. In my experience and in my opinion there are a variety of different types of tists and spergs, it is a spectrum after all. The real spectrum of tism isnt just about how “high or low functioning” the person is but also the type of person in question.

Many of the posts in this bread are speaking about the worst type of tist/sperg who often frequents image boards and whether it be online or IRL is the most likely to make a spectacle of themselves on the basis of the types of behavior and attitudes described in this thread. But there are other types who are not as narcissistic, not as anti-social, not as lacking in emotions and empathy, and are more apt to be appreciative of others and have a desire to understand themselves, others, and life. The type of tist you guys are mostly talking about is an agoraphobic, narcissistic, intellectually ingenuine, psychologically rigid, hyper literalist, who on top of that is on the lower end of the autistic spectrum in terms of “function”.

Modernity has helped usher autism in this type of direction, by allowing all this to be encouraged and run rampant, just like how encouragement of cluster B illness’s have a strong tendency of bringing out the worst in women, ASD has a strong tendency of bringing out the worst in men. But this is entirely by design. Thats not to deny that people are willful victims though. Every tist/sperg is willingly allowing in the worst of themselves which then manifests as the all too often “evil manchild” style of autism. But that is not the absolute essence of what Autism really is in its most raw and unmolded state. At its core its really just a set of basic concepts (most of which were mentioned and explained correctly here in varying degrees) which in and of themselves are only severely problematic for the person in question and others around them when they become willingly driven to the worst of themselves. No different than ordinary folks in that regard. Both tists and neurotypicals are constantly guilty of bringing out the worst of themselves, at all ages. Both become NPCs (husks) by doing as much, and both make themselves and those around them suffer on these accounts. Many, many such cases.

Anyway just wanted to throw in my 2 cents cause this was a real top quality bread, and I genuinely enjoyed reflecting and introspecting on it after my lifetime of experiences growing up and living around the autistic and aspergian. For anyone who didn’t notice, this thread is mostly constituted of the better half of tists/spergs autistically analyzing the worst half of tists/spergs, or in other instances the worst half of themselves. Sure made for good discussion, and a few terms which I screen-capped to look up on wiki. Autism has skyrocketed since 1989 and I bet almost everyone who posted in this thread was born then or after then.

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)00:04 No. 15969 ID: 8b3ef1

This thread is full of misinterpretation of autistic people's motivations and perspectives including you, including op. Not as egregious as some here, but you really don't get it.

But I commend you for having an interest and at least understanding more than the average person. Because the average person doesn't have a fucking clue what autism is about or what the inner world of people like us is.

But for example you know that it is extremely varied in manifestation and form. That's actually you know deserves points. Also the spectrum itself is vary wide - from mild autism to extreme extreme cases.

And you would find it surprising that those extreme extreme cases usually show you exactly how much empathy these people have. Just because it looks like they have less empathy doesn't mean they actually have less empathy. On the other hand I personally haven't known that many autists, I can only speak based on very intimate personal experience with it. We just don't bother explaining stuff to people. We would rather have them misinterpret us. So I guess I don't blame you for not understanding it very well.

Damn, the more I read of the thread the more I realize y'all are fucking retards. Anyhow, God bless. This thread has too few autists to actually be interesting.

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)00:30 No. 15971 ID: b46f1c

I would greatly appreciate you correcting any specifics about my post or any other posts here that you noticed. Im autistically fascinated by autism, and have a lot of experience being around it in its multiplicity of forms.

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)00:46 No. 15974 ID: 8b3ef1

I'm sorry man, I would entertain you in a one-on-one live conversation, but this thread is to uninteresting to me to really address anything specific unless in a very sloppy way which would only dilute everything.

But to keep it short... Well for example narcissism. I see how or why people interpret a lot of the autistic behaviors as narcissistic. However the motivations are not narcissistic and thus the behavior is not narcissistic. If you interpret it as narcissistic, it follows them that you do not understand autism. I'm not saying autists cannot be narcissists, but I am saying that at least 90% of what most would recognize as narcissism and then would conclude that artists are narcissists, 90% of that has nothing to do with narcissism. Anyway it's pretty complex thing and I'm sleepy at this point. Hopefully I threw you a bone.

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)00:48 No. 15975 ID: b46f1c

I already drew this conclusion and pointed it out expressly in my own post. Note the things in my post that you said in your previous one were not entirely accurate and that you disagree with and enjoy yourself as you do it anon. Now.

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)00:56 No. 15976 ID: 8b3ef1

Man, I'm sorry if I misinterpreted you. I'm getting a bit sleepy and to be honest I don't even understand what you're saying anymore. I guess I'm too dumb for this discussion. But my observation still stand. Most of this thread really doesn't understand autism. But I just don't really care about it. Good luck to you though man, you seem genuinely interested. Seriously God bless and good luck. I hope you'll find out what you want to find out.

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)01:30 No. 15977 ID: b46f1c

On the real, same to you fren. I really wanted to milk more value out of your post because I did understand what you were saying. But somehow I smell a bit of intellectually ingenuine stink in your "too tired desu" post. I got the full value of your post, but seems now your admitting you did not get the full value of mine. Hubris is another one of the worst traits thats utterly insufferable when combined with autism and that all too often is conflated with it. You hubristically presumed you knew so much more than me and that I had drawn the wrong conclusions, but when asked to altruistically provide them for a intellectually genuine audience, you simply just yawned and walked away.

Come back after you wake up and give me a dignified response or im calling bullox on your claims that you can explain anything better than this thread if your unwilling to do it.

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)07:42 No. 15979 ID: 8b3ef1

Yeah, I'm sorry that was bad behavior on my part. And you're correct, hubris is a big problem with us. Other things you weren't very correct about, but I guess I shouldn't have commented if I'm not willing to engage in a discussion about it.

But the thread is really too long and too boring to engage. Too much confusion, misinterpretation and too little actual insight or interesting discussion. The best that I can do right now is apologize for what I said. You'll be the judge whether or not what I said was true. It's probably wrong. Don't take me seriously.

Maybe I'll come back later to add something more constructive. But yeah, the first posters in this thread and the ones towards the end, but especially the first posters are so fucking clueless. I'm just saying.

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)13:51 No. 15980 ID: b46f1c

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You better come back and put that autism to good use boy. I want to know more.

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)13:59 No. 15981 ID: 6d4202

Autistic people only have a surface level understanding of how human relationships work. That's why they're so "honest".

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)14:03 No. 15982 ID: 6d4202

Couldn't agree more. There is no depth to their personalities. Only unfettered reactions and impulses.

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)14:13 No. 15983 ID: b46f1c

Only some autistic people are the type who are unabashedly honest. Others are the types who have no consideration for the value of such things and thus are huge liars. I have been highly familiar with both types of tists/spergs. Then there is the third kind which are so detached and confused they genuinely do not know what it means to be intellectually honest or dishonest at all.

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)16:26 No. 15984 ID: d72e80

Yes, they only have a surface level of nuance that prevents them from putting on a front like everyone else does. A front. As in, a lie. They don't understand the need to lie, to not tell someone they're a piece of shit when they are, or to not come straight out and tell a girl you want to fuck rather than pretending to be chivalrous.

Anonymous 25/02/16(Sun)01:44 No. 15988 ID: 80c442

Actually, irony is, adults who watch politics all day have a more detached impression of reality than a kid playing videogames.

Also irony is, all the pathologising about autism in this thread is mainly projection.

Anonymous 25/02/16(Sun)01:51 No. 15990 ID: 80c442

It's funny how society likes to tell the youth that "life is unfair deal with it" then tells them to "get off your asses and change the world".

Anonymous 25/02/16(Sun)21:27 No. 15992 ID: addf41

witnessed. its not ironic, anyone who put the time into reading the entire thread, without catching onto this important thread in the thread is a hyper literalizing autist.

Anonymous 25/02/17(Mon)08:44 No. 15996 ID: e7545d

>putting on a front
>you want to fuck rather than pretending to be chivalrous.

lol, you truly are clueless about how regular human interaction works. You are paranoid and have some innate need to "expose" ordinary people. Your "honesty" is more akin to tasteless self-righteousness.
You're like a binary code in some software and totally stripped of human thought.

Anonymous 25/02/17(Mon)14:04 No. 15997 ID: ade401

Severe trust issues.

Anonymous 25/02/17(Mon)15:07 No. 15998 ID: d72e80

naivety or denial, pick one.
nobody is altruistic, and you know it. definitely not you. you want something, and you're willing to lie that you're not or delude yourself into thinking you are.

Anonymous 25/02/17(Mon)17:09 No. 16000 ID: 1060ca

Autists are only honest because they can't see the difference between humans. They're like machines that you do a factory reset on and think everyone is the same.

Kit 25/02/17(Mon)18:02 No. 16001 ID: 59665f

If you actually knew anything about autism, you would know you can't put everyone under one umbrella like that

Anonymous 25/02/18(Tue)09:07 No. 16003 ID: 52f22c

Life is a game in the eyes of the sperg.

Anonymous 25/02/18(Tue)13:13 No. 16005 ID: f927de

You've been reading too many books by Richard Dawkins.

Anonymous 25/02/18(Tue)15:04 No. 16006 ID: c045ac

You're just lazy and indifferent to effort. A defeatist.

Anonymous 25/02/18(Tue)18:03 No. 16007 ID: b46f1c

clarify for me how life is seen by those who are not spergian?

Anonymous 25/02/19(Wed)11:14 No. 16009 ID: 18ea2c

Sounds like a section from The Selfish Gene.

Anonymous 25/02/19(Wed)15:16 No. 16010 ID: 4e7630

His parents gave him everything.

Anonymous 25/02/20(Thu)10:49 No. 16014 ID: 52f22c

The world is not your personal playground.

Anonymous 25/02/20(Thu)14:14 No. 16016 ID: 0e4975

Fedora tipping literature.

Anonymous 25/02/20(Thu)17:18 No. 16017 ID: addf41

Ok so now that you have defined what its NOT, tell me what you define as what it IS.

Anonymous 25/02/21(Fri)09:17 No. 16019 ID: 62090e

Spoiled child.

Anonymous 25/02/21(Fri)15:25 No. 16020 ID: e00345

Euphoric due to intelligence.

Anonymous 25/02/21(Fri)16:16 No. 16021 ID: addf41

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