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Back again, /h/. Glad to see some interest.
Here's a complete set for the game, plus all available patches up to XP4. Simply follow the instructions given inside the ReadMe and you should be all set to go. Included are a few basic mods, and a modeling program, complete with some pre-made poses.
But as like any game, this one has mods.
I'm talking thousands. And wait a second! Here it is in all 25 Gigs of glory!
(In order to install a mod, simply extract a .rar into the arcs folder. Make sure to go into the game and look it over before you continue. Making a copy of your arcs folder in case anything goes wrong is strongly recommended.)
Whatever fetish you may have, I'm almost certain you'll find it in there. That is, if you have the needed catalog and a fuckload of time and drive space. You see, these mods are simply numbered, not labeled. How is one supposed to find what specific mods they might want? By downloading this:
This gives an idea of the mods used from 9 to 1763. Anything after that is up to you to figure out. Be warned though, not all mods are compatible, and simply extracting them all at once is a good way to fuck your shit up. Go through them and choose carefully what you would like, and test them.
Now /h/, I look forward to seeing your custom girl. Godspeed.