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/h/ - Hentai

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Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)19:20 No. 12831

File 125251683343.png - (347.90KB , 715x541 , finalun2.png )

3D Custom girl thread?

Post your own, or one you happen to like.

Anonymous 09/09/09(Wed)19:22 No. 12832

If anyone wants links to the game and an assload of mods (with basic instructions), let me know.

Anonymous 09/09/10(Thu)00:07 No. 12834

This is relevant to my interests.

Anonymous 09/09/10(Thu)02:59 No. 12838


Teh Pyro!3jQAaszf4.!!NjLmNjBTEv 09/09/10(Thu)04:38 No. 12839

Where does one get 3D Custom girl anyways? I've heard a lot about it, and I'm eager to try it out.

Anonymous 09/09/10(Thu)06:59 No. 12841

File 125255877725.png - (453.65KB , 1024x768 , EA8FEA84.png )

Back again, /h/. Glad to see some interest.


Here's a complete set for the game, plus all available patches up to XP4. Simply follow the instructions given inside the ReadMe and you should be all set to go. Included are a few basic mods, and a modeling program, complete with some pre-made poses.

But as like any game, this one has mods.
I'm talking thousands. And wait a second! Here it is in all 25 Gigs of glory!


(In order to install a mod, simply extract a .rar into the arcs folder. Make sure to go into the game and look it over before you continue. Making a copy of your arcs folder in case anything goes wrong is strongly recommended.)

Whatever fetish you may have, I'm almost certain you'll find it in there. That is, if you have the needed catalog and a fuckload of time and drive space. You see, these mods are simply numbered, not labeled. How is one supposed to find what specific mods they might want? By downloading this:


This gives an idea of the mods used from 9 to 1763. Anything after that is up to you to figure out. Be warned though, not all mods are compatible, and simply extracting them all at once is a good way to fuck your shit up. Go through them and choose carefully what you would like, and test them.

Now /h/, I look forward to seeing your custom girl. Godspeed.

Anonymous 09/09/10(Thu)07:12 No. 12842

I almost forgot. The link for XPr4.1 on DeadFrog is no longer active. Here it is:


Teh Pyro!3jQAaszf4.!!NjLmNjBTEv 09/09/10(Thu)09:32 No. 12843


Honestly, thanks a lot man. I was expecting to get yelled at or insulted, that's how it usually goes on most other chans, but I guess that really shows how much they know.

Anyways, I'm downloading it now, I'll get into the mods once I figure the actual game out. I'll keep this thread open to post some stuff too, so let's just hope it doesn't die.

Anonymous 09/09/10(Thu)10:18 No. 12844

File 125257072242.png - (116.57KB , 1024x768 , EA97161A.png )

Mm, lolilicious.

Anonymous 09/09/10(Thu)10:34 No. 12845

A few more.

Anonymous 09/09/10(Thu)10:34 No. 12846

EducatedAnon 09/09/11(Fri)05:24 No. 12881

If I had the authority, this thread would be stickied so fast everyone posting in it would have to sue me for causing them whiplash.

Anonymous 09/09/11(Fri)19:53 No. 12894

Is there a mod for men/boys? (not futa)

Anonymous 09/09/12(Sat)00:51 No. 12898

Yes, you just have to look through the mods and see which one carried it. Good luck though.

Anonymous 09/09/12(Sat)00:52 No. 12899

Yes, you just have to look through the mods and see which one carries it. Good luck though.

Neko 09/09/12(Sat)01:23 No. 12900

sorry for intruding without related materiel, but can someone post a new link to the main program? the other one is dead.

Anonymous 09/09/12(Sat)13:54 No. 12906

downloaded but the entire readme is illigible. Am also getting a wierd error when trying to run the install file

Boku 09/09/13(Sun)03:45 No. 13418

I know what OP is talking about.

You're looking for something with the file 3D_Custom_Girl_complete_iso in it, along with some other things. I can't find it at the moment.

Try checking Hongfire.com for it. I'll keep an eye out for everyone.

Anonymous 09/10/16(Fri)08:44 No. 16463

File 125567545782.png - (277.07KB , 1024x768 , EA62079A.png )

I was thinking of making one of these until I saw this thread

Anonymous 09/10/17(Sat)02:20 No. 16471

Ooh boy! Here's just a few of mine.
Enjoy the tentacles and BDSM outfits.

Cable ## Mod ## 09/10/17(Sat)11:59 No. 16506


I'm downloading it at the moment. As far as I can tell, it seems legit.
Also: Thread stickied.

Anonymous 09/10/17(Sat)12:32 No. 16510

File 125577557254.jpg - (71.61KB , 1024x768 , My Catgirl.jpg )

I'm not even sure which version I have, I'm pretty sure I have just a really basic one though. =/

Anonymous 09/10/17(Sat)13:13 No. 16511

I want to use this, but it seems that the only way to get it is through torrents. And besides that it kind of seems like a lot of work just getting it to work. Is it worth it?

Cable!!pmZwAwLwyx 09/10/17(Sat)13:16 No. 16512

Whats so bad about torrents?

Cable ## Mod ## 09/10/19(Mon)22:44 No. 16553

Unstickied, just because.

Anonymous 09/10/28(Wed)19:55 No. 16642

I get an error whenever I try to mount the ISO.
Magic ISO and daemon tools can't hang.

Cable!!pmZwAwLwyx 09/10/28(Wed)23:12 No. 16644

I had the same problem. Im not very good with computer.

Lazerlight 09/11/06(Fri)01:03 No. 18188

is there an english version or anything similar in english.this thing is neat and all,just been clicking and hitting random buttons,but id like to know what and how to use it properly.

Anonymous 09/11/06(Fri)12:34 No. 18196

An English version would indeed be nice, but you can always just memorize what BUTANs do what.

Cable 09/12/13(Sun)18:01 No. 25435

File 126072368240.png - (646.08KB , 1024x768 , derp.png )

Alas! I have conquered the impossible task of mounting an .iso!

I made this!

Now: to make it uncensored...

Anonymous 09/12/15(Tue)12:58 No. 25454

I don't think you know what that word means, Cable.

Cable 09/12/15(Tue)13:09 No. 25455

I dont give a fuck.

Cable 10/01/28(Thu)20:00 No. 28005

So yeah, pretty much everything you'll ever need can be found here.


This includes an uncensor patch. Note - The word "Uncensor" is to be taken in the most literal sense of the word. It does NOT replace the mosaic with an actual virtual vagina. It just gets rid of the mosaic. However, it replaces a dick with a turd and that's pretty funny.

Anonymous 10/01/30(Sat)01:40 No. 28038

File 126481202224.jpg - (310.96KB , 1024x768 , Yamada_1.jpg )

Anonymous 10/01/30(Sat)02:09 No. 28039

File 126481374478.jpg - (351.38KB , 1024x768 , Meganekko_1.jpg )

Cable 10/02/01(Mon)20:19 No. 28394

Just a friendly reminder:
Don't import all the mod files into your arcs folder at once or, odds are, you will corrupt your game and have to reinstall.

Try to limit to 10, 15 at the most. Then start the game and exit, just to be safe.

Anonymous 10/02/03(Wed)07:38 No. 28409

okay about half the mods i'm installing aren't working, either by making the program not start, or simply not showing up , any suggestions? Also, which are the tentacle mods?

Cable 10/02/03(Wed)10:51 No. 28411

I have no idea. No one has posted what any of these mods do, you just have to guess by the .tah filename.

Anonymous 10/02/03(Wed)21:23 No. 28420

Found a fix for the compatibilty issues. Most computers will probably have trouble with the files with japanese characters in the names, renaming the files fixes this.

Anonymous 10/02/07(Sun)21:56 No. 28621

i wanna know to!

Anonymous 10/02/08(Mon)04:36 No. 28626

Everyone wants to have a little friend.

> !DcIMPLYINg 10/02/10(Wed)00:35 No. 28638

>renaming the files
Or you could just use AppLocale.

Anonymous 10/02/13(Sat)12:45 No. 28709

File 126606154399.png - (275.28KB , 488x1067 , Girl1.png )

I decided to try this out 'cause it seemed pretty neat. Here's who I made. Will come back tomorrow with n00dz. Too tired to find and install virtu-vaj patch - I'm using the basic package right now.

Anonymous 10/02/14(Sun)10:26 No. 29663

File 126613961265.png - (163.76KB , 285x1034 , Girl2.png )

Well, it's one nude anyway. Could someone show me where to get the vagina mod? I'm capped for the month, so I can't feasibly download 25 gigs of mods.

Anonymous 10/02/19(Fri)08:11 No. 29716

Holy shit wow, downloading at 1mb/sec, whereas the other one is 50kb. Thanks, Cable.

Cable 10/02/19(Fri)10:57 No. 29717

File 126657347873.jpg - (18.86KB , 400x500 , high-five-0808-lg-76258126.jpg )

High five!

Anonymous 10/02/24(Wed)08:57 No. 29789

okay,question, a lot of the mods show more than one girl, how do you do that? i haven't been able to figure it out by trial and error. *curses inability to learn japanese*

Cable 10/02/24(Wed)10:20 No. 29790

Great question!

Anonymous 10/03/04(Thu)04:46 No. 33307

Do they have any mods for boy figures or male figures that are not futanari? Basically, something to approximate to convincingly masculine figures... bishi-types are just fine for my purposes.

Anonymous 10/06/23(Wed)15:41 No. 38057

I have tried like 4 different install instructions and none of them seem to be working. All the appropriate files, etc, and when I try to run the program obsdx9.exe crashes. Uncensored patch, no uncensored patch, it doesn't matter, it just keeps crashing. Anyone have any idea on how to fix this?

Anonymous 10/07/06(Tue)22:14 No. 44060

I try running the obsDX9.exe thing and i just get an error that says startup followed by some unrecognized text which i assume to be my computer trying to read japanese. what do i do?

Cable 10/07/06(Tue)22:57 No. 44063

Enable East Asian languages.
If you dont have the install disc, download and mount the .iso

Anonymous 10/07/09(Fri)03:35 No. 44073


Sounds like you need Microsoft AppLocale

Anonymous 10/07/20(Tue)07:53 No. 44214

File 127960522994.jpg - (100.16KB , 1280x1024 , ObsDX9 2010-03-24 01-21-05-87.jpg )

Anonymous 10/07/20(Tue)07:54 No. 44215

File 127960526860.jpg - (98.84KB , 1280x1024 , ObsDX9 2010-03-24 01-22-46-36.jpg )

Anonymous 10/07/20(Tue)07:55 No. 44216

File 127960532163.jpg - (105.32KB , 1280x1024 , ObsDX9 2010-04-06 01-48-19-44.jpg )

virtual vagina Anonymous 10/07/23(Fri)17:35 No. 44240

how to get the virtual vagina like on the pics?

Anonymous 10/07/26(Mon)08:40 No. 44264

link to uncensored patch please, the one on the site is no good.

Anonymous 10/07/28(Wed)16:42 No. 44280

this thread made me oh so very happy.


I tried that one too, didnt work for me either, so I gave this one


a shot, and it actually worked. XP4 uncensored.

finally working Anonymous 10/07/29(Thu)10:10 No. 44291

File 128039102232.jpg - (82.83KB , 1024x768 , bel\'nora.jpg )

I've finally got mine to work :D

pic related

zombie girl mods. Anonymous 10/08/02(Mon)19:34 No. 44388

are there any zombie girl mods out there that allows you make a zombie?

Archer 10/08/02(Mon)23:19 No. 44395

well i dont know about zombie mods but ive made the catalogs availible online at http://3dcustomgirl.wikispaces.com/

Etkos 10/08/06(Fri)13:04 No. 44467

Apparently, I need d3dx9_32.dll? wtfnow?

Etkos 10/08/06(Fri)14:29 No. 44472

Okay, I found the dll and am no longer getting that message. I got the program working uncensored (and seriously lacking in options). But every time I try to upgrade to any of the other patches, it says "DirectX" and then gibberish. Note: vista is already displaying Japanese correctly, but the message windows do not. I have no idea what the problem is now.

Anonymous 10/08/08(Sun)21:09 No. 44550

I never thought to ask this question before, but hey: will this run on vista or windows 7 at all?

Anonymous 10/08/14(Sat)17:17 No. 44573

File 128179901912.png - (833.99KB , 1280x800 , cg.png )

works fine on vista

Anonymous 10/08/15(Sun)00:17 No. 44579

File 128182424858.jpg - (184.38KB , 1680x1050 , tac1539.jpg )

Anonymous 10/08/15(Sun)05:21 No. 44590

Thought that was my desktop fir a second. I'm running Simple MU too.

Anonymous 10/08/15(Sun)06:47 No. 44591

Does anyone have a link to where I can find a futanari mod for the girl herself? I have the one to make the girl she's fucking a futa but not a mod to make her one. Meanwhile I'll try my luck with the 25 gigs of mod pack but I'd like to save some drive space.

Anonymous 10/08/15(Sun)23:14 No. 44660

File 128190686169.jpg - (254.81KB , 716x2685 , this.jpg )

Anonymous 10/08/17(Tue)17:27 No. 44672

My laptop's popping up a window that says "Obsidian/DX9", the text being "startup, ~~~~~~~~", where the ~'s are weirdo gibberish things.


Cable 10/08/18(Wed)01:32 No. 44683


Anonymous 10/08/31(Tue)03:02 No. 44783

from experience, it's probably a mod that's doing it

a modest request 10/08/31(Tue)04:59 No. 44784

File 128322355362.png - (848.37KB , 566x800 , d490b394ab5bfde8e5d277b6d1b319d2.png )

would anyone be so kind as to make a mod which adds needle marks on the skin similar to the one the pic provided. (arm, between toes, neck, etc.) thanks.

Anonymous 10/09/10(Fri)06:08 No. 45121

holy shit this thread is still here?

Anonymous 10/09/10(Fri)06:20 No. 45125

a modest request 10/11/08(Mon)02:56 No. 46075

does anyone know where to get the pose editor?

Anonymous 10/11/09(Tue)00:30 No. 46079

It's in the character editor with the poses I think.

Anonymous 10/11/09(Tue)06:42 No. 46081

where do i download it

Anonymous 10/11/10(Wed)02:31 No. 46083

It's already in the vanilla game with the options allowing you to choose the character's eyes' color, height, etc.
The button is on the same line as the one that'll make the character change position (like the blowjob one).

nice Sana 10/12/30(Thu)05:11 No. 46821

I like this very much! I'm new to it! do you think there is a shota/male vesion for this?

Anonymous 11/01/02(Sun)15:08 No. 47069

File 12939772929.png - (678.33KB , 816x638 , zombie w-dick.png )

Umm, yeah.
I got a metric fuckton of mods and extra files from a torrent, and one or them was a cock (without balls)
Other modifications, such as a different voice, might be possible.

Try loading config and getting the right resolution

Pose editor is shown here as the leftmost option of the second row

Anonymous 11/01/03(Mon)03:32 No. 47487

Well, i got all this to work but the uncensored patch just gives me a big pink blur instead of a proper vagina, no mosaic, just pink smudge. Anyone else ?

Also, why do we have to install XPr1 then 2 then 3 ?

Anonymous 11/01/03(Mon)04:07 No. 47488


can u do bj's? is there any cum?

Anonymous 11/01/03(Mon)06:43 No. 47518

CAN I CHANGE THEIR PUSSIES ? Someone Please help. The pussy i have is nothing but a pink blur. I want pussy options Dammit !

Anonymous 11/01/14(Fri)11:49 No. 48259

i honest to god don't see it.

Anonymous 11/01/29(Sat)04:10 No. 48784


Anonymous 11/02/08(Tue)13:08 No. 48974

File 129716688411.jpg - (59.33KB , 600x541 , 127900913285.jpg )

sageing with something (better)


Anonymous 11/02/19(Sat)02:29 No. 49688

intriguing, to say the least

Anonymous 11/02/19(Sat)04:30 No. 49689

and its not working for me.

Anonymous 11/03/14(Mon)00:32 No. 49830

this thread must not die!

Anonymous 11/04/08(Fri)03:40 No. 49967

I think you hit lava

Start=up error? Mimic 11/05/20(Fri)04:32 No. 50994

No ways? Every time I try to start up Custom Girl I get a error in random numbers and symbols, anyone got a clue on how to deal with this?

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