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Flash mods Gscot 15/12/10(Thu)19:51 No. 18154 ID: bd478c

File ~ppppSuperWiiU5_1_1.swf - (7.73MB )

So, the old thread got to big. Let's start anew. I did a little editing to the Hilda version.

By a little I mean Gardevoir was cut.

The reason for this was she used a lot of space by being made of a lot of new assets, and though she won the poll she wasn't well received.
Anyway, I've got a May to finish. I'll keep you guys posted.

Anonymous 15/12/10(Thu)21:12 No. 18157 ID: 265ae9

It's too bad you had to cut a character for space reasons. The music thing I brought up in the last thread, "Get rid of the need of using the same music in different movie clips, the flash IDE will create separate copies in the swf, unnecessarily increasing the size.", would save space but around 340 KB from a quick look. I have a couple of suggestions but I'm not too sure how well they go with your workflow. First, is to reuse the background animations and have a single instance of it used for all characters, relying on action script to change the colors and music. Not sure if as2 is capable of this or even how much space it will save. Second is to use the air SDK (which likely means you would need a coding IDE like FlashDevelop and adopt actionscript 3 usage). The thing is like magic. Interactive v5's LQ version is 10.5 MB (about 4 MB of which is music) normally but when compiled with the Air SDK it's 6.60MB.

Anonymous 15/12/10(Thu)22:09 No. 18159 ID: 1bedd2

Could I request a version where instead of Gardevoir cut for Hilda it's Midna instead?

Anonymous 15/12/10(Thu)22:53 No. 18161 ID: d0c276

The guy isn't primarily a flash developer.
OOP isn't a concept that animators immediately introduce.
That being said, it's really trivial to separate assets out specifically in flash, since importing entire SWFs onto the stage is a provided functionality.
Further to this you can import individual assets like sounds, vectors, fonts, etc from external SWFs resulting in either a reduced startup time or even convenient modding.
But this is all in the realm of programming, simple as it might be the person working on this has their hands full drawing hats, I wouldn't expect them to be fully up to speed with backend dev.

.-. 15/12/11(Fri)01:00 No. 18164 ID: e180e1

O mai

Anonymous 15/12/11(Fri)01:53 No. 18165 ID: d582f8

Well hello new thread. Never thought PPPPU would ever turn out like this from last year.

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous 15/12/11(Fri)05:51 No. 18168 ID: a7bdc1


Anonymous 15/12/12(Sat)02:40 No. 18176 ID: f27800

looks great

Anonymous 15/12/12(Sat)04:29 No. 18177 ID: 41aa6e

Seriously disappointed that gardevoir was cut

Anonymous 15/12/12(Sat)06:24 No. 18178 ID: 2a0831

What is the purpose of cutting characters and saving space anyway? We're not talking about a 500mb swf file here, the difference between 7mb and 9mb, and even 50mb is negligible in this day and age. You could fit 30 more characters before having to worry about the file getting too big.

I understand needing a smaller version for this site, but for a final release I hope you do not cut anything for the sake of having a tiny file size.

Anonymous 15/12/12(Sat)08:56 No. 18180 ID: 7f2d64

For that matter, why not make different versions if there's a hard limit? Better than leaving completed work in the trash, and I'd be interested in seeing character sets outside of Nintendo characters.

Gscot 15/12/12(Sat)12:14 No. 18184 ID: bd478c

Gardevoir was cut solely for the purpose of posting here. I've given it some thought and, you are right, there really isn't a need to cut characters from the last version. I can post it elsewhere and link you guys to it. The 10mb limit was originally because of 4chan's limitations.

Anonymous 15/12/12(Sat)23:59 No. 18189 ID: c83bfa

You can always upload it to something like mediafire and we'll download it.

Anonymous 15/12/13(Sun)13:21 No. 18195 ID: fd55dc

May I request Footjob animations?

Anonymous 15/12/14(Mon)03:12 No. 18204 ID: c3b609

I think the music for Hilda should be changed. Although I like Miror b's theme, it doesn't fit with the rest of the flash. It needs to be something more upbeat, and have a faster rhythm. Maybe these?

Anonymous 15/12/14(Mon)08:09 No. 18209 ID: bc44c2

Miror B's theme is a much better candidate than any of these.

Anonymous 15/12/14(Mon)08:54 No. 18210 ID: 33f23a

does Sago know about the new thread? I want to know how his vocal thing is coming along.

Anonymous 15/12/14(Mon)12:13 No. 18213 ID: a7464a

Hi! I'm still not a guy. Haven't done work on a new vocal thing in a few days. Monitor broke, but hopefully Santa will bring me one. I am using my plasma for now for gaming, but I can't edit the voice things on it because it'll burn my editing software into the screen. I have Samus coming up next though.

Anonymous 15/12/14(Mon)12:28 No. 18214 ID: 1cb393

I agree with you, this particular Mirror's B theme is too slow for what the flash is. The original theme from Pokemon Colosseum would have been better. That plus, the only person who should be getting any Mirror B's theme here is May at the very least. The song in general should be from the same generation the pokemon trainer is from.

Anonymous 15/12/15(Tue)02:50 No. 18224 ID: 3b2f40

Muffet from Undertale when?

Anonymous 15/12/15(Tue)05:42 No. 18228 ID: 011573

I made this tribute emblem to ppppu in Black Ops 3. It took forever, but I'm proud of it.


Anonymous 15/12/15(Tue)14:44 No. 18233 ID: 1cb393

Oh god, that would take so long to make with all those limbs. Would probably be pretty hot though.

Anonymous 15/12/15(Tue)21:20 No. 18234 ID: 76c869


>>Tis, but realize, you'll be asking an artist to create something entirely new rather than tweak a few things. You may wanna commission it rather than request it.

ples 15/12/16(Wed)00:32 No. 18237 ID: e180e1

smash announcement in 22 MINUTES!!!

Music suggestion for Pokemon characters Anonymous 15/12/16(Wed)08:57 No. 18243 ID: f7a280

Very true, those 3 could not possibly work. But how about this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQStQTuwRgQ I played it from my Super Mystery Dungeon's jukebox and selected Peach in ppppu at the same time and it worked great! The song is also so catchy I'd find myself humming it like some other music in the flash. Also after about 30 seconds of listening to Miror B it begins to annoy me.

Interactive Kakaider 15/12/16(Wed)17:03 No. 18248 ID: c15ef7

will there be an interactive version soon?

Anonymous 15/12/16(Wed)20:34 No. 18250 ID: 41aa6e

best idea ever, at least someone from undertale

Anonymous 15/12/17(Thu)00:30 No. 18251 ID: 265ae9

To answer your question, not sure. Planned on waiting for gscot's final release before working on the interactive version. However, if there was a request for an interactive version for Hilda, then I'd work on it. Time to ask gscot for the fla of the latest version. With all that said, it should take 2 days the latest from when I can get the .fla as the only big work that needs to be done on my side is the loop points for music and I have no new features to add.

Anonymous 15/12/17(Thu)06:44 No. 18253 ID: 9987d5


Anonymous 15/12/17(Thu)12:07 No. 18257 ID: a90b05

Great choice on music. Love Hilda. Your newest work is awesome, thank you.

Kakaider 15/12/17(Thu)14:15 No. 18259 ID: 6205f9

very well I do hope to see an interactive version the new cow girl improved ride is very hot and id love to see the ver, with hilda but if gscots final is better then its the wait thank you for the quick response

Anonymous 15/12/17(Thu)15:52 No. 18260 ID: 265ae9

Unfortunately I won't be able to work on the interactive version for the latest release until around New Years.

Kakaider 15/12/17(Thu)17:43 No. 18261 ID: 6205f9

take your time have loved all of them so far you are doing quite well don't rush good things are worth the wait

Anonymous 15/12/17(Thu)23:03 No. 18263 ID: f147ea

>that isabelle ruff during anal

My boner, stop.

Also thanks a lot man. We all appreciate the amazing work you do on this.

Anonymous 15/12/18(Fri)16:32 No. 18272 ID: 66976c

If this game ever gets a cumshot "ending" I think the entire internet might explode.

Anonymous 15/12/19(Sat)07:23 No. 18277 ID: 5b5e67

she barks during anal? need to see this

Hilda poses Timthepanda221 15/12/19(Sat)16:02 No. 18281 ID: 2b4cde

I was told Hilda had 11 poses but I'm only counting 10 can some please confirm this.

Anonymous 15/12/19(Sat)17:57 No. 18282 ID: 265ae9

Looked at it in ffdec and there is 11 poses but the script used to randomly select one of them only chooses out of 10, making the last pose unable to be viewed by normal means. It's the back view animation by the way that can't be seen.

Gscot 15/12/19(Sat)22:13 No. 18285 ID: 2eb213

Thanks for catching that. I'll patch that up when May's done but I'll get it to ppppuprogrammer for the interactive version.

Timthepanda221 15/12/20(Sun)01:12 No. 18286 ID: e3565e

Thanks for the quick response.

V6? Timthepanda221 15/12/20(Sun)03:58 No. 18288 ID: 2b4cde

I'm just curious, when May is added will that be V6 of pppp or do you want to add more characters before jumping V6. You don't have to answer if u don't want to.

Anonymous 15/12/20(Sun)03:59 No. 18289 ID: abb65c

Guess she likes ruff anal sex.

Gscot 15/12/20(Sun)08:26 No. 18290 ID: 2eb213

May is a minor update. V6 will take a while. Here is my to-do list: One new character slot with multiple characters like the Zelda slot. At least one cum scene for each character. A Classic mode where all characters play randomly.

Anonymous 15/12/20(Sun)09:49 No. 18291 ID: d08338


Will the cum scene be:

A) A completely new animation for each
B) One of the previous scenes chosen by you with a cumshot added to it?

I honestly don't care which one, just happy to see it added period. If I wasn't flat fucking broke I'd give you money.

Anonymous 15/12/21(Mon)10:11 No. 18296 ID: 85cc41

oh holy shit fam
hildas bretty gud

Anonymous 15/12/22(Tue)01:57 No. 18299 ID: 5e7c75

Someone already made one.


Anonymous 15/12/22(Tue)07:59 No. 18300 ID: 64a4e9

yeah but this looks like garbage in comparison

Anonymous 15/12/23(Wed)00:52 No. 18304 ID: 1cb393

No May no play. I wish that person had done pokegirls instead of LoL girls.

Anonymous 15/12/24(Thu)03:34 No. 18309 ID: 1a7ed1

Are you going to keep making interactive versions?

Anonymous 15/12/24(Thu)05:33 No. 18311 ID: 265ae9

Gscot doesn't work on the interactive versions, I do. And yes, I plan to keep releasing them for as long as Gscot keeps working on the ppppSuperWiiU. As I mentioned in >>18260 though, I won't be unable to update the interactive version until around New Years.

Anonymous 15/12/24(Thu)11:31 No. 18312 ID: 64bac9

You think you could make anal animations seperate animations in the next interactive version? Having to cycle through 50 animations to get to one isnt fun.

Anonymous 15/12/26(Sat)06:16 No. 18324 ID: 10d4dc

+1 for more ahegaos

Anonymous 15/12/26(Sat)07:33 No. 18325 ID: 2eb213

The cum scenes will be largely built from scratch stemming from current animations, similarly to the double Zelda scene. Each girl will get her own reaction(s).

Gscot 15/12/26(Sat)07:34 No. 18326 ID: 2eb213

Forgot my name :P

Anonymous 15/12/26(Sat)13:24 No. 18328 ID: 1cb393

Any plans on who we'll get to cum inside and who we'll be cumming on?

Gscot 15/12/26(Sat)21:53 No. 18331 ID: 2eb213

A concept sketch is buried deep in my tumblr of Shantae upset some stuff got in her hair, Rosalina is planned on getting cummed in, and Midna is planned on an oral scene. The rest are loose concepts still, but I have a list of my ideas.

Anonymous 15/12/27(Sun)06:37 No. 18333 ID: 548648

Sounds neat

Anonymous 15/12/27(Sun)09:49 No. 18334 ID: bf24b5

nonchalant rosalina when you cum inside her would make my dick diamonds

Anonymous 15/12/27(Sun)15:34 No. 18335 ID: 7eabd7

this tbh fam

Gscot 15/12/28(Mon)08:06 No. 18341 ID: 2eb213

I like this suggestion.

Anonymous 15/12/28(Mon)10:15 No. 18342 ID: e65547

I'm just here waiting for palutena...

Anonymous 15/12/28(Mon)10:27 No. 18343 ID: d08338


As would mine

Anonymous 15/12/28(Mon)16:00 No. 18344 ID: cad798

I think it's better if they all have cum in and cum out scenes rather than either or.

Anonymous 15/12/28(Mon)19:26 No. 18347 ID: 1cb393

I feel like a girl like that should be saved until we get large breast options, if you know what I'm sayin.

Anonymous 16/01/01(Fri)07:08 No. 18358 ID: e65547

new year so where's the nintendo babes

Anonymous 16/01/01(Fri)08:04 No. 18359 ID: b64e5c

I see someone else is also about to make PPPPU their first fap of 2016
Here's to hopin for cum editions soon

Happy New Year! Gscot 16/01/01(Fri)08:06 No. 18360 ID: bd478c

You guys and gals are great. I got the wine out and Flash is open.

Anonymous 16/01/01(Fri)11:04 No. 18361 ID: 1a7ed1

Happy New Year from the West Coast Gscot!

HAPPY NEW YEARS GSCOT!!! Someone 16/01/01(Fri)21:26 No. 18363 ID: e180e1


Phoenix Wright 16/01/02(Sat)11:01 No. 18365 ID: c7455e

Is Mia Fey from Phoenix Wright considered as an Nintendo babe? Would love to see that ass and bust in this project.

Anonymous 16/01/02(Sat)17:42 No. 18368 ID: 265ae9

File ppppSuperWiiUv5_2_InteractiveLQ.swf - (7.18MB )

I hope the holidays went well for everyone. It's may be late but I got a late Christmas gift for you all. Hilda's in, Gardevoir is still in as well, and no new features. Go to https://fuwa.se/f/Xop41e.zip for the high quality music version.
The flash is cutting it close with size and from what I gather from Gscot's plans the next version I will not be able to upload it here in any capacity, so no more low quality music versions from here on out. Anyway, enjoy.

Anonymous 16/01/03(Sun)07:04 No. 18373 ID: 23edfe

She's just as much of a Nintendo babe as Shantae. I'd like to see some Ace Attorney in this. How about Franziska or Ema Skye, while we're at it?

Awesome, as always. I've been looking forward to this.

Gscot 16/01/03(Sun)07:35 No. 18375 ID: bd478c

Progress on May: I have four more positions to do, then I can work on her face. It turns out hats complicate things, though I should have remembered that from making Midna. :P

I say 'yes.'

Anonymous 16/01/03(Sun)09:41 No. 18376 ID: 1a7ed1

Hey, since most of the characters have 2 pages of animations, would you consider extending the display or putting a page switch button? Having to use the minus key makes it hard to play with one hand.

Anonymous 16/01/03(Sun)12:25 No. 18378 ID: 129182

if you are taking requests Lynne from ghost trick: phantom detective would be nice
she has distinctive hair and that game had some really good music too

Kakaider 16/01/04(Mon)01:43 No. 18391 ID: 1d3b2f

so where will the next version be uploaded?
I would love to know?

Anonymous 16/01/04(Mon)04:14 No. 18393 ID: 265ae9

Same place where I uploaded the latest version, on fuwa.se or another pomf.se-like site.

Sorry but I don't take character requests. Not in my skill set to be able to add characters.

Will be added in the next interactive version.

Anonymous 16/01/04(Mon)05:24 No. 18395 ID: 376154

Not to be greedy, but could Midna ever get an update? She needs a little more love at 9 animations.

Gscot 16/01/04(Mon)05:29 No. 18396 ID: bd478c

I'll try. After May is done Midna's going to need a cum scene or two at least.

Anonymous 16/01/04(Mon)11:49 No. 18401 ID: 2a0831

Would it be possible to disable certain characters but keep it randomized? Say that I want the randomness but I don't want Midna or Gardy to appear.

Anonymous 16/01/04(Mon)14:24 No. 18402 ID: 265ae9

That is already possible and has been for a very long time (unless you're a mobile user, then it's not possible). Right click a character's icon to disallow them to be picked (both by the user and the randomizer) and have the random character select enabled (left side menu, question mark icon).

Kakaider 16/01/04(Mon)16:14 No. 18403 ID: 336ec2

oh so a link will be provided i take it?

Anonymous 16/01/04(Mon)20:37 No. 18405 ID: bf24b5

i want to cum inside of may as deep as possible nngngghnghgn

Anonymous 16/01/05(Tue)06:45 No. 18409 ID: 7eabd7

we all do son

Anonymous 16/01/07(Thu)06:30 No. 18420 ID: 4b1b31

Is anyone else unable to play the recent interactive versions (v5 and v5.2) through baka loader? They give a "File error! Not a valid flash file" message.
Gscot's builds work, as does the old v4 interactive. The new ones work via the normal standalone flash player 20, but lack of good zoom is a bit of a downer.
Regardless, thanks to Gscot and the enigmatic programmer for all of your fine work.

Anonymous 16/01/07(Thu)11:41 No. 18423 ID: f0e6a1


Looked into this. It's because I started using the LZMA algorithm for compression for v5i. However baka loader seems to not support that algorithm, just ZLIB. Given that future releases will not be uploaded directly to this site, I'll revert back to using ZLIB (it's only ~4 MB difference) for new releases. If you wish to not wait and fix that now, do the following:
1) open ffdec and have it load the swf.
2) Locate the header, click it, then hit the edit button
3) Change compression from "LZMA" to "ZLIB"
4) hit the save button that's next to the "cancel" button.
5) Now save the actual swf by hitting the big save button (the one next to the "open" button

With realizing this, you might be able to use this method to compress your swfs further Gscot (if your flash pro IDE doesn't allow you to specify which compression algorithm to use). Turns out the Adobe Air sdk may not be directly responsible for the lower file size (it might only optimize code performance), thing is that by default it uses LZMA compression.

And to top this off, I found out the trouble with the hair. Seems that there are no concrete "rules" that minus8 went by when animating the hair. Meaning that I can't find a way to replicate how it moves in a manner that can be used for more than 1 animation. Also can't find trends with how movement of how the face affects the hair in any animation. So I don't know, I'm going to work on other things for now but I do want the hair system to be flexible enough that you can have more than 8 fixed movement "slots" to use. So if anyone has any ideas or suggestions to overcome this, it'd be appreciated.

Gscot 16/01/07(Thu)13:17 No. 18424 ID: bd478c

I'll test that compression method out.

You're right about the hair. That's where all the work goes because I have to manually edit it on a per scene basis.
Samus is a good base to work from for bangs, and the Zelda's work alright for longer styles.

Tartarus 16/01/07(Thu)22:03 No. 18428 ID: b50bda

Maybe you could try to find a way to contact -8 so you can make the hair much easier and make the process go by faster?

Anonymous 16/01/08(Fri)00:54 No. 18429 ID: 4b1b31

Thanks for the quick reply, worked great.

WBGrock 16/01/08(Fri)05:11 No. 18431 ID: 8dcd74

Call me kooky, call me crazy, but what i'd really like to see is something along the lines of >>18368
with a Creampie Roulette option... at the end of X cycles, someone gets a creampie.

But that's prolly way down the road aint it.

Anonymous 16/01/09(Sat)01:19 No. 18436 ID: 8c8dbb

What would really be fun if it gave you a count down timer so you cum with the game, with an option to have it stay locked with the "winner" (and possibly that animation) so you can enjoy it for more than just that one animation cycle.

Progress Gscot 16/01/10(Sun)16:36 No. 18444 ID: bd478c

Animation is done, but something weird happened to the sound. It's likely something minor with a script so expect May later in the week.

Ness 16/01/10(Sun)22:51 No. 18446 ID: e180e1


~ppppSuperWiiUv5_2 Gscot 16/01/12(Tue)03:14 No. 18448 ID: bd478c


May added.
Arm fixed on scene 7 for all characters.
Arm fix on WiiFit Trainer
Shirt added to WiiFit Trainer
May has arrived.

With May finally out, I can begin taking commissions again. There are already character's commissioned for personal versions of ~ppppu, so for the moment, all other commissions are limited to illustrations.
Illustrations go from $15-$30 depending on size and complexity.


Anonymous 16/01/12(Tue)04:03 No. 18449 ID: 7c5407

Cant download from mega sadly. Thanks for your work anyway

Alternative download Gscot 16/01/12(Tue)05:11 No. 18450 ID: bd478c


Anonymous 16/01/12(Tue)05:43 No. 18451 ID: a689c3

damn gscot your work is getting better and better, I love the clothing on the fit trainer. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous 16/01/12(Tue)06:02 No. 18452 ID: f0e6a1

This new version is pretty nice. Didn't think much about it when it was suggested but the shirt on WFT was a really good addition (nice touch with her last animation by the way).

And now I must ask, could you please upload the fla so the interactive version can be updated?

Gscot 16/01/12(Tue)06:34 No. 18453 ID: bd478c

PpppuProgrammer was sent the .fla long before the .swf went up.

Anonymous 16/01/12(Tue)07:25 No. 18454 ID: e2ad43

*goes on to see if gscot added may yet* "shit he finally did it" *remembers he already fapped today* "NOOO!!!!!

Anonymous 16/01/12(Tue)07:35 No. 18455 ID: f0e6a1

Well that's a small lesson that I should check my tumblr more often. Thanks, I'll get to work on this and see if I can get this done by Wednesday.

Anonymous 16/01/12(Tue)08:02 No. 18456 ID: f0e6a1

Or perhaps not. One link needs the decryption key and the other links to the swf.

Gscot 16/01/12(Tue)13:22 No. 18457 ID: bd478c

Sorry about jumbling your links. I just sent the decrypted one.

Anonymous 16/01/12(Tue)16:55 No. 18458 ID: cc5101

Will you release the flash version?

4chan Gscot 16/01/12(Tue)20:39 No. 18460 ID: bd478c

V5_2 is currently on 4chan's /f/ for anyone who can't use either download link.

Anonymous 16/01/12(Tue)21:58 No. 18461 ID: f147ea

>the new version removed Isabelle's anal animation where she goes "RUFF!"

Why even live.

Anonymous 16/01/12(Tue)22:13 No. 18462 ID: f0e6a1

Interactive v5.2.1 is ready. Might have missed a few things but I'll go over that later. You can get it at https://fuwa.se/f/9td3Sa.zip

Anonymous 16/01/12(Tue)23:02 No. 18464 ID: f27800

Thanks for the interactive version so quickly, there's a minor problem with May though, she wasn't centered correctly, she's too high up.

Anonymous 16/01/12(Tue)23:23 No. 18465 ID: d0c276

rip nx

Anonymous 16/01/13(Wed)00:36 No. 18466 ID: f0e6a1

I'm not calling time of death on that just yet. Especially not over hair physics.

Thanks for catching that. I'll get right on that.

Also I need to ask about something from the changelog because it's still bothering me a bit. "Arm fixed on scene 7 for all characters." What exactly needed to be fixed with that scene? I couldn't find anything that looked off/wrong.

Anonymous 16/01/13(Wed)01:48 No. 18467 ID: 6841b3

question? is it possible to play the flash without downloading it? via websites such as swfchan?

Gscot 16/01/13(Wed)02:04 No. 18468 ID: bd478c

It was fairly minor. The shoulder connected to the arms funny, but it was mostly covered by the head and hair. Only really noticeable on short haired characters like May or WFT.


Anonymous 16/01/13(Wed)04:54 No. 18469 ID: 6841b3

i was referring to the interactive version but thanks anyways for showing me anyways :) lovein' it!

Anonymous 16/01/13(Wed)13:27 No. 18471 ID: f0e6a1

Fixed May's position and also her button (the appearance of which would not change when the mouse was over it or it was clicked). You get get v5.2.2i at https://fuwa.se/f/IiN0zH.zip

It is if someone (else) uploads it. Not sure how to get stuff uploaded onto swfchan and don't know any other flash hosting sites will accept a ~22MB swf.

I see.

Anonymous 16/01/14(Thu)04:40 No. 18475 ID: bb9dd7

Anytime you play a flash you're technically downloading it. It's just going into your Temp folder and deleting itself after a day is all.

If you don't know how to open an swf file. Well... that's sad.

Download flash projector and set it as your default file for opening swfs or just open all swfs in chrome or firefox.

Anonymous 16/01/15(Fri)08:58 No. 18490 ID: 1cb393

This is pretty sweet Gscot, definitely worth all the waiting since last thread. I love all the scenes that include that little blushing effect, and May has the most of them! Can't wait to see what else your commissions will bring to the table.

No Anon, he made it even better for you. Now you've got both that AND the one where she makes that one hot face with the lip bite. Don't you agree that adding a bit of rarity and randomness helps keep the animation interesting?

Gscot 16/01/15(Fri)13:39 No. 18491 ID: bd478c

The "Ruff!" scene was accidentally removed entirely in the previous version. It's included in the current version.

Anonymous 16/01/16(Sat)00:45 No. 18495 ID: 76c869



Anonymous 16/01/16(Sat)02:47 No. 18496 ID: 6841b3

i know how to do it, i'd just rather use the interactive version on some type of website, preferably swfchan

Anonymous 16/01/16(Sat)06:15 No. 18498 ID: a689c3

I'd be great if you could add some clothing to samus, the zero suit is what makes her sexy and nude samus just seems kind of boring

Anonymous 16/01/16(Sat)09:03 No. 18499 ID: f27800

Loving everything I see like always thank you. Question: can we get some type of representable clothing on the other girls too, like you did for Wii Fit, or do we have to commission some sort of payment for that?

Anonymous 16/01/16(Sat)14:25 No. 18502 ID: 196c91

Gonna throw my 2 cents in and say clothing is definitely great but cum scenes would be better first.

Anonymous 16/01/16(Sat)20:42 No. 18503 ID: 1cb393

this tbh fam

Gscot 16/01/17(Sun)00:55 No. 18505 ID: bd478c

WFT got a shirt because it was pointed out she looked plain because we couldn't see the shine on her body.
I do make it an option with commissions to add extra articles. The person who commissioned Hilda got a personal version with clothing. I'd like to install a button to toggle such articles on/off so I'm researching to code for that.
Something like a zero suit would be akin to building Midna or Isabelle though.

That's a big change. A shirt was minor. They will be in the next update.

Anonymous 16/01/17(Sun)04:25 No. 18506 ID: 162475

If you can, Could you see about I adding Ai from the Animal Crossing movie as a 2nd AC rep I guess?

Anonymous 16/01/17(Sun)06:26 No. 18507 ID: 32bb9e

hells no, we need palutena or amy rose but characters aside i think everyone really wants those cum scenes

Anonymous 16/01/17(Sun)06:50 No. 18508 ID: 02b24f

Hey guys why not use the clothe from the last beta the original creator made if you guys want them also it would be cool if you could toggle the clothe on and off


Anonymous 16/01/17(Sun)10:28 No. 18510 ID: e4ea54

Would like to see Hilda's clothes... and those yoga pants for WFT mentioned in the previous thread.

Anonymous 16/01/17(Sun)10:29 No. 18511 ID: bd1fc8

Honestly, I'd rather see him finish with this project and move on to doing more new stuff.

Anonymous 16/01/17(Sun)11:44 No. 18512 ID: 5cf16f

sorry if this has been answered before but is there the possibility of adding any more nonpenetrative scenes? A buttjob or grinding loop would really round out the set nicely.

Tartarus 16/01/17(Sun)12:22 No. 18513 ID: b50bda

Also handjobs

Anonymous 16/01/17(Sun)13:39 No. 18514 ID: d08338


Do you have any idea how long that would take?

I'm a patient man and you've done more for this project than I'd ever thought or expected, but I'm curious is you do have a timeframe in mind.

Anonymous 16/01/17(Sun)14:29 No. 18515 ID: 1cb393

Cubespoon was not the original creator, yo. That title belongs to minus8. This guy was just some faggot who got too in over his head. He did design some nice clothes though.

Gscot 16/01/17(Sun)16:47 No. 18516 ID: bd478c

That's the plan.


Working on that now.

CWCSonichu 16/01/17(Sun)17:48 No. 18517 ID: 40bfc5

Is it just me or the file doesn't download well from the fuwa link? It just so happens that my bandwidth fell to Dial-up speeds for some reason and i cannot get any further than 5MB before the download fails.

Anonymous 16/01/17(Sun)23:36 No. 18518 ID: 699153

Am I the only one who wants Krystal?

Gscot 16/01/18(Mon)03:29 No. 18521 ID: bd478c

Lot's of people have asked for Krystal.
I'm not making Krystal.

Anonymous 16/01/18(Mon)09:45 No. 18523 ID: 301a01

my hero

Anonymous 16/01/18(Mon)17:25 No. 18526 ID: d526d7

You know the reason she wasn't well received: Gardevoir I mean.

You still put her in the frame of voluptuous like the other characters, and that was a recipe for failure. Gardevoir's features are very thin. She has very few breasts to show for, if they existed- even styalized, they would not be that large. Her limbs are very sticklike, not thick. You sort of hit the correct note for the hands, but the legs and extremities were all wrong.

Very simple problems that make it go from "Gardevoir" to "Busty woman dressing as a Gardevoir." Surely you understand.

Anonymous 16/01/18(Mon)19:52 No. 18528 ID: a7464a

wow, what a rude way to speak from authority and tell someone creative they're doing it wrong, surely you understand

Anonymous 16/01/19(Tue)01:24 No. 18532 ID: 574f1b

So I hooked my PC to my TV, opened ppppu and accidently turned on Trumotion
I must say, this flash looks amazing on 60fps.
Would it be possible to make the animation run at 60fps natively? Would it consume too much resources or would it be impossible with the current structure of the game?

Anonymous 16/01/19(Tue)03:31 No. 18535 ID: 6f21b9

Wow, what a fuckin asshole

Gscot 16/01/19(Tue)05:56 No. 18537 ID: bd478c

File ~ppppu_60.swf - (1.63MB )

At 60fps the princesses have snorted crack.

Anonymous 16/01/19(Tue)06:56 No. 18538 ID: 5befa2

Trumotion is just frame interpolation. The only way to achieve the same effect natively would be to create additional frames in the animation. I see no reason that wouldn't be possible, but I don't know if it could be automated, and if not, it would be very time consuming.

Anonymous 16/01/19(Tue)07:38 No. 18539 ID: 10d4dc

thank god

Anonymous 16/01/19(Tue)11:25 No. 18540 ID: 574f1b

Oh, so the scenes has individual animated frames. I thought they were "tweens", or whatever they're called.

Gscot 16/01/19(Tue)13:47 No. 18541 ID: bd478c

There are tweens, they just get played twice as fast. Most are only 3-4 frames anyway.

Kakaider 16/01/19(Tue)21:35 No. 18543 ID: 076ee6

its not nessesary to increase the speed i like taking these girls slow besides we are all waiting on that legendary cum update so if the rest of the peeps will calm down and let you work they may find pleasure over speed more acomedating

Anonymous 16/01/21(Thu)11:35 No. 18551 ID: 574f1b

You don't seem to understand what 60fps means. It's not increasing the speed, it's adding more frames per second, making the animation more fluid. The speed stays the same.
Look up some 30fps to 60fps comparison on Youtube or something.

So is >>18538 correct? I was thinking that you could just increase the framerate but make sure that the tweens take twice as much to loops, or something. I guess that if you have to draw new animation frames it IS a lot of work, then.

Anonymous 16/01/22(Fri)05:07 No. 18553 ID: 7707b3

I wonder if Sago is still working on the vocals (both versions) for the rest of the characters, or if she abandoned the rest of the project.

Anonymous 16/01/22(Fri)05:29 No. 18554 ID: 234efd

That's not necessarily true. You can increase FPS by adding additional frames to make the animation more fluid, but you can also double the speed without cutting frames. The animation won't be more fluid, but you'll still be seeing twice as many frames per second compared to the normal speed.

Anonymous 16/01/22(Fri)10:53 No. 18555 ID: 47dd49

I'm waiting for a finished character roster then I'll burn through and make a mega post. I was hoping the person making a version that included grunts would beat me but they seem to have stopped posting updates!

Anonymous 16/01/22(Fri)12:29 No. 18556 ID: ab28cc

>>I'm not making Krystal
This Issabella though...

Gscot 16/01/22(Fri)13:53 No. 18557 ID: bd478c

I know, but doubling the speed is the only practical option available. I can't imagine how long it would take to go through and MANUALLY space each key frame in almost EVERY musical time line AND almost EVERY FRAME in in each character's 120+ LAYERS in each of their 10 to 13 animations, each with 120 FRAMES.

Fiora from Xenoblade and Iris from Phoenix Wright were commissioned, so expect them in addition to my planed character.

Krystal has a much more complicated structure than Isabelle, particularly the face and the big tail. Those two reasons are why there's no Krystal.

Anonymous 16/01/22(Fri)17:45 No. 18558 ID: 4b0f9d

Homs Fiora or Mechon Fiora for the lack of KOS-MOS?
Or maybe even both.
Yes, both sounds like the perfect way to go.

Gscot 16/01/22(Fri)17:57 No. 18559 ID: bd478c

I've never played Xenoblade and have no idea what you're talking about. I can confirm there is no "both."

Tartarus 16/01/22(Fri)19:31 No. 18560 ID: b50bda

Honestly, ITT 60FPS isn't even worth it. The difference is too minor, especially considering the huge amounts of work that would have to be put in for such a trivial change.

Mecha Fiora only has 1 hole and a robotic body. I'm sure it's the former.

Anonymous 16/01/22(Fri)21:01 No. 18561 ID: 690c07

Well you just spoiled Xenoblade for a bunch of people. Even if Smash did it first

Anonymous 16/01/23(Sat)06:51 No. 18562 ID: a2fc9a

Xenoblade is old as fuck, if you haven't played it yet its your loss. Thats not even the biggest spoiler so fuck off faggot.

Anonymous 16/01/23(Sat)10:25 No. 18563 ID: 39dd8e

Found the 12 year old

Anonymous 16/01/23(Sat)17:59 No. 18564 ID: be0029

You haven't played Xenoblade Chronicles yet?
Then you really should in order to make Fiora as source accurate as possible.
Mechon Fiora only has one hole? Source regarding that, please. I need that for...uhm...let's say scientific reasons.

Tartarus 16/01/23(Sat)22:07 No. 18565 ID: b50bda

Perhaps you could tell him the gist of her personality yourself?

(DON’T READ THIS PART GSCOT OR ANYONE WHO HASN’T BEATEN XENOBLADE) I'm sure that (codename) the Eagle surgically butchered their bodies processes and got rid of a lot of organs. Most of the "skin" we see of hers is actually synthetic stuff to humanize her (like Robocop). If the Eagle didn't remove them, then 2/3 of the goods are under her Mechon armor and attached to what remains of her Homs body anyway, so that's why I'm sure it's the former.

Anonymous 16/01/24(Sun)15:38 No. 18566 ID: adc284

Oh my lord why are we talking about Xenoblade? I just want more nintendo hentai

Anonymous 16/01/24(Sun)20:53 No. 18567 ID: 948d93

Will not lie, Xenoblade would not be to of my list of additions to look forward to.

Iris, on the other hand...

Anonymous 16/01/26(Tue)22:52 No. 18573 ID: 196c91

I'm so pumped for cum.

Help needed? foundingphobia 16/01/27(Wed)04:09 No. 18574 ID: 7071ad

Is there any help needed from a programming standpoint? Actionscript was my first programming experience and now I program as a career, so if I can help with this incredible project let me know? That said, I'm not much of an animator, but maybe I can help incorporate scaling for different sized breasts, hips, head, etc., in the same design as the original was initially planning.

Gscot 16/01/27(Wed)13:52 No. 18580 ID: bd478c

Try asking this guy: http://ppppuprogrammer.tumblr.com

Anonymous 16/01/29(Fri)14:35 No. 18591 ID: b93cce

>maybe I can help incorporate scaling for different sized breasts
hire him

Anonymous 16/01/30(Sat)04:12 No. 18592 ID: a0aa7c

>maybe I can help incorporate scaling for different sized breasts

Please!! This would be so awesome.

Gscot 16/01/30(Sat)05:35 No. 18593 ID: bd478c

I can safely say with the cum scenes already made/being made that it's going to be a couple months at best until 6 comes out.

Anonymous 16/01/30(Sat)10:27 No. 18594 ID: d08338


How are they going to work? Mixed in at random with the rest of the scenes?

Anonymous 16/01/30(Sat)16:46 No. 18596 ID: b419a0

If I were to measure how much I fapped to ppppu,it would be measured in cum-buckets.

Keep up the good work and thanks for everything so far,
that includes every character, except daisy, she's creepy.

Gscot 16/01/30(Sat)20:37 No. 18597 ID: bd478c

They're accessed by a button that appears during certain animations that vary between characters. A scene where the male orgasms plays and yo're brought back to the menu. To eliminate randomness not playing a scene with the button, such scenes are scripted to play about halfway through a loop.

Love her or hate her, Daisy's the inspiration for this whole thing.

Anonymous 16/01/30(Sat)21:24 No. 18598 ID: 47dd49

yes, daisy deserves loves from us after getting snubbed by smash bros yet again

Tartarus 16/01/31(Sun)00:02 No. 18599 ID: b50bda

I agree, IMO Daisy is one of my favorites because I love her vigorous spirit that she brings to this Flash.

Anonymous 16/01/31(Sun)02:49 No. 18600 ID: 196c91

>cum scenes already made
teaser when

Anonymous 16/01/31(Sun)10:52 No. 18601 ID: 1cb393

Do you think we will be able to watch the cum scene over and over again in the interactive version of the flash? If it's gonna be slightly random and boot us out of the girl we're watching I could see that getting annoying quick if you can't time your dick right.

Anonymous 16/02/04(Thu)19:56 No. 18609 ID: a8c389

Post to check if the thread moved to a new page.

Gscot 16/02/04(Thu)22:34 No. 18611 ID: bd478c

We're still here.

Anonymous 16/02/05(Fri)06:45 No. 18612 ID: 899a24

Is there anything new you can share with us Gscot? Would love to hear what you are working on right now.

Anonymous 16/02/05(Fri)08:50 No. 18613 ID: 22a7cc

I love this interface. Has anyone else noticed the quality of the music on most of the other songs though? I hate to say it, but it's kinda bad

What's going on Gscot 16/02/05(Fri)11:32 No. 18614 ID: bd478c

Working on cum scenes. I'm recycling what I can but most things have to be done mostly by hand. Especially the cum itself. There's no work around for it outside of shape tweening when I can; I have to hand draw almost each frame.

I do have a request for everyone, though. What would you like to see with the girls? Be romantic, be lewd, be silly. This isn't a vote, so don't worry about following another's opinion. This last update is about you guys, and I want to hear how you would believe the girls would react. I'll consider all suggestions and include what I can.
A couple examples from the commission I'm currently wrapping up: for Iris, the confetti from a "Not Guilty" verdict in Phoenix Wright falls as the courtroom cheers. For Fiora, I used her voice clips ripped from the game to thank you for the good time. I made a new head model for that one to make her head tilt back further.

On a final note; I'm working on small and large breasts so PpppuProgrammer can include size options for the interactable version.

I've got a long to-do list.

Kakaider 16/02/05(Fri)15:33 No. 18615 ID: 06c4b7

I like to have the wii fit babe kiss me then lick her lips when shes riding me romantic and lewd id also love to able to click on her ass as if smacking it during her revers cow girl this might be too complicated though because you are working hard on this last up date

Anonymous 16/02/05(Fri)15:50 No. 18616 ID: d526d7

What about that post was wrong? Sure it came from a unrequired point of pretentiousness, but it makes sense. I mean think about it, the OP said that Gardevoir won the Poll, but was received poorly. The post explains why it was received poorly: Because the expectations (why people voted) didn't match the finished product. (why it was received poorly)

Doing a pokegirl is the right call, but if there was ever a reason that Gardevoir was received poorly it was because it looked a bit too much like a human.

I love PPPPU, it's some of the best flashes to come out on the internet in a long time, but if the time comes when another skinny, inhuman person wins a poll, they have to remain skinny and inhuman. Neither that post nor this one is saying that PPPPU is bad, but that inhuman characters need to be utilized differently. Midna, for example, was a good compromise between the body types.

Anonymous 16/02/05(Fri)19:53 No. 18617 ID: 34d859

keepin' it short for accuracy:

Midna Anal Pie
Touko Pie (with maybe slight cumflation)
Lucina complete mindbreak ahegao cumsoak creampie
Zone-tan Facial

Anonymous 16/02/05(Fri)21:05 No. 18618 ID: 80e366

presuming gscot doesn't understand the reason for some people, definitely not most, disliking her addition is shitty

who knows, rosalina being very dominant and over it? daisy being ready to go again immediately? samus saying something like mission accomplished? too many possibilities!!

Anonymous 16/02/05(Fri)21:36 No. 18619 ID: 380a10


Anonymous 16/02/05(Fri)21:45 No. 18620 ID: 380a10

woops with that last one, first time posting on the thread. I'd like to see May as a complete slut. Don't really care how but just the lewdest. Hilda should have some titjob cumshot and for the Zeldas it should be both of them like the licking scene.

Totally agree with both of these

Anonymous 16/02/05(Fri)22:42 No. 18621 ID: e180e1

I'd love for Samus and Shantae to give a lewd stare and everything to stop. Daisy would want to keep going. No idea for the rest based on personalities. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anonymous 16/02/05(Fri)23:15 No. 18623 ID: cbe14c

Peach would get angry for potentially getting pregnant from cumming inside royalty.
Rosalina would orgasm along side you.
Daisy, like the other guy said, would keep going.
Samus would also get angry.
Shantae would just stop and look at you satisfied.
Honestly have no idea for Midna, not really attracted to the Imp form anyways.
Zelda would get angry if it's TP or satisfied if it's SS
Isabell would be satisfied.
Lucina would just get kinda wide eyed and look away.
Wii Fit Trainer would be breathing as if it was a workout.
Gardevoir would be satisfied.
Hilda would just be tired
May would be like Daisy and keep going.

That's just me though.

Anonymous 16/02/06(Sat)01:56 No. 18625 ID: b44889

i wouldn't mind seeing all the characters be romantic yet also lewd about it, especially Shantae<3

Anonymous 16/02/06(Sat)03:37 No. 18626 ID: d08338


Rosalina is non-chalant in most of her animations, so her being the same when you cum instead of her seems the most logical thing.

Tartarus 16/02/06(Sat)06:31 No. 18627 ID: b50bda

Being that Rosalina is a star goddess of some sort and she loves it in her star so much, I would think that she’d have an anal orgasm/cream pie for her scene. Maybe add some sort of super nova effect or the Launch Star sound effect along with anything else such as a happy yelling/moaning voice clip?

Just like that person said, I would love a mixture of lewdness and romance. <3

I think spanking dat ass during reverse cowgirl and having them react to that whether it be enjoyment or embarrassment sounds like a complicated, yet cool idea! Maybe Gscot could consider making an update like that after the next

Anonymous 16/02/06(Sat)09:10 No. 18628 ID: cad798

I also would like to see romantic yet some lewd for all characters, but for clarifications sake, what would be examples of romantic or lewd faces? I would consider blushing as romantic.

For Samus, I really want her to take a vaginal creampie, specifically her scenes 2 (leaning back cowgirl) and 12 (reverse cowgirl) on interactive.

Anonymous 16/02/06(Sat)09:32 No. 18629 ID: 75b2b1

It makes sense for Shantae to grind during the cum scenes since she's a dancer.

Anonymous 16/02/06(Sat)10:12 No. 18630 ID: d08338


Really? I considered Daisy doing the anal one. She was the first one to get anal and she seems more of a wild one.

How I want the cum scene expressions Anonymous 16/02/06(Sat)22:15 No. 18633 ID: fcc967

Peach= Shocked
Rosalina= Orgasm
Daisy= Keeps going happily
Samus= Satisfied
Shantae= Stops and looks at you seductively
Zelda= Angry
Wii Fit= Exhausted by satisfied
Isabelle= Confused
Hilda= Keeps going while grinning
Midna and Gardeviour= DONT CARE
May= Exhausted orgasm
Lucina= Satisfied while blushing

Anonymous 16/02/07(Sun)04:27 No. 18635 ID: 574c2d

I agree with this

Anonymous 16/02/07(Sun)10:00 No. 18638 ID: be8d7d

Honestly I don't think Gardevoir looks that bad. There's nothing wrong with the body. That hair thing when she's looking sideways could definitely be improved but when she's looking head on she's fine. As someone who's seen a lot of Gardevoir porn in his day I don't blame gscot for that. Drawing the right angles and proportions is hard on this pokemon in particular.

There's also the fact that a lot of people don't like pokeporn and were getting hyped up for a pokegirl instead. That's probably the largest contributor behind Gardevoir's poor reception, not the lack of a feral body.

Anonymous 16/02/07(Sun)12:30 No. 18639 ID: 22a7cc

I agree also. Just, fix the audio on the other songs if you can

Character Anonymous 16/02/07(Sun)20:15 No. 18644 ID: e180e1

This may be late and may consume a lot of time. Could you add Bayonetta if possible after the creampie update?

Anonymous 16/02/07(Sun)20:44 No. 18645 ID: 945ca5

There needs to be some crazy ahegao mind break going on here so i vote Rosalina or Lucina to take that place

Anonymous 16/02/07(Sun)21:03 No. 18646 ID: bb9dd7

I agree with most of this.

Peach = Shocked - I swear peach has the most expressions in the game. This would be a welcome new expresssion.

Base Poses: 1 or 2 makes the most sense for peach.

Rosalina= Orgasm - Either that or she continues happily. Honestly don't know which I'd prefer since she gives no fucks in all of her poses. She'd have a great ahegao face though since the gap would be huge.

Base Poses: 3,4,5 . I swear I'm not listing these in order. These are the poses that I think make the most sense... 3 or 11 would be the hottest.

Daisy = Keeps going happily - Daisy's definitely the energetic type. Maybe she gets hearts in her eyes and smiles like crazy while continuing?

Base Poses: 1,3,8,10 ... hmm.. actually maybe an anal pose would do good here, but I really like her 1 pose... 8 is the most energetic pose in my opinion. That's a hard one.

Samus= Satisfied - Makes sense since she's definitely one of the most normal.

Base Poses: 5,10,11. I don't know I like her in those poses for reasons I can't explain.

Shantae= Stops and looks at you seductively. - I feel like she should rub up on you. Like she's trying to keep all of it inside her. That'd be interesting to see.

Base Poses: 3 screams Shantae the most to me.

Zelda= Angry. Twilight Princess Zelda that makes sense, but Skyward Sword Zelda's personality is more like Daisy.

Bases Pose: 10. It'll be the easiest way to have them both on the screen, but if individual then
TP: 4. Most natural pose for her imo.
SS: 2,3,5 all work good for her.

Wii Fit= Exhausted by satisfied. - Makes sense since it's a workout. Ahegao face would work well here.

Base Poses: 3,4,8,11 because they look like the ones she'd get tired the most from.

Isabelle= Confused. - If she gets confused and keeps going this would be perfect. She's the only "animal" character so her being super lewd would be super hot.

Base Poses: 3,9... another 3? Well if she keeps going then that poses makes sense. Like she didn't even notice. 9 for almost the same reason.

Hilda= Keeps going while grinning. - Hilda's a very tomboish character. Her being a mix between Daisy and Shantae makes the most sense to me.

Base Poses: Everything. Honestly... Everything works even the from behind scenes and foreplay scenes. In my head anyways, though I obviously would prefer a creampie animation.

Midna and Gardeviour= DONT CARE. - Midna can have belly inflation, and if that's too hard, since she's the "tightest" one, her having an ahegao without stopping would be ridiculous. Gardevoir strikes me as the cool beauty.

Base Poses:
Midna: I only think 2 and maybe 7 fits. I usually really like 3, but Midna doesn't go down far enough for it to feel all that lewd or have an impact.

Gardevoir: Every scene except 7,9 and Maybe 10 in my opinion work for her. She's another hard one to be picky about. I really really like 4 though. It technically shows the most of her.

May= Exhausted orgasm. - She's the cuter one so her beeming in happiness makes the most sense. Pokemon heroines are usually tomboys though... never noticed till now.

Base Poses: 3,6,9 and maybe 10.

Lucina= Satisfied while blushing - Since she's the shy one here it would make sense to have her blush really hard while being shocked. Then after 2 seconds she keeps moving, surprising everyone cause she's a pervert on the inside.

Base Poses: I like her face closer than farther so I'm going to say... 1,3,4 and Maybe 5. Her hair covers up a lot in 5 though.


That was fun. Got to go through the flash gain and noticed small stuff like May licking her lips in one of the poses.

Good luck GScot, and thanks PPPPUPROGRAMMER for still working on this. Even if it's just practice for you, I want you guys to know we appreciate it.

Anonymous 16/02/07(Sun)21:35 No. 18647 ID: d0c276

Same old same old.
It's such a shame that NX gets no love, it's the next or rather only logical step for this... "project".
Reason being, with each addition from gscot he drives the document further and further into a corner.
NX focused on designing a timeline within which arbitrary assets could be loaded and customised at runtime, what this meant was that you could map any animation on to any "character".
Music, expressions, traits (appearance) all had the potential to be swappable, yet people in this thread still chase the "char X should do Y".
Is it that he delivers quickly that is enticing? Is it that there's any content at all?
It's a bore, and has failed to see any real improvement (in terms of assets, animation or even scripting) since it's inception by -8.
NX improved on all these fronts, and it was extensible.

But what do I know.

Anonymous 16/02/07(Sun)21:44 No. 18648 ID: bb9dd7

Yes, and yes.

Super hyper customizability like SDT is nice though. It's not like GScot's a programmer. He's an artist, and the fact that he's still working on this makes us respect him.

If anyone else wants to take the time and make it SDT levels of moddable people would probably support that person. Does such a person exist. Obviously not.

Also it's fun to get excited about something new.

Anonymous 16/02/08(Mon)02:20 No. 18650 ID: d0c276

Yep, all true. Pretty sure I made the same point myself.
It wouldn't take anything near SDT's level of programming to integrate customisation here though. Most of the work would be slapping an overlay on existing assets and hue shifting the rest.
Expressions would be a case of either playing a different asset or moving to a specific part of the timeline.
It's awfully basic stuff but maybe I'm being unreasonable speaking from a programming standpoint. Thanks for shedding light on that though, it really only takes drip fed content to maintain interest.
And of course, to clarify, no malice intended.

Anonymous 16/02/08(Mon)04:28 No. 18651 ID: bb9dd7

Sure sounds like malice.
No one's stopping you from doing it if it's so easy.

Just do it, instead of coming somewhere else and complaining "Why is this so popular?"

Gscot 16/02/08(Mon)08:07 No. 18652 ID: bd478c

Here you go. Do it.

Anonymous 16/02/08(Mon)08:37 No. 18653 ID: 80e366

Hopefully the two or three dickheads in here aren't ruining what is an enormous passion project for you. We appreciate every ounce of work you put in!

IMPORTANT Gscot 16/02/08(Mon)09:32 No. 18654 ID: bd478c

No worries. Just calling 'em out.

There is one problem perhaps someone here can help me on: After animating the second cum scene, Flash now crashes when I try to publish the swf. I've been looking around online and experimenting with the different settings for exporting for several days now. The closest explaination I've found is the number of keyframes might now be too much. If this is the case then the project has reached it's limit unless characters get cut.
I want to avoid the chopping block as much as any of you, so I'm willing to try any solution you guys can think of.

Anonymous 16/02/08(Mon)10:32 No. 18655 ID: d08338


That's... odd. I've played entire games in an adobe flash program that were WAY above the number of animations in this game.

Gscot 16/02/08(Mon)11:41 No. 18656 ID: bd478c

The number of animations isn't the suspected issue, it's the number of keyframes in those animations. They number in the thousands.

Anonymous 16/02/08(Mon)14:32 No. 18657 ID: 2bb4bd

how the hell do I open this?

Anonymous 16/02/08(Mon)14:41 No. 18658 ID: ae79f5

Point proven

Anonymous 16/02/08(Mon)14:49 No. 18659 ID: bb9dd7

Dude, you might not have enough ram.

Just give the .fla to PPPPUPROGRAMMER. He probably has better PC than you and can publish it.

Either that or you're not using 64 bit flash?

Or you could give it to me? I have 16GB of RAM if that helps.

Anonymous 16/02/08(Mon)14:56 No. 18660 ID: 2bb4bd

he prolly gave a broken file bud to "prove his point"

Anonymous 16/02/08(Mon)15:28 No. 18661 ID: a9c460

Nah, Gscot has a more powerful system than I do. I have 3 gigs to work with and whenever I work from the latest fla from Gscot I need to do the .fla > .rar trick so I can split the flash doc into 2 parts which I then can work on.

I'll take a look and see if there is a trick that can make compiling the flash possible.

Anonymous 16/02/08(Mon)21:51 No. 18662 ID: c39619

gardevoir seems to be missing one of her anal scenes

Anonymous 16/02/08(Mon)23:14 No. 18664 ID: d0c276

I've already worked on it. I worked on nx with ppppuprogrammer till he (apparently) lost interest.
There are many points to be made here, but you've taken an awfully standoff-y route.
To put this into perspective for you and your awful logic: I can critique something without creating it. I don't have to bake an equivalent cake to tell you something's wrong with yours.
But no, I'm wrong because that's the only logical conclusion right?

Let's look at this objectively, in one of a whole host of examples:
You've consistently found yourself hitting some arbitrary limit in editing this flash. Following my apparent bullshit advice, you could have *easily* avoided this outcome. It'd be a case of:
Take asset(s).
Add to library in external FLA, marking them as available for runtime.
Import them at runtime in main project.
But no, you'd rather drop your poorly maintained FLA on the table like it makes a profound statement.
I've looked at a previous iteration of this project, and to be frank, it's a mess.
It took a century to open the file on a 3570k 8GB RAM, and it ground to a standstill when publishing.
You're asking me to stick my hands in shit once more to "prove you wrong".

I'd like to demonstrate my advice effectively, but your project is not engineered in such a way as to make use of external assets.
Also, I'm outright not interested in working on *your* flavour of this project.
But talk is cheap right.

It's up to you to accept or reject my advice. You're a high functioning individual after all.
If you can provide me with a single loop of a single animation, I can demonstrate basic asset loading (hair, clothing, whatever).
Ideally a FLA size of <=100kB. Your choice of loop, but ideally it'd be one of -8's originals.
Why not decompile and edit it myself? You've already done it, why redo work. If you're feeling extra generous, smooth the motion out and parent each visual component into a named sprite.

I'll do my best to stop antagonising you, nothing of value to be gained.

Anonymous 16/02/09(Tue)03:54 No. 18665 ID: d08338


>Also, I'm outright not interested in working on *your* flavour of this project.

>If you can provide me with a single loop of a single animation, I can demonstrate basic asset loading (hair, clothing, whatever).

So first you say you're not interest, and now you're saying you want to show off.

WBGrock 16/02/09(Tue)14:55 No. 18670 ID: 61ba8f


He does make a few good points, however. If you had put together a setup, similar to Konishion, (Althoug i am not trying to say this is like Konishion's work, however it is a goal we can strive for. the first time i suggested this to the community, it got a person pissed at the person who was working on it (Probably a troll) and he quit) where you could change the color of existing characters, and add bits and peices, rather than work on just adding new characters, (as they are basically the same "model", recolored) there may have been fewer problems with memory. You could focus on making characters and load them from an external file rather than just adding all of them, and you could get the community involved in making the characters. Furthermore, it would setup a system where all characters would default to all animations, rather than having to basically have a movie for each. and each character. You'd have the Engine, the base model, and the adjustments for each character. you could then setup a certain number of "Character Slots" which you could chose what model you wanted in each, possibly loading them from external files. To do that at this point, would mean tearing the entire engine apart and starting over i believe, however i am not a programmer in any way shape or form. My mom is, but i refrain from asking her advice on this as she would ask why her 40 year old son is looking at cartoon porn.

I do not mean to belittle the work that has been done. I, in fact enjoy this little flash game, but there are multiple paths, and people don't enjoy doing work over and over.

Anonymous 16/02/09(Tue)15:55 No. 18671 ID: 525ced

>I'll do my best to stop antagonising you, nothing of value to be gained.

Not very skilled at that, are you?

Gscot 16/02/09(Tue)16:31 No. 18673 ID: bd478c

I've been studying nonstop for the past few days and have figured out loading external swfs. It will allow others to insert as many characters as they can fit buttons on the main menu, copying and pasting code between the character select button and the return button while only needed to call to the correct file name. Along with releasing the base models, this will allow anyone with flash to create and share their own characters and apply their own mods.
For now, I'm tearing apart the old structure and rebuilding it to suit the new one. There is one minor bug: when pressing any button to load an external swf the window moves to the top left corner of the screen. While it doesn't affect the movie, I can see some folk being annoyed. Anyone have a clue?

Anonymous 16/02/09(Tue)17:15 No. 18674 ID: bb9dd7

He wasn't saying you were wrong.

He just said to do it.

So first, you're being too defensive.

Also taking a single loop from the flash is cake. Just use a flash decompiler. I literally cannot flash for the life of me and can still do it. You're calling the project inefficient because he didn't the take the programmer's route and instead of having 1 leg sprite that could be recolored into multiple different colors he decided to color them himself? In my head that makes sense as an artist. Because of that he could add characters like Gardevoir that are completely different, added special expressions, and had different hair. Even the colors he chose was specially tailored as an artist with a few tweaks.

Honestly, the path you're thinking about has too many menus and overall too much choice. It also sounds like it'd suck the fun out of the project.

Also, holy crap, I could take those fla's out myself and I can't program for shit. Just use a flash decompiler. What are you talking about dumping your hand in shit? (Talk about not being standoffish)

Tartarus 16/02/09(Tue)20:17 No. 18677 ID: b50bda

Don’t worry about antagonizing him, you’re doing a great job of that to yourself.

You have just clearly stated that Gscot’s work doesn’t fit your taste (to put lightly); in that case, why do you insist on sitting around and having him asking him do a specific work for you? If you don’t like Gscot’s stuff, then good-bye; there’s no reason for you to sitting there and whining on this thread like a spoiled child. Since you’re such a great coder, put those skills to use by going and finding the original ~PPPPU and make the edit of it yourself. No one’s stopping you.

Anonymous 16/02/09(Tue)23:16 No. 18678 ID: d0c276

You're all making perfectly valid points, but so am I. No point in white knighting about it, if you're going to ask me to do something about it then match that claim.

Here's a (VERY) basic element swap, but the effect holds true across arbitrary visuals. You could swap out pretty much anything, you don't even need to swap you can add or remove etc. It's arbitrary.


Loop plays, click to load a different mouth. Code is disgusting because I couldn't be bothered actually naming containers, so loops to find target instead.

Is this the revolution I claimed? No. But this is what 45 minutes gets you, and I spent most of that wrangling the SWF into a usable FLA. Thanks for helping in that regard, by the way.

And don't lie you asshats, you fucking love this thread having some drama.

Anonymous 16/02/10(Wed)00:41 No. 18679 ID: bb9dd7


Hunh? You just came to the thread and complained. No one even asked you to leave.

Oh that's what you meant.

I think you're underestimating the flash. The way their expressions change on their own is part of the appeal.

You wouldn't be able to swap expressions across characters because there are small differences in lips and eyeliner.

Anonymous 16/02/10(Wed)00:46 No. 18680 ID: d0c276

You've missed the point in the demo. This is a dynamic replacement. While it appears static it'd be trivial to replace out an entire timeline with animations, sounds, actions etc.
This object could itself be scripted to interact with other objects and so on.
But again, the point wasn't to show some end product but rather how easy it was to achieve.

Anonymous 16/02/10(Wed)18:24 No. 18685 ID: be8d7d

>It took a century to open the file on a 3570k 8GB RAM, and it ground to a standstill when publishing.

Uhh, did you skimp on the graphics card or something? I have the same setup with a 970 and the flash loads near instantaneously.

Anonymous 16/02/10(Wed)22:44 No. 18687 ID: d0c276

Do you know the difference between FLA and SWF?
GPU does nothing for this project anyway. GPU in flash is only enabled in scenarios that actively make use of H/W accel. ie: 3D or video codec, that being said certain engines do make use of accel like Starling. This flash does not.

Anonymous 16/02/11(Thu)06:34 No. 18690 ID: 64a4e9

mommy daddy please stop fighting i just want to fap in peace

Gscot 16/02/11(Thu)07:33 No. 18691 ID: bd478c

Shh, don't cry. Here, have some porn.

Anonymous 16/02/11(Thu)08:45 No. 18692 ID: bb9dd7

Looks pretty good.

Those new characters look so different from Peach and Rosaline. If you take a step back and look at all these changes, it's... a lot.

Anyways, I see you've split the flash into parts. I can see how that solves the problem, though maybe the parts flashes should be in their own folder with the screen select flash being on the outside?

Oh also, I decompiled one of the flashes and saw some new morph shapes. I couldn't activate them though so I guess that part of the flash is still coming along.

Who's Iris by the way?

Anonymous 16/02/11(Thu)08:46 No. 18693 ID: bb9dd7


Oh nvm it's in the flash. I guess it's on a timer or it's only accessible in one pose.

This flash feels complete now.

Anonymous 16/02/11(Thu)08:55 No. 18694 ID: bb9dd7

Or not. I wish I could delete my old posts this is embarrassing. Creampie is only available for Fiora and Iris at the moment.

Hmmm... Having random voice acting felt weird since you don't have any other sound except the audio playing in the background.

Either way, things are looking good. I honestly can't wait till it's done especially since it feels like you're practically there. Looks like you've gotten a lot of practice too.

Gscot 16/02/11(Thu)10:38 No. 18695 ID: bd478c

Thanks. The feedback is always appreciated.
The creampies were commissioned alongside the characters so I felt that was a good way to test the waters and see what worked.

Anonymous 16/02/11(Thu)11:51 No. 18696 ID: 5574e9


Anonymous 16/02/11(Thu)16:28 No. 18697 ID: de9a41

the two cum scenes look amazing. though im pretty sure how the interactive version will look for them, maybe you should just leave an option when the character stops to just sit on them in rest position. instead of booting us just immediately back to character select?

Thanks for your hard work!

Anonymous 16/02/11(Thu)18:10 No. 18698 ID: be8d7d

Both of these scenes definitely look promising, the major thing I'd work on for now is timing. The cum shouldn't just pop up instantly after you press the button, we need at least a few seconds of build up to it. Have the girl do her animation a little bit faster for a few seconds after you press to jizz for instance, there's no room to unleash the baby juice unless you're on the edge *right* as you press it. This reason is why I preferred Iris over Fiora. For Fiora the semen is just instantly there and she starts slowing down for some reason, as though we came but skipped forward a few seconds right after it was done. At least with Iris we get to fuck her for a little bit before it's over. Also not a fan of that voice, don't know if that was part of the commissioner's request but I think you should save it for when characters have fully implemented voices.

As for after you bust a nut, I said it before in this thread but I really don't think it's a good idea to boot you to the menu after it's over. Some people like to jack it over an image of the afterglow you know! She should just sit there with the button to go back to the main menu still there and a new button to keep on playing the animation. And this last bit I think should go without saying, please don't forget to dedicate a key to cumming. :^)

Now excuse me while I go finally finish the second half of Trials and Tribulations so I can know why we got this literal who over Maya.

Anonymous 16/02/11(Thu)20:25 No. 18699 ID: 64a4e9

the way iris held her hand against her cheek was adorable

thank you for that

Anonymous 16/02/11(Thu)21:41 No. 18700 ID: dfdd48

I have problems using mega and dropbox to download flashes. Could you put that on something like Swfchan or some other flash hosting site?

Anonymous 16/02/11(Thu)22:56 No. 18702 ID: bb9dd7

Use chrome or firefox and you can download it easy.

Gscot 16/02/12(Fri)01:18 No. 18703 ID: bd478c


Good points.
As for why Iris over Maya, everything in those last two girls is commissioned stuff and not reflective of what will be in the actual update.
For some Maya, check out my tumblr: http://generalscot.tumblr.com

Anonymous 16/02/12(Fri)02:55 No. 18704 ID: d526d7

Fantastic work on the cum scenes, but similar criticisms as above, only good though, to help improve the overall quality.

The scene could afford being a little longer, it starts too fast and ends too soon. I'm looking very forward to the finished results. :D

Anonymous 16/02/12(Fri)03:47 No. 18706 ID: 0ed715

Will you do both cum on and cum inside animations for the characters?
I dont want to ask for too much but this already look way too good to not do it both ways

WBGrock 16/02/12(Fri)04:19 No. 18708 ID: 61ba8f

I'm afraid that the new format of multiple files might make the whole Select-A-Switch version more difficult to employ.

Anonymous 16/02/12(Fri)04:47 No. 18710 ID: 7cb9b6

Wow, thanks a ton! Can't wait for the interactive version.

Anonymous 16/02/12(Fri)05:13 No. 18711 ID: 4c1c59

Nice work, I would love to see some cum inside mouth animations.

Anonymous 16/02/12(Fri)07:03 No. 18712 ID: 04ed33

Gscot, what does this mean? http://generalscot.tumblr.com/post/139100961042/finished-up-a-big-ppppu-commission-took-a-break

Gscot 16/02/12(Fri)08:12 No. 18715 ID: bd478c

It means I was thinking about Maya sucking dick.

Anonymous 16/02/12(Fri)08:26 No. 18717 ID: bb9dd7

If that's you ppppuprogrammer I wouldn't mind compiling the game into one version if you need me to. I have 16GB of RAM, so doing it should be fine on my PC.

Anonymous 16/02/12(Fri)11:04 No. 18719 ID: 8f964f


Noticed Iris is missing the necklace in poses 8 & 9 (grinding cowgirl and fast leg pumps) Was this intentional?

Gscot 16/02/12(Fri)13:00 No. 18720 ID: bd478c

Nope, that's lost symbols from tearing the flash apart. Thanks for noticing that.

Anonymous 16/02/12(Fri)22:54 No. 18725 ID: 2267eb


So, if I am understanding all of these technical changes correctly...
Opportunity for clothed sex/clothes creampies is now doable at user discretion?

Perhaps I read everything wrong, kind of hard when you're still laughing from >>18691

Gscot 16/02/13(Sat)00:17 No. 18727 ID: bd478c

It's easier to decompile swf's of individual characters then a large swf that likes to roll over and die, letting others easily insert there own characters/scenes by copy/pasting the script in the buttons and changing one part to look for the correct swf. Drawing and animating is still left to the modders skill.
If you have a fla of the menu you can also make your own list of characters that others might create by copying the button for that character into your menu.

Anonymous 16/02/13(Sat)09:58 No. 18729 ID: 281fde

is it possible to have 2 or more of the girls on same window at the same time in sync and whatnot.
was just thinking about and opened two windows, managed to time it right, but then after a couple minutes it somehow got out of sync. but idk, that's just me.

Anonymous 16/02/13(Sat)11:11 No. 18730 ID: 0989a4

I'm going to take that as "once this is done it's out of my hands."

Anything you're planning on working on afterwards? Would like to see more of your work.

(...Is there a interactive for the current build? I might have missed it in the chat.)

Gscot 16/02/13(Sat)12:18 No. 18731 ID: bd478c

I've always wanted to try music videos. At the moment I'm trying to get some illustration commissions though.

Anonymous 16/02/13(Sat)14:35 No. 18732 ID: 787b1a

>most things have to be done by hand. Especially the cum itself

Anonymous 16/02/13(Sat)14:42 No. 18733 ID: 787b1a

look at all this tl;dr
does babby anon need his bink

Anonymous 16/02/15(Mon)07:32 No. 18753 ID: e491cc

Will kitty and/or her mom ever be added?

Anonymous 16/02/15(Mon)10:24 No. 18755 ID: 0c3ee3


Related to Nintendo and/or Vidyagaems how?

Gscot 16/02/15(Mon)11:51 No. 18756 ID: bd478c

If you make them or get someone to.

Anonymous 16/02/15(Mon)17:24 No. 18758 ID: df5510

I chaven't even seen the cum scenes yet, the download in the link won't download for me :(

Anonymous 16/02/15(Mon)21:59 No. 18760 ID: e491cc

Is furry smut allowed here?

Gscot 16/02/16(Tue)03:44 No. 18763 ID: bd478c

We've got Isabelle and Midna so far. Go for it.

Anonymous 16/02/16(Tue)09:13 No. 18766 ID: 98aac9

Since Sago has apparently abandoned the vocals (both versions) for all characters project, can someone else here finish what she started?

Anonymous 16/02/16(Tue)09:32 No. 18767 ID: 41952c

How does she even remotely count as furry?

Anonymous 16/02/16(Tue)16:32 No. 18769 ID: 34bea6

She's an imp.

Still have no idea how someone finds that form attractive but hey to each their own.

Anonymous 16/02/17(Wed)01:21 No. 18772 ID: 6be567

Sago was a grill? nice

WBGrock 16/02/17(Wed)02:50 No. 18773 ID: 61ba8f

This is a Specific thread for a Specific program development. (Yes it's porn, yes there is some Pokegirls, and that could count as furry. But it is for as specific Flash file development.) Try to keep on topic, more or less.

Anonymous 16/02/17(Wed)05:05 No. 18775 ID: e5f2ca

stfu we can talk about whatever we want

Anonymous 16/02/17(Wed)07:20 No. 18778 ID: 78021f

reprot thatk ip guy

Anonymous 16/02/17(Wed)08:11 No. 18779 ID: 94f842


All of the Twili are "Imps", Midna's form for most of the game is a curse set on her, it is in no way different from any other Twili other than her slightly less human proportions.
Play the damned game if you think I'm wrong.

Tartarus 16/02/17(Wed)12:16 No. 18781 ID: b50bda

Because she isn't. Unless you consider an Oompa-Loompa with pointy patterned black and pale blue skin to be in the furry territory.

Tartarus 16/02/17(Wed)12:17 No. 18782 ID: b50bda

*pointy ears

Anonymous 16/02/17(Wed)22:35 No. 18787 ID: 78021f

When we will see a sample of cuming prototipes?

Gscot 16/02/18(Thu)00:37 No. 18788 ID: bd478c


See >>18691 for an idea of what to expect. There are two scenes that were commissioned.

ScarletIce 16/02/18(Thu)07:19 No. 18791 ID: df3d0b

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but I haven't been able to find a blog or anything that you maintain. Are you still open to commissions? I would love to discuss that with you.

Anonymous 16/02/18(Thu)10:31 No. 18793 ID: 5c3d18

he's at http://generalscot.tumblr.com/

Gscot 16/02/18(Thu)14:32 No. 18794 ID: bd478c

I'm also at http://generalscot.deviantart.com

Anonymous 16/02/20(Sat)05:51 No. 18804 ID: 0b5de4

Random question gscot and i apologize if it was answered somewhere else but for the commissioned characters your doing are you going post them to the public on tumblr/deviantart or just sending them privately (completely understand that if they asked for it personally private already)? Other wise work looks great and keep it up

Gscot 16/02/20(Sat)07:41 No. 18805 ID: bd478c

If I feel the character is in the spirit of the original flash I'll post it publicly. However, if someone asks for a private version or for private features I'll respect their wishes.

Anonymous 16/02/21(Sun)07:15 No. 18811 ID: 6a65cc

how much would you charge for one of em?

Gscot 16/02/22(Mon)00:27 No. 18816 ID: bd478c

A character with the base animations is $50. If they require new assets (clothes, body parts) outside of hair it's $30 per asset. Cum scenes are $40.

Anonymous 16/02/22(Mon)08:05 No. 18818 ID: 6a65cc

I've never seen a cumshot scene, is there a public one?

Anonymous 16/02/22(Mon)13:14 No. 18820 ID: e52586

the new release

Anonymous 16/02/24(Wed)00:29 No. 18825 ID: d895b0

Does anyone else think May looks a little too pale? Maybe it's just me being used to the anime version of her but I feel like she should be a little bit lighter skinned than Daisy.

Anonymous 16/02/25(Thu)06:27 No. 18830 ID: bb9dd7

So I'm guessing it's impossible to make an interactive version with this new format?

Momoiro Keikan 16/02/25(Thu)14:28 No. 18833 ID: 91ad40

If I remember correctly, the main reason the new format even took place is because the SWF export was next to impossible. Among the reasons was that there's too many characters.

If that's the true reason the old format is impossible, why not to separate the project in packs consisting of several characters each?

Just curious...

Gscot 16/02/25(Thu)17:52 No. 18834 ID: bd478c

That's basically the direction the project has taken. For the non interactive version at least, there will be a menu file that you can use to navigate to other external swfs allowing you to view those characters.

Anonymous 16/02/25(Thu)18:23 No. 18835 ID: 3fd135

Sorry for not answering any questions, I needed a break from working on things related to this flash. I just felt no desire to work on it for a while. However I have done some thinking while away.

To some dismay, I will not work on the interactive version anymore until Gscot's final version is released. Sorry to anyone who was waiting for an updated version with Fiora and Iris but I need to focus my attention on ppppuNX and work on the interactive version drains my interest. Maybe I'll open the source for the interactive version and someone else can implement a way for it to read swfs (though more needs to be done than that).

Also there's a small little thing I got working and it's not worth the wait since the last update, but it does show that some progress is being made. I'll upload it in the next post with some details.

Not impossible but it requires changes to the code and some as3 linkage changes to objects in the swfs (this may require them to be recompiled).

No and like I said above, I won't be working on it for this update.

Okay, I really messed up by not getting in contact with you sooner. If you are still around and still willing to help (and wade through my rather amateurish code), I would be most appreciative. I feel it's not at good position yet to work on scaling but if you want to take a look around and see if there's anything you can do, here's the repository for ppppuNX (https://github.com/ppppuProgrammer/ppppuNX)

Anonymous 16/02/25(Thu)19:38 No. 18838 ID: 945ca5

its cool dude.

Anonymous 16/02/26(Fri)02:31 No. 18839 ID: 325c38

What are the chances of this becoming as easy to customize and create new characters as SDT was? I know next to nothing about flash programming so sorry if that is a dumb question.

Anonymous 16/02/26(Fri)06:44 No. 18840 ID: 3fd135

For characters? I see it being somewhat harder than SDT but shouldn't be too much tougher.

Anonymous 16/02/26(Fri)22:20 No. 18841 ID: d0c276

SDT is fixed perspective, this is not.
SDT had minimal use of timelines, only really used in: Hands, Eyes, Brows, Mouth, etc. Things that weren't the focus of modding in the first place. As a result placing objects meant that there was no further effort required in keeping them there.
Timelines fuck with where you dynamically place stuff, this can be avoided with a consistent document structure.

Also PPPPUProgrammer, you may wish to move the project directory of your work, it has your name in the path. Not that it matters, discovering your identity won't lead to anything, but it's probably a good idea either way.

Pic related:

Anonymous 16/02/27(Sat)01:26 No. 18842 ID: 571560

I have heard from quite a few anons that ppppu was programmed with poor practice, making it difficult for revisions and additions. Is there a way of fixing this so that it is easier to work with, or are we much too far along for that?

Anonymous 16/02/27(Sat)02:51 No. 18843 ID: 3fd135

You've got to be kidding me. Directory relocated. Thanks for the warning though I really wish you told me this privately through an ask/message on tumblr.

This is about the interactive/NX versions? Please link to where people were discussing this as I have a lot to learn about programming and would like to see their criticisms. As for fixing it, this is pretty far along but a rewrite is still possible.

Anonymous 16/02/27(Sat)21:10 No. 18846 ID: 571560

No, I was referring to the original. I only know entry level programming and nothing about flash, but I still know that rule #1 of programming is simplicity and ease to modify / add to. Apparently ppppu was short-sighted in its creation which has made it needlessly difficult to work with.

Again, this is just what I've heard. I haven't looked into it myself.

Anonymous 16/02/27(Sat)23:42 No. 18847 ID: d0c276

Wrong perspective. The author of the original flash is not foremost a programmer, he's an animator/artist? It's unclear.
To expect an extensible design philosophy from someone who doesn't even intend to further develop their own work is probably a bit much.
Looking ahead is difficult, and if you try to cover all possible avenues for future development you'll never develop any actual features.

Adding mod capability isn't difficult, but the flash has been designed very rigidly, animations and timing all hardcoded to individual frames. To work from that base would naturally yield an equally rigid product, as per ppppSWU.
To start again, reusing assets but building entirely new systems to handle assets, state, extensibility would result in a comparatively more flexible product, as per NX.

This isn't something that can be directly compared to lines of code. Visual components are far trickier to design when you're not working towards one concrete result. Code can be chopped and changed so long as coupling is eliminated, graphics are inherently coupled against their container elements, like the shape of a face or size of pupils.

Anonymous 16/02/28(Sun)01:50 No. 18848 ID: 571560

You basically just agreed with me on all points and then added "it's OK because he didn't really care about the flash". It's still poor practice, either way. I'm glad people are going through the painstaking process of correcting his faulty design.

Anonymous 16/02/28(Sun)02:14 No. 18849 ID: d0c276

Your points aren't invalid, just the wrong perspective.

Anonymous 16/02/28(Sun)15:59 No. 18851 ID: f4da70

You say ppppu was "designed faulty" and "short sighted in its creation", and even go so far as to say it was "programmed with poor practice" because it isn't easily added upon.

However, you seem to be under the false impression that -8 made the flash for the express purpose of other people picking it apart and adding to it. Whilst, in reality, it was just a one-off flash he made on his own accord, featuring Peach and Rosalina.

The fact that ppppu is so seemingly hard to add to is because it was never truly intended to be added to. The source (.FLA) was never released by -8, but a bunch of people decompiled the swf anyway and just went to town, I guess.

Anonymous 16/02/29(Mon)05:55 No. 18852 ID: 318d8f

Does anyone else want topping?


Anonymous 16/02/29(Mon)09:11 No. 18853 ID: 906330

You mean a gay pegging version of the animation?

Definitely no.

Anonymous 16/02/29(Mon)13:28 No. 18854 ID: 318d8f

No, he meant making so the guy does the plowing.

Anonymous 16/02/29(Mon)22:17 No. 18855 ID: 906330

Doesn't minus8 already have an animation of that happening?

Just go mod that one?

Seems like more trouble than it's worth to make edits to ppppu to make it look like an animation he's already done.

Anonymous 16/03/01(Tue)21:15 No. 18858 ID: 6a65cc


Anonymous 16/03/01(Tue)21:38 No. 18859 ID: 3e7370

None. It's not even about the programming style. SDT is easy to switch up because everything happens from the same perspective, so you can just slap a single static image over the head and voila - new character! In PPPPU, on the other hand, practically every pose has the head at a different angle or in a different place or at a different size. A hair image that works fine on a cowgirl pose won't look good at all in the BJ pose or the reverse cowgirl pose. So the amount of work necessary to create a "mod" for PPPPU is several times as much as an SDT hair mod, even before you take into account the fact that the hairs are animated. Adding a new character means basically reanimating the entire thing, and adding modularization doesn't actually change that much.

ScarletIce 16/03/01(Tue)22:03 No. 18860 ID: 66121e


Anonymous 16/03/02(Wed)04:05 No. 18864 ID: 906330

It's almost like you didn't read his conversation at all.

Gscot 16/03/02(Wed)08:16 No. 18866 ID: 2eb213

Yeah, the 3/4 views are the biggest hurdle. There are three versions of those heads and the hair usually needs to be redone for each one. On top of that, the hair animations almost always need to be tweaked.

Anonymous 16/03/03(Thu)03:54 No. 18868 ID: 02b24f

can you guys add this maybe it has been a long time since something from mario was added


Anonymous 16/03/03(Thu)09:33 No. 18869 ID: bc44c2

This was discussed in a previous thread and unfortunately it seems to be a non-option. Why that is, I can't remember.

Anonymous 16/03/03(Thu)10:35 No. 18870 ID: fb6b1a

Because it was made by a different guy who would probably get pissy if it was ripped and included

Also am I the only who who is confused by the titjob scene in this version?

Anonymous 16/03/04(Fri)10:22 No. 18877 ID: 6c9130

Im not sure if this will be possible or not, but i was thinking. if there were a reverse cowgirl position for shantae, wouldn't it make sense to move the hair to the side of her hip or something? for the other characters with long hair like peach and lucina it makes sense, but for shantae i feel it would be possible. im rather curious to see if it could work seeing as her hair gets somewhat to a point the further it goes down.

Anonymous 16/03/04(Fri)12:12 No. 18879 ID: 1cb393

We could always just ask him. It's not like that thing's behind a paywall or anything. He'd probably enjoy the free advertising as being part of the main ppppu project.

Anonymous 16/03/04(Fri)14:05 No. 18880 ID: 3fd135

File ppppuNX_60fpstest.swf - (2.38MB )

Working on the ver.NX and I had a few gsap related tween kinks to figure out, so I changed something (in the end I didn't need to do it but it did help me understand the library better). The "something" I changed was making the tweens time based instead of frame based like flash does.

Cutting to the chase, it means what >>18532 asked for is possible. Proper 60 fps support for ppppu. You can switch between 30 and 60 fps(the default) by using the N and M keys, respectively. Also you can slow down the animation by hitting the 'B' key and 'V' to reset the speed. You'll notice that the background is animated twice as fast but this is because I didn't change it to use tweens to properly animate over a given period of time. Check it out with other animations, though some are still "under construction" and may be broken due to the frame->time change.

Tell me what you all think of this. This is just a test branch of the project right now but I might integrate it into the main branch if I can ensure that audio and visuals can stay synced.

Oh and you can take a peek preview at the mouth animator in the menu. It's still buggy and the results aren't save properly yet but having people take a look at it may lead to helpful suggestions on improving it.

Anonymous 16/03/04(Fri)15:13 No. 18881 ID: 574f1b

You, sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.

Anonymous 16/03/04(Fri)16:58 No. 18882 ID: 7b2db7

What menu?

Anonymous 16/03/04(Fri)17:58 No. 18883 ID: 3fd135

Hover your mouse over the bottom of the screen (more to the left side than right) for a second or 2 and it'll pop up.

Anonymous 16/03/04(Fri)23:44 No. 18884 ID: 04ed33

Wow, that's great! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous 16/03/05(Sat)05:47 No. 18885 ID: 000117

I think this is great...

That "PeachyPop" one from the other post, not so much--the 'bonus' noises were distracting and somewhat jarring.

Anonymous 16/03/05(Sat)05:47 No. 18886 ID: 000117

I think this is great...

That "PeachyPop" one from the other post, not so much--the 'bonus' noises were distracting and somewhat jarring.

Anonymous 16/03/05(Sat)09:22 No. 18888 ID: d08338


Wow, 60 FPS is a hell of an improvement. I'd certainly like to see it in the main project.

Tartarus 16/03/06(Sun)12:37 No. 18915 ID: b50bda

I'll say. I never ever thought I'd see this project take on 60 FPS in any way, that takes a lot of work. Consider this: to do this whole flash in 60 FPS, you'd basically have to do every work that was done twice and perhaps change the songs timing since the movement is slightly different. However, if you manage to do so, then my admiration for those working on this project goes up even higher.

Gscot 16/03/06(Sun)18:58 No. 18925 ID: bd478c

That looks fantastic.

Anonymous 16/03/06(Sun)21:19 No. 18926 ID: 906330

Never heard of tweening?
Since it's flash it can be automated.

Anonymous 16/03/06(Sun)23:14 No. 18928 ID: d08338


Youtube is automated and look how well that works.

Someone will need to manually check it for errors still.

Anonymous 16/03/07(Mon)00:54 No. 18929 ID: 906330

This is vector animation though... That's just how these animation work by default. You don't go frame to frame. You set keyframes and the animation just simulates where you would be from frame to frame.

3D does the same thing.

Anonymous 16/03/07(Mon)22:14 No. 18939 ID: 3fd135

Seems the 60 fps change was well received. When I'm done with the basics of the expression editor (which is soon, like 2-3 days) I'll take a look again at 60 fps. Will probably work on a 60 fps version of the original ppppu as a test for a different work flow that can be used to add animations at runtime (the current way the alpha ppppuNX versions use is quite convoluted).

It's not that much harder. I didn't even need to add more keyframes to achieve this, just had to let gsap handle the in-betweens of the keyframes. Timing should also be fine outside of possible floating point drifting but when that new 60 fps test is done, we can see if any issues pop up.

Anonymous 16/03/09(Wed)09:22 No. 18950 ID: 906330

Wait. Who are you? Are you ppppuprogrammer or someone else?

Anonymous 16/03/10(Thu)00:58 No. 18959 ID: 3fd135

Yes, I'm ppppuProgrammer.

Got to work on that 60 fps version I mentioned earlier. I'm still experimenting with simplify the process of converting flash ide timelines to gsap timelines and it's looking promising. Hopefully in a few days I'll have a teaser of sorts to show (like a flash with 2 animations). There's still some other things to figure out such as dealing with animations that do layer switching, like the zelda licking one (I dread working on that one).

Gscot 16/03/10(Thu)23:57 No. 18964 ID: bd478c

Sorry about that. It was the only way I knew how to make that work.

Anonymous 16/03/13(Sun)03:55 No. 18975 ID: 906330

So what's the exact process of making something 60fps?
Maybe I can help?

Anonymous 16/03/13(Sun)07:42 No. 18976 ID: 3fd135

Well this might take a while to explain. I run a custom jsfl script that goes through all layers in the animation that aren't outlined. Every processed layer has a file created that details various properties to the keyframes that layer contains. These properties are used to create the timelines that will move their targeted display object.

When that finishes then I create a project to create a swf that contains the various files used to create timelines. I have a python script that scans files in the directory it's in to write out the text to be inserted into the class for the animation (the outputted text goes into a function that is executed on the enter frame event).

While this is fairly automated, it takes my system a while to finish writing out the timeline files for an animation. Also the scripts used aren't complete since I'm still testing the load system. However if you are still interested in helping, I'll upload the files necessary for the process.

Anonymous 16/03/15(Tue)03:06 No. 18986 ID: 906330

Yikes. I don't think I can handle that. Sorry. I'll go back to being a mindless consumer now T_T.

Anonymous 16/03/19(Sat)21:44 No. 19018 ID: 906330

So... have you made any progress or is this dead?

Anonymous 16/03/20(Sun)00:25 No. 19019 ID: 525ced

Patience. it'll be rewarding in time.

Gscot 16/03/20(Sun)00:47 No. 19020 ID: bd478c

Wrapping up a commission. Paid work comes first, but I've made a lot of progress.

Anonymous 16/03/20(Sun)01:41 No. 19021 ID: 7ebe44

Understandable, for sure. Have you made enough progress to be able to have a vague time-frame for release?

And what level of completion would you say the next release is at currently, percentage wise?

Gscot 16/03/20(Sun)15:57 No. 19025 ID: bd478c

Model wise: 50-60%
Cum scenes: not yet started
At this point I can't give a time frame for completion, but I will deliver.

Anonymous 16/03/21(Mon)23:58 No. 19045 ID: 17642a


Anonymous 16/03/22(Tue)16:17 No. 19060 ID: c61acb

On scene 7(the blowjob) of the Wii Fit trainer the boob flips in front of the leg.
(That sounded weird)

Anonymous 16/03/22(Tue)17:12 No. 19064 ID: c61acb

Also, after looking a bit more at the animations.
Daisy's shoulder looks dislocated in her first scene.
And the hands look strange in scene 11 of most characters (with their back facing towards the view).

Anonymous 16/03/23(Wed)14:59 No. 19072 ID: 8de4e4

Thanks for all your work on this
It makes me and I'm sure many other people very happy

Anonymous 16/03/23(Wed)21:35 No. 19073 ID: 63d2ed

shouldnt mays honkers be bigger?

Anonymous 16/03/23(Wed)21:43 No. 19074 ID: d08338


They should yes.

PpppuNX should have them though. Alternate breasts sizes is more complicated than that. In fact lets ask someone else.

GScot, if you were to make May with bigger breast sizes, would it somehow fuck with the programming or is it just a matter of pure drawing?

Anonymous 16/03/24(Thu)02:40 No. 19076 ID: 906330

Gscot hasn't really done much programming. All he'd have to do is replace some body parts with bigger versions of said body parts.

I don't know if ppppu needs that much customizability. I'm fine with more characters and cum scenes.

Anonymous 16/03/24(Thu)05:21 No. 19077 ID: 3fd135

Progress on the 60 fps build is going pretty good. There are a few visual quirks to still work out and I need to do some looking into syncing the animations since now the program is time based. One thing I'm also focusing on with this build is mod support, so the sneak peak I'm going to upload later will have all animations and the music be added in from other swf files, just as I intend for ppppuNX to be able to do.

Unless he makes the size selectable in some way, it should have very little to do with programming and shouldn't mess up anything.

Request: Zero Suit Anonymous 16/03/25(Fri)04:52 No. 19083 ID: 5df9ec

Who it be too hard to add Samus with her Zero Suit? I personally think she's really hot with it on.

Anonymous 16/03/25(Fri)22:08 No. 19085 ID: 71ef20

Sounds good, looking forward to the full thing.

Anonymous 16/03/26(Sat)08:34 No. 19089 ID: 0b5de4

i second the zero suit option being added but that's all up to gscott just stating my opinion

Anonymous 16/03/27(Sun)20:08 No. 19103 ID: 3fd135

Got a little Easter treat you all, a sneak peek at the 60 fps version. The work on the 60 fps build lead me to figure out quite a bit and I think I finally found a setup that I can use with confidence for ppppuNX. Just need to test the other animations and make sure everything is okay. Now, without further ado, here it is: https://fuwa.se/f/kusp7r.zip

A few things to be aware of: 1) There are only 3 animations currently loadable. 2) A few testing keys are still in the code. Please don't report any issues that popped up unless you hit number keys and something went wrong. 3) While there was work on optimizing performance, there might be still be frame drops. The animation and music might get desynced in this case. 4) An issue I know about is the occasional but brief graphic disappearance, particularly those of eye and mouth related graphics. This will be dealt with at a later time.

Anonymous 16/03/27(Sun)21:46 No. 19104 ID: faf6ba

Not sure what I'm doing wrong but all the files just give me a blank screen when opened.

Anonymous 16/03/27(Sun)21:51 No. 19105 ID: 3fd135

Completely blank with no planet background? Sorry I didn't mention this in my initial post but did you load "ppppu60fps_SneakPeek.swf"? That's the main swf. The others are just mod content swfs.

Anonymous 16/03/27(Sun)22:14 No. 19106 ID: 809d1e

yeah. Seems to have trouble working. I open up the main flash with my broswer, and I get the planet background thing, but nothing happens. Just for sake of reference, I do have other SWF-games that use a single main SWF file and several sub-files. And those games have worked.

Anonymous 16/03/28(Mon)01:11 No. 19108 ID: a8760f

Weird similar trouble for me. The flash opens correctly in GOM Player, which I believe uses the currently installed Flash Player, but when I open it in Flash 18's standalone player (flashplayer_18_sa.exe) it stays on a black screen. What are your suggested local playback tools?

Anonymous 16/03/28(Mon)05:46 No. 19113 ID: 8f06bd

I can't run it either, got the blank planet screen as well.

Anonymous 16/03/28(Mon)05:52 No. 19114 ID: 3fd135

My suggested playback program is the Adobe's projector (I use v20). However I think the problem is not with the players.

I went over compile settings for all the swfs. They target Flash 13 now and I made sure that use network settings is false, which I suspect is the real cause behind the issues that have happened. I tested in Flash's projector, bakaloader 2, in Chrome, and Swiff Player. All of them work as intended. The updated version can be downloaded from https://fuwa.se/f/GQ3bE0.zip

Anonymous 16/03/28(Mon)09:04 No. 19117 ID: af76ca

This looks fantastic! I can't wait to see more of the flash converted to this. Great work!

Anonymous 16/03/28(Mon)10:27 No. 19118 ID: 906330

Something jumpy about those transitions otherwise it's fine.

Anonymous 16/03/28(Mon)10:53 No. 19119 ID: 3fd135

That's one of the optimizations I need to work further on. There's a good amount of work done by the tweening library to handle the animation switches. From my tests, the switches can take as much as 100 milliseconds to happen. Ideally, it should be less than 16 (to give some leeway).

Anonymous 16/03/29(Tue)09:12 No. 19123 ID: cad798

If the Zero Suit had exposed boobs and easy access crotch hole with partial exposed buttocks, I'll agree to this.

Anonymous 16/03/31(Thu)01:35 No. 19132 ID: f4be1b

i like the design for Fiora with the addition of thigh-high stockings/boots. so i was thinking, are ALL of the characters in ppppu so far going to have stockings? or are we just gonna stick with knee socks? (which i don't mind too much, i just think thigh-high stockings look SOO much more sexier for these animations)

Anonymous 16/03/31(Thu)10:48 No. 19137 ID: 53edb1

was actually expecting Fiora to be her robot self at first, but good job on everything really, like the money shot. Iris's head looks weird, but that's mostly because she has a weird design and whoever commissioned her has a weird fetish.

V6 content Gscot 16/04/02(Sat)02:41 No. 19145 ID: bd478c

I've received several requests to add a futa option, so all of the girls are getting a dick in the last update, and the guy will have boobs.
I don't intend to make these optional features, but I'm sure everyone will enjoy this.
Also, all characters will have just one animation to speed up load times and production. All music is being cut as well for these same reasons.
Lastly, Toriel riding Asgore from Undertale will be added the the roster since that seems pretty popular.
I look forward to hearing your feedback on these changes, and I hope you all have had a good day.

Anonymous 16/04/02(Sat)05:50 No. 19146 ID: 854776

Nice try

Anonymous 16/04/02(Sat)10:43 No. 19149 ID: 6f21b9

Is there a real possibility of Toriel (I know it was a joke post, but for real though)

Anonymous 16/04/02(Sat)12:56 No. 19151 ID: 2dcaa6

Kill yourself.

Gscot 16/04/03(Sun)05:43 No. 19154 ID: bd478c

Toriel, no, but I've been collecting stuff for an Undertale project separate from ~ppppu.

M 16/04/03(Sun)09:18 No. 19155 ID: f7a280

>>19154 A separate Undertale project, you say? Give more details.

Anonymous 16/04/03(Sun)11:46 No. 19156 ID: bc44c2

April fools is over, you know.

Anonymous 16/04/03(Sun)22:23 No. 19157 ID: d08338


Should've released a version with Toriel's head pasted over one of the characters (No facial expressions, just the head)

Gscot 16/04/04(Mon)04:05 No. 19158 ID: bd478c

I know, but I have interest outside of ~ppppu.


Anonymous 16/04/05(Tue)03:20 No. 19162 ID: 2be22d

I know there's a pretty obvious answer, and I've been following this flash for a while, but why is the flash called 'ppppu'?

Anonymous 16/04/05(Tue)04:18 No. 19163 ID: ac8a7b

yh im wondering that too.....and if there are any nintendo hentai artists such as akairiot be sure to leave their name

Anonymous 16/04/05(Tue)05:51 No. 19164 ID: 6f21b9

I Always called it "4PU" because I hate how "PPPPU" looks

Anonymous 16/04/05(Tue)08:31 No. 19167 ID: 0b5de4

gscot i know its only been just a little over 2 weeks since last percentage update on where your at but i was wondering if you can update all of us again on your percentage as I think we can all agree we're eager for the next update. Thanks

Anonymous 16/04/05(Tue)09:51 No. 19168 ID: 3fd135

No one actually knows and I don't think anyone ever asked -8 (or he didn't respond)

WBGrock 16/04/06(Wed)05:00 No. 19173 ID: 61ba8f

Based on the original flash by -8 i would guess it would be something along the lines of Princess Peach Pussy Pounding U
but that's just a theory

Anonymous 16/04/07(Thu)11:02 No. 19177 ID: 5574e9

Because the song for Peach and Rosalina (who were the only characters originally) goes "p, p, p, pu!"

Gscot 16/04/08(Fri)03:58 No. 19180 ID: bd478c

I'm working full time now. Details will come later. Don't hold your breath, though.
Such is life.

Anonymous 16/04/08(Fri)11:39 No. 19183 ID: 08ae0f

this song still makes me hard.

Anonymous 16/04/09(Sat)08:18 No. 19185 ID: 9bdd33

Do Annie the MErmaid from Goonies 2 and use the goonies are good enough music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3ihEtaioYg

Anonymous 16/04/09(Sat)09:40 No. 19186 ID: 190062


You're a big flash


Anonymous 16/04/09(Sat)20:52 No. 19190 ID: 9e66fa

was being lewd part of your plan?

Anonymous 16/04/10(Sun)18:15 No. 19191 ID: ac8a7b

still waiting for that palutena...

Anonymous 16/04/12(Tue)05:23 No. 19199 ID: 7250f3


Pls link to the song, cant find it.

Anonymous 16/04/13(Wed)00:58 No. 19205 ID: eea72c

It's in the flash you dink.

Anonymous 16/04/13(Wed)04:32 No. 19206 ID: 1a3f20

Princess Peach's Pregnancy Project for WiiU?

Wait that's by SSS not -8.

Anonymous 16/04/14(Thu)06:17 No. 19214 ID: 466930

>April 2nd


Anonymous 16/04/14(Thu)17:13 No. 19219 ID: a2fd7f

It was still an April fools joke.

Tartarus 16/04/14(Thu)17:52 No. 19220 ID: b50bda

Time Zones...

Anonymous 16/04/16(Sat)04:07 No. 19227 ID: 532c70

for the 6th installment of ppppu interactive, i was thinking that for the music that plays when shantae is selected, perhaps we could have 2 versions of burning town? one from pirates curse and the other from riskys revenge? just for preference reasons

Gscot 16/04/16(Sat)05:04 No. 19228 ID: bd478c

It was 11pm where I was.

Anonymous 16/04/16(Sat)09:37 No. 19231 ID: 41c9ed

Judy or Kitty Katswell been added yet?

Anonymous 16/04/16(Sat)16:48 No. 19234 ID: 525ced


Anonymous 16/04/17(Sun)03:37 No. 19246 ID: 6b568b

Zone-tan Facial when?

Anonymous 16/04/19(Tue)09:42 No. 19257 ID: ddaddf


Anonymous 16/04/20(Wed)21:57 No. 19265 ID: 78021f

is dead this post? many time since no flash...

Anonymous 16/04/21(Thu)04:23 No. 19270 ID: 525ced


Anonymous 16/04/21(Thu)06:24 No. 19271 ID: 78021f

1 month patiente? xD

Anonymous 16/04/21(Thu)06:24 No. 19272 ID: 78021f

1 month patiente? xD

Anonymous 16/04/21(Thu)09:15 No. 19274 ID: 321a40

fuck off

Anonymous 16/04/21(Thu)09:26 No. 19275 ID: de9a41

dude seemed pretty keen on sometimes releasing them on holidays ex) easter or xmas, give it time. Dude from what i read has a life outside of this, and did commisions first. If i were an artist, especially that good of one, i'd take my time too, unless i was making rent with it

Anonymous 16/04/22(Fri)05:04 No. 19280 ID: da20cb

It's been more than a week. Any updates?

Gscot 16/04/22(Fri)10:21 No. 19283 ID: bd478c

Working on a big commission with life stuff on top. V6 progress is being made when possible (it's already mostly done, with an extra scene for all characters sponsored by a fan). I'll explain the whole thing upon release.
No due date at this time.

Anonymous 16/04/23(Sat)03:19 No. 19285 ID: 377806

are there any other nintendo hentai related flashes? send those links

Anonymous 16/04/24(Sun)15:49 No. 19293 ID: 301a01



Anyone know whats special about these two flashes and why theyre on top of swfchan right now?

Gscot 16/04/24(Sun)18:25 No. 19294 ID: bd478c

Judging by the file names I'd guess someone converted the swfs to actionscript 3. The non interactive one is also from a much earlier build where the music goes out of sync due to missing frames.

Anonymous 16/04/27(Wed)10:27 No. 19305 ID: 78021f

nothing new yet....?

Anonymous 16/04/27(Wed)18:17 No. 19306 ID: 525ced

It will be done when it's done.

Anonymous 16/04/28(Thu)21:18 No. 19323 ID: 78021f

best anser since this gme is created

Anonymous 16/04/29(Fri)02:46 No. 19325 ID: 321a40

I'm pretty sure if there were updates, the first place it'd be posted would be in this thread.

Gscot 16/04/29(Fri)08:09 No. 19331 ID: b15db9


WBGrock 16/04/30(Sat)05:16 No. 19334 ID: 61ba8f

It will never be done. there will allways be room for improvement, therefore it will be re worked and re modeled and re released.

Anonymous 16/05/02(Mon)04:28 No. 19341 ID: e1c019


So... Basically just fap in anticipation?
Not sure if possible.

Progress Gscot 16/05/02(Mon)20:39 No. 19347 ID: b15db9

Commissions have been cleared up. Back to V6.

Tartarus 16/05/02(Mon)21:34 No. 19348 ID: b50bda

Will we ever find out what the commission is or will it be private business for the commissioner?

Gscot 16/05/03(Tue)03:44 No. 19351 ID: 724858

I'll keep it private for the time being. It was a ppppu mod, but wasn't game related.

Anonymous 16/05/03(Tue)07:50 No. 19354 ID: 93e150

Why the fuck would someone commission something and keep it private? That is the rudest thing I've ever heard. Why not let others see it? People are assholes.

wonderful kakaider 16/05/03(Tue)14:34 No. 19355 ID: c697ed

i am glad v6 is still on track you and minus 8 have done great work on it as for the commission it was paid for so i do not see the fuss over it being shown

Anonymous 16/05/03(Tue)15:55 No. 19357 ID: 9a6544

Gscot, if you don't mind me asking, is there a reason for keeping the commission private?

Gscot 16/05/03(Tue)20:41 No. 19361 ID: b15db9

I've chosen to keep it private so it is not mistaken for the final update. As I've already said as well, the characters are not game related and don't fit with the original spirit of the flash, a reason I've said in the past would be cause for withholding commissioned characters.
They will make their way out eventually, but V6 will come out first.

Anonymous 16/05/04(Wed)13:49 No. 19365 ID: 321a40

Calm down.

Anonymous 16/05/04(Wed)21:18 No. 19370 ID: 78021f

No way i will calm down never D:...
Ok i go purnhob easy fap time...

Anonymous 16/05/05(Thu)01:45 No. 19371 ID: 02d56f

i heard that for v6 of ppppu there was gonna be voices as well as sounds for all of the different characters, is this true?

Gscot 16/05/05(Thu)07:38 No. 19372 ID: b15db9

Not for certain. There were some kinks, but Sago might do something.

Anonymous 16/05/05(Thu)08:07 No. 19373 ID: d96c5d

There are some commissions which should forever stay private...

Anonymous 16/05/06(Fri)00:33 No. 19381 ID: 906330

Maybe it's a fictional version of a person from IRL XD or it's so out of the scope of PPPPU that they're embarassed to want it with the game?

Like an obscure furry character.

I mean... There are reasons.

Anonymous 16/05/06(Fri)20:18 No. 19383 ID: 78021f

how much time till qe got some porn? new? XD

Anonymous 16/05/09(Mon)08:47 No. 19398 ID: 321a40


TheJuanWithTheBuns 16/05/11(Wed)08:40 No. 19407 ID: 1be346


Anonymous 16/05/12(Thu)14:31 No. 19411 ID: c61acb


So smooooooth.
I fear my display will melt.

> Pressed some number key

Oh god.

Anonymous 16/05/12(Thu)16:42 No. 19414 ID: 78021f


better than nothing...

Anonymous 16/05/13(Fri)04:55 No. 19418 ID: 0b5de4

He gscot no im not asking for a time update (i agree with everyone else you cant rush perfection) however I am wondering if you could let us in on like features or things you plan to have in this update or tag a reply post for me if i missed one from a while back (thread is huge so i wouldn't be surprised if i did) now if you plan to just add stuff as a secret then go ahead Im not forcing you to even reply to this.
Thanks for everything so far though

Gscot 16/05/15(Sun)06:23 No. 19422 ID: b15db9

Someone sponsored a new scene for each character. Other than that I have nothing secret planned.
I know everyone is waiting, and I'll explain the delay upon release.

Anonymous 16/05/15(Sun)13:58 No. 19424 ID: de9a41

take your time gscot :3 im just chilling anyways

Anonymous 16/05/17(Tue)14:04 No. 19431 ID: 67e9c5

as eager as I am for an update, bless the anon who sponsored for us to have a new scene.
Take it easy and keep doing gods work General

Anonymous 16/05/17(Tue)16:50 No. 19432 ID: 64a4e9

hay guise whats goin on down here

Anonymous 16/05/18(Wed)08:03 No. 19434 ID: 0b5de4

the usual

Anonymous 16/05/20(Fri)04:01 No. 19438 ID: ba4b52

does anyone have any nintendo hentai? Send pics or something

Tartarus 16/05/20(Fri)06:32 No. 19439 ID: b50bda

Here's a short and steamy video with MIsty I found on Pornhub: http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph55d3e1c161510

Anonymous 16/05/21(Sat)02:05 No. 19442 ID: 6f21b9

haha made me chuckle

Anonymous 16/05/23(Mon)23:26 No. 19449 ID: 0b5de4

tell me im not the only one that checks here everyday waiting patiently for the new release so i wont miss it

Anonymous 16/05/24(Tue)00:08 No. 19451 ID: 6ac270

me too mate. i visit this page at least once a day.>>19449

Tartarus 16/05/24(Tue)03:34 No. 19452 ID: b50bda

>>19449 And here I thought I was the only one...

Anonymous 16/05/24(Tue)03:52 No. 19453 ID: e638da

ive been checking everyday too, i WANT this update so badly! >w<

Anonymous 16/05/24(Tue)05:27 No. 19454 ID: 67e9c5

Ive been checking too
Hey General, if youre reading this tmw is my birthday can I get a status report at the very least? lol

Anonymous 16/05/24(Tue)21:05 No. 19456 ID: a8760f

happy birthday, let the man work, art takes time lol

Anonymous 16/05/25(Wed)03:49 No. 19458 ID: ba4b52

We all know art takes time, the dude was just asking. General has even said this himself so if people are still asking why do you think people would listen after you say it?

Anonymous 16/05/25(Wed)05:30 No. 19459 ID: 78021f

I know that animations takes lot of time and is really hard work to be for 1 person, but anotherway this is not fuking art... Just some hentai porn stop greedy D:

Anonymous 16/05/25(Wed)06:17 No. 19460 ID: 67e9c5

no need to argue guys all I was wanting was a percentage or something, just to keep me excited

Anonymous 16/05/26(Thu)03:44 No. 19462 ID: ba4b52

I think the dude meant art as a creative form, whether thats a flash game, animation or just some pictures. The word "art" is beginning to slip out of literal and is slowly becoming contextual, on the internet that it.

Birthday present Gscot 16/05/29(Sun)01:03 No. 19467 ID: b15db9

Happy birthday!
It's a bit late, but I'll tell you I'm 90% done. There are just a few scenes left and some face animations to do. Best case scenario is I'll be done this week.

Anonymous 16/05/29(Sun)03:51 No. 19469 ID: 78021f

poooorn we dont caaare http://eye.swfchan.com/flash.asp?id=193948&n=PeachyPop34+Super_Smash_Girls_Titfuck.swf

Anonymous 16/05/29(Sun)13:56 No. 19470 ID: 1d1320

my body is ready

Anonymous 16/05/29(Sun)18:31 No. 19471 ID: 49737b

Thanks general, I cant wait!
I'd throw money at you if I could

Anonymous 16/05/29(Sun)23:51 No. 19472 ID: 525ced


Anonymous 16/05/30(Mon)08:24 No. 19474 ID: fb4ee4

>peachypop just comes here to promote his porn flashes

Final touches Gscot 16/05/30(Mon)09:34 No. 19476 ID: b15db9

6 of 18 done.

Anonymous 16/05/30(Mon)10:12 No. 19477 ID: 0b5de4

sweet it really is looking towards this week it being done

Anonymous 16/05/30(Mon)22:17 No. 19479 ID: 7e9e97

Woohoo! Take your time man, we're all anxious and ready to fap but you've earned it.

Final touches, a couple notes, and thank you everyone Gscot 16/05/31(Tue)11:25 No. 19480 ID: b15db9

15 of 18 done.

About that big commission from this winter: It was the Cutie Mark Crusaders from My Little Pony (the movies where they're human). They are based off Midna's body, modded into a loli build. Would you guys like me to release them along side V6?

I also want to say sorry, there isn't time to make the cum scenes I had been planning. I was looking forward to it, you were looking forward to it, but it's now off the table. When I was initially working on them I had a lot of time to give to each girl. Then I found full time work at a job I have been after for a long time, and the time I have left is very little.
Can't say much about it; nondisclosure's a mile long, but it involves drawings.
Point is, ~ppppu mods were a fun project to learn from, and I've done what I set out to do. After V6, I'll be moving on to my own projects with what time I now have. The first being the credits I promised to the other modders and Minus8.
On a bit of a downer, many people have asked for girls to be added while I've been working on V6 and the CMC. I can't do these now and pursue my own projects. I will be contacting these people individually, but I'm putting this out to everyone up front: I can't do any more ~ppppu commissions. To everyone who did pay for slots and illustrations, I can't thank you enough. You were all great to work for, and saw me through a very difficult time.
I can still do illustrations though. You guys come up with some fun ideas, and they take considerably less time.

Well, it's been a fun ride. V6 will be up either tomorrow or the next day, depending on what people want with the MLP stuff, and we'll see where things go from there. Good night.

Anonymous 16/05/31(Tue)11:39 No. 19481 ID: f49f42

we're with you all the way dude! good shit, nice to hear your skills are gonna be put to good use!

Anonymous 16/05/31(Tue)12:04 No. 19482 ID: 474f26

That feel when cum scenes were taken out to make room for a brony pedophiles fetishes

Anonymous 16/05/31(Tue)12:29 No. 19483 ID: b67dd3

Seeing how much you added to this project it is nice too see things going your way, it is too bad though about the cumming scenes being taken out, but hey the project it's basically big enough now as it is, as for the MLP content we might as well have it as well to add more content in this final update, I'm pretty sure we can wait a day or two.

Anonymous 16/05/31(Tue)15:19 No. 19484 ID: d7a8d2

god damnit... well the guy needs to make money somehow

Anonymous 16/05/31(Tue)16:40 No. 19485 ID: 301a01

Please release the cmc along with v6, if you can! I'm no bro you, but I'm sure it could help your exposure and give more fap content to experience!

Anonymous 16/05/31(Tue)16:40 No. 19486 ID: 301a01

Please release the cmc along with v6, if you can! I'm no bro you, but I'm sure it could help your exposure and give more fap content to experience!

Anonymous 16/05/31(Tue)18:10 No. 19487 ID: 78021f

so if no cum scenes where is new??? 1 new character? D:

Anonymous 16/05/31(Tue)18:16 No. 19488 ID: bcce8e

id say why not make money with already paid commission's, id definately want to see the loz hilda

Anonymous 16/05/31(Tue)18:53 No. 19489 ID: f49f42

you're stupid

and yes, gscot, release anything you've done in V6! keep all your work bundled together so people don't have to search around to cobble together everything!

Gscot 16/05/31(Tue)18:55 No. 19490 ID: b15db9

3 characters (6 with the cmc) and an extra scene for each (except the cmc).

All paid commissions have been completed. It used to be I could make a character in about 3-4 weeks, but that time now has at least doubled as I found out getting full time work halfway through the cmc job. It isn't a reasonable amount of time for a project, and when you break the money down by time I usually made about $1-$3 per hour of work. Ppppu jobs were labours of love.
Funny you should mention LoZ Hilda. There was a misunderstanding when making the pokemon Hilda, so there is a prototype of the LoZ one.

Anonymous 16/05/31(Tue)19:07 No. 19491 ID: 779f81

Lol i remember seeing the preview from before, i was curious if you would say pm a list of already paid commisions, then allow others to buy into that commision?

Anonymous 16/05/31(Tue)20:55 No. 19492 ID: 7e9e97

>no cum scenes
Not gonna lie...that's a big blow to the heart. Oh well, maybe someday...

Gscot 16/05/31(Tue)21:58 No. 19493 ID: b15db9

V6 will go up tomorrow.

Cum scenes were taken out because I started a career.

Anonymous 16/05/31(Tue)23:48 No. 19494 ID: 4dfe52

Thank you for all the hard work you put in. I can't wait to see V6. I would like to ask if its possible for you to upload the .fla file so others may try a hand at it?

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)00:58 No. 19495 ID: 525ced

Cum scenes or no, you're making something magical. Keep it up!

Gscot 16/06/01(Wed)01:01 No. 19496 ID: 4a74a2

Of course.

Tartarus 16/06/01(Wed)02:04 No. 19497 ID: b50bda

I'm going to be totally honest: It's too bad there won't be any cum scenes, and I'm not the biggest fan of what the commission is (to put it nicely). At the end of the day though, this flash and the work you put into is still very amazing, and from what I've seen, I'm excited about the 2-3 other characters that are coming.

I get how time consuming and how much devotion a full-time career is, but you don't necessarily need to put an end to pppu commissions. I have an idea

Ever heard of supply and demand? Ever since you got that full-time job, what's changed is your supply of time, but from what you've said, the demand for commissions is still high, so here's what I'd do if I were you: I'd still allow commissions, BUT: I'd charge much more, only allow one commission at a time, the same person cannot do a commission twice in a row, and they'd have to be prepared to wait around 6 or more weeks, and cum scenes could be added if they were commissioned. You could really make a lot of money if you changed how pppu commissions were made. Your call though.

kakaider 16/06/01(Wed)02:28 No. 19498 ID: 6267f8

I totally agree with Him Gscot I have a full time job myself and I know how stressful commissions can be I think his idea has some merit and would net you some extra cash as well as breathing room and rest time between comms and your job...something to think about but as he said its your call by the by the pppu project is now your baby you shouldn't give it up!

WBGrock 16/06/01(Wed)02:40 No. 19499 ID: 61ba8f

or if someone here has money they could commission the cum scenes... Poor here, trying to get back to work so or i'd look into it.

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)02:48 No. 19500 ID: 7b909a

I cant believe it. Another thing bronys tarnished.....

Not gscots fault though. But another point why bronys need to fucking die

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)03:08 No. 19501 ID: 43f1b1

i have to say Im excited...but not excited at the same time. with all due respect Gscot i don't think you should put the cmc in V6 at all. Im a brony myself and im gonna say this now, with a whole flash dedicated to Nintendo characters don't you think adding in something from mlp would be WAY too out of place, especially if it were the cmc of all characters...i just don't think it would work with the flash and would kind of ruin it, especially with cum scenes removed which i can understand the reasoning for doing so.

The Peoples Elbow and Champion 16/06/01(Wed)03:55 No. 19503 ID: 945ca5

please no MLP shit absolutely at all if so please make another file containing it.

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)04:25 No. 19504 ID: edc8ae

(It's a loli-human version of a MLP character)
Please keep that the fuck away from the main release. Have it seperate (completely) because it has zero to do with the core spirit of PPPPU and MLP porn is disgusting.

Edgar 16/06/01(Wed)05:18 No. 19505 ID: ad47a2

I think it would be best to release both versions, one with the cmc and one with base nintendo and the cmc as a separate file. Unless I'm unaware of some ability to simply plop the cmc into the list manually?

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)05:25 No. 19506 ID: 67e9c5

Like the others said, glad he did all this work.
But the thing I was looking forward to most were cum scenes.
I wouldve gladly went without 3 characters and an extra scene just for that.
Maybe someone else can add them in someday...

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)05:26 No. 19507 ID: 67e9c5

Youre not gonna get rid of the cum scenes you already did are you?
That would be shitty, then again it would be shitty to only have it on 2 characters as a reminder of what could have been

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)08:18 No. 19508 ID: b5e027

Please no mlp, it's not nintendo.

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)09:02 No. 19509 ID: e08fc8

I'm not sure anyone understands. v6 is built completely differently. instead of one supermassive SWF, all the characters have their own SWF. You load the menu and the menu downloads/loads another SWF that contains the character you picked. If you didnt want the brony shit (which I dont) then you can just delete the brony SWFs and they'll dissappear off v6 completely.

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)09:05 No. 19510 ID: e08fc8

Goddamnit, pressed Enter too early. You can also do the same with the characters you don't like (so if you dont like the inclusion of Gardevoir, you can delete her SWF and her menu button dissappears off the menu.)

This SWF loader also allows commisions/custom characters easier since each character is its own separate flash file. You'll have to find someone who'll want to decompile and edit an extra scene into multiple dozen different SWF files though...

~Ppppu V6 Gscot 16/06/01(Wed)11:29 No. 19511 ID: b15db9


Added Koopagirls, Piranha Girls and Shygals.
Added Smash slot.
Added anal gyration scene to all girls.
Added anal scenes to Midna.
Adjusted Midna's hair colour.
Added Easter egg; 1/199 chance of appearing.
No pony girls.

Well, here it is. I'll upload the .fla's sometime tomorrow.
If someone finds the Easter egg, I'll upload it as a separate .swf.
Good night!

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)11:34 No. 19513 ID: 0b5de4

Good night gscott and as a message from all of us im sure THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)12:31 No. 19514 ID: 38f5a7

Is the easter egg toadette?

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)13:37 No. 19515 ID: 1d1320

why can't people be indifferent about things, it's always attacking and complaining about things they don't like that doesn't even affect them.

I don't care what is added to the flash as long as someone can fap to it and it's high quality.

also all these posts about keeping the flash nintendo only, they are forgetting there is a girl from phoenix wright


i think you should just have everything in the same flash, if someone doesnt like something they dont need to click it.

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)14:25 No. 19516 ID: 923859

I thought cum scenes weren't in this? So why did i get one with the Phoenix Wright girl? There was even confetti

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)14:27 No. 19517 ID: d6a292

i need those lolis

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)14:39 No. 19518 ID: 10166d

I believe I might enjoy seeing these as their own thing. The stuff you do is just that good.

Loving the new anal scenes, particularly all the stuff on midna. Great job Scot, thumbs up.

kakaider 16/06/01(Wed)15:04 No. 19519 ID: cc1ba1

hope one day there will be an interactive of this but you need to work so i will wait thanks for this gscot fortune be with you alway!

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)15:51 No. 19520 ID: 923859

Also a cum scene for the Xenoblade girl, and Toadette very rarely shows up in the Smash mode.

Jameskb1 16/06/01(Wed)16:23 No. 19521 ID: 593cdb

there will be InteractiveLQ on ppppu6 right?

kakaider 16/06/01(Wed)16:30 No. 19522 ID: cc1ba1

give him time a full time job and hundreds of pppu fans don't make things east for scott we all need to ease up off the man let him enjoy some rest and his new job he has already given us more than we deserve no one make this flash better than him and minus 8 plus peachy pop is always bringing out new Nintendo flashes too to tide us all over check his work out on swfchan ...

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)16:39 No. 19523 ID: b7bd50

rosalina's anal gyration scene is fucking glorious
many thanks general

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)16:55 No. 19524 ID: 10166d

I don't think it was ever Gscot who did those. but we can hope that an interactive version will happen.

Tartarus 16/06/01(Wed)18:54 No. 19525 ID: b50bda

In spite of no cum scenes, this is still glorious. Will we still have the voice acting and interactive version to look forward too? Peach, Rosalina, Daisy, Fiora, Lucina, May, Midna, Samus, Shantae, WFT, and the Zeldas could all have voices.

>>19515 Phoenix Wright is a Capcom game, and has only been AA games have only been released formally on Nintendo consoles and Capcom is a strong Nintendo affiliate. As for Shantae, well, she's still a gaming character. Being a gaming character is the bare minimum to be a character in this game. Obscure horse characters, unfortunately, do not meet the qualifications. Another MLP or cartoon edition of pppu is in order.

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)19:51 No. 19527 ID: 072b63

Found it.
Posting it elsewhere in case some people want to keep it a surprise.

~Ppppu CMC Gscot 16/06/01(Wed)19:59 No. 19528 ID: b15db9

File toadetteSingle.swf - (551.08KB )


EQG version Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetiebelle.
Prototype of V6's Smash mode.

Keep it in a separate folder from V6, but you can overwrite the old character files with the new ones.

Now, that I've had some sleep, let's see what needs clearing up...

1h 2min to find. Congratulations!

Iris and Fiora already had cum scenes from an earlier commission, so it would have been silly to remove those just because no one else had them.
Toadette rarely shows up because I only made one scene. She was a last minute idea.

Again, I'm not the person making the interactive version. That is a mod by Ppppuprogrammer. Give them some appreciation here: http://ppppuprogrammer.tumblr.com

She was my favourite to do anal scenes with.

Voice versions are handled by Sago. You can follow her here: http://sagosfm.tumblr.com

Fla Files Gscot 16/06/01(Wed)20:11 No. 19529 ID: b15db9


To the aspiring animators, here you go.

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)21:34 No. 19530 ID: 574c2d

is there a browser version of this yet? I can't seem to get it running on either of my computers...

Anonymous 16/06/02(Thu)00:14 No. 19531 ID: fdabfb


This one doesn't have an "all characters" option like the other one did. Would it be to much to as to add that please?

Anonymous 16/06/02(Thu)02:45 No. 19532 ID: 525ced

Rosalina is just fantastic.

Anonymous 16/06/02(Thu)04:15 No. 19535 ID: eace9c

>Added Koopagirls, Piranha Girls and Shygals.
The swfs is not in there?

Gscot 16/06/02(Thu)07:28 No. 19536 ID: b15db9

What do you mean? Their swfs are in the rar.

Anonymous 16/06/02(Thu)10:22 No. 19538 ID: 2bb4bd

how do you fun this its in so many parts

Gscot 16/06/02(Thu)11:13 No. 19539 ID: b15db9

PpppuX is the menu, but all scenes have a return button to bring you to the menu, so start anywhere you like.

Anonymous 16/06/02(Thu)11:26 No. 19540 ID: b67dd3

I noticed that the cedits button leads to nowhere, just a blank screen, was it not put in the rar or am I just stupid?

Anonymous 16/06/02(Thu)11:33 No. 19541 ID: 2bb4bd

but when I press the arrow it stops working

Anonymous 16/06/02(Thu)15:14 No. 19542 ID: cc5101

This Flash will not be complete until it has Palutena, Female Robin, Female Corrin, Bayonetta, Inkling Girl, Callie, Marie,

Anonymous 16/06/02(Thu)16:30 No. 19543 ID: 80737f

lol, have fun waiting.

Anonymous 16/06/02(Thu)18:11 No. 19546 ID: 96da85

are the anal gyration scenes not in this version?

Gscot 16/06/02(Thu)21:02 No. 19547 ID: b15db9

No, I guess I should have been clearer. The credits scenes is coming later. I'm doing a bit for the different modders. I'll post it here when it's done.

That's odd. Are all the swfs in the same folder?

Anonymous 16/06/03(Fri)03:40 No. 19548 ID: 606867

It didn't work for me either, but that was because I was using a standalone flash player. After loading them in my browser it worked fine.

Anonymous 16/06/03(Fri)05:00 No. 19550 ID: 5bbd3a

tried to open the flash files keep getting unexpected file format, prob cause im using cs4?

219829 16/06/03(Fri)05:47 No. 19551 ID: 81f742

will you be uploading an interactive/swap able version

Gscot 16/06/03(Fri)07:21 No. 19552 ID: b15db9

Definitely. I use CS6.

PpppuProgrammer does that mod.

219829 16/06/03(Fri)17:01 No. 19553 ID: 81f742

Oh ok. Still hopefully we get that version mainly because seems to flow smoother and has higher quality music.

Anonymous 16/06/03(Fri)23:17 No. 19554 ID: 66976c

Bit demanding, aren't we? Also, you forgot Malon, Pauline, Dixie Kong, Agitha, and... I dunno, how about Cortana.

Anonymous 16/06/04(Sat)16:56 No. 19557 ID: cc5101

and Mii Gunner

WBGrock 16/06/04(Sat)19:08 No. 19558 ID: 61ba8f

I really havent been able to tell the difference in the music quality. I just like the ability to do a random assortment of characters with the specific move sets i want (not that into anal... weird right?)

219829 16/06/04(Sat)21:09 No. 19559 ID: 81f742

well it seems to have high quality sound for my computer

Anonymous 16/06/05(Sun)06:18 No. 19563 ID: 25913b

is their gonna an interactive version

Anonymous 16/06/05(Sun)08:34 No. 19566 ID: 906330

You're talking about the interactive version? That's ppppuprogrammer's pet project. He's the one who was responsible for making that happen.

I'm also not into anal btw. Honestly, there's surprisingly few people who really are. The people who like it are generally vocal though from my experience on the internet.

Anonymous 16/06/05(Sun)08:41 No. 19567 ID: 64a4e9


i like it

Anonymous 16/06/06(Mon)10:43 No. 19576 ID: c39619

absolutely, anal is the best and girls LOVE it

Anonymous 16/06/06(Mon)16:17 No. 19578 ID: 36539b

Would it be too much to ask for someone to remove all but the new anal gyrations?

Gscot 16/06/06(Mon)20:47 No. 19579 ID: b15db9

File anal_gyration.swf - (2.95MB )


Anonymous 16/06/06(Mon)21:10 No. 19580 ID: 07bcfa

GScot, could you make one that includes the CMC with the rest of the girls? In the CMC one, there isn't an option to have all the girls like there is in the mian release.

Anonymous 16/06/06(Mon)22:04 No. 19581 ID: 923859

The shygal is playing her regular anal scene in this, and gyration for her doesnt seem to appear in the original either.

Anonymous 16/06/07(Tue)05:58 No. 19583 ID: c91cf7

how do you open the file on MEGA? I'm just looking at a screen with a M on a cloud

Gscot 16/06/07(Tue)07:28 No. 19584 ID: b15db9

In the cloud is a red circle as a loading bar. Once loaded you will be asked if you want to download the file through Mega or your browser.

Anonymous 16/06/07(Tue)11:45 No. 19585 ID: 66976c

Wow, I never really realized how bad that vagina looks. It's literally a line. I could draw it with a crayon - and I can't draw for shit. How much work would it be to make it look, uh... like a vagina?

Anonymous 16/06/07(Tue)12:27 No. 19586 ID: b24e68

How do you play version 6 and the CMC version? They're just RAR files, so where do I get a SWF to run them?

Anonymous 16/06/07(Tue)12:46 No. 19587 ID: 612dd2

have you tried downloading and extracting the contents of the rar file?

Anonymous 16/06/07(Tue)12:59 No. 19588 ID: b24e68

Ah, I'm supposed to extract things. Never done anything like this before, but it works now!

Anonymous 16/06/08(Wed)08:27 No. 19595 ID: 42b8d2

overwrite which ones?

Gscot 16/06/08(Wed)20:38 No. 19601 ID: b15db9

Overwrite Peach, Rosalina, Daisy, Samus, Shantae, Zelda, Midna, May, Hilda, Gardevoir, Isabelle, Lucina, Iris, FIora and Wiifit Trainer with their V6 versions to get the newest animations.

Anonymous 16/06/09(Thu)13:30 No. 19607 ID: 22a7cc

So, does anyone know if ppppuprogrammer is currently working on an interactive version of the new one or...?

Anonymous 16/06/09(Thu)23:23 No. 19614 ID: 3fd135

I'm working on it. Currently got a good amount of the ground work for introducing swf "mods" done (for the initial release of the interactive version this will support just new characters and music. Adding new animations to already loaded in characters is not possible). However there are still a few things I need to change and fix, especially since the code base was not fully tested to have characters added in this new way. Also as a heads up I likely will release an alpha build without the cum scenes being accessible. There is nothing in place to handle those scenes properly and I want the base parts of the flash to be tested as there is likely a lot that can go wrong with the modding system.

Anonymous 16/06/10(Fri)06:20 No. 19616 ID: 906330

Oh darn. Sounds like a super final version.

How goes the 60 fps work btw?

Thanks, General! Anonymous 16/06/10(Fri)10:14 No. 19618 ID: 1d606a

Long-time lurker here. Been following this from pretty much the beginning. Since you'll be done with this project from now on I figure now would be a good time to step away from this dark corner and say thanks for all you've done with this. If not for you, we'd probably still only have Peach, Rosie, Daisy, and Samus. Now we've got motherfucking lolis. Holy shit. I wish you well at whatever that non-disclosed, full-time drawing job is.

(If you don't mind me asking, will we ever see the results of this job and know that you worked on it? I'd be interested in seeing whatever you work on in the future.)

666yourmum666 16/06/11(Sat)00:35 No. 19619 ID: 43115b

so...when will the flash come out? today?

WBGrock 16/06/11(Sat)03:34 No. 19622 ID: 61ba8f

My guess would be when it's done. ;P

you can't rush art. Unless it's Jackson Pollok.

Anonymous 16/06/11(Sat)05:35 No. 19623 ID: 531064

I guess I'll continue enjoying overwatch hentai until I can view this cuz the mega file will not load for me

Anonymous 16/06/11(Sat)10:22 No. 19624 ID: 923859

Is it just me, or do the shygirls not have an anal gyration scene? Also, during their regular anal scene some black spots show up around the vagina.

Anonymous 16/06/11(Sat)15:12 No. 19625 ID: 6675d6

soo were not gonna get to see the anal gyration scenes? or some other fixes like with daisys reverse cowgirl animation?

Anonymous 16/06/11(Sat)17:53 No. 19626 ID: fe3e7f

here's hoping the new animations can be worked in at some point. I so am looking forward to getting those nw anal animations onto Midna.

Anonymous 16/06/11(Sat)21:26 No. 19627 ID: bc44c2

ayo Gscot lemme get dem lolis

Anonymous 16/06/11(Sat)23:56 No. 19628 ID: 3fd135

The new gyration animations will be included. To clarify what I meant, say someone created an entirely new animation for Peach. They can't just pack it into a mod and have add it to Peach's already existing animation list. They'd have to instead add the new animation as an entirely new character instead (which is a workaround that shouldn't even be necessary).

I'll work on a way to add new animations as mods properly though I do feel that feature wouldn't be used.

Also I lied about the cum scene transition not being in the alpha. Had fun thinking how it'd work and that made me go implement it earlier than expected. The test build will allow access to it but it will be very rough (buggy, will have visual issues).

60 fps version is going terribly. I need to really take the time to understand how tween libraries work as that's tripping me up.

Anonymous 16/06/12(Sun)13:11 No. 19636 ID: 6675d6

very nice with how these turned out. i can only imagine the mod potential with different characters, like making alia from megaman or create an even better interactive flash than the previous versions we have

thanks gscot, looking forward to the future

Anonymous 16/06/12(Sun)15:27 No. 19637 ID: 300989


Finding a new flash Modder Tartarus 16/06/13(Mon)03:33 No. 19641 ID: b50bda

If we want new characters or cum scenes, we should try to find an artist who's good with Flash CS6.

Anonymous 16/06/13(Mon)08:31 No. 19643 ID: 906330

Just... let it die.

Anonymous 16/06/14(Tue)09:03 No. 19649 ID: bd79a8

I disagree

Anonymous 16/06/14(Tue)12:02 No. 19652 ID: 6675d6

me too. these animations are too impressive to just let go
when we find the right people we'll make it BETTER than it ever was

Anonymous 16/06/14(Tue)17:21 No. 19653 ID: ac7e56

Would someone be able to remove all the scenes except for the ones where the girl's ass is the only thing facing you?

Anonymous 16/06/14(Tue)17:41 No. 19654 ID: ac7e56

I meant the reverse cowgirl scenes.

Anonymous 16/06/14(Tue)17:47 No. 19655 ID: 0aefbf

There's an interactive version that let's you do that:

It's a bit old so it doesn't have all the new characters or poses yet.

WBGrock 16/06/15(Wed)05:08 No. 19657 ID: 61ba8f

yeah, sadly it for the previous version. I assume there will be an update soon.

Anonymous 16/06/15(Wed)13:29 No. 19660 ID: 6675d6

i know this change was a while ago but i cant decide whether wii fit trainer looks better with or without the top...
perhaps when the interactive version comes out we could have more animations with both top and topless?
or would that just be asking for too much? :/

Kaisser 16/06/16(Thu)17:06 No. 19668 ID: 115a76

here u got guys :D

Anonymous 16/06/16(Thu)19:28 No. 19669 ID: cc9854


nice, but who made this?

Anonymous 16/06/16(Thu)19:45 No. 19670 ID: 861a18

dude if you made that, you coulda did teamwork with gscot

Kaisser 16/06/16(Thu)23:50 No. 19671 ID: 115a76

No i didnt. I wont be a lyer but I am pretty sure I will info new things I discover arround...

Gscot 16/06/17(Fri)08:28 No. 19674 ID: b15db9

I like it.

G 16/06/18(Sat)00:23 No. 19678 ID: b67dd3

Thanks man, but it really couldn't have been done without all your work, and FLA files of course.

Anonymous 16/06/21(Tue)16:09 No. 19695 ID: b5081b

Thread still alive?

Anonymous 16/06/22(Wed)09:01 No. 19701 ID: 99f45d

Probably not for much longer. It's been real fun, guys. Thanks Gscot for the faps. I hope I see you again in another life.

Anonymous 16/06/22(Wed)15:06 No. 19703 ID: af5e2a

Well, GScot is apparently done with this project, at least as far as him creating new content for it is concerned. ppppuprogrammer is, from what I've heard, working on an interactive variant of ppppu v6.

Kaisser 16/06/22(Wed)17:50 No. 19704 ID: 665162

gg easy well played xD

Anonymous 16/06/23(Thu)01:08 No. 19707 ID: 923859

I didn't make this, I don't know who did, just found this a minute ago ande wanted to share it.

Some one made toadanal scene? *Fapper* 16/06/23(Thu)07:29 No. 19708 ID: 158a43


Anonymous 16/06/24(Fri)02:01 No. 19712 ID: b15db9

File rosalina_butt_slut.swf - (634.35KB )

Only anal.

Anonymous 16/06/24(Fri)12:42 No. 19715 ID: 838037



Actually... would anyone be able to make a flash with all the girls, but like this one, where it's only anal?
(maybe with one girl with an oral scene going atm?)

Anonymous 16/06/24(Fri)12:50 No. 19716 ID: 838037

Also, found this somewhere a while ago.
Looks to be a concept, but... did anyone finish it?
Isn't this that girl from the GBC zelda game?

Anonymous 16/06/24(Fri)23:53 No. 19717 ID: 906330

What is it with you anal lovers? I will never understand.

Anonymous 16/06/25(Sat)00:05 No. 19718 ID: 525ced

it's a fetish.
You don't need to understand.

Anonymous 16/06/25(Sat)01:38 No. 19719 ID: bf442f

Yes please. Can we get this for the other characters too?


Tartarus 16/06/25(Sat)12:54 No. 19723 ID: b50bda

Simple really, it's another hole to explore.

Anonymous 16/06/26(Sun)00:18 No. 19726 ID: c3eff0

when the interactive version of v6 comes out, would it be possible to include a button that would remove some clothing off of some of the characters? such as wii fit trainer?

Anonymous 16/06/26(Sun)03:43 No. 19727 ID: 3fd135

Still on pace for a release within a week or 2 (though I suppose that's around ~10 days now given when I first spoke of a release window on my tumblr). Have to redo the menus. Didn't want to but have to as the custom implementation I made was not meant for 20+ characters, it was really meant for 5. That and the code is horribly designed with menu code entangled in the character manager's code.

Possible? Yes it is but I'm not going to implement such a feature or at the very least for v1.0.

Technical ramble about how it'd be done using WFT as an example: Each animation the shirt is on is actually a different instance of the same graphic meaning removing it from one animation will not automatically remove it from the others. I would need to keep track of the common name that should be given for all the shirt instances (let's call it "WFTShirt"), look through the current playing animation for WFT to see if an object with that name exists, change its visibility depending on the setting. If the animation changes and the character is still WFT, redo the check. Then that code implementation, go into WFT's .fla document and modify the layer with the shirt so the first frame has the name that the program will search for ("WFTShirt") and make sure there are no gaps in the layer's timeline where there is an empty keyframe so the instance of the shirt set in frame 1 doesn't get garbage collected and the user will be unable to change the visibility of the shirt until the animation changes or repeats. Repeat this for all her animations.

Stuff like that I'd rather put into ppppuNX which would simplify this kind of feature but like I said, it is possible in implement in ppppuX. As lazy as it may sound, I want to do the bare minimum for v1.0 as I just want to get this program out.

Anonymous 16/06/26(Sun)22:57 No. 19731 ID: 906330

I guess that's a more efficient way of doing it XD.
I was thinking just a differentl swf for shirt on or off.

Anonymous 16/06/27(Mon)00:23 No. 19732 ID: 3fd135

That's the actual plan for that request. Going to have an alt download for a shirtless WFT and if someone wants to use it they can just edit the modslist.txt file ppppuX reads on startup to have the shirtless version be loaded instead of the shirt one. It comes at the cost of not being able to change the shirt at run time but it's the fast and simple solution.

Anonymous 16/06/27(Mon)02:29 No. 19733 ID: 9f40e4

hope soon

Anonymous 16/06/27(Mon)04:05 No. 19734 ID: 2484a0

I second this suggested. Somebody please ;_;

Anonymous 16/06/27(Mon)20:52 No. 19735 ID: 923859

Just wait for the interactive version, if it's like the previous one you can just disable all animations except anal if you want.

Anonymous 16/06/29(Wed)04:28 No. 19740 ID: f6f329


Here's the thing though, Sago hasn't done vocals for this in a while. That leads me me to believe she isn't planning on doing anymore.

Anonymous 16/06/29(Wed)10:26 No. 19741 ID: f49f42

I might get back to doing them soon. I got pretty burned out. Sorry to leave you guys hanging!

Anonymous 16/07/02(Sat)00:34 No. 19745 ID: 44a097

awesome! cant wait :3

Anonymous 16/07/04(Mon)13:12 No. 19756 ID: efae99

still in awe over how far this flash has come

Anonymous 16/07/05(Tue)01:05 No. 19759 ID: 906330

You know you've got me real curious as to how much you've changed. Is there any way you can give us a sneak peack of what you've done?

Anonymous 16/07/05(Tue)03:47 No. 19760 ID: 3fd135

I don't want expectations to be too high as there's not much that's noticeable to the viewer. Most of the work is the internal code as when I started the interactive project I didn't expect so actually be working on it for so long. A lot of code was done quick and dirty with not too much regard on maintainability. In the end it was pretty much a pile of spaghetti code where I started to lose the ability to know exactly when to use what function, there were functions in the same class that ended up doing the exact same thing, classes that ended up being 1000+ line monstrosities because they had way too many responsibilities in the program and more.

As for a sneak peak, I might be able to get something up soon within 2-3 days. It'll be a good at testing the modding system and it's effects on the rest of the program. They'll be no music as the music playing system is not implemented as a part of redoing parts of the code base. However the new menu implementation will be in and the linked animations transition feature [used to access the cum scenes for Fiora and Iris] will also be in.

Anonymous 16/07/05(Tue)06:31 No. 19761 ID: 906330

Sounds tough XD.
I hate going back to look at code that's even a 2 months old.

You have been working on the project for a while so I can only imagine how inefficient the first couple of lines seem to you right now. Ah wells. Good luck man :D

Anonymous 16/07/06(Wed)16:55 No. 19767 ID: e95737

Despite the roughness, this is really good. Is Emerald's reverse cowgirl loop supposed to be a buttjob?

oi 16/07/08(Fri)04:33 No. 19773 ID: e180e1


From Minus8 Gscot 16/07/08(Fri)18:32 No. 19774 ID: b15db9

I don’t know…I just don’t like game system editing.

Like Time Slip of animal crossing, smash Project M,Mario Maker glitch play and mode of GTA, Elder Scrolls..things.

I don’t know why. just don’t like that. :T

Oh but I love what you guys are my flash animation editing.

They are so much fun! XD

Anonymous 16/07/09(Sat)01:54 No. 19777 ID: 906330

That was on his tumblr.

Glad he's so chill about people doing stuff to his animations :)

Anonymous 16/07/09(Sat)10:46 No. 19778 ID: 9ea37f

I don't want to be "that" guy, but what's wrong with lolis?

Anonymous 16/07/09(Sat)11:02 No. 19779 ID: 9ea37f

Not sure if I'm getting VERY unlucky or not, but are there any Anal Gyration scenes in these versions?

Anonymous 16/07/09(Sat)19:00 No. 19781 ID: 3fd135

It took me longer than I expected but I finally got a build of the ppppuXi beta ready for testing. There were a few hiccups encountered in the last few days that made me feel this wasn't ready but they're no longer a problem.

Things that work currently are the character and animations scroll menus, settings saving (for settings that are currently used in the code), locking of characters and animations for them, and the linked animation feature used for cum scenes.

Things that aren't finished are buttons for various features such as changing the character switch mode, the music player (this beta release is silent), UI for the music player and something else I can't remember.

Thank you to everyone for all your patience. There's still more to go but I'm aiming to finish as soon as I can. You can download it from https://p.fuwafuwa.moe/rsopeh.zip and to play it, load "ppppuXinteractive.swf" with your flash player of choice. One more thing, you can change which characters are loaded by modifying the ModsList.txt file include. Give it a look see. The CMC are disabled by default so if you want to see them, you need to edit that file.

Anonymous 16/07/09(Sat)19:46 No. 19782 ID: 315124

You need to do more work, obviously. Doesn't work at all. Loaded the file, it just shows a blank blue screen.

Anonymous 16/07/09(Sat)21:04 No. 19783 ID: 20f1d5

I second that. I tried opening with the Flash player and then by dragging into the browser; it doesn't work either way.

Anonymous 16/07/10(Sun)00:12 No. 19784 ID: 525ced

Seems to work in a flash player just fine, Swiff and the such.
Browser? I can't make it work on that either.

Anonymous 16/07/10(Sun)04:38 No. 19785 ID: 3fd135

Are you all using Chrome? From my tests, it will work on browsers such as Firefox and IE. Unfortunately it didn't work when I used Chrome. I'm looking into a solution but confirmation on your browsers would help.

Anonymous 16/07/10(Sun)05:12 No. 19786 ID: d0c276


Configure publish settings to load from local filesystem, not network.
When debugging, flash ignores this flag.

That being said, I don't believe it works anyway. Probably a parsing issue since the UI shows empty panels.

In the future, run your tests outside of a browser. Use the standalone debugging projector provided by Adobe:

Anonymous 16/07/10(Sun)05:15 No. 19787 ID: 906330

Doesn't work in Firefox, IE, or Chrome.
Directory to files have no special characters in them either.

Computer is Windows10 and the main way I open .swf files is through te latest standalone flash projecter.

Anonymous 16/07/10(Sun)05:35 No. 19788 ID: 3fd135

Thanks, this really helped. I can't believe I forgot to check the use network feature (which it seems FlashDevelop defaults to true).

As for the empty panels, that's not a mistake. That's intended to be what happens when it didn't load any character swfs (which currently it can't do because they too are set to use network, causing a security access issue). It is planned for characters to be allowed to be added during runtime, so you can have nothing load at startup then add whatever you want, which is why the flash is allowed to be like that. I'll need to add some sort of message so it's known that no characters were loaded and the program won't do anything until one is loaded.

Finally, I do test with a debugger projector. Regardless of running it from FlashDevelop or running it directly, for some reason the security errors were never thrown so I had no clue about this.

Going to rebuild the flash projects, test them, and reupload them. If all goes well it'll be up within 10 minutes.

Anonymous 16/07/10(Sun)06:06 No. 19789 ID: 3fd135

Throughly tested the latest build. ModsList is loaded now, every character loads, it works in flash projector, Firefox, and Chrome with no errors thrown. The problem was built into all the swfs so all the files will need to be update. Get them here https://p.fuwafuwa.moe/tfpnvy.zip

Last thing, I didn't go into the linked animation feature. When 2 animations are linked, you can transition from the start link to the end link if you hit the activate key (Default: A) during a certain period during the start link animation. The icon that indicates this is currently the same as the cum graphic gscot used for the button in his release (this will be changed later). End link animations are inaccessible through the menus and only accessed by Activating during a start link animation. The only 2 start link animations are Fiora's Animation 10 and Iris' Animation 1.

Anonymous 16/07/10(Sun)08:05 No. 19790 ID: 315124

It at least loads now, but now the music doesn't work. It loads some blurb of music before going completely quiet.

Anonymous 16/07/10(Sun)09:14 No. 19791 ID: 3fd135

There's suppose to be no music. The music player's code needs to be modified due to a few program restructure decisions I made that are incompatible with how it used to work. That's why the Music pack archive is commented out in ModsList.txt to not be loaded as even if it was loaded there's nothing that would be done with it. As for that quick blurb, it appears to be from the cum scenes as there is no music that plays anywhere else. Likely a strange interaction with how the animations are loaded that'll need to be investigated.

Anonymous 16/07/10(Sun)09:26 No. 19792 ID: 6b6c3d

I get an error code when i load this site ;'( guess it wasn't meant to be

Anonymous 16/07/10(Sun)09:49 No. 19793 ID: 3fd135

Try this, hopefully mixtape will work for you. If not then I'll have to use mega or something.

Anonymous 16/07/10(Sun)09:53 No. 19794 ID: 6b6c3d

Yes it dis work thank you

Anonymous 16/07/11(Mon)01:01 No. 19796 ID: 300989

Can it be possible if we had one where we don't have to download?

Anonymous 16/07/11(Mon)04:22 No. 19797 ID: 61ba8f

Due to the nature of the modification that has occured, it takes up multiple flash files instead of the original 1. Therefore, it would have to be modified and hosted on a site in order to run without downloading. a lot of site hosting companies have a problem with hosting pornographic material and hosting would violate the terms of service.

The short answer? not likely

Anonymous 16/07/11(Mon)08:53 No. 19798 ID: 3fd135

Pretty much what >>19797 said except I'll add that I will not do that. While not being web view able is a big loss, the advantages gained from the current system well outweigh the disadvantages. I am willing though to open the source code when the program is closer to completion so someone can make a single swf version. Though for all the content planned, it'll likely end up being around 32 MB big and would need some reworking to condense it into a single swf.

Anonymous 16/07/11(Mon)19:14 No. 19801 ID: 906330

Audio doesn't work for me. I get a weird sound and then the flash starts.

Also... I miss the old menus :( Is there anyway to get that white background transparent XD. I know I'm complaining about nuthing though. Just keep doing what you're doing.

Anonymous 16/07/11(Mon)20:41 No. 19802 ID: ab78d7

It's because it's just a beta. the music player hasn't been implemented yet. if you go to ppppuprogrammers tumblr, you'll find a more thorough posting behind what is and isn't in the current beta.

Anonymous 16/07/11(Mon)20:56 No. 19803 ID: 855f57

Found bug.
Random character mode play disable animations.
Correctly single character lock mode not play disable animations.

Anonymous 16/07/12(Tue)04:45 No. 19805 ID: 92c113

The only character that loads for me is Peach. Nobody else's icons even display. Help!

Anonymous 16/07/12(Tue)09:01 No. 19806 ID: 3fd135

Having trouble replicating this. More details about what happened leading up to this might help.

First I've heard about an issue like this and I don't know what could cause it. Check your ModsList.txt and make sure that on each line there is a valid relative path to a mod. If there is still a problem, load the main swf in a debug version of the flash player (preferably the projector) and see if an error was thrown.

Anonymous 16/07/12(Tue)14:22 No. 19808 ID: 906330

Did you extract the files from the zip?

Anonymous 16/07/12(Tue)14:40 No. 19809 ID: 3fd135

To follow up my response from >>19806, I have actually located the bug and fixed it. It was an issue with the save file not being properly updated when messing with the character switching modes, so when the flash is loaded up later the 2 values could both be set in a way in which they conflict with each other. Thank you for your report.

Anonymous 16/07/13(Wed)08:36 No. 19810 ID: 92c113

Nevermind, I figured out it doesn't work when you run it on your desktop. It worked when I pasted the .swf directory into Chrome.

Anonymous 16/07/14(Thu)08:51 No. 19811 ID: 1a0a0c

Im not seeing any of the CMC in this, is that intentional?

Anonymous 16/07/14(Thu)17:42 No. 19814 ID: 3fd135

Ah okay. Glad it was nothing major that was the problem.

Yes, I mentioned that in >>19781.
"One more thing, you can change which characters are loaded by modifying the ModsList.txt file include. Give it a look see. The CMC are disabled by default so if you want to see them, you need to edit that file."

Anonymous 16/07/14(Thu)22:07 No. 19816 ID: ff5fc6

sooooooo I haven't been here for a month or so, where's the new interaction version

Anonymous 16/07/15(Fri)05:15 No. 19817 ID: 26e6e3

can someone give me a link to the ppppuprogrammers tumblr, i have looked everywhere

Anonymous 16/07/15(Fri)05:45 No. 19818 ID: f49f42

It says right in the post that you quoted how to re-enable them. Edit the ModsList.txt.

Read the thread, instead of clogging it up with posts asking people to do it for you. It is in development. The last 20+ posts have all been about this.


Anonymous 16/07/15(Fri)07:10 No. 19819 ID: 4022f1

It's obvious that the guy meant he was expecting it to be done the time he n came back just to be disappointed. Everyone is just chatting random bull crap most of the time in this thread so its pretty clogged already

Anonymous 16/07/15(Fri)07:12 No. 19820 ID: 4022f1

Lol yh he was asking without directly asking xD

Anonymous 16/07/15(Fri)07:56 No. 19821 ID: 26e6e3


Anonymous 16/07/16(Sat)06:35 No. 19822 ID: 35278c

Someone has seen the Ricky Gervais Animated Series

Anonymous 16/07/16(Sat)07:15 No. 19823 ID: 48169c


Anonymous 16/07/16(Sat)10:30 No. 19824 ID: bc44c2


Anonymous 16/07/17(Sun)04:28 No. 19833 ID: 240f69


Anonymous 16/07/19(Tue)02:01 No. 19835 ID: 923859

Just found this (http://swfchan.com/40/195008/?Toad+PPPPU+Party+Mix%2B.swf) which is an expansion of (http://swfchan.com/39/194594/?Toad+PPPPU+Party.swf). It's pretty darn good and even has a completely new pose that I won't spoil. I didn't make it, just felt like sharing something that means PPPPU isn't dying anytime soon.

Anonymous 16/07/19(Tue)02:11 No. 19836 ID: 315124

>black toads
absolutely digusting.

Wtf is this. Alien PPPPU *Fapper*9403 16/07/19(Tue)07:30 No. 19837 ID: 158a43

Don't get me wrong it's hot but those fucking eyes are like aliens

Anonymous 16/07/19(Tue)08:35 No. 19838 ID: 48169c

Love it!

Anonymous 16/07/19(Tue)09:42 No. 19839 ID: 906330

What are you on about? The eyes are normal?

Anonymous 16/07/19(Tue)09:43 No. 19840 ID: 906330

For toads anyway.

Anonymous 16/07/19(Tue)12:55 No. 19841 ID: 606867

No they aren't

Gscot 16/07/19(Tue)17:40 No. 19842 ID: b15db9

Loving the black Toadettes and the green one. Blue Toadette is pretty cute too, but that holding position, though, is what really grabbed my attention.
Dude should probably get his junk checked, though. Looks like he has a fungal infection.

I'm not even sorry.

Anonymous 16/07/19(Tue)19:06 No. 19843 ID: 923859

Ye I thought so too. I also checked with the guy to se if he would mind if it got in the interactive version and he said go for it.

Anonymous 16/07/20(Wed)01:59 No. 19845 ID: 525ced

This. The holding position raises some concerns.

Anonymous 16/07/20(Wed)05:22 No. 19846 ID: abea4b

Not a fan of toadette, how bout we throw some palutena in there

Anonymous 16/07/21(Thu)17:39 No. 19854 ID: 3fd135

Okay so the bad news is that the v1.0 release isn't done. The good news is that this beta version is a release candidate for v1.0. The menus are finalized in terms of functionality and looks, the music player works, music mods can now be accepted by the program, implemented various fixes to unintended behavior (such as a program deadlock), settled on how AnimatedCharacterMods work (this was a breaking change and will require an overwrite of previous ACHAR mods from v0.1.1). Hopefully nothing is broken so I can release v1.0, put out a guide on mod creation and release the music mods with proper looping.

Here are the downloads:
v0.2.0 beta: https://my.mixtape.moe/ywagbe.zip
extra music pack test release v0.1: https://my.mixtape.moe/cmpzcr.zip

Nothing to explain for Xi, the thing I want to finish with is the music pack. A few songs in it don't have their loop points properly set for seamless looping. I would normally wait to release this but the program needs rigorous testing that I can't do alone and I don't want music player issues to be discovered in v1.0.

Anonymous 16/07/22(Fri)00:53 No. 19855 ID: 906330

Switching between songs desynchs it from the animation, and I mean just from switching from Deep Block Highway to Mario Adventures 1 and back. No extra sounds included.

The S key for single target animation vs switching animations has no visual relating to whether it's active or not.

Anonymous 16/07/22(Fri)01:52 No. 19856 ID: 906330

NVM, I'm just an idiot... forget about the whole S key thing. It's the box on the top right.

But yeah... audio desynching is the only problem and you mentioned it's existence in the readme.

It's really practically ready. The only other thing that needs to be done is documentation for the modding.

Anonymous 16/07/22(Fri)16:28 No. 19858 ID: 3fd135

File removed.swf - (55.29KB , ANIM_ZeldaTPAnalOriginal.swf )

An anonymous person asked me on my tumblr if I could include a version of an animation from the 5th version of SuperWiiU (Zelda's 11th animation). Instead of including it with the Zelda character mod, I chose to have it as a seperate animation to test that capability for the mod system. So here it is, save it into whatever directory your other mods are in and edit the ModsList.txt to have a path to it.

Anonymous 16/07/22(Fri)19:04 No. 19859 ID: 734e22

is this supposed to be the version where she grins at the start of the loop? because once I loaded it up and edited the mod list, Zelda had 14 animations rather than 13, but animations 11 and 14 seemed to be identical.

Anonymous 16/07/22(Fri)19:52 No. 19860 ID: 3fd135

File ANIM_ZeldaTPAnalAlt.swf - (55.46KB )

Nothing else to say except I messed up. Pulled it from v5 instead of v5 interactive, which if I looked a bit deeper into the request would have been the only thing that makes sense. Here's the swf with the proper animation for the request.

Anonymous 16/07/22(Fri)20:53 No. 19861 ID: 734e22

yeah, it seems to be working. Any chance you could pull out the original two anal scenes for Zelda? specifically scenes 13 and 14 from interactive version 5. Could maybe use it to try out including multiple loops in one mod file?

Anonymous 16/07/23(Sat)04:28 No. 19862 ID: 906330

Worked for me too. Do people actually want that though XD?

Anonymous 16/07/23(Sat)18:25 No. 19866 ID: 634614

i have no idea how to load or download this? can anyone quick tutorial me?

8minus 16/07/23(Sat)18:32 No. 19867 ID: 757a28


minus8 16/07/23(Sat)18:32 No. 19868 ID: 757a28


Anonymous 16/07/23(Sat)19:00 No. 19869 ID: 8619d2

download it and put it in the same folder that you have the Beta PPPPUXi in. Then open the modlist file, copy-paste in the filename, and save. Then open PPPPUXi in your flash player of choice, and you should have a fourteeth animation in Zelda's animation list.

Anonymous 16/07/23(Sat)20:33 No. 19870 ID: d13091

How do you download it?

Anonymous 16/07/23(Sat)21:26 No. 19871 ID: 8619d2

right click and "save as"

Anonymous 16/07/24(Sun)00:06 No. 19872 ID: 906330

What's with this spoonfeeding? I mean that person's probably 14 if he doesn't even know that.

Anonymous 16/07/24(Sun)01:29 No. 19873 ID: 634614


Guy who originally asked. Chrome didn't give me the option to save as, I had to go into the page source and find that specific file and download
Just thought there was a different universal way since the save as option isn't present

Anonymous 16/07/24(Sun)02:49 No. 19874 ID: 906330

Then click the link and Ctrl+S.
Also checked it in chrome and Save Link As... is clearly there.

How are computer illiterate people even here? Don't you guys just do facebook and reddit?

Anonymous 16/07/24(Sun)17:55 No. 19877 ID: d13091


Anonymous 16/07/25(Mon)09:41 No. 19878 ID: 17d7db

im not the only one who thinks the music from this flash would work excellently for ppppu right?

Gscot 16/07/25(Mon)13:53 No. 19879 ID: b15db9

Azumanga's the best.

Anonymous 16/07/25(Mon)16:45 No. 19880 ID: 8f7941

Not him, but maybe I "am" just computer illiterate. I have the PPPPUXInteractive file and the file for the mod list, and I'm attempting to get it to read the file, but I cannot right click to "save as" the file either, and I'm using firefox. At best what I did was "save LINK as" and put it in the file, but it doesn't seem to be connecting.

Anonymous 16/07/25(Mon)17:01 No. 19881 ID: 8f7941

To be more specific, I have the
file in the same folder as
And added to the mod list underneath all the characters
And it's not reading it at all, not even a little.

Anonymous 16/07/25(Mon)19:50 No. 19882 ID: dc926f

have you actually at Zelda's animation list? Because the mod does not add a new character icon to the left side of the screen. just adds a 14th animation to Zelda.

Anonymous 16/07/25(Mon)22:47 No. 19884 ID: ccfe9b

Yeah no, I simply put the file's name into the modlist folder, and when I access the Interactive file and select Zelda, she only has 13 animations. I'm of course doing something wrong, but as far as following instructions go, I think I've done everything asked of me; with the possible exception of "Right click Save" not existing.

Anonymous 16/07/25(Mon)23:16 No. 19885 ID: dc926f

could you post us a screenshot of the folder you are using to hold the files and a copy-paste of the modslist file?

Anonymous 16/07/26(Tue)00:12 No. 19887 ID: ccfe9b

I tried, but UNFORTUNATELY I cannot post non-swf images on /fl/. Woe is me.

I'll just have to not have it. My only request is that if this animation is so good, to please add it to future official releases.

Anonymous 16/07/26(Tue)00:27 No. 19888 ID: 906330

Ugh... this is a joke right.


About your save as confusion. All the text that reedirects to another page when you click on them are links. When you click on the flash file... (the .swf file) you are going to a page that just serves you an swf. Right-click Save Link As just says that instead of going to that page and having firefox handle the file, you'd rather the browser save it to your harddrive somewhere.

This is embarassing. I never thought I'd give basic net lessons on an imageboard no less. If you still can't do it even after all these directions then either give up on modding, or take your computer more seriously and at least learn the VERY basics.

Anonymous 16/07/26(Tue)07:38 No. 19889 ID: d13091

Hey everybody, he can porn better than us!

Anonymous 16/07/26(Tue)10:54 No. 19890 ID: 906330

You should feel shame instead of indignation. Not even the most computer literate person. Just the basics of the basics.

Anonymous 16/07/26(Tue)12:30 No. 19891 ID: 426793

Yeah that's not me. Not sure why he's trying to talk for me, he might think you're being pretentious or something. Regardless, when I saw your file I realized I made a silly mistake. I was assuming you guys were saying that PPPPUXI was just short of PPPPUXInteractive, which was a file I already had.

Needless to say, I scrolled up a bit above the anal mod to see that there was indeed a new version released. All I did was update to the new version and now it works. Now I have the scene. How good the scene is is irrelevant, the point is I have it now!

Anonymous 16/07/27(Wed)09:21 No. 19893 ID: d13091

I kind of feel sorry for you.

Anonymous 16/07/27(Wed)12:41 No. 19895 ID: 7eed80


Anonymous 16/07/29(Fri)13:30 No. 19912 ID: 49c467

On the off chance I want to mess with this, what version of Flash Pro is recommended? Later versions are kind of fickle for me, so I figure I might as well ask.

Anonymous 16/07/29(Fri)23:25 No. 19919 ID: 3fd135

Progress is a bit slow as I'm doing some testing on a solution for music desyncing due to Flash Player being unable to maintain a stable 30 fps. Was always a problem in older versions but I want to take care of it for this one.

Earliest I know that works is 5.5 though there might be a few minor incompatibilities, however I can't guarantee that this is still true. I don't think gscot used any CS 6 or higher only features though. As for recommended version, I know gscot and myself use CS 6.

Anonymous 16/07/30(Sat)02:43 No. 19920 ID: 906330

Wait so the animation speed isn't tied to the music, but the music is tied to the animation speed?

I feel like since the music runs on a seperate thread, tying the animation to it, would make sense. Then you just set loop points and you'd be done.

Anonymous 16/07/30(Sat)23:07 No. 19933 ID: 3fd135

The music is completely independent of the animation speed. The issue is if the Flash Player slows down, the animation slows down but the music doesn't. I can't have the music slow down or go back a bit since that would be too easily noticeable or ineffective. My solution is to have the animations jump ahead to match the music since frame skipping the way I would have liked to happen isn't allowed.

Anonymous 16/07/31(Sun)01:20 No. 19934 ID: 906330

Lol yeah, what I'm saying is that you decide which frame of the animation to draw based on where the music is since it's playing on it's own thread.

Frameskipping the animation to match the music makes ssense too.

Anonymous 16/07/31(Sun)20:47 No. 19942 ID: 3fd135

I released a guide for mod creation on my tumblr. It's up mostly for feedback (I'm not too great with clearly explaining things) and to have potential mod creators know what needs to be done ahead of time. Didn't release the source files necessary just in case there are a few more breaking changes I want to make to them which isn't very likely but you never know. You can find it at ppppuProgrammer.tumblr.com/modsGuide

Anonymous 16/08/01(Mon)10:02 No. 19943 ID: 906330

Whoah... that's... too much. I don't think anyone's gonna put that to use.

Anonymous 16/08/02(Tue)02:16 No. 19946 ID: 75282e

>those side-by-sides Scoots in the AB file
Huh. Is this a scrapped group pose?

Impressive, very nice. I look forward to getting in way over my head.

Gscot 16/08/02(Tue)07:48 No. 19947 ID: b15db9


Anonymous 16/08/04(Thu)10:06 No. 19958 ID: 634614

whomever's making these you are awesome, and you should feel awesome


Anonymous 16/08/04(Thu)15:27 No. 19960 ID: 906330

I found it here since swfchan was down:
Praise meh.

Anonymous 16/08/04(Thu)22:13 No. 19962 ID: aae3d4

holy shit these are amazing

Anonymous 16/08/05(Fri)07:00 No. 19964 ID: 3f4d3d

who made these?

Anonymous 16/08/05(Fri)14:46 No. 19967 ID: a2220c

So, main maker guy. When you move on to the next big thing with PPPPU, are you gonna leave the CMC in, or take them out? If you decide to leave them, are you gonna perhaps delegate to creating other lolis in the future? And would you perhaps also add more things to them, such as Anal Gyration to name just one thing? I ask specifically about them- and loli- because it appears to be rightfully discussed as a rather divisive subject. Some people, even as far on the fringes of the internet to end up here, still have a problem with it, and I was wondering if their worries would convince you to stop what you're doing.

Anonymous 16/08/05(Fri)15:33 No. 19969 ID: 9f8aab

Hey, if anyone is having trouble getting the game to run, try opening it in a different web browser. Firefox refuses to recognize it on my computer for whatever reason, but Chrome works fine.

Anonymous 16/08/06(Sat)03:35 No. 19974 ID: 43115b

what are your plans for the new ppppu project?

Anonymous 16/08/06(Sat)03:58 No. 19975 ID: 282257

Is there any chance this could be converted to the mod format?

Anonymous 16/08/06(Sat)18:12 No. 19983 ID: 789225

The CMC were a commission. I'm not sure if you are referring to Gscot (the artist) or the guy making the interactive mods. Gscot is done and has said he wont be making any more characters. Plus, the cmc are disabled by default in the interactive version, which is the only one receiving updates.

Gscot 16/08/08(Mon)06:34 No. 19997 ID: b15db9

Hot damn!

Anonymous 16/08/08(Mon)09:07 No. 20000 ID: baa9d4

Why did they make the guys Niggers?

Fucking ruins it

Anonymous 16/08/08(Mon)13:25 No. 20002 ID: 9da1a5


Gscot 16/08/08(Mon)19:19 No. 20005 ID: b15db9

They're the original skin colours of the man, who Minus8 likely based off of himself. He's Korean, so his skin will likely be closer to tan.

Anonymous 16/08/08(Mon)19:49 No. 20006 ID: d2b7b6

Dude who did the edit said on 4chan that only reason for the guy to be a darker skin is to see the girls get fucked better (visually), nothing else.

AnonWhatElse 16/08/08(Mon)21:35 No. 20007 ID: deea08

So, the royalty thing is fucking amazing. Whoever made those, keep doing what your doing. To the guy/s still working on the main. keep doing your thing. We appreciate you even if we don't day it or if we bitch about something stupid.

ignore the post replied to. I don't post here often.

Anonymous 16/08/09(Tue)06:34 No. 20008 ID: baa9d4

Just checked out the original and it doesn't look like colors are the same m8.

Niggers are a major turn off and it fucking ruins it for a huge amount of anons.

Anonymous 16/08/09(Tue)06:35 No. 20009 ID: baa9d4

That's retarded and it turns off a huge amount of people and all for just a minor visual contrast.

Anonymous 16/08/09(Tue)06:39 No. 20010 ID: 7ff75f

Wait, are people serious? Why? That's so weird, not trying to be an ass, just doesn't make much sense.

Anonymous 16/08/09(Tue)08:52 No. 20011 ID: 282257

its like slightly tan please chill

Anonymous 16/08/09(Tue)10:20 No. 20012 ID: 906330

I know right. Hard to believe it's 2016, when I like the same porn as people who use the word "Nigger" in an inflammatory fashion.

Just ignore them though. They're in the minority.

Anonymous 16/08/09(Tue)14:10 No. 20014 ID: baa9d4

The original skin color was slightly tan.

This is just full nigger.

Anonymous 16/08/09(Tue)21:43 No. 20015 ID: fcbf0d

This dude complaining about niggers has obviously had his girl taken by some big black guy xD

It's porn dude, there's plenty of variety out there so why not just look elsewhere? :/

Anonymous 16/08/10(Wed)07:07 No. 20020 ID: d2b7b6

welp, he made a white version of it

Anonymous 16/08/11(Thu)01:31 No. 20025 ID: f7a36c


Anonymous 16/08/11(Thu)08:02 No. 20027 ID: fcc703

it's a remix of this song from azumanga daioh, whoever does these new edits has good fuckin taste - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5OtKIafEeA

Anonymous 16/08/12(Fri)06:12 No. 20030 ID: 2d7d25

I'm the one who made this edit of the song. I was planning to make one edit for each character, but i gave up because of lazyness basically. Seeing it getting used kinda of motivated me to continue, so i may do other versions as well if there's someone willing to make a version with them.

Anonymous 16/08/12(Fri)08:35 No. 20031 ID: d2b7b6

since the guy must a been here to get the edits as you provided a link to them in the past to get them in here, then pretty sure someone will find a use for future flash edits or maybe Gscot or PPPPuprogramer themselves will put it on, on their next project.

Anonymous 16/08/12(Fri)23:01 No. 20034 ID: 005f0e

could we get a extended version?

Anonymous 16/08/13(Sat)08:33 No. 20036 ID: 2d7d25

I still have the project, so sure, why not. I'll try to do it this weekend.

Music Gal 16/08/14(Sun)08:20 No. 20040 ID: 14436c

Okay, i've already made some themes, here's the list

Peach - SMW Overworld (now the entire song)
Rosalina - Puzzle Plank Galaxy
Daisy - Easton Kingdom
Samus - Brinstar (only the beginning tho)
Shantae - Burning Town (I didn't make it yet tho, and i'd be really appreciated if someone could find a Midi of it)
Zelda - Gerudo Valley

That's it, if you guys have any suggestions for the rest i'll mostly use them, just remember that the song must be kinda upbeat and have a constant key so it can fit on beep block skyway.

Anonymous 16/08/14(Sun)08:39 No. 20041 ID: 3fd135

Forgot to mention it here but I figured that there wouldn't be any more changes for mods, so I have released the source files needed to create mods. You can download it from https://my.mixtape.moe/klxxdc.zip and read the guide on how to make the mods at ppppuProgrammer.tumblr.com/modsGuide

Personally, I'd prefer if the original creators made the changes to make their edits into mods. Any older edits that the creator can not be reached I'll consider transforming into a mod though I really don't want to decompile a swf as it's never 100% accurate (though it is close).

Music Gal 16/08/16(Tue)05:34 No. 20051 ID: a6c840

Something for you guys while i can't get rid of my artblock

Anonymous 16/08/17(Wed)00:04 No. 20057 ID: 98d390


How do I activate the cum scenes for that one?

Anonymous 16/08/17(Wed)03:39 No. 20058 ID: 98d390


Nevermind, for some reason the buttons were hidden on my player.

Anonymous 16/08/17(Wed)06:41 No. 20061 ID: 949b29


This fucking spectacular! not just for the mod but for a remix as well

Anonymous 16/08/17(Wed)06:53 No. 20063 ID: 949b29

Let me try and Guess here
Peach- Super Mario World
Rosalina- Puzzle Plank Galaxy
Daisy- Super Mario Land Underground
Samus- Brinstar
Zelda- Gerudo Valley
Shygal- Electrodrome
Koopagal- New Super Mario Bros Wii athletic theme

I don't recognize any other songs that me be playing

Anonymous 16/08/17(Wed)16:28 No. 20072 ID: 3fd135

The latest beta build finally feels like it's good to go for public testing. I got the frame skip feature to work how it needs to and it's desync tolerance is quite low (about 66.6 milliseconds) but it might still be overly noticeable. Also finished up the the music pack mod. All songs now have their loop points properly set. Now, here is the latest beta build for v0.2.2 RC 3: https://my.mixtape.moe/slwsxy.zip

Anonymous 16/08/17(Wed)23:01 No. 20074 ID: 906330

Ppppuprogrammer.... you're the best :D

Music Gal 16/08/18(Thu)02:07 No. 20075 ID: 03fb53

Actually the song that plays for Koopagal is NSMBDS Overworld, but nice guess anyway. You missed NSMBDS Desert theme, for the Piranhagal

Music Gal 16/08/18(Thu)02:09 No. 20076 ID: 03fb53

You also missed wild hoenn battle for Gardevoir

Anonymous 16/08/18(Thu)06:50 No. 20078 ID: 68ab3e

This is really great, thanks!

Anonymous 16/08/19(Fri)06:40 No. 20084 ID: 340e36

Mii Gunner anyone?

Anonymous 16/08/19(Fri)10:23 No. 20085 ID: 49c467

Hypothetically, how would someone who's never really used Flash go about this? I can do the art and such, but cutting and arranging the pieces, assembling shapes and sprites, animating in sync with the other characters...

Sorry for the overly broad question, but I guess I'm unsure of where to begin. It's all very nice and I'd like to contribute, though.

TheJuanWithTheBuns 16/08/19(Fri)15:01 No. 20088 ID: 854477


Thought you May lovers would like this.

You can clap now.

Anonymous 16/08/19(Fri)17:07 No. 20089 ID: 0544fa

Oh, it's the same thing. I would appreciate a source or link to the creators website/blog/Tumblr/whetever so I can give him the thanks he so clearly deserves. It's friggin' epic as! Oh, and btw, it's been shared here before. >>19707

Anonymous 16/08/19(Fri)21:50 No. 20090 ID: d2b7b6

Dude mentioned that he has none of those media outlets, and that he just does them for fun, but I also remember him saying that he ran out ideas, who knows, and I think he is aware of this thread for he has mentioned that he got the flash files from a thread produced by Gscot.

Anonymous 16/08/20(Sat)04:22 No. 20094 ID: 21c7d6

File ACHAR_FioraP.swf - (879.20KB )

Here's a mod I made just to see if I could do it. I've never used Flash Pro before, so I just tried out basic edits, like change a couple colors and add a second linked scene (which I made no effort to match well). Not sure if this is a good way to test version compatibility, but I did this in Animate CC with Flash Player 21 as the target, so say something if it breaks.

Anonymous 16/08/20(Sat)05:56 No. 20097 ID: 923859

The only color change i see is in the eyes, so if there are more they might not be showing. The added transition works, but some of the usual effect on that scene don't play. Other than that, seems to run just fine.

Anonymous 16/08/20(Sat)09:34 No. 20099 ID: 21c7d6

I didn't change too much (removed some hidden assets, brought the navel back in anim8, other small things). I did intentionally remove stuff from that linked scene, since the original one had the "thank you" line play earlier than it was supposed to. I wanted to figure out why, but I may look at it some more later.

Anonymous 16/08/20(Sat)18:58 No. 20100 ID: 429eeb

white skin mods would be great. bonus points for uncut version.

Anonymous 16/08/21(Sun)16:20 No. 20104 ID: 3fd135

Figured out the issue with the early audio playing in the end link animations. I took out the bg music originally in the timeline of the cum scenes but that audio was set to be streamed, which forces the audio must be synced to the frames. So by removing it, I allowed the desync you experienced to happened. The fix is simple, just have a long enough sound on timeline set to be streamed. It's pretty annoying needing a sound that won't be audible to accomplish this though.

Anonymous 16/08/21(Sun)23:09 No. 20106 ID: 21c7d6

File ACHAR_FioraP_48.swf - (737.67KB )

That works - I put a blank mp3 file with the other audio (one voice layer) and it synced up.

However, I did some other testing, and (at least for me) increasing the audio bitrate when publishing also accomplishes this. Here's a version at 48kpbs, Fast quality. While it seems to fix the desync problem and sounds much better to me, I don't know if this method will lead to problems in the future (if certain audio rates make the main Xi code complain, quality vs framerate, personal taste).

Anonymous 16/08/22(Mon)07:06 No. 20107 ID: 3fd135

As long as it doesn't make use of the music player (which end link animations don't), any sample rate/ bit rate that the Flash player supports for audio is fine.

Anonymous 16/08/24(Wed)18:07 No. 20111 ID: 906330

This looks the same as the regular Fiora though?

Anonymous 16/08/25(Thu)03:20 No. 20115 ID: 21c7d6

It is pretty similar. My process was to copy the assets from Gscot's fla to a new file, followed the modding guide, and made several small edits along the way (small recolors, some frame-level animation tweaks I'm not really happy with, removed hidden layers that make no visual difference, etc.). I did use ffdec to check that the character mod file was the correct format, but it wasn't built on a decompiled Xi file.

Since then, I've worked on it a bit more and looked at other characters. I want to keep making small changes and fixes until I know what I'm doing.

Anonymous 16/08/25(Thu)07:25 No. 20117 ID: 906330

Thanks for all the effort :D. Do you think you could possibly make a mod file for Royalty PPPU:

and the new Toad Party?

There's no pressure btw, but I cannot find the time in my day to work on any of these mods.

Anonymous 16/08/25(Thu)23:02 No. 20118 ID: 2ed5b1

non white version plz you can see the girls better

Anonymous 16/08/26(Fri)05:24 No. 20119 ID: d2b7b6

It's possible, but I'm pretty sure the dude doesn't have the original flash files for those swf's and if decompiled they'll come out way to glitchy, and I doubt someone will try to fix every broken frame that comes with the decompiling.

Anonymous 16/08/26(Fri)23:29 No. 20121 ID: f6f329

It looks like Sago is gone forever:


She removed all her videos because Tumblr keeps threatening to delete her account.

That means the vocal project is sadly cancelled unless someone on here hopefully takes over this project.

Anonymous 16/08/27(Sat)01:18 No. 20123 ID: c9bd71

Yep, and every single vocal file is down

Anonymous 16/08/27(Sat)01:21 No. 20124 ID: 43115b

could someone give step by step instructions on how to download or use mods please?

Anonymous 16/08/27(Sat)19:49 No. 20133 ID: 287125

Yh I just wanna play the game without having to torrent WinRar or something to extract files

Anonymous 16/08/27(Sat)22:11 No. 20134 ID: 21c7d6

Could you be more specific? "General use" instructions should be on the first few pages of http://ppppuprogrammer.tumblr.com . To download the swf's, there are at least two ways: 1. right click the link > Save Link As; 2: follow the link, then (Alt key >) File > Save Page As. In either case, you need to add the ".swf" extension when saving, as the browser probably won't supply it automatically.

Anonymous 16/08/28(Sun)13:16 No. 20140 ID: 2ed5b1


Anonymous 16/08/29(Mon)05:12 No. 20144 ID: f76874


Anonymous 16/08/29(Mon)05:21 No. 20145 ID: 906330

I swear there are 8 year olds on this board. Like nobody should be babying anyone about how to just generally use a computer.

Anonymous 16/08/29(Mon)06:35 No. 20146 ID: f6f329


Which means Gscot (or anyone else that's willing to do it), will have to step in for Sago and finish the vocal project. (as well as redo the old vocals, but still have the two versions of them. (every beat, and every other beat))

Anonymous 16/08/29(Mon)07:16 No. 20147 ID: 7a87d5

Lol calm yourself dude the guy is just asking for a direct link to the game like how the older versions were posted. not hard to understand an "8 year old" x'DD

Anonymous 16/08/29(Mon)07:24 No. 20148 ID: 7a87d5

Yeah I got what the guy meant as well because when I wanted to play the game my zip program opened and I just didn't want the files on my computer but since no link to the game was up I just thought fuck it and did it anyway, I'd hardly call it helping an 8 yr old because he isn't asking HOW TO more like COULD YOU.

Anonymous 16/08/29(Mon)07:48 No. 20149 ID: 7a87d5


Anonymous 16/08/29(Mon)21:02 No. 20152 ID: bd6980

that guy was just being a douche tho...

Anonymous 16/08/30(Tue)03:24 No. 20154 ID: 5235d9

Yep, the internet is full off assholes who need to make themselves feel better by talking down to others. Life goes on

Anonymous 16/08/31(Wed)08:23 No. 20165 ID: 324254

I just noticed something when playing the "Toad Party" swf, whenever it shows the holding position the dicks become all bumpy unlike the "Royally" swf where it stays smooth, was that intentional?

Anonymous 16/08/31(Wed)08:44 No. 20166 ID: d14f7c

...They r fungus...so yeh probably.

Anonymous 16/08/31(Wed)09:52 No. 20168 ID: 324254

I hope that they change that since in my opinion it looks weird

Anonymous 16/08/31(Wed)18:56 No. 20169 ID: 3fd135

v0.3.0 is out. There's not too much new, some music tweaks, bug fixes, and logging capabilities to help figure out some of the issues that were reported to me but couldn't diagnose due to lack of information (sucks not having debug info). You can find the DL links here: http://ppppuprogrammer.tumblr.com/post/149748694965/beta-v030-rc4-release

Anonymous 16/09/01(Thu)06:25 No. 20170 ID: a85eb9

Will you ever return? And would you be unwilling to that Zone-tan addition suggested?

Princess Peach Edited Shavruke 16/09/02(Fri)07:23 No. 20173 ID: 158a43

File ACHAR_Peach.swf - (1.05MB )

Some Frames were off. but Fix it little. May be off track.

Anonymous 16/09/03(Sat)03:17 No. 20175 ID: a92bab

Is there a way to have both regular Peach and Bowser Peach work at the same time without having to edit the modlist?

Anonymous 16/09/03(Sat)06:46 No. 20177 ID: 50c92f

How do you edit the mostlist anyway? I renamed that bowser peach to peach2 in hopes that the launcher would load both, but only the default peach is there.

Anonymous 16/09/03(Sat)06:47 No. 20178 ID: 50c92f


Anonymous 16/09/03(Sat)08:44 No. 20179 ID: 1778ba

Maybe this is what you mean by "off track", but anims 6-12 do seem off (second half of animation during first half of cycle). Still, good work - that's probably more involved that what I've done so far.
I can confirm that this is happening for me as well. My best guess is that the actionscript files for the original peach were reused, so the character name and mod files are the same. So, Xi picks the first one it loads. If you put this before the original, it loads this instead.

Shaveruke 16/09/03(Sat)10:13 No. 20180 ID: 158a43

Can't replace a file .swf file to swap. Flash File has settings for it to match correctly. You can make were it can load Custom files but Requires to Edited the Link for the swf file name Swa.

You can swap file of swf but it has to be the same Kind that has same Scripts and and same links.

Thats why Gscot. Release hes FLA to Edited to replace Original.

Bowser Peach from some one else. But Copying it's part can Replace peachs Or Others Characters parts.

Due note. Parts can cause Fla have some Mismatch shapes or links for shapes. Possible to make Alot Peach Scenes but 1 button to transfer you to alot menu plays for her or go back to original menu.

Sorry for my bad english. This is just dummy file to Test it and project it. i may Work on Cum scenes and Frames but alot time is consume and got to work.

I May work on Drag and Drop Scenes for characters for Fun maybe......

Random Fun Projects Shaveruke 16/09/03(Sat)10:47 No. 20181 ID: 158a43

File peach.swf - (1.16MB )


Loop For enjoying her suffering cum Shaveruke 16/09/03(Sat)11:39 No. 20182 ID: 158a43

File ~Peach__Rosa_Plus_sprite_595.swf - (388.21KB , ~Peach__Rosa_Plus_sprite 595.swf )

Just a loop

Amazing G 16/09/03(Sat)14:53 No. 20183 ID: d14f7c

whoa nice, impressive considering you had to probably decompile them, so here's the thing, when I edited these (thanks to Gscot for providing us all with the flash files for all characters) I only created two scenes for each peach (except original dress). I can provide the real Royalty PPPPU.fla but it will only contain what you see in the flash, so I'll work on the rest of the scenes for her (without cum) and post that .Fla here so it's easier to mod (I'll add new expressions) or would you guys just prefer the royalty flash file? Cause I can't be bothered to learn to mod these animations.

Anonymous 16/09/03(Sat)17:55 No. 20184 ID: d90be6


Anonymous 16/09/04(Sun)14:56 No. 20187 ID: 1f949a

I found another version of PPPPU on swfchan. It's May w/ some new faces and clothing added. http://eye.swfchan.com/flash.asp?id=194686&n=3rd+Gen+PPPPU.swf

Music Gal 16/09/05(Mon)03:33 No. 20188 ID: 21aae4

I decided to upload what i've done so far. But i'm having a hard time to decided which songs to use on the rest. I need suggestions for Midna, Isabelle, Lucina, May, Hilda, Fiora, Iris and Wii Fit Trainer.
Anyway, here's everything i've done, i would appreciate if someone make a mod out of this.


Anonymous 16/09/05(Mon)03:45 No. 20189 ID: df2d0a

so is there any good interactive mods being made?
and can i get a list of the ones made so far, or is this board dead?

I am not sure Ayashimi 16/09/05(Mon)04:54 No. 20190 ID: 15b2df

thanks from the music pack with how i have to add i not sure the new mods i waiting in the board more post and if the hilda of zelda add in the ppppu

Anonymous 16/09/05(Mon)20:45 No. 20197 ID: 8ca1e3

Confirming that this is the case. The program does not allow multiple characters with the same name to be added. First one loaded is the only one allowed. A change to the m_characterName variable in the character mod class would be enough to allow both Peach mods to be added.

Anonymous 16/09/06(Tue)07:18 No. 20202 ID: 4d6b31

I downloaded the new peach swf, changed the name to KoopaPrincess to the swf file and in the text file and I still can't play both peaches at the same time. Am I doing something wrong?

Anonymous 16/09/06(Tue)07:29 No. 20203 ID: 1778ba

Nope - it's due to how the mod was published. Changes need to be made to the source files (*.fla) to allow for both.

Anonymous 16/09/06(Tue)10:28 No. 20205 ID: 4d6b31

Got it, thanks for the info

PPPPUprogramer Anonymous 16/09/06(Tue)15:19 No. 20206 ID: 2ccdee

PPPPUprogramer has a tumblr along with a discord group checking both of these might be useful since there is a new engine, or atleast an updated version
Instant Invite: https://discord.gg/zmQx6am
Invite Code: zmQx6am

interactive TheSevenSins 16/09/06(Tue)15:28 No. 20207 ID: 95ef51

there is already an interactive that is being made, you can find it on this discord discution, with the ability to talk to the creator himself https://discordapp.com/channels/219333248059310080/219334741902491649
it is also a place where you can post your mods and have a better chance to be seen. it would be an honor if we could welcome music gal and shaveruke in our rank ^^.

Anonymous 16/09/07(Wed)02:27 No. 20211 ID: 98a858


I'd much rather they just add boy characters.
>Tfw no femboy Link or Pit

Anonymous 16/09/07(Wed)05:51 No. 20213 ID: f5f500

Hey can you guys like add all of the mods added so far into one folder; I haven't been keeping up with thread.

Anonymous 16/09/07(Wed)05:59 No. 20214 ID: 8ca1e3

Got so caught up with the questions about the mod conflicts that I didn't tell you great job and thank you for creating a new mod. If I may make a request though, could you change its file name and change m_characterName = "Peach" in the PeachMod.as file to be something else like m_characterName = "KoopaPeach". This would allow both Peach mods available (original and Bowser version) to be added at the same time.

Anonymous 16/09/08(Thu)09:37 No. 20220 ID: 4d6b31

m_character name? Isn't "m" used for music mods and ACHAR is used for characters in the text files?

Anonymous 16/09/08(Thu)14:56 No. 20221 ID: 8ca1e3

In this case I'm talking about class variables, not file names. In the source code (.as file) for the actual character mod, there are variables you can use to set things like their background colors, their menu icon and the name they are recognized by in the program. Here's a snippet from May's mod source code:

m_topLeftDiamondColor = CreateColorTransformFromHex(0xFFFFFF);
m_centerDiamondColor = CreateColorTransformFromHex(0xCCCCCC);
m_bottomRightDiamondColor = CreateColorTransformFromHex(0x999999);
m_outerDiamondColor = CreateColorTransformFromHex(0xFF0000);
m_backlightColor = CreateColorTransformFromHex(0x999999);
m_menuIcon = new MayIcon;
m_characterName = "May";

Anonymous 16/09/08(Thu)21:32 No. 20222 ID: 429eeb

Where did you find the source code for May? I'm mostly looking for the various background colors for the existing characters, I know how to do the rest.

Anonymous 16/09/09(Fri)00:03 No. 20223 ID: 8ca1e3

For me, my hard drive. For others, a few days ago I'd say you'd need to decompile the mods and see. Now, you can view Xi's source code on Github. The character mods used can be found here https://github.com/ppppuProgrammer/ppppuXi/tree/master/Characters

Anonymous 16/09/10(Sat)12:29 No. 20227 ID: 61a8dd

I cant get my ppppuXi to load anything other than the standard set, not even the CMC. Tried different computers also

Anonymous 16/09/10(Sat)23:35 No. 20232 ID: 8ca1e3

Are you using the latest version (v0.3.2)? If you are, send me a copy of your settings and your log files (the read me will tell you where to find them). With those, I'll have more information to try to figure out what's the issue.

Gscot 16/09/11(Sun)01:36 No. 20233 ID: 201154

Holy crap! These are great!

Anonymous 16/09/11(Sun)03:55 No. 20235 ID: 61a8dd

i cut out some other files, these are from the two different versions i have downloaded

Music! TheSevenSins 16/09/11(Sun)08:29 No. 20236 ID: 95ef51

hi music gal! you make some amazing music! we would really like it if you could come to the discord group. it has a section where you can post your mods and you can even ask the creator of the interactive PPPPU how to convert your music list into a mod for the interactive. it also means a easier acces to a community that will give you feedback and idea's. shavruke is already there! :P
also Gscot might come from time to time.

Anonymous 16/09/11(Sun)12:46 No. 20237 ID: 61a8dd

i agree, they are fantastic

Anonymous 16/09/11(Sun)12:54 No. 20238 ID: 8ca1e3

Ok I see the problem. You are using v0.3.0 but the latest is v0.3.2 (my b, forgot to post the updates here. Can't assume everyone here checks the blog). There was a problem caused by an interaction with the new logging feature in that build.

You can find information and the downloads for the 0.3.x builds at http://ppppuprogrammer.tumblr.com/tagged/v0.3.x

Anonymous 16/09/11(Sun)23:54 No. 20242 ID: 69da1a

thanks fam, working fine now.
Premium porn support

Anonymous 16/09/12(Mon)01:54 No. 20243 ID: 9a612a

Out of curiosity, anyone thought of a smaller male/shota mod?
Just figured since there are 3 optional lolis, that would be inevitable.

Anonymous 16/09/12(Mon)01:58 No. 20246 ID: 9a612a

Shit, how the hell did that post go through three times?
My bad.

Anonymous 16/09/13(Tue)02:02 No. 20250 ID: 55c69d

>downloaded this
>opened with MPC
>full screen
>ultra widescreen zoom


Anonymous 16/09/15(Thu)08:50 No. 20251 ID: 255c7d

i hope more of these get made soon :3

Anonymous 16/09/20(Tue)07:37 No. 20265 ID: d03951

Were any of the toad ones turned into mods?

Web 16/09/21(Wed)02:45 No. 20267 ID: a5fbfb

I wonder if they can bundle different backgrounds into it. The diamonds get a little...repetitive.

Anonymous 16/09/22(Thu)01:32 No. 20268 ID: 730dc6

i agree, different backgrounds would be nice buuut there probably not gonna be put into the final version :c

Anonymous 16/09/22(Thu)07:08 No. 20270 ID: d03951

Final Version? You know it's done now right?

Anonymous 16/09/22(Thu)12:41 No. 20271 ID: 730dc6

its been a while sense ive been on this thread my bad >_>

Anonymous 16/09/23(Fri)07:14 No. 20272 ID: a6e5e5

How come there wasn't a version posted to open straight away like before, I had to download a whole bunch of shit just to open the file. I must've taken a wrong turn

Anonymous 16/09/23(Fri)20:53 No. 20273 ID: d03951

They split it into a bunch of different files because of flash's memory problems and in order to have mod compatibility so random blokes on the web can add more content.

Anonymous 16/09/24(Sat)00:44 No. 20274 ID: 7f6054


Anonymous 16/09/24(Sat)05:46 No. 20275 ID: 6d95fb

Swift key?

Anonymous 16/09/25(Sun)18:03 No. 20283 ID: cf5b64


no 16/09/25(Sun)19:26 No. 20284 ID: e180e1


Anonymous 16/09/26(Mon)02:52 No. 20285 ID: 86019f

Every time I launch ppppuX.swf, it's just a blue screen with nothing happening. Tried downloading previous versions but no dice. Any help? I checked the modlist file and everything is in the same folder so it should be fine?

Anonymous 16/09/26(Mon)02:53 No. 20286 ID: 86019f

to elaborate, the log reader says:

25/09/2016 15:56:25.954 [INFO] *Preloader* ppppuXi Beta Version 0.3.3 Build 99 Build Date: 9/16/2016 8:03 PM
25/09/2016 15:56:25.971 [INFO] *Preloader* Flash Player Info: Version 23.0, Operating System: WIN
25/09/2016 15:56:25.986 [ERROR] *Preloader* Error #2148
SecurityError: Error #2148
at com.greensock.loading.core::LoaderItem/auditSize()
at com.greensock.loading::LoaderMax/_auditSize()
at com.greensock.loading::LoaderMax/_loadNext()
at com.greensock.loading::LoaderMax/_load()
at com.greensock.loading.core::LoaderCore/load()
at com.greensock.loading::LoaderMax/insert()
at com.greensock.loading::LoaderMax/append()
at Preloader()

Anonymous 16/09/26(Mon)04:14 No. 20287 ID: d03951

PPPPU Programmer's blog warned you about Flash's new version.


Abandoned credits Gscot 16/09/27(Tue)04:54 No. 20288 ID: 201154

File Credits01.swf - (488.48KB )

I can't keep trying to find time to work on this, so here is the unfinished credits file for V6.

Not mentioned, but deserving of praise: Sago, for her audio edits, and Universesurfer, who's patronage helped make many of the mods happen. Lastly, Silent-J, for the original Daisy edit that inspired the whole project for me.


Anonymous 16/09/27(Tue)10:48 No. 20289 ID: 4d6b31

So GeneralScot has stopped with this? Was this announced? Though I was wondering why there hasn't been any updates on this.

Anonymous 16/09/27(Tue)17:10 No. 20290 ID: 9b0ff3

and thanks right back atcha, i still have that cute daisy valentine art you sent!

Anonymous 16/09/28(Wed)07:32 No. 20291 ID: 02ce45

where exactly is the main file to download, it seems no matter which one I download I still can't play

Anonymous 16/09/30(Fri)15:19 No. 20296 ID: 4d6b31

Would anyone happen to have the swf file of the music of this? http://swfchan.com/40/195008/?Toad+PPPPU+Party+Mix%2B.swf

Anonymous 16/09/30(Fri)18:36 No. 20297 ID: d201d2

I can't even download the MEGA files, the circle around the M loads and then no options for a download appear. I'm just keeping up with the thread in hopes of a direct link to the game.

Anonymous 16/10/01(Sat)07:38 No. 20298 ID: d03951

Well that sucks. I hate downloading mega files too. That's why use a downloader like JDownloader to do it for me. I've had way more use out of JDownloader than I'd care to admit.

Anonymous 16/10/02(Sun)05:49 No. 20299 ID: 9b0ff3

try a new browser i keep an install of chrome around just for mega downloads when firefox is being difficult

Anonymous 16/10/04(Tue)06:02 No. 20312 ID: 15f232

Thx I was able to download them but now the MEGA files just won't open, I've tried youtube tutorials and all sorts.

Anonymous 16/10/04(Tue)06:07 No. 20313 ID: 15f232

Never mind i figured it out

G 16/10/08(Sat)08:08 No. 20323 ID: d14f7c

I have no idea about the first thing about modding is, but for if ya'll want to give it a try here is the Toad Mix flash (original, not decompiled), good luck.https://mega.nz/#!ohRBUAJa!CF6rgU1bvb7m_HFCfgl1GvxreDOvTEzQO37stZeExmY

Anonymous 16/10/13(Thu)23:48 No. 20332 ID: 6cd323

is this thread dead or...idk

Anonymous 16/10/15(Sat)05:24 No. 20334 ID: 5f391f

Thanks! I've briefly looked over them and most things seem to be fine. I have a couple AS linkage issues that keep me from publishing, but those should go away during the mod creation process, so I'm not worried.

To my knowledge, most of the traffic has moved to the Discord. There should be links in previous posts about it. If they don't work, I'll find someone in there with more authority than me to fix it.

Anonymous 16/10/21(Fri)00:01 No. 20347 ID: 2ed5b1


Anonymous 16/10/25(Tue)09:21 No. 20384 ID: 0856b1

So is discord just going to be work discussion, or is that where new versions are going to be posted?

flash version Anonymous 16/10/26(Wed)03:41 No. 20390 ID: 7b9707

What program do i use cuz when i open the .FLAs in Macromedia Flash 8, it says "Unexpected File Format"
Do I use macromedia flash 8 or Adobe Flash Professional?
i'm actually installing flash professional cs5 right now

Anonymous 16/10/26(Wed)15:49 No. 20392 ID: 854c81

i cant really check the discord out, what new updates am i missing out on and any chance we'll get them here??

Anonymous 16/10/27(Thu)03:16 No. 20395 ID: d14f7c

Nothing new, there was a clean up Lucina just like the Fiora one, mostly minor, and talking about what the next mod should include (mainly in how to create a A_CHAR file), and just goofing off, you know for fun.

G 16/11/01(Tue)09:07 No. 20408 ID: d14f7c

here's another http://eye.swfchan.com/flash.asp?id=197791&n=H+PPPPU+interactive.swf

Anonymous 16/11/02(Wed)22:25 No. 20410 ID: 674b88

Is that you GScot? Can't leave this project alone can you XD

Anonymous 16/11/04(Fri)02:42 No. 20415 ID: e60aca

PLEASE!!! Don't let that Witch Rosa, Bunny Peach or Cowgirl Samus go anywhere anytime soon! They are TOO good

Anonymous 16/11/10(Thu)06:59 No. 20429 ID: 0856b1

More Bunny Peach and Witch Rosalina! That side pull stuff is great.

Anonymous 16/11/12(Sat)20:09 No. 20435 ID: 08f42c

Anybody know how make PPPPUXi.swf work on linux? I tried almost every release he made but none worked. Yes i did edit and check the modsList.txt file, and i have all the character and music packs, all it does is load the bg but no girls or menu or anything

Anonymous 16/11/12(Sat)20:34 No. 20436 ID: 2ed574

It isn't working for me anymore either. Windows, Chrome, nothing loads other than a blue screen.

Anonymous 16/11/13(Sun)23:33 No. 20443 ID: 5f391f

If you use the debugger version of the standalone flash projector (from adobe), what error do you get?

Anonymous 16/11/15(Tue)20:41 No. 20451 ID: cc7651

This NEEDS an update and an interactive version! I'm loving Bunny Girl Peach, Witch Rosalina, Cowgirl Samus, Cow (animal) Girl May and Nurse Isabelle. But I'm not feeling the clown (not sure who it is) or Lucina...and just one scene per girl just isn't enough...

Anonymous 16/11/16(Wed)08:26 No. 20453 ID: 24e242

i agree! there should be more animations for the characters in this, its too good to let go!

Koopa G 16/11/17(Thu)01:17 No. 20454 ID: 29eea8

File removed.swf - (1.50MB , Koopa Peach.swf )

Ok, so here's a complete version of koopa peach all by herself, I was going to make the guy bowser, but I got kind of bored seeing as it took a week and half to complete. Also here's the .Fla file for it for a possible mod https://mega.nz/#!Q8hAzQxB!1JAccuTG0dYrrF-ySLKpV5gXm7at-vb-Dx4Htg8IVXA
also the previous H PPPPU is interactive, go full screen.

G 16/11/17(Thu)01:20 No. 20455 ID: 29eea8

File Koopa_Peach.swf - (1.50MB , Koopa Peach.swf )

my bad, the tattoo glitches somewhat.

Anonymous 16/11/17(Thu)10:09 No. 20457 ID: d98075

>>20451 here. Yeah, I noticed it WAS interactive after posting that comment. -_-

Anonymous 16/11/17(Thu)10:10 No. 20458 ID: d98075

Nice. Except...why are both Cum options anal? Shouldn't there be at least one vaginal?

G 16/11/17(Thu)10:58 No. 20459 ID: 29eea8

my b, I just got bored and wanted to release it already, also I fucked up the randomizer for it will never show the holding pose, I forgot to edit the action command (I always felt she was an anal slut anyway).

Anonymous 16/11/20(Sun)14:35 No. 20466 ID: c7a112

I really like that hands on hips pose.

Anonymous 16/11/22(Tue)04:26 No. 20467 ID: 2ef87f

I love the hands on hip pose, thanks!

Anonymous 16/11/26(Sat)08:01 No. 20469 ID: 386cf6

Anybody knows where the music is from in the halloween one?

o 16/11/26(Sat)23:37 No. 20476 ID: b3eb8a


Anonymous 16/11/27(Sun)04:42 No. 20477 ID: 1a3f20

But I want to knock up Koopa Peach.

Anonymous 16/11/29(Tue)06:00 No. 20480 ID: ce0df6

How do you interact with this? Is i actually interactive or does the title just say that?

Anonymous 16/12/02(Fri)06:59 No. 20481 ID: 674b88

Just open up the flash player a little or go fullscreen.

Anonymous 16/12/06(Tue)16:11 No. 20485 ID: 7d7b62

so...any major updates or anything like that in the foreseeable future?

Anonymous 16/12/07(Wed)18:28 No. 20487 ID: 14e5b7

can you guys please link an invite to the discord?

Anonymous 16/12/09(Fri)21:17 No. 20497 ID: d210fa

Its linked on PPPPU Programmer's Tumblr


Anonymous 16/12/10(Sat)07:37 No. 20500 ID: 14e5b7


G 16/12/11(Sun)02:45 No. 20503 ID: 29eea8

File Royalty_PPPPU_interactive.swf - (1.70MB , Royalty PPPPU interactive.swf )

well here's the interactive for Royalty Px4

I'll do the others later, also I'll drop the .Fla files for them so people can mod them if they like
(and yes they are the original, and not decompiled) I'll start doing others too, now that I'm getting the hang of it, and I'm working on a tit fuck cum scene, but it's taking time.

Anonymous 16/12/11(Sun)03:54 No. 20504 ID: 4047ae

Thanks G!

Anonymous 16/12/11(Sun)04:37 No. 20505 ID: 7f24a3

Thanks very much for the upload.
Though is there a chance you can change the music back to the regular music? It feels weird not having the beep block music playing in the background

G 16/12/11(Sun)05:01 No. 20506 ID: 29eea8

I don't want to seem like I'm spamming, so no I probably won't, you can mute the flash n put bbeepblock in the background tho, sry.

Anonymous 16/12/11(Sun)16:29 No. 20508 ID: 7f24a3

That's fine, it's not really a priority X3

Oh god Mexican jumping bean 16/12/12(Mon)02:31 No. 20509 ID: 943bc4

Holy shit for a year I thought this subject was dead and I spent hours searching for new content with no luck. I just was going to the old thread today and I saw a link to this! I am happier then when my adoption parents died.

Oh god Mexican jumping bean 16/12/12(Mon)02:31 No. 20510 ID: 943bc4

Holy shit for a year I thought this subject was dead and I spent hours searching for new content with no luck. I just was going to the old thread today and I saw a link to this! I am happier then when my adoption parents died.

Help Mexican+jumping+bean 16/12/12(Mon)04:52 No. 20512 ID: 943bc4

So I downloaded ppppuX and ppppuXi but I dont know how to open or use them. Someone please help me and give me some instructions.

Anonymous 16/12/17(Sat)11:31 No. 20622 ID: ff6773

1. Right click on the ppppux or ppppuxi swf. file.

2. Go to "open with" and select the web browser of your choosing (depending on your settings, your browser might be set to block swf. files, so you might have to fiddle around with that).

3. You know what to do.

G 16/12/19(Mon)11:41 No. 20632 ID: 29eea8

I forgot to dump the royalty one my b, https://mega.nz/#!0lYiSaYK!cEbbD2cXg88lxjm3DbZhc7BEY82o2xXbGXZp9NFu4-E again I don't know how to mod these, but at least I can provide the original file.

It did not work Jamal The mexican jumping bean 16/12/27(Tue)06:30 No. 20669 ID: 298066

Whenever I load Xi it just brings me to a blue screen plus I dont know how to use the mods ( I have read the help thing but It did not help me and I could not really understand it. x works, but I don't know how to make it interactive and I have tried for 3 hours to get mods to work but i could not figure it out so I dont like it at all. I also went on the tumbler got royalty, character starter pack, and the Xi on there but it did the same thing and I could not figure out the mods.

goredon freakman 16/12/27(Tue)17:29 No. 20672 ID: bd0b65

Current version of Flash player prevents from loading external files into the flash movie because "muh sekuritee", so PPPPU shows the blue screen because it cannot load the characters.

You would need an old flash player to play this thing (it won't make your current player disappear).

I use an archived player version

After you download the player and open it, I think you'd be able to figure out the rest.

As for the mods, it should be in the manual AFAIK

Anonymous 17/01/05(Thu)06:07 No. 20721 ID: 7d7b62

so anything new to report???

Anonymous 17/01/05(Thu)07:00 No. 20722 ID: 942128

I cant make the fucking "ARCH_RoyaltyPPPPU" work.

I added the file to the folder, added it under "Archive mods" on the txt and then the ANIM_RoyaltyPeach and
ANIM_RoyaltyRosalina under animation but its not working.

halp, im retarded.

Anonymous 17/01/05(Thu)13:04 No. 20723 ID: 674b88

Get on Discord. There's discussions still going on there.

Put it at the bottom under animation addons. Not at the top with the other character addons.

Anonymous 17/01/06(Fri)03:27 No. 20724 ID: 942128

This: http://i.imgur.com/cpBcbs5.jpg is how I have it right now and it isnt working, thanks for the answer.

I know its not necessary to have the ARCH_RoyaltyPPPPU twice.

Anonymous 17/01/06(Fri)05:17 No. 20725 ID: 6a46ae

You should only load the archive file, not the ANIM mods within it. Also, all files must had the ".swf" file extension at the end.

Anonymous 17/01/06(Fri)07:32 No. 20726 ID: 7c964a

Where's the ".swf"

Why are you not showing extensions?

Anonymous 17/01/06(Fri)08:06 No. 20727 ID: 942128

Ty, got it working.

Anonymous 17/01/08(Sun)21:33 No. 20736 ID: ef8649

English use better:. Recommended.

Anonymous 17/01/11(Wed)06:31 No. 20744 ID: 9e68ac


30th Anniversary G 17/01/19(Thu)11:27 No. 20766 ID: 29eea8

File Metroid_PPPPU_ex.swf - (2.42MB , Metroid PPPPU ex.swf )

So Metroid got no love in 2016, with federation being...questionable, and no games to be announced for the switch, so here's another edit (if you can call it that), it's Samus from different games. Some things to note:
1) Assets for ZSS pose 5 borrowed from Cubespoons PPPPU project.
2) Music by MusicGal (you can obtain the song from ppppuprogrammer's tumblr).
3) some eye differences I'm playing with were one girl has sharp eyes, while the other has smaller eyes, also one with no iris at all, and ZSS is no change.
4) It's interactive, I'll also upload a folder to MEGA of all the PPPPU projects I had for modding purposes, cause I can't mod (and draw, and code) for shit.

Anonymous 17/01/20(Fri)04:59 No. 20769 ID: d7913e


Can you post the ACHAR for them please? :D

Wow Frans7 17/01/20(Fri)05:03 No. 20770 ID: 400488

Thanks >>20766 I love the work on this flash


Anonymous 17/01/22(Sun)13:21 No. 20777 ID: 852031

thank you
just thank you

Cyka Mexican+jumping+bean 17/01/23(Mon)23:37 No. 20788 ID: 8a593c

I tried to install the adobe and it did not work it just brought me to two different folders with a bunch of different things in them.

Cyka Mexican+jumping+bean 17/01/23(Mon)23:37 No. 20789 ID: 8a593c

I tried to install the adobe and it did not work it just brought me to two different folders with a bunch of different things in them.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)03:45 No. 20842 ID: 543e45

who is making the edits on 4chan? which thread?

Anonymous 17/01/31(Tue)22:52 No. 20868 ID: b621bb

Just a heads up to everyone for discord stuff, some drama went down in the old server, so a backup has been made just in case. You can check it out here https://discord.gg/ynH6NBN. Mods and updates will likely be posted here from now on

Anonymous 17/02/03(Fri)22:51 No. 20891 ID: 674b88

Of all the stupid... I'm starting to just not care anymore.

Anonymous 17/02/19(Sun)10:47 No. 20963 ID: 68a05e

File ppppuXi.swf - (1.61MB )

Anonymous 17/02/19(Sun)16:30 No. 20964 ID: 81e28a

Broken man.

o o 17/02/19(Sun)17:19 No. 20965 ID: 5dfa87


Matt Thomson 17/02/27(Mon)09:30 No. 20996 ID: e6c1c5

>>20963 >>20964
It's not necessarily broken. It just lacks the other SWF files it needs to play. I tested it with all the other files and it works. The links are on the PPPPUProgrammer tumblr

Anonymous 17/03/05(Sun)11:04 No. 21015 ID: 6a2839

File SDT.swf - (1.30MB )


Anonymous 17/03/18(Sat)15:25 No. 21067 ID: 294203

can anuone put again discord invitation?

PPPPU - Nintendo Hentai Board MattTheDoormat 17/03/22(Wed)07:59 No. 21081 ID: e6c1c5


Sound Mods? Anonymous 17/03/30(Thu)17:12 No. 21101 ID: ebe059

Are there any sound mods online that are still downloadable? I cant seem to find any.

Anonymous 17/04/23(Sun)14:04 No. 21201 ID: bb2c00

So I'm guessing everyone stopped?

Anonymous 17/04/23(Sun)14:04 No. 21202 ID: bb2c00

It's been almost a month since the last message and heck even the last update to the ppppu name.

Anonymous 17/08/16(Wed)18:45 No. 21570 ID: 36b6a6

Can someone point me in the right direction as to how the resources relates to the *.as files and how to compile it so it points to the right objects, i have barely any experience with AS 3.0, i always stuck to AS 2.0.

Alternatively if anyone have that non decompiled 8.2 *.fla file that is no longer available i probably would have an easier time seeing how i'm supposed to prepare the resources for the scripts.

Anonymous 17/08/16(Wed)19:08 No. 21571 ID: 36b6a6

I'm a fucking idiot, it's right there on the github, i just wasn't looking in the right place.

Anonymous 17/08/17(Thu)18:38 No. 21574 ID: 36b6a6

Seems like getting the source file didn't help me all that much, while i have no problem identifying different objects and labels within it realting to the AS scripts i still haven't got the faintest how i'm supposed to compile it to get it to work as intended.

sirio sirio 17/08/28(Mon)08:53 No. 21605 ID: 8525e8


FreeDedicated Randybent 17/11/12(Sun)07:15 No. 21725 ID: 4acb20

Здравствуйте если вы хотите приобрести дешевый VPS сервер, либо облачные сервера заходите в нашу группу чата в телеграме: tg://join?invite=Dn6-GkPlj_ZI5bw1iKYTHA

gcott 18/01/14(Sun)00:06 No. 21784 ID: ef3c89


Bryan 18/05/20(Sun)21:19 No. 21867 ID: b187f1

How do you download the newest version of the game

Anonymous 18/05/27(Sun)16:30 No. 21881 ID: e3402f

I can't get the source to compile on any of the versions but i'm mostly interested in the NX version since it seems most versatile, i wanna mess around with the art and don't have any interest in programming beyond what's necessary for it to show up, what do i need beyond the base software (FlashDevelop) for it to work properly? Most of the software tools you can download through the software doesn't download, i downloaded what i could find manually but it still won't compile and i straight up do not have the knowledge to fix it myself.

Anonymous 18/06/21(Thu)13:01 No. 21903 ID: 5b2902


Anonymous 18/08/06(Mon)17:13 No. 21918 ID: ff9197

I know this post is from 3 months ago but for anyone else interested there is a discord just google PPPPU Discord and you should find it. They're releasing new mods pretty often, and guides on how to mod and make your own models if you feel like contributing

Anonymous 18/08/06(Mon)17:13 No. 21919 ID: ff9197

I know this post is from 3 months ago but for anyone else interested there is a discord just google PPPPU Discord and you should find it. They're releasing new mods pretty often, and guides on how to mod and make your own models if you feel like contributing

Anonymous 19/01/27(Sun)01:22 No. 22017 ID: 171735

Has anyone made any mods for the base assets like the base male body? It'd be nice to have one that wasnt so fat.

DDDE KAKA 19/10/26(Sat)01:11 No. 22173 ID: 6e35bd


Anonymous 19/10/26(Sat)02:03 No. 22174 ID: 21cdb3

That is a hugely constructive comment. I didn't think of that before. You've really contributed to my understanding of the universe. Day and night after reading your comment. lol I was ignorant about what you were speaking about but now I am very informed. It's great that this is behind me for good. lol 7chan users, take a page from this person. They are what everyone should strive to be. Blog, we need to start reading your blog. I believe there are no limits to what you can do to inform others. lol

Anonymous 20/04/19(Sun)09:44 No. 25101 ID: e98c7d

Wow this thread is like 4 years old it feels like I stumbled upon lost history and hidden historical records

A Guatemalan man such as myself is compelled

Anonymous 20/04/19(Sun)09:47 No. 25102 ID: 694377

There's threads on this site that are over a decade old.

Door Dash, almost this one got Plains Dean Orzel 20/08/11(Tue)14:00 No. 25134 ID: 614f31

Like the title said they just use em for bait my family , most of them were okay.


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