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/fl/ - Flash
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Anonymous 15/01/12(Mon)20:09 No. 16313 ID: 053b53

File Mario_&_peach.swf - (1.44MB , Mario & peach.swf )

noko Anonymous 15/01/12(Mon)23:22 No. 16314 ID: fcee0a

Can this be a flash loop thread nsfw

Anonymous 15/01/13(Tue)20:16 No. 16321 ID: 2c3f6c

This nigga bout to get banned for his strong lack of lurk

Anonymous 15/01/15(Thu)07:22 No. 16329 ID: 634ba4

>Most 3.5in Floppy Disks are 1.44MB
How old is this?

Anonymous 15/01/17(Sat)10:22 No. 16338 ID: cc0387

File shantae_(techno_speed).swf - (1.38MB , shantae (techno speed).swf )

Anonymous 15/08/11(Tue)10:33 No. 17050 ID: 34221c

Does Minus has a blog or a webm where he post his stuff?

Anonymous 15/08/14(Fri)11:24 No. 17072 ID: 7887d3

purindad.tumblr.com USED to be minus8's blog, but it was deleted, probably because child porn.

Anonymous 15/08/16(Sun)12:00 No. 17082 ID: 2608f9

Might have been intentional. He had a Soup too, but now all that's on it is a post that says "how i delete this soup"

I think he just doesn't like the pressure that his popularity brings.

Anonymous 15/08/28(Fri)08:22 No. 17178 ID: 8ef49d


Anonymous 15/09/03(Thu)16:52 No. 17227 ID: c22fc3

This seems accurate. If for no other reasons than he seems to have difficulty with western fans in particular. His first Tumblr deletion was in response to western fans criticizing one of his drawings as some form of plaigerism, I think. Also maybe that his work should have been more consistent from a time perspective.

Anonymous 15/09/19(Sat)09:38 No. 17338 ID: f36f0a

He is not western?

Anonymous 15/10/17(Sat)09:21 No. 17647 ID: a4a65c

Korean I believe.

Anonymous 16/03/06(Sun)14:32 No. 18920 ID: 91afba

At what point can I just toss money at you, -8?

Seriously, your work is beyond awesome.

Anonymous 16/03/10(Thu)12:54 No. 18961 ID: 055863

Minus8, I know about your "new" tumblr, but I can't ask you questions on it so

Can you please share the music/remixes that you make? I liked a lot the one of the new Rosalina flash

Anonymous 16/03/10(Thu)13:04 No. 18962 ID: 055863

Well I found it kinda fast, fuck


Anonymous 16/03/11(Fri)18:58 No. 18967 ID: d68fe5

hold the fuck up, where's the new flash?

Anonymous 16/03/12(Sat)22:26 No. 18974 ID: bb4894


dunno if it'll work cross-thread like this...

Anonymous 16/03/17(Thu)20:06 No. 19003 ID: 802204

Just so you guys know, the Rosalina flash isn't minus8, he just made the short gif. Also I'm pretty sure he doesn't do the remixes himself, he just finds them and uses them in his flashes.

Anonymous 16/03/18(Fri)10:55 No. 19007 ID: a828e7

WTF? Don't know what you're on about, but he is clearly the creator of the Rosalina flash.
He posted it himself on his thread. What even gave you the impression he didn't do it?

Anonymous 16/03/20(Sun)22:29 No. 19029 ID: 9999b2

I guess we'll use this thread for all things minus8

Anonymous 16/03/22(Tue)03:52 No. 19051 ID: 58399c

If yes, anywhere I can find that Marco flash, if it exists?

Anonymous 16/03/22(Tue)07:40 No. 19055 ID: e0be5e

just google "minus8 flash" and the first 7chan link should take you straight to it. it's where the recent Rosalina flash is too

Anonymous 16/03/22(Tue)09:06 No. 19056 ID: 1445af

it doesn't, only previews

Anonymous 16/03/22(Tue)16:30 No. 19061 ID: dfdc23

File ma7.swf - (39.05KB )


Anonymous 16/03/22(Tue)16:31 No. 19062 ID: dfdc23

File ma9.swf - (43.92KB )


Anonymous 16/03/22(Tue)16:34 No. 19063 ID: 1445af


Anonymous 16/03/22(Tue)20:07 No. 19067 ID: 58399c

Sweetness. Not enough Marco stuff, and his shota stuff is always tops.

Anonymous 16/03/23(Wed)07:35 No. 19070 ID: 1cb393

Why does he never seem to make edits of his shota flashes? He already draws all his boys as little girls and likes making "censored" versions for seemingly no reason. Might as well make a female version while he's at it to appeal to everyone.

Anonymous 16/03/23(Wed)13:18 No. 19071 ID: f4ad2f

He did only censored version. Female and racially-correct versions made by users

Anonymous 16/03/25(Fri)15:17 No. 19084 ID: 79c3a9

He's making what he wants to make. If you want an edit, do it yourself.

Anonymous 16/03/26(Sat)19:07 No. 19094 ID: 8152ad

I just wanna see more -8 work, people :(

Jashin hentai0verload.tumblr.com 16/03/27(Sun)16:13 No. 19097 ID: af60ec

File 1459077565399.swf - (592.16KB )

Gif only, no flash, I had to convert it to swf to post on this board.

Anonymous 16/03/27(Sun)17:00 No. 19098 ID: 8a21b2

so are these adding up to anything more or is it just these two scenes

Anonymous 16/03/27(Sun)17:57 No. 19101 ID: af60ec

Why link to that page when the page that was linked already linked to it?

Anonymous 16/03/30(Wed)17:48 No. 19130 ID: dfdc23

File lo2.swf - (99.05KB )


Anonymous 16/03/31(Thu)04:48 No. 19133 ID: e0be5e

not sure if was posted here or in other thread but someone did this edit


Anonymous 16/03/31(Thu)19:01 No. 19140 ID: 27275d

Fucking great

Anonymous 16/04/05(Tue)17:25 No. 19170 ID: dfdc23

File sr1.swf - (53.97KB )

Anonymous 16/04/05(Tue)20:37 No. 19172 ID: 4a6f7f



Anonymous 16/04/06(Wed)17:55 No. 19174 ID: 71ef20

source? Doesn't really look like -8's style.

Anonymous 16/04/07(Thu)02:15 No. 19175 ID: ba073d


have the ID: dfdc23, is minus8

Anonymous 16/04/07(Thu)07:08 No. 19176 ID: d5f608

You might want to check out that his tumblr. He does have a typical style when he does his porn, but it's not like he's limited to that one style, which we can see from his doodlery

Anonymous 16/04/13(Wed)21:53 No. 19211 ID: 7e56c5

I'd argue that this flash is even obviously in his style. The art is a bit different, but the animation is quite clearly the same as his other works.

Source: Have been fapping to -8's shit since day 1.

Anonymous 16/04/13(Wed)23:54 No. 19213 ID: b6d797


My Brand!
Thank you!

Jashin hentai0verload.tumblr.com 16/04/14(Thu)14:02 No. 19217 ID: af60ec

File gj.swf - (498.87KB )

Anonymous 16/04/14(Thu)23:29 No. 19221 ID: 5c1207

Minus8 is always thinking out of the box, I love it

Anonymous 16/04/15(Fri)03:49 No. 19222 ID: 0da28f

Nice but it needs a sexier expression though

Anonymous 16/04/15(Fri)07:24 No. 19223 ID: ac7b4f

I dare you to make your next animation an actual animation and not flash puppetry.

Anonymous 16/04/15(Fri)10:45 No. 19224 ID: 11ee26

I like it

Anonymous 16/04/15(Fri)11:38 No. 19225 ID: 5c1207

their is enough people out there making generic animations as it is

Anonymous 16/04/15(Fri)22:18 No. 19226 ID: ac7b4f

What does genericness have to do with how the animation is made?

Anonymous 16/04/16(Sat)15:44 No. 19233 ID: 5c1207

minus8's style of flash animating is relatively unique, without the slurry of effects and camera motions he adds they wouldn't be as beautiful as they are

Anonymous 16/04/16(Sat)17:09 No. 19235 ID: dfdc23

File pov.swf - (2.37MB )


Anonymous 16/04/16(Sat)18:28 No. 19236 ID: 8ce75c

wow, minus8, great moves, keep it up, proud of you

Anonymous 16/04/16(Sat)20:35 No. 19239 ID: 1eec0a

joli sheit!

Anonymous 16/04/16(Sat)21:12 No. 19240 ID: 7bf753

One of his best short loops
also music?

Anonymous 16/04/16(Sat)22:01 No. 19241 ID: 9999b2

>Peach's Castle music
>64 pupils
>a game boy micro with a headphone jack attached

Anonymous 16/04/17(Sun)03:36 No. 19245 ID: 6b568b


Anonymous 16/04/17(Sun)11:35 No. 19248 ID: 1a3f20

Still camera! Still camera! Still camera! Gotta have it.

Anonymous 16/04/18(Mon)07:15 No. 19253 ID: eb0a3a

File Minus8_pov_fixed.swf - (2.97MB , Minus8 pov_fixed.swf )

Anonymous 16/04/19(Tue)04:24 No. 19255 ID: d6c325

what the hell is "fixed" about this

Anonymous 16/04/19(Tue)08:44 No. 19256 ID: cb6f47

Someone gets triggered easily by skin color.

Anonymous 16/04/19(Tue)09:57 No. 19258 ID: 11ee26

Eh, I like neon pink skin. Make it happen plz

Anonymous 16/04/19(Tue)22:13 No. 19259 ID: 5c1207

the funny part is he's assuming the skin tone was that of a nignog but almost all of the male on peach banging minus8 animates is of his own light brown skin tone

Anonymous 16/04/19(Tue)22:25 No. 19260 ID: 9999b2

Its not like that. He edits these because he knows it will irritate -8 and his fans

Anonymous 16/04/20(Wed)02:43 No. 19261 ID: 737957

Only thing that can't be changed is how much appreciation I have for -8.


Anonymous 16/04/21(Thu)01:38 No. 19267 ID: a0f948

Does anybody know where to find the full version of the most recent animation he teased on his my8 tumblr?
Its the one where they look like they are on a fancy bed with drapes

Anonymous 16/04/21(Thu)07:36 No. 19273 ID: 906330

Umm... I guess you don't know, but he'll post it when it's done. The tumblr ver is usually posted earlier than when he's done with it.

Anonymous 16/04/21(Thu)18:51 No. 19276 ID: 460a50

Where's his tumblr?

Anonymous 16/04/21(Thu)20:10 No. 19277 ID: a1c5de

in world wide web

Anonymous 16/04/21(Thu)23:46 No. 19278 ID: a0f948

did not know that ^_^


Anonymous 16/04/21(Thu)23:50 No. 19279 ID: 4b94c9

I haven't fapped in two weeks, just waiting for -8 new Peach flash, my dick is at it's limits. MUST... HOLD... IT

Anonymous 16/04/26(Tue)13:02 No. 19300 ID: 846d0c

More shantae love is always nice :3. I always love seeing your work, it's always so smooth and rhythmic. It's just fun to watch!

Anonymous 16/04/28(Thu)03:40 No. 19310 ID: 92967b

File Daisy_Rider.swf - (5.54MB , Daisy Rider.swf )

Anonymous 16/04/28(Thu)03:42 No. 19311 ID: 92967b

File Minus_8_-_Koopa_Girl(Tail-less).swf - (1.42MB , Minus 8 - Koopa Girl(Tail-less).swf )

Anonymous 16/04/28(Thu)03:44 No. 19312 ID: 92967b

File isabelle.swf - (349.56KB )

Anonymous 16/04/28(Thu)03:46 No. 19313 ID: 92967b

File mylovep_Rosalina.swf - (929.31KB , mylovep Rosalina.swf )

Anonymous 16/04/28(Thu)03:50 No. 19314 ID: 92967b

File BonBon.swf - (4.55MB )

Anonymous 16/04/28(Thu)04:27 No. 19315 ID: 597092


Anyone has a decompiled .fla of not_new.swf (the Rosalina one)?

Anonymous 16/04/28(Thu)04:39 No. 19316 ID: bee5e7

Talk for yourself. I'm a big fan of -8 and I've been following him for years, but I appreciate the color edits because I don't like niggers and spics on my porn.

Anonymous 16/04/28(Thu)12:19 No. 19318 ID: 906330

I can't believe I'd ever be embarrassed to share the same interest in porn with another person.

Anonymous 16/04/29(Fri)02:47 No. 19326 ID: bee5e7


Anonymous 16/04/29(Fri)03:28 No. 19327 ID: 597092


Anonymous 16/04/30(Sat)08:13 No. 19335 ID: 4112fb

Why am I not surprised that the edit would make people butthurt.

Anonymous 16/05/02(Mon)01:24 No. 19340 ID: d0c276

If people want to self-insert, there's nothing wrong with them modifying the material to feel more... happy?
It makes sense, there's no ill intention there. The problem comes with trolling with that content. There's no "fixed" or "correct" version.
Go ahead and make a black/white/yellow/purple version, it should be encouraged. We're all sharing content to get off on, race isn't an issue. But don't be an arsehole about it.
It's a case of trolls being trolls, not race. Don't let these guys start shit.

Anonymous 16/05/02(Mon)14:26 No. 19344 ID: 4112fb

Guys that posted the edit here. Didn't mean to start shit, it's just what the file was named when I got it off swfchan. Figured you guys would enjoy it.

Anonymous 16/05/02(Mon)14:39 No. 19345 ID: 597092


I sure did, how did you edited it? I tried using a decompiler but shit didn't worked.

Anonymous 16/05/02(Mon)16:43 No. 19346 ID: 4112fb

I didn't edit it m8, I just found it on swfchan's fappables page.

Anonymous 16/05/03(Tue)04:21 No. 19352 ID: 792c23

Just stop with the "fixed" nonsense, some of us are enjoying a brand.

Anonymous 16/05/03(Tue)04:54 No. 19353 ID: 4112fb

Tell that to the editors on swfchan. They made about 6 different "fixes" of the Rosalina flash, each one being called "fixed" in some form.

Anonymous 16/05/03(Tue)22:16 No. 19362 ID: d0c276

Decompiling breaks flash.
You can edit SWFs directly using something like Eltima's flash decompiler or if you're super pro, FlashBulb.

Anonymous 16/05/04(Wed)18:22 No. 19366 ID: cb6f47

File pov_still_straight.swf - (2.37MB )

Removed camera motion from peach pov, don't know how to fix the cut off hands.

Anonymous 16/05/04(Wed)19:00 No. 19367 ID: a92114

File pov_still_straight_maskfix.swf - (2.36MB )


Anonymous 16/05/04(Wed)19:18 No. 19368 ID: cb6f47

Thanks, may I ask how you did it?

Anonymous 16/05/04(Wed)19:36 No. 19369 ID: a92114

decompile to fla -> edit mask in flash

Anonymous 16/05/05(Thu)08:44 No. 19374 ID: d96c5d

Minus 8, if you are here, please deliver unto us... More of you gettin' tapped.

No, really, please, wanna see you bounce.

Anonymous 16/05/05(Thu)10:11 No. 19375 ID: 597092


No, I'd rather see more Peach.

Anonymous 16/05/05(Thu)11:48 No. 19376 ID: 1a3f20

I wub yous.

Anonymous 16/05/05(Thu)14:14 No. 19377 ID: 906330

So I guess he never winded up posting his flash anywhere? Maybe he got bored of that animation -_-

Anonymous 16/05/05(Thu)16:21 No. 19378 ID: a92114

File galery.swf - (1.56MB )

cut some scenes from TGLA

Anonymous 16/05/05(Thu)23:51 No. 19380 ID: 5c1207

yooooooooooooo that is glorious, thank you a ton

Anonymous 16/05/11(Wed)00:10 No. 19401 ID: 65dc51

I really wonder if the new remix 10 from the rhythm heaven megamix is gonna get done, also If -8 posts here, got to say I love your work

Anonymous 16/05/11(Wed)00:37 No. 19403 ID: ad99cf

looks good, but do some not loop or seem to get stuck for other people too?

Anonymous 16/05/11(Wed)14:08 No. 19408 ID: 5c1207


thats how the animations actually go, even the pauses were used during certain intervals by minus8

Anonymous 16/05/14(Sat)14:22 No. 19420 ID: a92114

why there is nothing new?

Anonymous 16/05/15(Sun)22:21 No. 19426 ID: 805769

they are probably working on something big. They haven't posted a new version of ppppu for months

Anonymous 16/05/16(Mon)11:59 No. 19429 ID: 1a7ed1

Not the same person working on pppu anymore.

Anonymous 16/05/18(Wed)04:09 No. 19433 ID: ed0398

what do you mean? gscot and minus8 are working for it

Anonymous 16/05/18(Wed)08:32 No. 19435 ID: 7fab95

Just gscot working on the current versions (seen in a different thread)
minus8 just did the original I think

Anonymous 16/05/18(Wed)10:17 No. 19436 ID: b67dd3

Minus8 has no involvement in the current ppppu project, he made the original with Peach, and Rosalina only. He has seen an updated version where we were at Isabelle at the time, and praised gscot who's the current person installing more characters. ppppu programmer being the one to make an SDT version of ppppu and made the interactive versions of it, and yeah they are all on another thread here on 7chan.

Anonymous 16/05/20(Fri)18:20 No. 19441 ID: 3a02a8

Still wanna see minus8 bounce...

Anonymous 16/05/22(Sun)19:04 No. 19443 ID: ac7e56

minus8 made a comic


Anonymous 16/05/22(Sun)19:09 No. 19444 ID: ea96d9


Nice, where did you ge that? Any chance he posted the Peach flash somewhere else?

Anonymous 16/06/01(Wed)11:29 No. 19512 ID: 85a342

I love it

Anonymous 16/06/02(Thu)10:19 No. 19537 ID: d9c804


Guys, after masturbating for a little while, I have come to a feeling minus8 might be a faggot.

Anonymous 16/06/02(Thu)17:57 No. 19545 ID: 8d4bba

I always thought he was bi...

Anonymous 16/06/05(Sun)00:08 No. 19560 ID: dfdc23

File ls.swf - (2.11MB )


Anonymous 16/06/05(Sun)05:28 No. 19562 ID: b67dd3

AMAZING, we can rejoice once again.

Anonymous 16/06/05(Sun)06:46 No. 19564 ID: 906330

He's honestly been getting a lot of flak and negative attention on tumblr.

I'm really happy it hasn't discouraged him.

Minus8. If you read these. Just make whatever you want. We're grateful to you as an artist.

Anonymous 16/06/05(Sun)08:24 No. 19565 ID: 2bd50e

been getting flak on tumblr? what happenend? did people find out the other works he does?

Anonymous 16/06/05(Sun)08:55 No. 19568 ID: 0a43da


Anonymous 16/06/05(Sun)14:30 No. 19569 ID: 98d390


please post this too http://my8.tumblr.com/post/143118210342/some-people-ask-why-does-you-draws-yourself

Anonymous 16/06/05(Sun)19:56 No. 19572 ID: 48d45b

사랑해 -8!

Anonymous 16/06/06(Mon)23:08 No. 19582 ID: 121b4a

i love u minus :D

Anonymous 16/06/07(Tue)21:07 No. 19589 ID: aee1aa


Now that was a choice I wasn't expecting at all..

Pretty nice! Also, before people start asking, if they do -

The song is "Calico Cat Rock" / "MIKENEKO Rock" from Dance Dance Revolution Extreme.

Anonymous 16/06/07(Tue)22:30 No. 19590 ID: a81a5d

You are the best minus8.

Anonymous 16/06/08(Wed)01:19 No. 19591 ID: 840641

I'm glad you chose the cute version of her

Also waiting for the still camera version

Anonymous 16/06/08(Wed)04:41 No. 19592 ID: 942f95

It's on SWF chan (http://swfchan.org/fap.shtml)

These are always amazing. GG -8

Anonymous 16/06/08(Wed)09:29 No. 19597 ID: 285be6

I thought you said you were done with the casting couch?

Not complaining about this, love the flash and the character. Just surprised

Anonymous 16/06/08(Wed)19:22 No. 19599 ID: d9d85a

pls counch annie form League of Legends pls

Anonymous 16/06/08(Wed)22:42 No. 19602 ID: 840641


This flash is truly amazing there's not any doubt about it but now that I see this without movement, it's just me or isnt Suzy's body a bit too large in comparison to that man's anatomy?
I remember seeing her as a really little girl

Anonymous 16/06/08(Wed)23:25 No. 19603 ID: 710aac


Anonymous 16/06/09(Thu)01:11 No. 19606 ID: d9d85a

I had not asked you :P
(Sry other repleys i forget :( )

Anonymous 16/06/09(Thu)15:19 No. 19608 ID: 710aac

And here I thought I could fool you. :P
Seriously, he doesn't take requests. So if he does one, consider yourself very lucky.

Anonymous 16/06/09(Thu)16:00 No. 19609 ID: d9d85a

ok dont worry i dont more request :)

Anonymous 16/06/09(Thu)16:02 No. 19610 ID: d9d85a

sry english

Anonymous 16/06/09(Thu)16:04 No. 19611 ID: d9d85a

Well, it would be better for me to be anime or video game, no cartoon.
But you do what you want look -8.

Anonymous 16/06/09(Thu)18:15 No. 19612 ID: 93468d

Honestly there's enough anime and video game porn around. It's really nice to be able to see some good quality porn from the cartoons I used to watch.

Anonymous 16/06/09(Thu)21:14 No. 19613 ID: d9d85a

Videgames and anime I mean in -8 style.
My english is bad.

Anonymous 16/06/12(Sun)00:44 No. 19629 ID: d5195c


Anonymous 16/06/12(Sun)03:00 No. 19630 ID: dfdc23

File s7_5.swf - (682.88KB , s7 5.swf )

I imitate this video

Anonymous 16/06/12(Sun)05:39 No. 19632 ID: 24130a



Anonymous 16/06/13(Mon)02:19 No. 19640 ID: c8ab70

He doesn't do requests. He has said this several times. Fuck off.

Anonymous 16/06/18(Sat)23:11 No. 19681 ID: 24946a

If anyone does mod it, please post links here so we don't miss it/them.

Anonymous 16/06/25(Sat)13:46 No. 19724 ID: 1d245e

File Minus8%20Suzy%20-StillCam.swf - (2.11MB )

It's fine, just let it be. I might have not worded myself properly, too many languages on my mind.

I saw one on swfchan.
Actually, here it is (attached).

Now I'm truly back to lurking.

Anonymous 16/07/04(Mon)23:54 No. 19758 ID: 72d6ba

File 32423523456436.swf - (682.44KB )

-8 said that is only fucking faggots here so he wouldn't post here anymore

Anonymous 16/07/09(Sat)01:13 No. 19776 ID: b6b083

Too bad? If you really want to see it just make an account with throwaway info. Ya'll are seriously helpless.

Anonymous 16/07/16(Sat)19:17 No. 19827 ID: dfdc23

File icef.swf - (601.83KB )


Anonymous 16/07/16(Sat)19:18 No. 19828 ID: dfdc23

File ices.swf - (602.20KB )


Anonymous 16/07/31(Sun)16:35 No. 19940 ID: 1874d6

I had a few of his flashes saved, here you go


Anonymous 16/08/06(Sat)10:32 No. 19977 ID: 8fa1ff

File ank.swf - (2.32MB )

You know. I'm lazy :)..

Anonymous 16/08/07(Sun)04:45 No. 19987 ID: 40c664

I made a little (not little) archive. It has a lot of the deleted Tumblr images, but it's missing a few early flashes.


Anonymous 16/08/07(Sun)09:00 No. 19989 ID: 906330

Pornhub Video: http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph57a6c11540090
Mediafire Download: http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph57a6c11540090

This one's much shorter than the Rosalina one, so the flash is probably good enough for most people. Still... Sometimes the flash lags and you might not have access to your PC so I hope this helps.

Anonymous 16/08/07(Sun)10:07 No. 19990 ID: 906330

My bad about that PH link: http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph57a6d18e25f27

Anonymous 16/08/07(Sun)12:37 No. 19992 ID: 906330

And... that mediafire link... Was I drunk?
Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/jvvq24iq1orslse/Ank.zip

Anonymous 16/08/10(Wed)13:06 No. 20021 ID: a2aa69

File ank_less.swf - (2.32MB )


made this edit drunk af. that do anything for you?

-8 i love you sorry for fucking up your art

Anonymous 16/08/13(Sat)04:28 No. 20035 ID: d0c276

File m8k_mouse.swf - (1.42MB )


Anonymous 16/08/14(Sun)20:03 No. 20043 ID: 8fa1ff

File 12121qw1wq.swf - (1.37MB )

I made this!

Anonymous 16/08/15(Mon)20:45 No. 20050 ID: 3253a9

File ~12121qw1wq.swf - (1.44MB )

racially correct

Anonymous 16/08/17(Wed)08:01 No. 20064 ID: 79e43f

File a_and_t.swf - (1.37MB , a and t.swf )

Uploading a non disturbing version if anyone prefers fapping to laughing

Anonymous 16/08/18(Thu)11:56 No. 20080 ID: 1c602f

So apparently you can still see the last posts on his tumblr through your dashboard, if you were following nega8tive before it was deactivated. He was upset that people were trying to make him be more positive, and said it was impossible (probably a joke based on his name). He still plans to stream, just removed the tumblr because of the people talking there. Based on this thread I don't think that's entirely unreasonable...

Anonymous 16/08/21(Sun)02:22 No. 20102 ID: 75cf2a

And he deleted his new tumblr (nega8tive) once again.

DarkNecroman 16/08/21(Sun)02:52 No. 20103 ID: 8a1267

He deleted his nega8tive blog a few days ago.

Anonymous 16/08/24(Wed)23:51 No. 20114 ID: 15feed

I just wish he had a site just for his sfw stuff. I like his lewd animations and all but I hate to see that stuff disappear when you can find his porn everywhere.

Anonymous 16/08/27(Sat)17:56 No. 20130 ID: 8fa1ff

File dfsdfs121.swf - (73.01KB )

Work while streaming :)

Anonymous 16/08/27(Sat)17:57 No. 20131 ID: 8fa1ff

File 23423421.swf - (32.83KB )

Work while streaming 2

Anonymous 16/08/28(Sun)04:22 No. 20135 ID: c14ebb

Awesome!! <3

Anonymous ## Admin ## 16/08/30(Tue)06:08 No. 20155 ID: fcc781

Cleaned out a lot of trolling and bullshit.

Quit being cocks or I'm going to start handing out bans.

Anonymous 16/08/30(Tue)07:14 No. 20157 ID: 195131

Just kinda deleted a bunch of posted swfs, fml

Anonymous 16/08/30(Tue)09:51 No. 20158 ID: e2a444

Thank you so much.
From a random lurker.

Anonymous 16/08/30(Tue)15:00 No. 20160 ID: 906330

Can you do that in the ppppu thread as well?

Anonymous 16/08/30(Tue)17:21 No. 20161 ID: 7996e9

Anyone have the swf for this?


Anonymous 16/08/31(Wed)01:21 No. 20162 ID: fcc781

Got a link to the thread?

Anonymous 16/08/31(Wed)09:11 No. 20167 ID: 803b8d


There is none. It's just a gif.

Anonymous 16/09/01(Thu)08:16 No. 20172 ID: 906330

Here ya go :)

Anonymous 16/09/03(Sat)02:38 No. 20174 ID: c3c6d7

what is the song?

Anonymous 16/09/04(Sun)06:02 No. 20185 ID: f6559c



Anonymous 16/09/04(Sun)07:03 No. 20186 ID: 772537

can some one edit this to make him farting?

Anonymous 16/09/05(Mon)18:53 No. 20192 ID: 8fa1ff

File wqeqw3.swf - (32.18KB )

Short loops work in streaming

Anonymous 16/09/05(Mon)18:55 No. 20193 ID: 8fa1ff

File sdf4.swf - (41.06KB )

Short loops work in streaming

Anonymous 16/09/05(Mon)18:56 No. 20194 ID: 8fa1ff

File eqdas1.swf - (193.02KB )

Short loops work in streaming

Anonymous 16/09/05(Mon)18:57 No. 20195 ID: 8fa1ff

File agm1.swf - (32.36KB )

Short loops work in streaming

Anonymous 16/09/05(Mon)19:04 No. 20196 ID: 8fa1ff

File 443234.swf - (42.67KB )

Short loops work in streaming

Anonymous 16/09/05(Mon)21:00 No. 20198 ID: 13f4d1

very nice
Stream schedule?

Anonymous 16/09/06(Tue)07:07 No. 20201 ID: 4cec42

This looks like it could be R34 for Dick Figures on Youtube...

Anonymous 16/09/06(Tue)10:01 No. 20204 ID: 7d9581

You also seemed to have deleted the link to the stream. Could I get it again?

Anonymous 16/09/06(Tue)23:25 No. 20208 ID: df1a67

This is my fetish. I wish I can also draw and make animations like these

Anonymous 16/09/08(Thu)00:36 No. 20217 ID: df1a67

Please delete this post before cancer gets to his streams

Anonymous 16/09/08(Thu)06:07 No. 20219 ID: 56a9d9

The leg cross is the best part :)

Chexblex 16/09/09(Fri)06:21 No. 20224 ID: f1d02b

Can I get a picture of the background used in the Ankha Flash?

Anonymous 16/09/09(Fri)07:29 No. 20225 ID: 82b014

But anon, all of us are the cancer.

Anonymous 16/09/10(Sat)12:59 No. 20228 ID: 8fa1ff

File BFJ.swf - (46.71KB )


Anonymous 16/09/10(Sat)13:19 No. 20229 ID: c14ebb

Holy fuck.

Jashin 16/09/10(Sat)13:50 No. 20230 ID: c14ebb

I converted to MP4 and added some music :)

Anonymous 16/09/10(Sat)22:40 No. 20231 ID: afa384

the name of the actual tumbrl?

Anonymous 16/09/11(Sun)02:47 No. 20234 ID: 6178b9


Anonymous 16/09/11(Sun)14:05 No. 20239 ID: 8fa1ff

File spoon.swf - (30.70KB )

Short loops work in streaming

Anonymous 16/09/11(Sun)14:19 No. 20240 ID: 8fa1ff

File dobu3.swf - (37.75KB )

if you guys want FLA file
How can I give? :p

Anonymous 16/09/11(Sun)18:43 No. 20241 ID: df1a67

Yeah do it!

Anonymous 16/09/12(Mon)03:50 No. 20247 ID: c57985


Anonymous 16/09/12(Mon)06:59 No. 20248 ID: 64936c


Help for easy upload

I love your work!

Anonymous 16/09/12(Mon)10:44 No. 20249 ID: 32c740

I like this one
There's also http://mega.nz/

Shout out for Iván ;^)

Anonymous 16/09/16(Fri)03:04 No. 20252 ID: ed7729

jigglypapa is his new tumblr by the way

Anonymous 16/09/16(Fri)06:36 No. 20253 ID: 4c99a0

thank you.

Anonymous 16/09/16(Fri)09:48 No. 20254 ID: 3d8667

Cool. Now your message needs deleting ASAP. Can't have the plebians here dirtying it up.

Anonymous 16/09/16(Fri)23:16 No. 20255 ID: 5d3d51

You guys remember Minus8 old Rhythm Heaven Fever animation he did a long time ago?

I had remembered that these 4 did a reaction video and my god is it funny to watch, especially the one on the top left XD
Though it is blurred out. Still it makes me laugh just watching it again

Anonymous 16/09/17(Sat)16:40 No. 20256 ID: a1373f

Reaction videos are garbage.

Figurinha 16/09/18(Sun)00:15 No. 20257 ID: 7069b9

I've actually been watching them for 6 Years already, very underrated show, and yea, it's a reaction video but from before all those shitty reaction channels, it's not even called "reaction" lol.

Anonymous 16/09/18(Sun)00:52 No. 20258 ID: 5ada92


Anonymous 16/09/18(Sun)16:54 No. 20261 ID: 8fa1ff

File re41.swf - (542.69KB )

Anonymous 16/09/18(Sun)16:56 No. 20262 ID: 8fa1ff

File re42.swf - (563.46KB )


Anonymous 16/09/18(Sun)20:42 No. 20263 ID: 846724


Fuck Yes! Finally some new Retsuko stuff and its by -8. Thank you -8, you're the best!

Anonymous 16/09/19(Mon)19:00 No. 20264 ID: 61d056

Let's see if it lasts longer than a week this time.

Anonymous 16/09/24(Sat)18:51 No. 20278 ID: b85490

File dc844-topsy1.swf - (16.70KB )

Anonymous 16/09/24(Sat)18:53 No. 20279 ID: b85490

File dc844-topsy1_mask.swf - (16.74KB )


Anonymous 16/09/25(Sun)06:10 No. 20280 ID: d8f33a

File db8fe9f07cd9c7d31ea4566ff508f41e.swf - (32.40KB )

>No. 20192 who made this? *link unrelated

Anonymous 16/09/25(Sun)11:11 No. 20282 ID: f4ed3f

Holy shit.

Anonymous 16/09/29(Thu)23:35 No. 20292 ID: aa520d

No activity here in a while...

Anonymous 16/09/30(Fri)08:19 No. 20293 ID: 1de453

Jesus Christ it's only been 4 days, how fucking new are you?

Anonymous 16/09/30(Fri)10:56 No. 20294 ID: 440fa8

Bro it has not been a while you impatient fuck!

Anonymous 16/09/30(Fri)11:13 No. 20295 ID: 440fa8

File shyCleanupFinal.swf - (3.54MB )

Here keep yourself busy

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anonymous 16/10/02(Sun)09:35 No. 20300 ID: 2e68c1


Anonymous 16/10/02(Sun)13:31 No. 20301 ID: c14ebb

File 95d2-lam4.swf - (70.33KB )

I'm not Minus8, just uploading his latest flash he posted to tumblr

Anonymous 16/10/02(Sun)18:58 No. 20302 ID: fbd998

Will someone ever do a version of this where her hair is actually teal? Not sure if boogie is partially colorblind or what.

Anonymous 16/10/03(Mon)01:44 No. 20303 ID: 8fa1ff

File lam5.swf - (1.61MB )


Anonymous 16/10/03(Mon)05:10 No. 20304 ID: 8fa1ff

File weqewa3.swf - (1.90MB )


Anonymous 16/10/03(Mon)05:42 No. 20305 ID: c09b72

Nice, though I don't understand the fade overlay. Is it some kind of ability by the character or...?

Did you do this one -8? What character is that?

Anonymous 16/10/03(Mon)06:04 No. 20306 ID: d97229

Isnt that Bea from Fish Hooks?

Anonymous 16/10/03(Mon)06:23 No. 20308 ID: f2957e

The perspective is underwater, anything above water (her face) would be distorted, and that overlay was the best way minus8 could illustrate it.
Yes he made that other flash and i'm pretty sure it's his own OC, either that or an obscure French cartoon. Whatever.

Anon wasn't talking about >>20304, he was talking about >>20279.

Anonymous 16/10/04(Tue)01:03 No. 20310 ID: df1a67

I remember there was another drawn pose, but decided not to do it.

Anonymous 16/10/05(Wed)00:33 No. 20314 ID: d84522

>>20308 The character's an old disney character

Anonymous 16/10/05(Wed)04:54 No. 20315 ID: 98d390


Anyone has the flash of that character showering that minus8 posted on his old blog before deleting it?

Sue Slinger 16/10/05(Wed)04:55 No. 20316 ID: fc26e9

Ivwant to watch this

Anonymous 16/10/05(Wed)08:29 No. 20317 ID: c5c2a6


Anonymous 16/10/05(Wed)15:42 No. 20319 ID: 82c3a0

wow, I love this

-8 i only found you recently (when you drew aria from reiduran) but i think your porn is amazing

I got really sad when I couldnt find you again on tumblr

I hope you can believe in your work more, it's so beautiful and fun

thanks as well to everyone else here who supports -8 too, sorry if i sound like a faggot

Anonymous 16/10/06(Thu)23:12 No. 20322 ID: d84522

He never posted a flash of it, it was always just a gif

Anonymous 16/10/10(Mon)08:22 No. 20325 ID: ec4b3e

Probably not, given not many give a fuck about a dumb needless detail.
However! Maybe my comment will lead an idiot into wasting time on that on an attempt to prove me wrong, maybe not. Who knows.

Anonymous 16/10/10(Mon)20:19 No. 20326 ID: c03c67

Now in /banner/ form:

Anonymous 16/10/11(Tue)08:00 No. 20327 ID: 80aac8

He has ANOTHER new tumblr? Care to post a link?

20327 Anonymous 16/10/11(Tue)23:12 No. 20328 ID: e8b14c

Don't do it or he will delete it again!

Anonymous 16/10/12(Wed)05:28 No. 20329 ID: 2cb387

Read the thread dumbass

Learn how to reply dumbass

Anonymous 16/10/12(Wed)20:34 No. 20331 ID: b83721

Aw bless, leave him, I've never seen someone so bad at image boards in 2016

Anonymous 16/10/14(Fri)07:56 No. 20333 ID: d8dec5

there is

Anonymous 16/10/15(Sat)20:07 No. 20336 ID: 19c41e

it would be great if someone merged these into a single swf

Anonymous 16/10/19(Wed)07:35 No. 20338 ID: 7a8e9b


Anonymous 16/10/20(Thu)02:55 No. 20339 ID: 12f515

what the actual fuck is that shit...

Anonymous 16/10/20(Thu)08:14 No. 20340 ID: e8765a

-8 just told me he will delete his tumblr

Anonymous 16/10/20(Thu)09:48 No. 20341 ID: cb1249

Yup, already deactivated. Wonder where he'll pop up next.

Anonymous 16/10/20(Thu)10:11 No. 20342 ID: 82c3a0


Anonymous 16/10/20(Thu)10:34 No. 20343 ID: 98d390


Fuck, just when he was working on a new Peach animation. Anyone got screencaps of it?

Anonymous 16/10/20(Thu)21:38 No. 20344 ID: fefa51

minus, I love you, but man do I fucking HATE when you keep deleting your sites, it makes it so hard to keep up with your work, and it doesn't even make sense.

Anonymous 16/10/20(Thu)23:30 No. 20345 ID: 6dc61a

Before he deleted his blog, I asked what was the reason he was deleting his blog.

He replied this: http://imgur.com/a/RS9qB

Anonymous 16/10/20(Thu)23:51 No. 20346 ID: fefa51


His reasons are so weird honestly. I guess talented people are bound to be weird.

Anonymous 16/10/21(Fri)17:06 No. 20348 ID: 8fa1ff

File ewer5.swf - (47.66KB )

Anonymous 16/10/21(Fri)19:26 No. 20349 ID: 8fa1ff

If minor has trying to contact my porn
I go away.
You know I'm a coward.

Anonymous 16/10/21(Fri)23:56 No. 20350 ID: 8fa1ff

File PP.swf - (26.53KB )

Anonymous 16/10/22(Sat)00:45 No. 20351 ID: 4c99a0

Love it

Anonymous 16/10/22(Sat)02:01 No. 20352 ID: 0db03a

Anyone got an archive of his THIS one AND THE one before it?

Anonymous 16/10/22(Sat)11:18 No. 20356 ID: f45bf4

So that means the next time he makes a new tumblr don't even tell us his new tumblr. simple right?

Anonymous 16/10/22(Sat)20:51 No. 20358 ID: 8fa1ff

File sb.swf - (2.11MB )


Anonymous 16/10/22(Sat)20:52 No. 20359 ID: 8fa1ff

File sbnc.swf - (2.11MB )


Anonymous 16/10/22(Sat)20:52 No. 20360 ID: df1a67

You are the best

Anonymous 16/10/22(Sat)22:08 No. 20361 ID: df12ef

Good grief.

Anonymous 16/10/23(Sun)00:36 No. 20362 ID: 750c3a

Bless you, I was wondering when you were gonna do another one.

Anonymous 16/10/23(Sun)09:56 No. 20365 ID: bd1fc8


DarkNecroman 16/10/23(Sun)11:16 No. 20367 ID: 8a1267

Not just that. But you will always have adults who get offended by everything. I dont like this cus its offensive, i dont like that cus its offensive. Who is it offensive to? Me. Therefor nobody should be able to see it. That is how the mentaltiy of some people is today. Hell, to these same people sex is offensive. Unless its the gay kind. Cus regular sex.. its haram to them... Fucking crazy people. And they always... ALWAYS are located on places like Tumblr.

Anonymous 16/10/23(Sun)11:26 No. 20368 ID: d33fe1

Gonna empty my balls to these tonight.

Anonymous 16/10/23(Sun)13:35 No. 20369 ID: d33fe1

Wish he added some music to this one.

Anonymous 16/10/23(Sun)18:38 No. 20370 ID: 3a6b72

minus8? That you? Hey, don't worry. The only thing I dislike is how you delete your Tumblr. Makes it hard to keep track of you. So why not just start your own site or stay here in a thread like this? It'd be much easier for all of us, including you, I think.

Holy crap! O_o How is it he does this? Always releasing stuff I never knew I wanted until he made it.
*quietly goes off to find more Sally pr0n*

If this site had an upvote system, I'd give you 20. You are SOOO right.

Anonymous 16/10/23(Sun)18:54 No. 20371 ID: c14ebb

I added some music to it.

Anonymous 16/10/23(Sun)22:34 No. 20373 ID: cc1fcf

is there anyway to make request to -8 if so i want to see a wreck it ralph one

Anonymous 16/10/24(Mon)00:03 No. 20374 ID: a0cea9

what is this song?

Anonymous 16/10/24(Mon)00:58 No. 20375 ID: 846724

The "Maple Leaf Rag" with some Drum and Bass remixed in.

Anonymous 16/10/24(Mon)01:16 No. 20376 ID: bd2ea5

It's The Entertainer

You're retarded

Anonymous 16/10/24(Mon)02:55 No. 20377 ID: 342fca


Anonymous 16/10/24(Mon)11:55 No. 20378 ID: a0cea9

thank you

Anonymous 16/10/24(Mon)12:48 No. 20379 ID: 19c41e

bulgeless version pls?

Anonymous 16/10/24(Mon)19:00 No. 20380 ID: b3b661

I'm enjoying the majority of minus8, though personally I'm not a shota fan. There's a little of a lot of things here, and I am glad I finally found out who made all of those Nintendo flashes to music. Just have to hope that he realizes how good of a person he is someday. Now I've popped my chan cherry, I'll leave.

Anonymous 16/10/26(Wed)06:05 No. 20391 ID: a47ae1


I'm not here for the lewd, I'm here for the music he uses.

So catchy

Anonymous 16/10/26(Wed)18:49 No. 20393 ID: e22b1d

I know that this thread is (mostly) about minus8 flashes and loops, however not a long before deleting his last tumblr he posted some really simple, useful and funny tips for animation using two separate boy and girl loops. And I haven't saved them and can't find anywhere anymore. Could someone post or link them?

Anonymous 16/10/28(Fri)12:00 No. 20397 ID: c36c11

Yeah, I'd love to see him attempt some regular yaoi.

DarkNecroman 16/10/28(Fri)22:27 No. 20398 ID: 8a1267

I got the gifs of those images.. but cant post gifs here it seems.

Anonymous 16/10/29(Sat)07:29 No. 20399 ID: 2fbcb8

So what happened to Couch #6?
I noticed that we jump from Darla at 5 to Suzy at 7.

Anonymous 16/10/29(Sat)09:16 No. 20400 ID: 696aa5


Well gang, it looks like we have another mystery on our hands.


Anonymous 16/10/29(Sat)12:22 No. 20401 ID: e22b1d

Aww. Can't you post them on imgur or any other image hosting? Here you can only upload sfw's

Anonymous 16/10/29(Sat)12:44 No. 20402 ID: 8fa1ff

File mmmi.swf - (26.62KB )

Anonymous 16/10/29(Sat)13:35 No. 20403 ID: d39ed1


Penny from Inspector Gadget

Anonymous 16/10/31(Mon)06:02 No. 20405 ID: b10ece

A hero.

Anonymous 16/10/31(Mon)18:03 No. 20406 ID: c09b72


Anonymous 16/11/03(Thu)03:23 No. 20411 ID: 71dbad

Does anyone know -8's stream schedule?

DarkNecroman 16/11/03(Thu)04:42 No. 20412 ID: 8a1267

Its random. Can be in the middle of the night, or during the day... or whatever.

Anonymous 16/11/03(Thu)14:30 No. 20413 ID: 9c0c0f


with some variations, a cum scene and some music this would be god tier

minus8 16/11/04(Fri)19:37 No. 20416 ID: 96c73b


Anonymous 16/11/05(Sat)16:10 No. 20418 ID: 8fa1ff

File wqeqwqeqe.swf - (17.00KB )


Anonymous 16/11/05(Sat)18:04 No. 20419 ID: df12ef


Anonymous 16/11/05(Sat)23:22 No. 20420 ID: 8459a8

Holy shit m8, do you take commissions or requests?
I never thought I'd visit 7chan again, but I found your image on rule34 paheal and just had to ask!

Anonymous 16/11/06(Sun)00:17 No. 20421 ID: ec51af


No, he doesn't.

Anonymous 16/11/06(Sun)07:11 No. 20422 ID: 368a82

Kind of late to the Undertale party but whatevs, this is really good

Anonymous 16/11/06(Sun)19:24 No. 20423 ID: 092c00

Can somebody put this to the Temmie Village song or something?

Anonymous 16/11/09(Wed)02:13 No. 20424 ID: 0e2642

minus8 should do Tulip from Infinity Train.

Anonymous 16/11/09(Wed)06:59 No. 20425 ID: b451a4

does anyone have the dick figures gif he did not the tit job one the pink one and an oc i can't find it for shit it was on his tumblr and you know how that shit goes

Anonymous 16/11/09(Wed)10:52 No. 20426 ID: 0f3c0a


here ya go, buddy

Anonymous 16/11/09(Wed)19:49 No. 20428 ID: b451a4

>not the tit job one
thanks tho i ment the one on his tumblr that got deleted

Anonymous 16/11/11(Fri)09:44 No. 20431 ID: 8d52ce

the fuck is up with her tits

Anonymous 16/11/11(Fri)12:08 No. 20432 ID: f45bf4

Her tits are being grabbed if thats what your wondering.

Anonymous 16/11/12(Sat)00:43 No. 20434 ID: b3c86e

Sorry if this doesnt work http://imgur.com/3fZDpgk

Link to newest blog? Anonymous 16/11/13(Sun)06:40 No. 20437 ID: 3d25ac

Does anyone know if Minus8 has a new blog up yet, or are we waiting for the next one to pop up?

Anonymous 16/11/13(Sun)06:43 No. 20438 ID: 10559a

i dont think he will tell us this time...

Anonymous 16/11/13(Sun)10:40 No. 20439 ID: e08468

Anyone no where I can find the VODs of his streams?

Anonymous 16/11/13(Sun)12:31 No. 20440 ID: f45bf4

Dude isn't that the reason he keeps deleting his blogs? Don't ask for it dude. You probably won't get an answer.

Anonymous 16/11/13(Sun)16:50 No. 20441 ID: e6af4f

Hey gamers

Anonymous 16/11/13(Sun)17:55 No. 20442 ID: 0e2642

oh no

Anonymous 16/11/14(Mon)12:21 No. 20444 ID: f45bf4

Really? why would you do that? It's like you trying to piss ppl off

Anonymous 16/11/14(Mon)21:53 No. 20445 ID: bd7c8b


What happens?

Anonymous 16/11/14(Mon)22:34 No. 20446 ID: 3a8c74

-8 deletes his new blog every 7 days or so

I think you're essentially shortening that time by flaunting it here

Anonymous 16/11/14(Mon)22:59 No. 20447 ID: 048ecf

Honestly you guys assuming shit based on nothing.
Once again you keep trying to respond shit for him.
He never said he didn't want his tumblr pages posted here.
Moreover, some of you idiots come in here to repeat the same thing over and over.
Even if you are right, if someone already said it. Stfu and stop filling the chat with your cultist behavior.
That said, I take my leave.

Anonymous 16/11/15(Tue)05:01 No. 20448 ID: af0e82


"If minor has trying to contact my porn
I go away.
You know I'm a coward."

He literally gave why in this thread the last time people started bitching about him deleting his account.

Anonymous 16/11/15(Tue)08:22 No. 20449 ID: 5a5b29

also not that one but very welcome
he did the pink character and an oc but then he deleted thanks thou very good fap materiel

Anonymous 16/11/15(Tue)18:29 No. 20450 ID: bd7c8b

Anyone knows if he did a stream last weekend?

Anonymous 16/11/16(Wed)04:08 No. 20452 ID: 34bfb8

he went to draw on youknowwhere (banned word) and did summ stuff
but i have no idea if he did a stream or not

Anonymous 16/11/17(Thu)07:08 No. 20456 ID: 6a08e5

That doesn't even slightly mean that it happened because it was posted here.
He posts porn here ffs. He also posts porn in his tumblr. Think about it for a little bit.

Anonymous 16/11/17(Thu)11:27 No. 20460 ID: f45bf4

the drama between one guy who acts like he knows him and one guy who knows the main reason to why he does this.

Anonymous 16/11/17(Thu)11:39 No. 20461 ID: f45bf4

I guess i should add this but he was being treated like shit and had haters telling him to delete his acc so i back this guy up
But it is true that it may not be because of this site or maybe it is. There are many ways that his contents are spreaded so in the end this drama is between two ppl proving there point.

Anonymous 16/11/18(Fri)05:58 No. 20462 ID: 2c56f9

Just to make clear, because I know my english sucks:
What I tried to say is that the drama gotta end.
I also think no one should respond for him. (Informing that he doesn't do commissions is another story)
All the time some dumbass has to complain about petty and then it becomes a clusterfuck.
For this case, for example, it's not like someone went post his porn or ask for his porn on his personal or work tumblr.
He also posted porn in there so it wouldn't make a difference if it was posted here.
Sorry for the long post, I just suck at making myself clear.

Anonymous 16/11/19(Sat)09:59 No. 20463 ID: 995f20

I want anal fart girl boys flash sex music

Anonymous 16/11/19(Sat)19:55 No. 20465 ID: b2da8b

thread is getting clogged again, admins pls descend upon us again

Anonymous 16/11/23(Wed)10:50 No. 20468 ID: 646665

why is the gif on R34 so different from the flash in terms of water placement?

Anonymous 16/11/26(Sat)11:18 No. 20471 ID: f45bf4

is this thread dead?

Anonymous 16/11/26(Sat)19:11 No. 20473 ID: a5d3d7

It's because of the korean internet censorship laws. The police has legal means to block access to certain websites containing "harmful materials". This includes porn.
porn includes ㅡ8's work.
It is probable that his tumblr is getting blocked and he can't access it without using some shitty VPN. Which is why he's making new blogs so frequently.

Anonymous 16/11/26(Sat)19:24 No. 20474 ID: a5d3d7


Also, There is this "아청법". Law against child pornography which prohibits not only real kiddieporn, but also drawn or fictionalized depiction of minors getting it on. This means you can get into trouble for watching some JAV starring a adult pornstar dressed in a schoolgirl outfit. Or from reading a eromanga with schoolgirl uniform drawn in it.
Not to mention that penalty for distributing illegal porn has increased very much so these years.
Because of this, I'd say ㅡ8 is acting very rationally changing his blog so often. Espesically so that he gained this kind of international cult-fame now.
Even more so getting caught by the police drawing porn could possibly mean social death in Korea. His actions are not at all weird.

So in short, just give him a break. Situation in Korea is pretty shitty.

wowo 465 16/11/28(Mon)17:51 No. 20479 ID: d7621b


Anonymous 16/12/03(Sat)05:18 No. 20482 ID: 0c5a48

his life has gotten alot fucking worse
let us pray that he doesn't get killed out there

Anonymous 16/12/04(Sun)16:06 No. 20483 ID: 674b88

Explain plz?

Anonymous 16/12/05(Mon)10:04 No. 20484 ID: 1951d7

What, did he get caught up with the whole cult controlling South Korea thing?

Anonymous 16/12/08(Thu)22:19 No. 20488 ID: b06420

i think he might be memeing at this point but look

Anonymous 16/12/08(Thu)22:26 No. 20489 ID: b06420

i know you lurk here
cheer the fuck up, everything's gonna be fine

what+if+no+habanero 16/12/08(Thu)22:27 No. 20490 ID: dda3c7

he deactivated his tumblr again

Anonymous 16/12/09(Fri)04:17 No. 20491 ID: 65f857

holy fUCK

Anonymous 16/12/09(Fri)04:40 No. 20492 ID: 65f857

What happened now?

I saw his blog recently and now it just disappears...

Did someone see what was his last posts?

Anonymous 16/12/09(Fri)07:46 No. 20493 ID: 97fda9


Anonymous 16/12/09(Fri)08:38 No. 20494 ID: a51013

File 121qwq.swf - (26.30KB )

notting happen :D

I just tried to fix the tumbler blog error
Accidentally deleted.
Haha I'm lying.

Anonymous 16/12/09(Fri)09:22 No. 20495 ID: a4e243

At this point if it freaks him out so much maybe he should just stop? He either needs a long break or he just totally stop. It's starting to worry me how freaked out he gets and how much more rapid the freak outs are becoming.

Anonymous 16/12/09(Fri)10:48 No. 20496 ID: 674b88

You have anxiety.

Don't worry though.

Whenever you think that people hate you, remember that there are more people who love you.

Anonymous 16/12/09(Fri)22:13 No. 20498 ID: 0222c5


Anonymous 16/12/10(Sat)05:00 No. 20499 ID: f9102a

Any one has this? Any one has swf?

Anonymous 16/12/10(Sat)10:53 No. 20501 ID: 0222c5

I don't know what to say about this...

Anonymous 16/12/11(Sun)05:10 No. 20507 ID: b1f257

-8 reopened his lastest tumblr...

Anonymous 16/12/12(Mon)03:33 No. 20511 ID: 2aeb3a

If you got trouble with tumblr, witch I hear happens a lot
create a gnusocial instance.
And if you fear the laws you can always use Gnunet (tor but better)

here's a small manual if you are interested

Love your art continue the good work.

Anonymous 16/12/12(Mon)05:52 No. 20513 ID: bbaed2

Every time Minus8 gets too much attention on Tumblr he nukes his site. If you're really a fan don't follow his page and just save the url or something.

Anonymous 16/12/12(Mon)15:09 No. 20514 ID: 5d3337

I think you all got the wrong idea. He might be deleting his tumblr to cover his tracks. If he's constantly changing locations, it's harder for them arseholes over there to find his porn. I think his emotional posts are a running joke.

Anonymous 16/12/12(Mon)18:22 No. 20515 ID: 8fa1ff

File msf.swf - (2.36MB )


Anonymous 16/12/12(Mon)18:48 No. 20516 ID: 0ba68d


Anonymous 16/12/12(Mon)19:00 No. 20517 ID: 82c3a0


i like pigtails the most

Anonymous 16/12/12(Mon)19:26 No. 20518 ID: 6b6c17

Your work is one of the most squeezed my semen in my life,minus8

Anonymous 16/12/12(Mon)21:10 No. 20519 ID: 674b88

It's really good :)

It's kind of heavy though XD
My computer is REALLY good but it still lags at times.

Thanks for coming back :)

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)02:50 No. 20521 ID: 5a1e7e

dem butts!

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)03:27 No. 20522 ID: bada9b

I just want you to know m8 that every time I see a new submission, especially one of the long ones (Ankha, rythm heaven, koopa girl, mabel, etc) my day gets 100x better and I wake up feeling great the next morning

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)03:28 No. 20523 ID: bada9b

Meant Bon Bon but that too

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)03:33 No. 20524 ID: f8d674

Why is -8 so godlike goddamn
Best of luck my man

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)07:05 No. 20525 ID: 674b88

I'm these two guys.

I just wanted to let you guys to know that if you're like me and the flash is slowing down or having problems, I made a video version of it.

Here it is :)


You can download it directly from here:

Thanks again Minus8 :)

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)07:16 No. 20526 ID: 7f3f68


This is great. Any chance of separate versions with each character?

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)08:49 No. 20528 ID: 899863

File Sprite_312.swf - (65.63KB , Sprite 312.swf )

Good stuff like always!

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)09:05 No. 20529 ID: 068bb5

Making it so it doesn't repeat the same character twice in a row would be cool, but hey.

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)11:40 No. 20530 ID: 561355

link to the full song
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anw6cFmR9hM&index=8&list=RDJaLpzyw4q3w <<

Anonymous 16/12/13(Tue)21:41 No. 20531 ID: 6652f7

Would also love it if we could separate them out! Otherwise, this. is. the. SHIIIIT!!!!

(as in awesome. This is awesome.. thank you.)

Anonymous 16/12/14(Wed)11:20 No. 20532 ID: c2ce7c

File msf_charselect.swf - (2.36MB )


made a quick hack of this drunk af. hold down the number keys 1 through 6 to control which girl it is.

-8 i love you a lot. sorry for ruining your art. please keep making it.

extra Rosebank Anonymous 16/12/14(Wed)11:38 No. 20533 ID: 44a37d

nice but I wish I didn't have to hold it.

Anonymous 16/12/14(Wed)12:07 No. 20534 ID: c2ce7c

File msf_charselect_2.swf - (2.36MB )


your wish is my command, dude.

it still only polls keyboard events at the start of each animation. so just hold down the key for a little bit.

Anonymous 16/12/14(Wed)17:14 No. 20535 ID: 8fa1ff

File tems.swf - (5.89MB )

:3 hoi

Anonymous 16/12/14(Wed)18:34 No. 20536 ID: 82c3a0


i love you

Anonymous 16/12/14(Wed)18:49 No. 20537 ID: 59386c


im stunned

fucking incredible

Anonymous 16/12/14(Wed)22:16 No. 20538 ID: 7069b9

You are a fucking God.

Anonymous 16/12/14(Wed)22:35 No. 20540 ID: 0964e5

i cant help my laugh at this faping is not posible

Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)00:15 No. 20541 ID: c3d512


Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)04:52 No. 20546 ID: cc4cc1


Amazing! Sasuga minus8

Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)05:04 No. 20547 ID: 6f4b2a

2 godlike flashes in like 2 days wtf

Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)06:29 No. 20548 ID: 674b88

Making the vid right now. It looks great, but I'm curious. What's with the shading in the BJ scene?

Is this unfinished? Is there gonna be more XD?

Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)06:59 No. 20549 ID: 674b88


Ok so it's done. Sorry I kind of had the bitrate a little too high so the filesize is kinda big.

Here it is on PH: http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph58521473ab46d

And DDL: https://www.mediafire.com/?msh6trmnmy8bi92

Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)07:13 No. 20550 ID: f2e5c5

Any one has this file

Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)07:34 No. 20551 ID: e83607


Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)11:13 No. 20552 ID: 49537e

But who did the voice acting?

Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)15:44 No. 20553 ID: 03e532

it was featured on e621 sooner than on here, so it could of been a fan flash

its not common for minus8 to use voiced dialog

Anonymous 16/12/15(Thu)22:13 No. 20571 ID: 4a72db

some yume nikki maybe?
that'd be so great

Anonymous 16/12/16(Fri)01:52 No. 20598 ID: bbc80f

This is easily said Minus 8 is the Hideo Kojima of Porn Animation

Anonymous 16/12/16(Fri)06:14 No. 20600 ID: a8ada9

I don't even like this meme game but this animation is gr8

Anonymous 16/12/16(Fri)10:59 No. 20603 ID: f35cf7

you're saying he's shit?

Anonymous 16/12/16(Fri)14:01 No. 20607 ID: 4d3e9e

Oh man it's great!

Anonymous 16/12/16(Fri)15:07 No. 20608 ID: 9e60d5

he's saying you're idiot

Anonymous 16/12/16(Fri)20:13 No. 20612 ID: b90007

Holy shiz, really, msf getting attention, couldn't be happier rn

Anonymous 16/12/17(Sat)07:23 No. 20619 ID: 1951d7

What is MSF exactly? I can't find anything relevant when I try to look it up. The only acronym that comes to mind is Militaires Sans Frontieres and I don't think this is a Metal Gear flash, lol.

Anonymous 16/12/17(Sat)08:15 No. 20620 ID: 04c411

Mighty Switch Force

Anonymous 16/12/18(Sun)09:03 No. 20626 ID: f9102a


Anonymous 16/12/18(Sun)17:45 No. 20630 ID: d7f514

Fuck, this mascot is damn cute, I need more.

Anonymous 16/12/19(Mon)23:44 No. 20633 ID: af3554

I second this

Anonymous 16/12/20(Tue)02:06 No. 20634 ID: e36ba1

I also second this

Anonymous 16/12/20(Tue)09:33 No. 20635 ID: 9cd8bb

It would be nice to maybe see some Sun and Moon stuff. Love your work by the way, you are incredibly talented.

Anonymous 16/12/20(Tue)10:39 No. 20636 ID: 1a7ed1

All yall newfags making requests don't know the first thing about minus8

Anonymous 16/12/20(Tue)10:54 No. 20637 ID: f45bf4

I don't think he takes request and never will. He does what he wants so let's be happy with his work ok ppl?

Anonymous 16/12/21(Wed)18:52 No. 20643 ID: 90a250

Fucking this. Yume Nikki would be perfect for a short loop.

Meme Man 16/12/22(Thu)01:51 No. 20644 ID: b90007

Yo -8, you know that Shantae: Half-Genie Hero just released yesterday, righto?

If you're not one of those to do fanart of the game they've not played...

Just tellin' tho, i know you don't take requests

Anonymous 16/12/22(Thu)07:51 No. 20645 ID: e69e2b

Yume nikki would be nice i second this

Suggestions... Anonymous 16/12/22(Thu)08:46 No. 20646 ID: 738131

As long as we're sticking to the Loli Stuff like DeDe, Audrey, Lisa, Darla, Penny, D.W., Suzy and Sally, other options I'm throwing out are Mabel, Candy or Pacifica from Gravity Falls or Gretchen from Camp Lakebottom.

These are just ideas, though. And besides, as a fellow artist myself, if I'm REALLY desperate to see some porn of them, I could just draw them myself. But Minus8's style is way more flexible and accurate. I love em!

Anonymous 16/12/22(Thu)22:19 No. 20648 ID: 8fa1ff

File top4.swf - (66.38KB )


Anonymous 16/12/22(Thu)22:19 No. 20649 ID: 8fa1ff

File top5.swf - (71.96KB )


Anonymous 16/12/22(Thu)22:50 No. 20650 ID: d94a17


Anonymous 16/12/23(Fri)04:51 No. 20651 ID: 7441b0

>Hey minus8 I know you have said repeatedly that you do not take requests under any circumstances but please do this request for me!
Fuck off.

Anonymous 16/12/23(Fri)09:16 No. 20652 ID: 9f12d4

Your pretty much ARE requesting him to do that you know that right?

Anonymous 16/12/23(Fri)09:22 No. 20653 ID: d13bbc


Hey so I wanted to ask this for awhile now so I might as well ask it now. How do you feel about Bomberman?

Anonymous 16/12/23(Fri)09:22 No. 20654 ID: d13bbc


Hey so I wanted to ask this for awhile now so I might as well ask it now. How do you feel about Bomberman?

Anonymous 16/12/23(Fri)09:22 No. 20655 ID: d13bbc


Hey so I wanted to ask this for awhile now so I might as well ask it now. How do you feel about Bomberman?

Anonymous 16/12/23(Fri)10:37 No. 20656 ID: f45bf4

why do that three times?

Anonymous 16/12/23(Fri)11:02 No. 20657 ID: d13bbc


Sorry first time posting here and I kind of fucked up.

Anonymous 16/12/24(Sat)05:51 No. 20658 ID: fe747a

Yes! 1,000x Yes!

Anonymous 16/12/24(Sat)23:22 No. 20659 ID: 0f7ad2



Also, Shantae is one of Minus8's popular projects. The release of Shantae: Half-Genie Hero would possibly make him do more projects of Shantae, since the game is in a HD quality.

Anonymous 16/12/25(Sun)04:07 No. 20660 ID: 7a4ccb

Look, it's another of those weird cultists who think they can answer for other people and always clog this thread with petty arguments and hissy fits.

Anonymous 16/12/25(Sun)09:10 No. 20661 ID: 67ab6e

>restating what minus8 has said several times now means I'm answering for him
Are you baiting or just retarded? Fuck off.

Anonymous 16/12/25(Sun)11:22 No. 20662 ID: 893b7b


Anonymous 16/12/25(Sun)11:32 No. 20663 ID: 0f7ad2


there's a difference between suggesting and requesting.

Anonymous 16/12/25(Sun)20:53 No. 20664 ID: a8773d

If minus8 is reading this, i hope you give daisy the full-length flash treatment you gave to peach and rosalina with "1-up.swf" and "not_new.swf".

I've tried so hard to edit your files but i can't seem to crack them like the other have, so i'm just left to use my imagination.

She's really a unique character and i'm certain your creative genius can do her justice beyond anything we've seen before :)

Anonymous 16/12/26(Mon)13:32 No. 20665 ID: 865ca8

>literally just a more annoying peach

Anonymous 16/12/26(Mon)14:36 No. 20666 ID: 865ca8

hell yeah, motherfucker

Anonymous 16/12/26(Mon)19:26 No. 20667 ID: b90007


Anonymous 16/12/26(Mon)19:26 No. 20668 ID: b90007


Anonymous 16/12/27(Tue)17:25 No. 20671 ID: 3cca56

Meh, nothing very good lately

Anonymous 16/12/27(Tue)18:19 No. 20673 ID: 053a15

we're talking porn here. there's so many directions you could go with daisy, it's the potential that's driving me crazy.

peach and rosey are quite one-dimensional, but daisy? she's on a whole different level of lewd. i just hope it's not dickgirl.

futa daisy is worst daisy.

Anonymous 16/12/28(Wed)02:43 No. 20676 ID: 2b9b73

but not really though

"hey man have you thought about drawing lisa from the simpsons? ITS NOT LIKE I WANT YOU TO DO IT OR ANYTHING LEL"

Anonymous 16/12/28(Wed)08:31 No. 20677 ID: 674b88

He already did.

Anonymous 16/12/28(Wed)20:15 No. 20679 ID: 0f7ad2


Requesting is when you ask for people to do stuff. Suggesting is to recommend the person to do it.

For example, if I wanted to request a swf of Ellie, I would say "Please do Ellie from Last Of Us!!!"

For suggesting, I would say
"Ellie from Last of Us would be a good idea."

But yes, it's up to Minus8 to do whatever he wants.

Anonymous 16/12/28(Wed)21:12 No. 20680 ID: 053a15

unfortunately that's the best she got. it looked rushed and was a bit too fast to fap to the beat, unlike the other slower flashes.

Anonymous 16/12/29(Thu)23:56 No. 20681 ID: c6ab53

YOU fuck off with your stupid cultism.
You think you are being solution to a problem when you are being a big of it.
Doesn't matter whether he said it before, you are answering for him.
Keep it to yourself. Like said many times, learn to ignore.
Leaving the idiots aside, would be nice if a mod came to clean up the irrelevant part once again.

Anonymous 16/12/30(Fri)00:01 No. 20683 ID: 8fa1ff

File ISAA.swf - (132.19KB )

Anonymous 16/12/30(Fri)01:00 No. 20684 ID: 3d7235



Anonymous 16/12/30(Fri)01:09 No. 20685 ID: 2dc4b6

thanks -8

Anonymous 16/12/30(Fri)03:22 No. 20686 ID: 674b88

This one's short so I won't make a video, but those expressions she makes are really cute.

Also minus8 went with a blue penis this time XD. Hope that's not why I think it is...

Either way it's a really good animation.

Anonymous 16/12/30(Fri)04:04 No. 20687 ID: 780f01


She's not naked and it's not a white dude, but those are personal preferences rather than problems.

I'm still hard as fuck.

Anonymous 16/12/30(Fri)06:10 No. 20689 ID: 39a4fd

Please restate for all the idiots that can't read that you don't take requests. They've started shitting up the thread again and cry whenever someone tells them to fuck off.

Anonymous 16/12/30(Fri)06:30 No. 20691 ID: acfeb2

topless version plz?...;3

Anonymous 16/12/30(Fri)11:53 No. 20692 ID: f45bf4

wonder if someone will make a version where you see her whole body and not moving up and down.

Anonymous 16/12/31(Sat)03:58 No. 20693 ID: 559684

You must be new here

Anonymous 16/12/31(Sat)09:31 No. 20694 ID: bea8b6

is this -8?

Anonymous 16/12/31(Sat)10:39 No. 20695 ID: 43159b


Yes and no.

Anonymous 16/12/31(Sat)20:06 No. 20697 ID: a7fddd

That's Peachypop34 who does edits of minus8 and animations similar to minus8. She just released that alongside a tittyfuck animation of her cartoon avatar. She did the Shygal edits of Koopa girl anim and the multiple sex pose animation.

Anonymous 17/01/01(Sun)07:15 No. 20698 ID: e6641e

Is this even legal?

Anonymous 17/01/01(Sun)10:15 No. 20699 ID: 8fa1ff

File PF.swf - (1.66MB )

Loop shit again :D

Anonymous 17/01/01(Sun)10:27 No. 20700 ID: ff31d0

Thank ye

Anonymous 17/01/01(Sun)11:20 No. 20701 ID: f45bf4

she did say that she does re-skin and im pretty sure she says it belongs to him. I think as long as she doesn't say it's her work and gives credit to minus8 i think it's ok....though sadly i don't know copyright laws so maybe someone who know this kind of stuff and answer your question

Anonymous 17/01/01(Sun)12:44 No. 20702 ID: eb026b

good shit, happy new year!

Anonymous 17/01/01(Sun)18:37 No. 20704 ID: cda032

nice work as always!

Anonymous 17/01/01(Sun)18:44 No. 20705 ID: 8fa1ff

File ore.swf - (33.50KB )

Short loop thing
Happy new year :)

Anonymous 17/01/01(Sun)20:23 No. 20706 ID: 5a1e7e


Anonymous 17/01/01(Sun)21:42 No. 20707 ID: 03e968

You're the man

Anonymous 17/01/01(Sun)22:37 No. 20709 ID: b430d1

File sprite95.swf - (45.81KB )


Anonymous 17/01/02(Mon)09:40 No. 20711 ID: e4d6d7

Thanks, and Happy New Year!

Anonymous 17/01/02(Mon)22:05 No. 20712 ID: 761d11

I thought only my tongue was so long :DDD
Happy new year -8!!!

Anonymous 17/01/03(Tue)00:33 No. 20713 ID: 3e47fd

>No bra.
Into the trash.

Anonymous 17/01/03(Tue)07:43 No. 20714 ID: 8654c8

Oh my hot oreo love this is sexy love her design~ Happy new years -8

Anonymous 17/01/04(Wed)12:27 No. 20717 ID: f45bf4

so...is this some kind of oreo thing?

Anonymous 17/01/04(Wed)12:30 No. 20718 ID: 2488d1

Please make another music video flash -8

Anonymous 17/01/07(Sat)22:14 No. 20732 ID: 0856b1

That's really nice, thanks for sharing.

Anonymous 17/01/08(Sun)11:18 No. 20733 ID: d750de

I mean the guy was directly responding to someone asking for topless
that said, any still cam edits with her cute bra?

Anonymous 17/01/08(Sun)19:17 No. 20734 ID: 7a11d4

File isabelleStillcam.swf - (121.48KB )

>>20713 >>20733
Here ya go, lads.

Anonymous 17/01/08(Sun)22:43 No. 20737 ID: df20d1

Thank you based -8. Hope 2017 is a good year for you.

Anonymous 17/01/08(Sun)22:44 No. 20738 ID: d750de

love you mang

Anonymous 17/01/11(Wed)01:04 No. 20742 ID: 1951d7

I think it's the literal world licking a personification of the new year.

Anonymous 17/01/11(Wed)03:28 No. 20743 ID: 48b4fc

The filename is "ore.swf".
It's an Oreo.

Anonymous 17/01/11(Wed)07:05 No. 20745 ID: 9ca664

These flashes just keep getting better and better. Honestly, if I were to be asked a favorite, I wouldn't know what to choose.

Anonymous 17/01/11(Wed)07:06 No. 20746 ID: 9ca664

Heck, even a least favorite one...

Anonymous 17/01/12(Thu)00:02 No. 20748 ID: 8cc531

-8 i love your music for the dw flash
I honestly never have fapped to a song before
I would like to know the original song -8 please. Or if you made it can you upload a file of it?

it's the song that says "do it again" i think. Yeah I love the music.

Anonymous 17/01/12(Thu)06:27 No. 20751 ID: ffaeb8

Specifically the Oreo O's cereal mascot, that's apprently still sold in Korea.

Anonymous 17/01/12(Thu)11:23 No. 20752 ID: f45bf4

oh yeah...i remember that mascot.
Seems like minus8 made him a female one.

Anonymous 17/01/14(Sat)04:32 No. 20753 ID: 30d9f3

has anyone seen an animation of this character
on his last tumblr before it got nuked jigglypapa i think it was along side a mime stick figure animation
i ask the man himself and said he didn't make but i think he rebloged it and i can't find it for SHIT

Anonymous 17/01/14(Sat)08:47 No. 20754 ID: 7a11d4

File spoonBulgeless.swf - (29.78KB )

Bulgeless edit of that one Marceline flash he did a while ago. Also removed naval bc couldn't make it stop spazzing.

Also, tribute to Minus8, after seeing his oreo loop. Tried what I could, enjoy I guess

Anonymous 17/01/15(Sun)10:58 No. 20755 ID: 7ff8de

It's a character from a series called "Dick Figures" you can find it on youtube. This is a secondary character though that just shows up now and then.

Anonymous 17/01/15(Sun)22:57 No. 20756 ID: f980f5

Got a character you might be interested in, -8.


Burnbot from Hotdiggitydemon's new show "Brain Dump".

Anonymous 17/01/16(Mon)05:39 No. 20757 ID: 47f813

show this to -8 when he's streaming

Anonymous 17/01/17(Tue)14:03 No. 20758 ID: ea891e

Saw this and thought "Well, if minus8 was going to sexualise the new Nintendo console..."

Anonymous 17/01/17(Tue)17:16 No. 20759 ID: c355c0

He's put up several gifs on his tumblr. Does he host his original flashes anywhere, or do we have to wait until he comes back?

Anonymous 17/01/18(Wed)01:03 No. 20760 ID: 2ab599

he thinks we hate him

Anonymous 17/01/18(Wed)01:05 No. 20761 ID: 0835cc

looks like shit... minus have done one draw of switch dogge way... WAY better.

what is his actual tumbrl anyway?

Anonymous 17/01/18(Wed)12:29 No. 20762 ID: f45bf4

he doesn't have one anymore. keeps deleting them.
ask the people here. i completly forgot why.
I think it's because of the hate that ppl are saying to him but.....ask the experts

Anonymous 17/01/18(Wed)18:02 No. 20763 ID: 2ab599


Anonymous 17/01/18(Wed)18:25 No. 20764 ID: 2ab599

and now he's screwing up my dashboard with 1's

Anonymous 17/01/19(Thu)03:50 No. 20765 ID: c831d1

minus8 didn't draw that one. It's the joke going around, that the new Switch JoyCon Grip looks like a puppy dog's face.

Anonymous 17/01/19(Thu)11:52 No. 20767 ID: f45bf4

oh....so...thats it?
well i don't know how you found it but....ok then

Anonymous 17/01/19(Thu)15:31 No. 20768 ID: 0835cc

i know he didnt create it, but he already draw a switch dogge n stream... cosplaying isabelle... was so cute

Anonymous 17/01/20(Fri)06:24 No. 20771 ID: eac555

I don't remember that...link?

Anonymous 17/01/20(Fri)10:33 No. 20772 ID: b34aed

meant the porn animation of her getting railed by a disembody penis
and you can see the indention of said penis
when it goes in thanks tho

Anonymous 17/01/20(Fri)23:53 No. 20773 ID: bde27d

where's the swf of this one?


Anonymous 17/01/21(Sat)20:36 No. 20774 ID: 983ff6

probably only a gif. that resolution and quality is basically the format for uploading to tumblr.

he did the same thing with the not_new teaser. could this be a flash in the works? probably not, since we've seen other gifs of this scene before.

Anonymous 17/01/22(Sun)13:18 No. 20776 ID: 8fa1ff

File tj.swf - (50.14KB )


Anonymous 17/01/22(Sun)13:45 No. 20778 ID: 2203fb

It's good, different and unexpected but good nonetheless.

Anonymous 17/01/22(Sun)18:26 No. 20779 ID: 5a1791

somewhat good but keep it up

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)00:16 No. 20780 ID: d4fce0

that 1up is cool

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)02:29 No. 20781 ID: a1301e

Excellent job my man, keep it up

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)02:45 No. 20782 ID: 9deac4


Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)05:25 No. 20784 ID: 1987bb

aaaaand another minor has come across -8's tumblr

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)05:45 No. 20785 ID: f45bf4

Damn minors keeps going to his blog forcing him to delete his blogs.

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)11:27 No. 20786 ID: 1951d7

>tfw minus8 thinks we hate him because of the occasional shitposters

Anonymous 17/01/23(Mon)11:27 No. 20787 ID: 1951d7

>tfw minus8 thinks we hate him because of the occasional shitposters

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)16:18 No. 20790 ID: 8fa1ff

File rp.swf - (36.10KB )

Short loop

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)17:19 No. 20791 ID: 8fa1ff

File goome.swf - (623.67KB )

Short loop

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)17:35 No. 20792 ID: 8fa1ff

File zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.swf - (1.90MB )

short loop

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)17:38 No. 20793 ID: 8fa1ff

File gum_pussy.swf - (43.78KB , gum pussy.swf )

short loop

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)20:45 No. 20794 ID: ddaa68

cannot tell if it is fin or not

Anonymous 17/01/24(Tue)21:41 No. 20795 ID: 0551d2


Anonymous 17/01/25(Wed)20:43 No. 20797 ID: 8fa1ff

File mmmi_mmm.swf - (26.89KB , mmmi mmm.swf )


Anonymous 17/01/25(Wed)20:44 No. 20798 ID: 8fa1ff

File mmmi_ggggg.swf - (26.62KB , mmmi ggggg.swf )


Anonymous 17/01/26(Thu)02:37 No. 20799 ID: 0e07ee

Awesome -8! You're the best!

Anonymous 17/01/26(Thu)03:24 No. 20800 ID: 56d04a

Thank you!

Anonymous 17/01/26(Thu)10:46 No. 20801 ID: 72fab6

Can you make one with the suit still on?

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)01:48 No. 20802 ID: 0856b1

good thighjob

Mii KB 17/01/27(Fri)06:52 No. 20803 ID: 94603c

File mmmi_m+g.swf - (26.49KB )


Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)11:50 No. 20809 ID: 4ee197

I heavily request a cum ending.

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)12:41 No. 20810 ID: e2d4e0

this just in, minus8 is still a gigantic faggot who is an unstable emotional wreck at the drop of a hat no matter how much you suck his dick and try to inflate his ego to immense proportions like he wants. Spamming the same message on tumblr roughly 171 times in a row with no context or given reason.

I love the kind of stuff you make as well as the flashes you do. The charm behind your art is easily distinguishable and unique. But fuck you need to learn how to be an adult instead of throwing child tantrums all the time.

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)13:13 No. 20811 ID: 12fa37

Minus8's streaming and some autist didn't like how he was drawing his badly designed OC so Minus8's OWN autism kicked in and he went into a bitch fit.

It's still stupid, but there is context.

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)13:35 No. 20812 ID: e2d4e0

even in context you cant really justify his actions. i like how he doesnt like to be called baby or considered a child but he sure does like acting like a child at every chance he gets. I like how he was literally going to delete his account over this, couldnt because he forgot his password, demanded people to report him or he'll spam every day, had the problem solved, and is now slightly upset because someone did report him and he didnt want to anymore. How does minus8 even fucking function as a living being with that kind of unstable nature. If you gave him a gun and there was a problem his first reaction would probably be to just instantly kill the source of the problem because its the fastest.

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)13:55 No. 20813 ID: fdcc20

File msf_edit.swf - (749.91KB )

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)14:23 No. 20814 ID: 469260

Whats this, the Randomizes Every 10 switches version?

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)14:56 No. 20815 ID: 674b88

It's a darker skinned dude.
Oh man. Are we really gonna start another stupid internet argument T_T

I think it's an edit of the version where holding the number keys changes the girls.

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)16:18 No. 20816 ID: e6e153

Well.....I don't know what will happen next.

I hope he calms down

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)16:42 No. 20817 ID: 674b88

My tumblr dashboard was just filled with random minus8 drama.

It's sad to see this keep happening. How do his haters keep finding him?

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)17:44 No. 20818 ID: e6e153

it wasn't his haters. look >>20811

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)20:08 No. 20819 ID: 4f880c

The hell is that!? All I can see is orange... :/

Anonymous 17/01/27(Fri)21:48 No. 20820 ID: e2d4e0

its fans like you that need to stop sucking up to him like hes really that great of a person. this isnt the first time hes threw a fit over the smallest thing. hes always been such a man child that if he doesnt get his way he'll make sure everyone knows it by throwing a tantrum

Anonymous 17/01/28(Sat)06:34 No. 20823 ID: 61bb39

File ~Minus_8_-_Koopa_Girl(Edit).swf - (636.75KB )


Anonymous 17/01/28(Sat)10:59 No. 20824 ID: bb5288

BWAHAHAH NIGGER have fake penis and no balls

Anonymous 17/01/28(Sat)11:23 No. 20825 ID: 1e6a1c

Do you perhaps suffer from autism?

Anonymous 17/01/28(Sat)14:23 No. 20826 ID: 18eeb3

More chocolate please.

Anonymous 17/01/28(Sat)18:22 No. 20827 ID: 5a1e7e

Do the Ashley one

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)03:26 No. 20828 ID: 6e4ad7

Unfortunately i cant decompile it without some motions messing up. Its weird. Everything works fine fine except one of the guys leg twitching back and forth.

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)06:20 No. 20829 ID: 82c3a0

actually it's retards like you that think you're owed some kind of professional facade from an hobby artist. are you fucking serious? nobody is asking you to suck anyone's dick but if you want to look at the art without reading the kind of blog-drama you want to police then get the fuck off tumblr and wank on a regular pornographic website you fucking crybaby bitches.

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)08:14 No. 20830 ID: 43159b


Can you edit this one? >>20776

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)09:08 No. 20832 ID: 6e4ad7

File ~tj(edit).swf - (51.03KB )


Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)17:40 No. 20833 ID: 5a1e7e

Rhythm Heaven pls

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)18:40 No. 20834 ID: ffe51e


Sadly this, his art is gorgeous and I love it, fapped to it many times but he acts too much like a little kid.

I cant even remember how many times he deleted his tumblr and created a new one over and over again. Every god damn time something is not going the way he wants he throws a fit

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)18:51 No. 20835 ID: ffe51e


Minus8 got super upset when a person told him to draw his OC in a different way. ANd since Minus8 cant handle any sort of criticism he threw a fit. You can see it all the time on his tumblr, people try to give him some sort of advice or anything and he takes it as a assult on him.

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)22:07 No. 20836 ID: b6b083

No one is "expecting a professional facade". We're just disappointed that he's a grown ass man who is incapable of not throwing childish tantrums at the drop of a hat.

His tumblr/this thread are the best places to find his new work. When he's constantly sabotaging his tumblr over dumb bullshit, it makes it hard to follow his work.

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)22:53 No. 20837 ID: e512fd

The biggest problem with that is that i might kill myself before I finish editing all that.

Anonymous 17/01/29(Sun)23:43 No. 20839 ID: 45ab6d

I would suck Minus8s dick in reality if I could. I find his personality cute.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)01:13 No. 20840 ID: 81baab

He has a boyfriend ’д‘

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)02:46 No. 20841 ID: 5a1e7e

how about the Ankha one

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)05:40 No. 20843 ID: 3b9cb4

Unfortunately i cant decompile it properly.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)06:33 No. 20844 ID: 43159b


Fuck HTDMason for causing this shit. Fuck him with a rusty rake, goddamn fucking entitled spergs, this is why we can't have nice things.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)06:49 No. 20845 ID: b4a586

I can't seem to get it to switch even when I hold it. Is there something I'm not getting?

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)08:06 No. 20846 ID: e2d4e0

its funny that you call people who call out minus8's childish antics the crybabies instead of the guy who can literally take no criticism. There is literally nothing "entitled" about calling out someone for acting like a baby. The dude threw a fit and posted the same message 171 times. Let that sink in, he went through the effort to post the same message 171 times instead of talking about it, spammed the same message about 10 times to get people to delete his tumblr for him because hes too retarded to remember his own password or use his browser to save it for him, and then when HTDmason actually apologized in his stream and didn't mean to upset him, minus8 got a little upset because he did get reported and didn't want to since there wasn't a problem anymore. He blew everything out of proportion, threw a fit like a fucking child, and instead of trying to talk about it and solve the problem he crys like a brat, and here you are white knighting him even though literally everything we called him out on is 100% true and isn't even the first time hes done this.

you retards who blindly defend anyone you like, even though they will literally never notice you or care who you are, are the reasons many artists get inflated egos and can get away with shit without repercussions.

Minus8 is a spastic sperglord that flips his shit as soon as something doesn't go his way. Hes emotionally unstable and pretty much an adult man child who cant handle the real world. Its surprising to me that he actually has a job in animation without breaking down and getting fired for his poor attitude. Then again he might treat his professional life a little differently, who knows, I'm not one to say. I'm not saying he has to conform to my rules of mannerisms but I'll be damned if you can prove that he isnt exactly what we just called him out on. You try to paint minus8 as this perfect being simply because hes pretty decent at flash animation in a way thats appealing when really, even though his art, animations, and concepts are good, his attitude is literally the opposite.

Its funny that you guys are actually white knighting minus8 when he has publicly and explicitly stated that he doesn't give a shit about his fans.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)08:44 No. 20847 ID: 82c3a0

white knighting is a funny word for calling out retarded cunts. you're as big a crybaby as you accuse minus of being and I'm not even saying he's not one. just point out the absolute impotent rage some of you dorks have over being "forced" to scroll past some things that weren't free porn. you entitled fuckwit.

like I said, get off tumblr if you dont want drama. moreover, dont import the fucking drama here if you dont want it. you're literally just betraying how fucking dependent on social media you are to tell you how you feel about things. if you weren't exactly as huge a fucking beta as the people you are accusing of being white knights you would shut the fuck up, jerk off to the cartoon porn and bugger off. but you didn't, you dickless abomination. you cannot rebut how fucking useless you are no matter how many words you shit out.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)08:49 No. 20848 ID: 82c3a0

that and HTDmason is a goddamn sperglord who never shuts the fuck up and constantly requests his or his autistic friends OCs to be drawn in "trades" for his godawful MSpaint scribbles and yet even he is usually welcome in the retarded little world of minus8. I dont care what happens on tumblr I just want to watch the fucking art streams in peace and yet children like yourself and others in this thread take it upon themselves to turn every social sleight into some kind of justice movement like a bunch of fat lesbians. just fucking ignore it and go on with your life if you dont want to engage that sort of behaviour. it doesnt make you look better than the person you are decrying, it makes you look equally as pathetic. jesus christ.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)10:30 No. 20849 ID: e2d4e0

>i'll just say he lives on tumblr
>everyone hates tumblr so i win

wew lads, also its portraying, not betraying, get it right faggot. Also its kind of funny that tumblr is your only argument here. I fail to see how using tumblr shows dependency on social media when literally anyone can use any social media platform for any amount of period but i suppose if you're a brain dead retarded sheep who follows the herd and cant develop your own opinion you'll just choose to follow what others say about tumblr or any other site for that matter. Yeah its shit but its also a good platform for keeping up on artists as well as posting creations in a manner not found elsewhere.

This literally isnt even the first time drama about his tumblr has been brought up here and only now are you throwing a fit about it.

>i'll just call him a beta and a bunch of other insults
>that means i win, right?

You cannot rebut how fucking upset you are no matter how many words you shit out.

I don't disagree with that, HTDmason sure seems like that kind of shit head but that fact doesn't erase the fact that minus8 is just as big of a shithead.

This is a thread made by minus8, for minus8, about minus8, and if you cant handle the shit that comes with the good then fuck right off. Its going to happen, as its happened before. You tell others to ignore it yet you yourselves can not do the same.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)10:48 No. 20850 ID: 82c3a0

no, it's betraying, because you clearly wanted to keep it a secret you confused little girl

tumblr is YOUR only argument by the way. I use it all the time to follow art, but thats it. I dont throw a fucking hissy fit when someone isn't catering directly to my specific interests and not posting anything else. there's literally nowhere else that he does the shit you and the rest of the thread is complaining about besides tumblr and picarto and yet for some reason that justifies character judgements far beyond your ability to comprehend a person's character since you dont have one of your own and rely on social media and other outlets to feel more interesting than you are.

>>I don't disagree with that, HTDmason sure seems like that kind of shit head but that fact doesn't erase the fact that minus8 is just as big of a shithead.

yeah, thanks for repeating my point back at me. my point being that you too are just as big a screaming shithead as the people you are pointing fingers at and anyone else you happened to catch in the crossfire of your furious masturbatory attempts to look better than someone else on the fucking internet. you pathetic attempt at a human.

you think this is about winning. that's how I know you aren't an adult yet. I just want you to see what a fucking idiot you look like when you expect other people to agree with you. that's why I stooped to your retarded level you fucking joke of an organism. there is no winning against manchildren like you because you're so obsessed with the idea that an argument can be won (an objectively wrong idea since your experiences are irrelevant to the world and the concept of factuality ) that you will not pay attention to the language used and the ideas conveyed as long as you can put an asterix there and correct someone's spelling like some kind of primal man attempting to join debate club with an actual club. fuck off cunt, you aren't even close to as significant as you want to be. just stop. just fucking stop you poor lost soul. seek help that is not in the form of a japanese love pillow, stop treating pornography like it's the united nations and just fucking. relax. you. infant.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)11:42 No. 20851 ID: 5d3337

could you idiots make love in a private chat instead of polluting the thread with your paragraphs of bullshit? If you bother to translate the shit he says in his streams, he likes to clear his tumblr and start anew. Like deleting browser history. The spam and "tantrums" are just a running joke. (I hope)
Just go with the flow, ignore the spam, enjoy the art, and stop acting like you're on reality tv.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)14:09 No. 20852 ID: ffe51e

He wants to create a new one but that one will be gone in a few days again because he will throw a fit sooner or later once sonmebody tries to give him any sort of criticisms, this happened over +4 times now. Minus8 needs to grow up thats all.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)18:52 No. 20853 ID: 62072c

Holy fucking shit. Shut the fuck up.
No one cares if he's throwing a fit.
No one cares if his personality doesn't please you.
No one cares if he's making drama.
Just walk the fuck away if you fags can't handle it.
We just want content. Your complaints are irrelevant to the thread.
With that said, time to get a mod to clear up again this stupid shit.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)21:58 No. 20856 ID: 8fa1ff

File tkf.swf - (72.32KB )

loop shit :3

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)21:59 No. 20857 ID: 308a90

plz be my gf minus

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)22:17 No. 20858 ID: 1bb376

Drama is dumb. Porn is nice.

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)23:19 No. 20859 ID: 13f4d1

Thanks -8 <3

Anonymous 17/01/30(Mon)23:39 No. 20860 ID: be5d8f

Holy shit, you guys.

Take it easy, alright? The guy is a genius animator. Why don't you just shut the fuck up and enjoy the free, unique orgasms he provides to you?

Future generations, our children, our grandchildren will fap to his unique art, while we and our bullshit "online discussion" will be lost forever in the sands of time.

So just shut the fuck up and be grateful.

Thanks -8 <3!

Anonymous 17/01/31(Tue)01:56 No. 20861 ID: e41ab7

I fucking love minus8 but i hate his stupid cultist fanbase.You should all stop sucking his dick and get a fucking job.

Anonymous 17/01/31(Tue)03:31 No. 20862 ID: 5a1e7e


Anonymous 17/01/31(Tue)03:39 No. 20863 ID: 9a22b4


Anonymous 17/01/31(Tue)08:25 No. 20864 ID: 0e4f8c

tiny kong was the first kong to understand what sin is. she realized the sin of her nacked furry flesh and learned to cover her grundle from her own sin
she is the only kong that knows the grace of god and when the other kong's are burning in hell tiny kong will be in heaven suckling the banana horde of jesus christiny kong believes and trusts in the light of jesus christ so should you
click here to learn more about the universe of donky kong teaches us to fear and love jesus christ

Anonymous 17/01/31(Tue)14:28 No. 20866 ID: 3d8e92

topless version plz ;3

Anonymous 17/01/31(Tue)22:27 No. 20867 ID: e6c6e2

Hey, that's pretty good.

Anonymous 17/02/01(Wed)05:05 No. 20869 ID: dc85a9

Here we go

Anonymous 17/02/01(Wed)05:12 No. 20870 ID: a1ce3b

A would actually much rather see minus8 visit a psychiatrist, psychologist, or a an anger management counselor before another illustration. Dude needs help.

Anonymous 17/02/01(Wed)05:18 No. 20871 ID: a1ce3b

Reinforcing this kind of bad behavior is probably going to lead to -8 suffering a mental breakdown in the future, or worse, killing himself.
Honestly it's kind of disgusting how blatantly obvious it is as to how much you care for the artist's work, over the well-being of the artist themself.

Anonymous 17/02/01(Wed)06:37 No. 20872 ID: 56ea17

You're still at it?
No one cares. Keep it to yourself.
You're one of those stirring needless drama here.
Also, get your shit straight. There way higher chances of people killing themselves when they are going shit and people like you are trying to lecture them about how life works, what they should or shouldn't do.
This is a place for leisure.
Not for you and your other faggots to force your ideals on to people.
It's disgusting how you want to force people to react same way you are.
Stick to tumblr.

Anonymous 17/02/01(Wed)11:18 No. 20873 ID: e2d4e0

literally not the same person. are you surprised there's more than one person who can see minus8 isn't mentally well?

Anonymous 17/02/01(Wed)12:43 No. 20874 ID: 82c3a0

I'm literally surprised you arent literally ashamed to literally post here you sub-human

Anonymous 17/02/01(Wed)12:47 No. 20875 ID: e2d4e0

I'd be more surprised if you had a girlfriend, you should like the kind of abusive person who would drive their loved ones to suicide. Not even worth the time if all you can do is sputter insults blindly towards everyone who disagrees with you. If anyone is the subhuman here its probably you.

Anonymous 17/02/01(Wed)19:54 No. 20877 ID: 36bb5b

Will the two of you just shut up already? You're upsetting papa -8!

Anonymous 17/02/02(Thu)03:49 No. 20878 ID: de714d

Mods could do with cleaning this thread up.

Anonymous 17/02/02(Thu)13:33 No. 20879 ID: 90b8ad

If I can animate like Minus 8 I can make smooth ass animations

Anonymous 17/02/03(Fri)08:31 No. 20880 ID: 79e43f

Yeah can we get a clean up on aisle 8?

Anonymous 17/02/03(Fri)20:01 No. 20881 ID: a1ce3b

As a guy who spends a lot of time on tumblr, too often artists fall into a depression for one reason or another. Sometimes it can be lessened by the applause of their fans. But if that doesn't work, they absolutely should seek help. Perhaps even from their fans and online friends.

I've seen too many artists suddenly disappear because they chose to bear their burdens on their own, rather than disclose them to someone. It never ends well.

One of my favorite artists, who went by the handle Drawbro, left several messages vaguely describing familial trouble before suddenly vanishing. That was 4 years ago.

Anonymous 17/02/03(Fri)20:28 No. 20882 ID: 8fa1ff

File boooooooo.swf - (4.24MB )

loop shit :p

Anonymous 17/02/03(Fri)20:37 No. 20883 ID: 2299dc

That's pretty fucking GRAND.

Anonymous 17/02/03(Fri)21:11 No. 20884 ID: 6a0527

nice ending

Anonymous 17/02/03(Fri)21:22 No. 20885 ID: 97e351

Fuck you. If his idea of a running joke is to spam stupid shit, someone needs to start telling him his sense of humor fucking sucks. There's no possible justification for that stupidity. And last I checked, this was a thread dedicated to posting and discussing Minus8's work, not sucking his dick. And guess what? When he starts producing more shitposts than art, we're gonna start discussing shitposts. Don't like it? Tell Minus8 to stop shitposting. Problem solved.

You do realize how retarded this post is, right? "There's so many posters complaining about Minus8's bullshit, I better tell them that no one cares, even though the very fact that they care is what made post this"? Fuck off.

You are both human garbage and need to stop posting immediately. And as a reminder, we do have poster IDs here. We can tell when it is and isn't a samefag.

Anonymous 17/02/03(Fri)21:22 No. 20886 ID: f27e92

Fantastic work, I love it!

Anonymous 17/02/03(Fri)21:35 No. 20887 ID: 08645f

props to you anon, It's actually nice that theres a straight mind that is just not circlejerking around minus8

Minus8 has lovely art but it doesnt make it up for his whinny and shitty attitude, now I just check his 7ch thread because his tumblr is full of children cries, spam and attentionwhoring, grow a thicker skin, you're over 30 years old minus8

jghjh DarkNecroman 17/02/03(Fri)22:05 No. 20888 ID: 8a1267

The only thing that i disliked about this flash was the ending ,the sound coming from the right, when it should be from the left side. Its a minor thing. But otherwise.. I would find this flash awesome. The music is good, the animation is awesome, the movements are awesome... but that ending part with the sound coming from the wrong side bothered me.

Anonymous 17/02/03(Fri)22:07 No. 20889 ID: b3fff1

FIRST music name?
2ND I can't say the ending was GRAND it lacks GRAND DAD

DarkNecroman 17/02/03(Fri)22:14 No. 20890 ID: 8a1267

SONG SOurce MACROSS 82-99 - Horsey (feat. Sarah Bonito) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rBCT5ROfNQ

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)01:30 No. 20892 ID: 4eeb46

I was expecting lewd, why was there no lewd?

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)01:34 No. 20893 ID: 2d63a9

I'm pretty sure there's a plenty of references in the animation. Can someone point them out?

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)01:40 No. 20894 ID: 2d63a9

I mean, a rest from NSFW art isn't too bad.

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)05:12 No. 20896 ID: 43159b


Nice ghost boobs, and dat Noill ghost girl cameo.
The ending actually creeped me out. Niiiiice.

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)07:47 No. 20897 ID: 06530f

Great job, I liked the part with the elevator.

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)08:48 No. 20898 ID: a1e0af

song name?

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)08:53 No. 20899 ID: cbcca5

not if you consider yourself looking at a mirror

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)09:00 No. 20900 ID: 2d63a9

look >>20890

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)09:24 No. 20901 ID: 1d1253

I'm happy to live in the same age as you.


Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)09:25 No. 20902 ID: 1d1253

Wasn't this the ending song of an anime? it sound very familiar but I don't remember from where.

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)10:51 No. 20903 ID: 6d3792

That barely works on the internet, let alone 7chan. I say this as someone who has been on the internet for at least 20 years.

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)10:55 No. 20904 ID: 6d3792

Right, whining here will fix everything.
Your words are such solution.
You know, actually, you're autistic, aren't you? There's nothing wrong with that, but you definitely are.
That's why I won't bully you by giving you an answer on level.
Time to pester mods to clean up this shit, once again.

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)12:08 No. 20905 ID: 43159b


Can someone make a gif of the part with Noill's ghost girl dancing?

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)12:59 No. 20906 ID: 8fa1ff

File oooo3.swf - (592.83KB )

loop shit :p

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)13:20 No. 20907 ID: 5a1e7e

I like

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)14:14 No. 20908 ID: 82c3a0

you are the garbage you see in others, friend

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)14:59 No. 20909 ID: b3fff1


Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)16:52 No. 20910 ID: 08645f

>calls out anon about whining when he's defending to death one of the most inmature and whiny artists out there
look I can say buzzwords too to make it seem like im winning

Anonymous 17/02/04(Sat)17:46 No. 20911 ID: f56d88

I love this thread because every post is:
"Great work Minus8! Keep it up!"
"you fucking idiot shut up, you don't know"

Anonymous 17/02/05(Sun)03:24 No. 20912 ID: fa7979


OH SHIT, I never knew minus8 liked vaporwave?!

The first song is horsey by macross 82-99


Anonymous 17/02/05(Sun)05:20 No. 20913 ID: 82c3a0

>someone else is being a whiny bitch
>I'd better stoop to their level immediately since that's how I've always wanted to behave but my parents kept telling me not to

there's no such thing as winning in an internet argument you fuckstain. just examine yourself for one second and you'll see we're all equally worthless, especially you.

Anonymous 17/02/06(Mon)03:11 No. 20914 ID: fd8886

Is the a parody of something or is it original.

Anonymous 17/02/06(Mon)21:12 No. 20915 ID: 08645f

>all this projection
Pointing things out doesnt make you a whiny person you Politoxicoman specimen
Just because you throw yourself in a hole doesnt mean everyone is dragged into it
Keep it up being a worthless bottom feeder

Anonymous 17/02/07(Tue)02:52 No. 20916 ID: 82c3a0

you are the bottom feeder you see in others, friend

Anonymous 17/02/07(Tue)07:22 No. 20917 ID: 1951d7


Let's see, there's the haunted house in RE7, a Mario pipe with a piranha plant girl, Slenderman in his exe game forest, the underground in Undertale with Napstablook, Hex Maniax in a spoopy mansion, some other ghost that looks like a sheet ghost, Marina by noill, another ghost I don't know on a couch, and a green ghost that looks like a lonesome ghost (a possible callout to Zone and his recent Ghostbusters parody), and of course (You). Anyone else know the couple I don't get?

Anonymous 17/02/07(Tue)07:42 No. 20918 ID: bfd673

i think the pirahna plant scene is a reference from The Ring

Anonymous 17/02/07(Tue)07:46 No. 20919 ID: bfd673

and the maniac hex part is also a reference to Dining Room or There Is Nothing video

Anonymous 17/02/07(Tue)13:18 No. 20920 ID: 1951d7

Mother of fucking god that was like watching Hand Thing for the first time again.

Anonymous 17/02/08(Wed)08:06 No. 20921 ID: f0cad3

>Implying I'm defending anything

I'll keep it simple for your autistic ass, as if it wasn't enough:
I don't give a fuck bout what he chooses to do or say. It's his choice, in this almost free world.

In other words: stfu. Got offended? Walk away. We don't need lectures on your shitty principles filling the thread.
I dont fap to his personality. I do to his animations.
It's not because I disagree with your peanut brained self that it means I'm defending something.
Anyways. Time to bother a mod again, since none came yet.

Anonymous 17/02/09(Thu)01:16 No. 20922 ID: 97e351

So I'm not allowed to express my dissatisfaction with Minus8's repeated poor behavior because... doing that won't fix anything? I don't get it. None of the text posts here accomplish that lofty goal. Yours certainly doesn't. Why are your shitposts okay, but ours aren't?

Thanks for the stale, unoriginal attempts at insults though. Very 2010 of you.

Anonymous 17/02/09(Thu)07:21 No. 20923 ID: ade417


Not sure who the sheet ghost is, but the particular setting is from PT. Glass breaks from the floor above you, you look up and see a ghost.

Probably the most Iconic moment of that game.

Anonymous 17/02/10(Fri)11:22 No. 20924 ID: 358299

Okay, which one of you autistic fucks is "Itllbeokayijustneedtokeeptrying" on tumblr?

Anonymous 17/02/10(Fri)18:32 No. 20925 ID: 43159b


I hope he does more Peach animations.

Anonymous 17/02/10(Fri)18:33 No. 20926 ID: 8fa1ff

File mc1.swf - (51.71KB )

1 :3

Anonymous 17/02/10(Fri)18:34 No. 20927 ID: 8fa1ff

File mc2.swf - (52.73KB )

2 :3

Anonymous 17/02/10(Fri)18:35 No. 20928 ID: 8fa1ff

File mc3.swf - (57.53KB )

3 :3

Anonymous 17/02/10(Fri)18:36 No. 20929 ID: 8fa1ff

File mc4.swf - (50.42KB )

4 :3
some loop

Anonymous 17/02/10(Fri)18:40 No. 20930 ID: 8fa1ff

File dfxhxfbx.swf - (14.23KB )

Wendy O. Koopa loof

Anonymous 17/02/10(Fri)21:02 No. 20931 ID: 9a22b4

Who is this guy who keeps pushing his ideals in this thread?
If someone is behaving in a way you don't enjoy you can distance yourself from them.
The only reason any of us give a fuck about -8 is because of his content, not because of who he is as a person.
He's a good artist, his personality is irrelevant.
I don't care about the personality of a pizza delivery driver I only care about the service they provide. Likewise I only care about -8's work.
What kind of stalker tries to follow someone around and change their behaviour?

Anonymous 17/02/11(Sat)09:25 No. 20932 ID: 27fe80


Miss Color <3

Anonymous 17/02/11(Sat)11:34 No. 20933 ID: 8e1bfb

You can, but should you? What is it accomplishing other than flooding with the same crap? The answers are respectively no and nothing. It just makes you a whiny bitch.
We don't want this thread to reach the limit with your whining about his fits.
Once again, stfu and keep your opinion to yourself. It's useful to the thread.

I'll also do my part and make this my last post. 4 are more than enough.

Anonymous 17/02/11(Sat)17:35 No. 20934 ID: 5a1e7e

must feel good

Anonymous 17/02/11(Sat)20:15 No. 20935 ID: bbff99

I kinda like the ghost girl in purple sweater from swf boooooooo very much

Anonymous 17/02/11(Sat)21:55 No. 20936 ID: 7a11d4


That'd be Noill's ghost girl, Marina. She's actually really cute. http://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=marina_(noill)

Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)00:09 No. 20937 ID: 12045a

someone please make a full version with all these in a single file

Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)15:16 No. 20941 ID: 8fa1ff

File hay1.swf - (37.01KB )

loof shit again

Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)15:20 No. 20942 ID: 8fa1ff

File AAGS1m.swf - (28.27KB )


Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)15:21 No. 20943 ID: 8fa1ff

File AAGS2m.swf - (38.76KB )


Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)15:21 No. 20944 ID: 8fa1ff

File AAGS3m.swf - (37.50KB )


Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)18:40 No. 20946 ID: c66cfb

Cool Shyguy x Shygirl
Also this is a first seeing Minus 8 himself do Palutena
I'll just wait for Pokemon Sun to come in

Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)18:41 No. 20947 ID: c66cfb

Cool Shyguy x Shygirl
Also this is a first seeing Minus 8 himself do Palutena
I'll just wait for Pokemon Sun to come in

Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)23:01 No. 20948 ID: a2a981

Anyone have the fla. for this?


Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)23:05 No. 20949 ID: 08645f

>no u
great reply

Anonymous 17/02/12(Sun)23:43 No. 20950 ID: 09cf26

that shyboy a cutie.

would love to see him get creamed~

Anonymous 17/02/13(Mon)03:21 No. 20952 ID: 6ded53

Can anyone but these short loops into one?
I have to keep open to many windows to fap :(

Anonymous 17/02/13(Mon)09:15 No. 20953 ID: 7274b0

holy shit mate, scary ending

Anonymous 17/02/14(Tue)20:10 No. 20955 ID: acff2b

I'd sacrifice 20 simple straightforward loops for 1 complex multiple-loop flash with audio. These latest ones are pretty good, but I wish they were merged into one file.

Anonymous 17/02/16(Thu)23:00 No. 20956 ID: 69023d


Anonymous 17/02/17(Fri)04:38 No. 20957 ID: 14e0fd

Hi drooling demon, how weed smelling is your hallway

Anonymous 17/02/19(Sun)09:04 No. 20960 ID: e0b106

and once again, -8 throws a fit on stream.

Anonymous 17/02/19(Sun)09:40 No. 20961 ID: 841214

What happened this time?

Anonymous 17/02/19(Sun)09:48 No. 20962 ID: e0b106

I don't remember well... chat was sharing their animations and Outtasync shared his and it just made -8 angry out of nowhere and started flooding the chat with "shit shit shit shit"

Anonymous 17/02/20(Mon)01:48 No. 20966 ID: 3a363f

I think I remember.
A few members were talking about different types of art and animation.
Eventually they started sharing their animations. One shared his running cycle, and another shared his stick figure animation. Minus didn't seem upset and was actually making jokes with them.
It was after Outta Sync posted his animation that Minus got upset.
Started saying stuff like "I don't think I'm a good guy." and "My animations are shit."
Outta Sync tried to tell him that his animations were good but then Minus replied with "fuck this. fuck you. fuck me" and then started spamming the chat with "shit" and random strings of letters.
Then he just ended the stream.
Outta Sync seemed completely confused.
The chat had to reassure him that he didn't do anything wrong and that this was a common occurrence.
After that they tried to get Cheeeeez to talk to Minus but we decided that it would probably be best to just let him cool down before anyone can talk to him.

I think that's pretty much it.

Anonymous 17/02/20(Mon)08:58 No. 20967 ID: 3ba721

He should like probably take some meds or something, yeah? What's the healthcare policy like in Korea?

Anonymous 17/02/20(Mon)22:39 No. 20968 ID: b78e0e

and once again a faggot throws a fit about -8 throwing a fit on trundle

Anonymous 17/02/21(Tue)05:09 No. 20969 ID: 77adfe

hoyl shit minus8 finally did gardevoir

my life is now complete

please post it here -8

Anonymous 17/02/21(Tue)14:47 No. 20970 ID: d1d2b8

Dear Anon,
Regardless of whoever you think draws better than you, people love your art for it's unique charm and style.

And I think those amount to something much more inspiring.


Anonymous 17/02/21(Tue)14:48 No. 20971 ID: d1d2b8

Dear -8,
Regardless of whoever you think draws better than you, people love your art for it's unique charm and style.

And I think those amount to something much more inspiring.


Anonymous 17/02/22(Wed)10:15 No. 20972 ID: 1951d7

Damn, don't know how I missed these classics. I've even watched/played both of them. PT especially, I think of often, haha! I have high hopes for Death Stranding and wish Kojima luck.

Anyways, I wonder what else the flash is referencing then. The hanged man feels like it should be something, although I'm not sure what. Either way I still like it a lot! The hand holding along with the dance is a nice touch.

Anonymous 17/02/22(Wed)11:33 No. 20973 ID: e2d4e0

-8 has always been that way. Wants to be considered the best and constantly praised as better than others. Hes even explicitly stated that in one of his previous blogs. Doesn't surprise me that he would throw a fit live on stream about someone being better than him.

Anonymous 17/02/22(Wed)19:29 No. 20974 ID: 249710


20974 anonymous 17/02/23(Thu)01:24 No. 20975 ID: 280e7e

Minus8 will you ever create mini game Flash like Zone-sama

Anonymous 17/02/23(Thu)03:15 No. 20976 ID: f7eb31

If he wants to be considered the best he needs to make more of those long, legendary ones like Rhythm Heaven, 1up, or even koopa girl

Anonymous 17/02/23(Thu)10:51 No. 20978 ID: c2773e

i don't really care if he makes flash games.

I'd just wanna see more of the shota trap character he has fucking (i guess it's his persona/character?),


More Casting Couch. Which is some of his finest work (and some of the finest flash porn on the internet at large).

Anonymous 17/02/23(Thu)13:26 No. 20979 ID: 61e884

Is there an .swf for this?

Anonymous 17/02/24(Fri)13:55 No. 20980 ID: 00db7d

I'ms curious to know which was the animation that broke -8

Anonymous 17/02/24(Fri)19:07 No. 20981 ID: 879afa

no yume nikki loops yet?

Anonymous 17/02/24(Fri)19:26 No. 20982 ID: 43159b


It was a sassy pixel negress, but it was very good sprite animation.

Anonymous 17/02/25(Sat)04:06 No. 20984 ID: 43159b


No, it was a pixel animation of his nigglet character, it's not on his tumblr.

t. I was in the chat

Anonymous 17/02/25(Sat)23:06 No. 20986 ID: dda3c7

i dont see why -8 would get upset over it. while its still animation, its a completely different medium

Anonymous 17/02/26(Sun)11:55 No. 20987 ID: d488fc

can someone tell me how i stop chrome from directly downloading the SWFs? i just want to watch them in the browser itself >_<

Anonymous 17/02/26(Sun)14:52 No. 20988 ID: 33df77

Chrome blocks flash by default.
enter "chrome://plugins" into your address bar, set it to always allow flash.

Anonymous 17/02/26(Sun)17:25 No. 20989 ID: 9f0e51

that actually solved it thanks

Anonymous 17/02/26(Sun)19:57 No. 20990 ID: 8fa1ff

File awetnahegzsdrtvwaesrd3.swf - (33.69KB )

As you know
I'm a little low on mental age.
I'm aware of it.

Anonymous 17/02/26(Sun)20:25 No. 20991 ID: 7069b9

No problem man, being self aware and admitting to it is nice of you.

Anonymous 17/02/26(Sun)20:57 No. 20992 ID: 2863ae

Me too -8... me too

Jamie Neoma 17/02/27(Mon)02:10 No. 20993 ID: 1bb376

I hope you feel better soon minus.

Anonymous 17/02/27(Mon)05:11 No. 20994 ID: 2856b0

Thanks for the quality art

Anonymous 17/02/27(Mon)09:33 No. 20998 ID: 56d04a

Thanks for posting it minus8

Can anyone edit it to make the trainer white instead of grey?

Anonymous 17/02/27(Mon)20:04 No. 21001 ID: 7a11d4

>>20998 white as in skin color, or white as in RBG values being 255, 255, 255?

Anonymous 17/02/28(Tue)00:47 No. 21002 ID: 56d04a

Skin color

Anonymous 17/02/28(Tue)03:49 No. 21003 ID: 857c8d


You haven't made any peach stuff in a few months, are you off that kick or just indulging other people's requests for a bit?

Anonymous 17/03/03(Fri)05:42 No. 21007 ID: 56d04a

Is this thread completely dead

Anonymous 17/03/03(Fri)06:24 No. 21008 ID: 674b88

It's pretty alive on discord. I don't know why people don't just go there. People are talking about nonsensiscal stuff all day in chat. PPPPUprogrammer's talking about the future of the program in talk-to-ppppuprogrammer, and future modders are discussing their ideas as well.

Anonymous 17/03/03(Fri)06:49 No. 21009 ID: b20709

where's the discord?

Anonymous 17/03/03(Fri)14:14 No. 21010 ID: 29eea8

That's the PPPPU discord, only associated with the involment of -8's flash "PPPPU" he made long ago, where we turned it into a massive interactive flash (WIP), and nothing else, theres no other minus8 stuff in there.

Anonymous 17/03/03(Fri)19:19 No. 21011 ID: 8ec921

that wasn't the question

Anonymous 17/03/04(Sat)06:25 No. 21012 ID: ac3464

The link to the discord can be found on PPPPUProgrammer's tumblr

Anonymous 17/03/04(Sat)22:22 No. 21013 ID: 674b88

Crap... wrong board T_T.
MY BAD everyone.

Just follow minus8's newest tumblr if you want more stuff from him.

Anonymous 17/03/04(Sat)22:24 No. 21014 ID: 9fda09

It's been exactly 6 days since his last flash here.

Anonymous 17/03/05(Sun)12:46 No. 21016 ID: 8fa1ff

File do2.swf - (2.34MB )


parme-john 17/03/05(Sun)17:53 No. 21017 ID: 1b90fa

File dildonator.swf - (2.33MB )

this is my very first edit, might as well just post it here

love yah minus8

Anonymous 17/03/05(Sun)18:10 No. 21018 ID: 5a1e7e

dick goes where

Anonymous 17/03/06(Mon)00:07 No. 21019 ID: e41ab7

one of your best flashes but need a background.

Anonymous 17/03/06(Mon)14:00 No. 21020 ID: ffe51e

Once again he throws a tantrum for no reason and my tumblr is spammed with his +100post of the same msg

Anonymous 17/03/06(Mon)18:31 No. 21021 ID: e2d4e0

followed by people lining up to suck his dick because someone called out his art style. even got an artist to draw something for him hoping that he feels better. It was probably something really stupid like his boyfriend forgot to cut off the crusts of his sandwich or something. I wouldn't be surprised with how petty -8 has been before.

Anonymous 17/03/06(Mon)22:51 No. 21022 ID: 96fc81

File do2-background.swf - (2.52MB )


Anonymous 17/03/07(Tue)02:02 No. 21023 ID: 3bca3e

Here's some advice: stop following his fucking tumblr. It's vestigial. He posts all his flashes in this thread and links them on tumblr anyway.

Anonymous 17/03/07(Tue)13:28 No. 21024 ID: e2d4e0

he posts all his flashes here, he literally posts none of his other animations here or his art.

Anonymous 17/03/08(Wed)02:00 No. 21026 ID: c670dc

Does anyone know if -8 has made a flash with this song?
I could've sworn that I've seen one with this song, but I can't find it.

Anonymous 17/03/08(Wed)21:58 No. 21027 ID: 69c684

Yea no thats Future Funk not Vaporwave... just sayin

Anonymous 17/03/10(Fri)17:41 No. 21028 ID: a1ae08

If you're coming to /fl/ for non-flash content, you're a retard. Plain and simple.
Besides that his "art" is either animations to be turned into flashes later or shitty doodles. You can find shitty doodles everywhere. If you actually give a shit about not being able to see some drawing he made in five minutes, you're an even bigger retard.

Anonymous 17/03/10(Fri)19:49 No. 21029 ID: b90007

I don't think he actually meant that. He just responded.

Even so, what the fuck calm down

Anonymous 17/03/10(Fri)23:11 No. 21030 ID: 5550e4

Your reading comprehension sucks. Way to look like an asshole *and* a retard at the same time!

Anonymous 17/03/11(Sat)05:32 No. 21031 ID: a22c34


Fuck you faggot, even his doodles are pretty fappable.

Anonymous 17/03/13(Mon)03:11 No. 21033 ID: 792cad

Can't really follow that which doesn't exist anymore

Anonymous 17/03/14(Tue)05:46 No. 21034 ID: 56d04a



Anonymous 17/03/15(Wed)07:26 No. 21035 ID: 4484fb

Are you serious right now? Did you not even read anything on this thread? You're not supposed the link Minus8's Tumblr. You might've just cost us a decent fap.

Anonymous 17/03/15(Wed)13:29 No. 21037 ID: 4f1fe4


Anonymous 17/03/15(Wed)18:31 No. 21038 ID: 9f01f4

You guys must be blind because that link was already posted here like twice before lmao calm your tits.

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)05:58 No. 21039 ID: 4f1fe4

Is that so? the fucking tumblr is down... Look what you have done :/

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)06:02 No. 21040 ID: 56d04a

check your internet shitlord, it's not down

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)06:02 No. 21041 ID: 4f1fe4

ᶫᵉᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶫᶦᵉ ᶠᶫᵒʷ~

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)06:18 No. 21042 ID: a22c34



Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)06:37 No. 21043 ID: 81baab

Aww, and here I wanted to get another gander at his Gerudo outfit Link again.

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)08:59 No. 21044 ID: fef397

Times like these I'm glad I started checking his tumblr 3 times a day and saving everything he posts...

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)10:19 No. 21045 ID: a22c34


Did you record any of his streams?

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)10:47 No. 21046 ID: 5dd8d3

uhoh, whats everyone flipping out over?

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)12:46 No. 21047 ID: 7d3db5

Everyone is freaking out now, cause people posted his tumblr, went to go check it and now its blank

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)13:13 No. 21048 ID: 42d7e6

This is why I started saving most of the stuff he posts. Paheal's not gonna allow all of these OCs getting fucked to be posted there but I still have 'em anyway.

Especially the one with Domino, yessss

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)16:00 No. 21049 ID: 42d7e6

Here's what I have. It's not perfect but it's a lot of his "doodles" at least, which is really nice to me.

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)16:44 No. 21050 ID: ffe51e

So minus deleted his tumblr for this +30 time , when will he ever learn? Like jesus is he like 12 or something. He could just leave it but nope gotta delete it all

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)17:23 No. 21051 ID: 919428

you can't really do anything because he has a problem. It's having a child like attitude or somewhat like that that what he said.

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)18:01 No. 21052 ID: 0ab804

Are you people STILL crying about his shitty doodles?
My god you people are desperate.
I hope he never makes another Tumblr again just to spite you idiots.

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)19:29 No. 21053 ID: e169e9

Most of these aren't his work, just stuff he reblogs

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)21:40 No. 21054 ID: 42d7e6

I didn't save every image on his blog, other than some stuff from that Chiiz person it should be mostly his stuff/characters.

>>21052 Why does it bother you so much that people like the art he does that isn't a .swf file?

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)23:42 No. 21055 ID: bdb8ea

I'm not seeing your better art.

Anonymous 17/03/17(Fri)00:07 No. 21056 ID: fef397

You don't have to make better art to say someone's art is shit. That's not how it works.

The guy you're replying to is an idiot though.

Minus8's Wiped Tumblr (Again) Justadoo444 17/03/17(Fri)03:15 No. 21057 ID: a2a000

One Imgur gallery?

...Why not have the whole blog, posts and all?

(Used a Python tool named tumblr_archive, but forgot the source - It's not in the code, either. If anything was posted today, it's not here, since the last update was very late yesterday.)

Anonymous 17/03/17(Fri)04:35 No. 21058 ID: 42d7e6

Very cool, thank you.

Anonymous 17/03/17(Fri)07:53 No. 21060 ID: a22c34


Thanks! He showed a lot of porn sketches in one of his streams, I wish I had screencapped them...

Anonymous 17/03/17(Fri)14:49 No. 21061 ID: 9f01f4


how about do some simple ctrl+f before looking like an idiot?


Anonymous 17/03/17(Fri)15:55 No. 21062 ID: c0757c

He's wiped it clean and started again, though...

Anonymous 17/03/17(Fri)19:49 No. 21063 ID: 1f4294

hey minus8 can u make a animation of lynn and lincoln sex?

Anonymous 17/03/18(Sat)09:50 No. 21066 ID: 9d0339


Could ya reup to mega or something that doesn't shit itself when too many people download it?

Anonymous 17/03/19(Sun)11:09 No. 21069 ID: 6d8ee1

So does -8 have a serious medical condition for all this behaviour? If you've known about him long enough, this isn't just a one time thing. He seems emotionally unstable and hates himself/his work even at the best of times.

Anonymous 17/03/19(Sun)13:54 No. 21071 ID: ffe51e


Maybe, considering that he is throwing a another tantrum yet again and only 3 days later after his last one

Anonymous 17/03/19(Sun)15:59 No. 21072 ID: f5f5e8

Point. However, in this case it's subjective.
Also, you need to be able to do at least as good before trying to tell someone else what they should like or not.
Should also be able to say why it's bad.
Which he can't.

Anonymous 17/03/19(Sun)22:12 No. 21073 ID: be5d8f

Are you guys retarded or something? Do you have autism? Are you 12 years old?

I don't understand how you can keep asking about -8's behavior, the guy is obviously a genius in his craft.

All geniuses throughout human history have been quirky and were hard to understand to the common folk.

I would really like to see how you would have reacted to Nikola Tesla if you were in his time.

"Does he an disorder? Why is he anti-social? Why isn't he married? Is he autistic?" Just SHUT THE FUCK UP AND BE GRATEFUL FOR THEIR WORK.

Anonymous 17/03/21(Tue)05:51 No. 21076 ID: 9947d2

actually i don't think there is. -8 if you are reading this do you still have the flash you used to make the Gardevoir loop?

if you do it would be mighty decent of you to post the swf, it has much better quality than any gif or movie could provide. keep up the good work!

Anonymous 17/03/21(Tue)08:35 No. 21077 ID: c24d56


Are you 15, autistic, or both?

Anonymous 17/03/21(Tue)17:54 No. 21078 ID: 67eb21

This is fantastic. Are you gonna keep updating it?

Anonymous 17/03/22(Wed)13:33 No. 21082 ID: aa6446

>the guy is obviously a genius in his craft.

Wow... a genius? Its just porn dude. Lets take it easy now, ok? stop talking nonsense.

Anonymous 17/03/22(Wed)18:42 No. 21083 ID: 9947d2

you're right, i must have scrolled past it or something. cheers!

Anonymous 17/03/22(Wed)19:02 No. 21084 ID: 9947d2

He did say in his craft.

You can easily be a genius in your craft if you specialize in potato peeling. Saying that -8 is a genius in what he does best isn't far-fetched.

Anonymous 17/03/22(Wed)19:14 No. 21085 ID: 4b8090

He's really good at it and actually draws stuff for some of our niche tastes, so that's pretty great of him.

Anonymous 17/03/23(Thu)09:45 No. 21086 ID: 14a4c4

he is a fucking genius

Anonymous 17/03/24(Fri)08:38 No. 21087 ID: 9f7eee

Genius is a bit of a stretch. Unless just being good at what you do makes you a genius now.

Anonymous 17/03/24(Fri)23:56 No. 21091 ID: aa6446

Yea but he is putting -8 at Nikola Tesla's level...

Anonymous 17/03/25(Sat)09:10 No. 21092 ID: 14a4c4

three greatest geniuses of our times:
karl pilkington

Anonymous 17/03/25(Sat)10:21 No. 21093 ID: cba2dc

three greatest geniuses of our times:
and me

Anonymous 17/03/25(Sat)11:30 No. 21094 ID: 440fa8

File Zelda_fuck_microgame_by_Supersatanson_-_Hentai_Fou.swf - (298.47KB , Zelda fuck microgame by Supersatanson - Hentai Fou.swf )

Just wait and chill

Anonymous 17/03/26(Sun)16:53 No. 21096 ID: 0ed7a0

The one thing I'm going to say before I go back to long-time lurking is this:

I'm pretty sure that, knowing minus8, he's going to nuke his blog/tumblr on a semi-regular basis regardless of whether it's linked here or not.

Thus, either save or hope other people save his work in preparation for the inevitable, and in the meantime be grateful for what he posts, and skip over what you don't care for.

That's about it for me. Back to lurking.

Anonymous 17/03/28(Tue)07:31 No. 21098 ID: 17754c


Anonymous 17/04/01(Sat)10:57 No. 21102 ID: 86dcb7

Wasn't this a backup tumblr someone else made?

Anonymous 17/04/02(Sun)09:28 No. 21106 ID: 98a653

I run the blog, what do you mean?
On that note, I'm not entirely sure what to do with it, not the most comfortable running an archive for a guy who thinks about raping real kids.

Anonymous 17/04/02(Sun)09:31 No. 21107 ID: 5cdf7f

I was just double checking that it wasn't his tumblr.
What do you mean by wanting to rape real children?

Anonymous 17/04/02(Sun)09:35 No. 21108 ID: 5cdf7f

Never mind, just opened the archive again.
Eh... I'd rather not start a discussion over that so I won't talk about it.

Anonymous 17/04/02(Sun)09:44 No. 21109 ID: 98a653

Fair enough.
Whatever happens, it's not going down. Hard enough to find his work.

Anonymous 17/04/02(Sun)11:58 No. 21110 ID: b9b219

Going off the last post he made before nuking his tumblr (yet again), I'm guessing people started giving him a ton of shit after he made that post?

Can't really blame those idiots though. He'd have found some other excuse to delete his tumblr without their help.

Anonymous 17/04/03(Mon)09:25 No. 21114 ID: 4aa9cc

>minus8 draws loli porn


>minus8 implies he'sa pedo


You people are a joke.

Anonymous 17/04/03(Mon)09:27 No. 21115 ID: 440fa8

I think you meant


Anonymous 17/04/03(Mon)10:09 No. 21116 ID: 2483d6

He didn't imply that he was a pedo he said he'd rape a child if he knew he could get away with it

Anonymous 17/04/03(Mon)13:12 No. 21117 ID: cf31bd

"Fantasy is reality" faggots are the worse. I fantasize about killing black people but I don't fucking do it. UH OH HE DREW A PICTURE OF KILLING A BLACK GUY. ARREST HIM.

Anonymous 17/04/03(Mon)19:13 No. 21120 ID: 2647db

Rare footage of Minus8 at home

Anonymous 17/04/03(Mon)22:40 No. 21121 ID: 34564b


wtf i love minus8 now

nothing wrong with thought crimes

Anonymous 17/04/04(Tue)03:50 No. 21122 ID: 21fbcb


>giving a shit about the personal opinions of the artist you jack off to

Anonymous 17/04/04(Tue)10:37 No. 21123 ID: c76bbf

What version of flash does -8 specifically uses? I'd love to take a crack at this.

Anonymous 17/04/04(Tue)11:47 No. 21124 ID: 357196

Welp, I didn't even have to start said discussion. It'll get worse, I bet.
Either way, thx for keeping up the archive.
I personally would remove the irrelevant meltdown bits to avoid people coming here to comment "Muuh get a therapist" or "he's a pedo, i'm triggered" bullcrap.
It's just a suggestion, though.

Anonymous 17/04/04(Tue)19:20 No. 21125 ID: af8f58

that is what I thought he means by REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Anonymous 17/04/05(Wed)08:51 No. 21126 ID: a0d1df

Its funny how minus fans only care if he would still make porn or not... He has a fucked up head and I hope this was just an excuse to nuke his blog again cuz I think that posting that you are a pedo on a fuking art blog is the stupidest idea ever. WHY DO PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW?!! Anyway I wasnt a fan of his loli stuff but now that he kinda states that he actually wants to do it in real life is really fucked up...

Anonymous 17/04/05(Wed)14:53 No. 21127 ID: a747ca

Wanting to and doing are two very different things

Anonymous 17/04/05(Wed)18:10 No. 21128 ID: 5a80df

Time to pause this...

Anonymous 17/04/06(Thu)12:00 No. 21132 ID: ee08e4

You literally made me laugh out loud. xD
It's because he is not his art. We fap to his art, not personality.
Do you think pornstars are angels? They're also fucked in the head.
No one cares about your morgalfag principles. We came to see porn, not flail ideals. It's simple.
Honeslty, what do you expect people to do? Join your pointless discussions? Riot? Whine? Cry? lol

Anonymous 17/04/06(Thu)13:27 No. 21133 ID: 19bb3e

SHIIIIIIII- I thought I stopped time oh wait I forgot

FLASH !r0FDb7E.D2 17/04/06(Thu)16:30 No. 21135 ID: 674920


Anonymous 17/04/07(Fri)02:20 No. 21136 ID: aa5921

Jesus Christ this thread is full of 13 year olds.

Anonymous 17/04/07(Fri)03:51 No. 21137 ID: 7bf04e

shhh don't let -8 know that...

Anonymous 17/04/07(Fri)11:25 No. 21138 ID: f194b1

You don't judge a pornstar in their thoughts, opinions and "personality"

Anonymous 17/04/07(Fri)11:36 No. 21139 ID: 705039

Are you sure? An ex-pornstar wore a colander on her head for her driver's license and fought the state to do it.

Anonymous 17/04/07(Fri)11:53 No. 21140 ID: 440fa8

You thought this was a minus 8 thread but it was me, KONO DIO DA!

Anonymous 17/04/07(Fri)19:46 No. 21141 ID: 7e114f

Lookie here guys. At least somebody get's Jojokes and only waits to more -8 content.

Anonymous 17/04/07(Fri)20:55 No. 21142 ID: 45dd48

Oh, we got it. We were just ignoring it because it was cringy as hell.

Anonymous 17/04/08(Sat)13:16 No. 21144 ID: 423045

Indeed, attention faggot trying too hard to push his jokes

Anonymous 17/04/08(Sat)13:39 No. 21145 ID: 440fa8

Lol using the word cringy on a thread like this is pointless.... MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!

Anonymous 17/04/08(Sat)18:35 No. 21146 ID: 6d1019

Little did they know that Minus 8 is also a fan of Jojo and Drew a Female Version of Death 13 one time.

Anonymous 17/04/09(Sun)02:29 No. 21147 ID: 1cedee

That doesn't mean you get a free pass for spamming your shitty irrelevant "jokes". Fuck off back to Reddit where you belong.

Anonymous 17/04/09(Sun)02:37 No. 21148 ID: 9c86c6

I don't even Reddit. I mostly hang out here (reloading the pages everyday, in YouTube waiting for more Silvagunner, or in Swfchan looking at more porn while waiting for minus8.

Anonymous 17/04/09(Sun)03:14 No. 21149 ID: 970c07


That doesn't even make any sense you idiot.

"But it was me but it was me Dio"

Anonymous 17/04/09(Sun)03:44 No. 21150 ID: 440fa8

Oh boy do I see the salt shooting out of your pee holes. Settle down everyone.

Anonymous 17/04/09(Sun)06:28 No. 21151 ID: 3dae11

Kk I'll settle down and be quiet until Silvagu- I mean minus 8 uploads a new one.

Anonymous 17/04/10(Mon)14:19 No. 21153 ID: 4eea2b

I only want more loli stuff of Minus8 from now.

Anonymous 17/04/10(Mon)22:35 No. 21154 ID: b33755

That explains it
You're underage

Anonymous 17/04/11(Tue)00:08 No. 21155 ID: e274b1

i thought he was gonna stop doing loli stuff

Anonymous 17/04/11(Tue)15:22 No. 21156 ID: c7025e

We-well at least I don't disturb -8 and I only stay here for his works!
I only posted here a bit because of how quiet the thread is.

Anonymous 17/04/11(Tue)18:27 No. 21158 ID: 440fa8

eh from time to time I'LL POST a flash like that zelda one I posted. To keep things lively

Anonymous 17/04/11(Tue)23:16 No. 21159 ID: 7069b9

Wait what? What is your problem with Silva?

Anonymous 17/04/12(Wed)16:32 No. 21160 ID: aeecfb


Anonymous 17/04/12(Wed)22:13 No. 21162 ID: 60308d

He used that to know that I am an underage person that likes -8's art

Anonymous 17/04/13(Thu)10:08 No. 21163 ID: fb3cf1

Does anyone know the song for this one? I'm desperate.

(sorry if this is the wrong place to ask first time posting here)

Anonymous 17/04/13(Thu)23:36 No. 21165 ID: 7671a9

Thanks I've seen that a lot of times.
Also, how do you view the swf on browser?

Anonymous 17/04/14(Fri)07:17 No. 21167 ID: cb30c6


Anonymous 17/04/14(Fri)08:04 No. 21168 ID: 440fa8

Depends on what browser you are using. I use google chrome. Also did you update your latest version of flash? If so click on the swf link.

Msf swf Anonymous 17/04/14(Fri)08:15 No. 21169 ID: 23a2e2

File Minus8_Msf_Character_Select_No_Cut_Version.swf - (2.35MB , Minus8 Msf Character Select No Cut Version.swf )

Edited Msf swf I found.

Anonymous 17/04/15(Sat)09:03 No. 21170 ID: 0386f1

I heard chrome has been disabling flash by default on new versions.

Anonymous 17/04/15(Sat)10:44 No. 21171 ID: 440fa8

Really? Chrome seems fine for me. Probably because I'm running the previous update. Try dolphin or firefox web browsers. Heard those were great especially dolphin.

Anonymous 17/04/16(Sun)01:34 No. 21173 ID: 332069

Why is he such a whiner, people are here to support him and view his art, why does he act like everyone doesnt know he's a shitty person by now or something. Obviously people are aware he's a human being behind the screen but noone gives a shit and love his work.

Anonymous 17/04/16(Sun)06:53 No. 21174 ID: 7f0c79

I don't even think he's a bad person behind the screen. Everyone has bad thoughts, as long as he doesn't act on them everything is fine.

Anonymous 17/04/16(Sun)09:43 No. 21175 ID: c41cec

>누구보고 친구래 다 꺼져
>Who are you calling me buddy? Fuck off

>개같은 계정 왜 삭제 안돼지
>Why can't I delete this dogshit account

>누가 날 신고하면 계정이 폐쇠가 될꺼야
>I bet my account will get shutdown if someone reports me

>왜 계정 삭제가 안되지
>Why can't I delete my account

In case anyone wondering his rants in Korean

Anonymous 17/04/17(Mon)01:29 No. 21177 ID: 8d9dff

Hey minus8 https://youtu.be/h7UCUHCNcXc pls

Anonymous 17/04/17(Mon)04:14 No. 21178 ID: 1f9dd6

wOW what the fuck happened now???

Anonymous 17/04/17(Mon)11:20 No. 21179 ID: fef397

-8 is a faggot and did faggot shit. Same as always.

Anonymous 17/04/17(Mon)23:00 No. 21180 ID: f19044

Yeah, he's an article talking about it:

I don't remember where exactly I found out about this, but it was from a website that warned about the situation.

Anonymous 17/04/17(Mon)23:29 No. 21181 ID: 1f9dd6

no shocker tbh.

Anonymous 17/04/18(Tue)11:47 No. 21182 ID: 9a9fc2

>몰라 그냥 해야지 히히
>I dunno. I'm gonna just resume, hehe.

>쪽지도 다 비웠겠다. 나도 모르겠다 ㅎㅎ
싫어할 사람은 싷어하라지, 나 좋다는사람 아직 많음
>I deleted all the messages. I don't care, lol. Haters gonna hate. Plenty of people still like me

He's back.

Anonymous 17/04/18(Tue)14:25 No. 21183 ID: 8b85b4


He seriously seems to hate all the attention he gets and whenever he becomes too big he either nukes everything, spams posts, or jumps ship. So I've had the suspicion that the whole, "I'd fuck children if I could." thing was an attempt to drive people away from his Tumblr.

Either way I'll put up with his shit cause I genuinely like the art he does. All these adult animators seem to have some weird shit they work with: -8 hates his popularity, Boogie and his love of Nigel Thornberry and nightmare fuel, Zone being Zone, etc.

Anonymous 17/04/18(Tue)21:44 No. 21185 ID: 1f9dd6


Anonymous 17/04/19(Wed)04:23 No. 21187 ID: 80e568


Who is this character? I've seen her before, but I don't know where.

Anonymous 17/04/19(Wed)05:57 No. 21189 ID: ce3632

Miss Color, belongs to an artist called QuietStealth.

Anonymous 17/04/19(Wed)06:06 No. 21190 ID: 80e568


Thank you.

Anonymous 17/04/19(Wed)23:32 No. 21192 ID: 13f4d1


Anonymous 17/04/20(Thu)18:23 No. 21194 ID: 21f9a7

lol cry me a river little white maggot, go jerk off to white dicks somewhere else

Anonymous 17/04/22(Sat)08:08 No. 21198 ID: 0016f1

You can play Flash files without using a browser. Official portable Flash executionable: https://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/debug_downloads.html.

Click "Download the Flash Player projector content debugger" under your OS.

Anonymous 17/04/22(Sat)09:30 No. 21199 ID: 931d02

Well, he asked how to view on the browser.
I assumed he was able to view SWF through the standalone player.

Also, some websites such as FC2 and xhamster still use flash based players.
It was probably in one of those sites that I heard about flash being disabled by default.

Anonymous 17/04/23(Sun)19:08 No. 21203 ID: d86ef7

You guys don't need to talk about it anymore I already found out how to do it.

Anonymous 17/04/23(Sun)23:29 No. 21204 ID: be5d8f

I need a .sfw of that last animation he's done.

Anonymous 17/04/24(Mon)20:22 No. 21206 ID: 348efa

minus8 (or other anons) if you can't post your art on tumblr because of censoring or blackmailing there's gnusocial and more specifically https://gs.smuglo .li is a place that can help you imo.
They also have a tor node if your country is horrible (some US states and france)
See the admin of the serve if you have questions
https://gs.smuglo .li/dolus
note:remove the space in the last URL just before the ".li" I don't know why but 7chan banned me for trying to post it entirely.
Stay free anons

Anonymous 17/04/24(Mon)20:33 No. 21207 ID: 54a0b0

also I forgot to say that if anyone want's to make there onw gnu social server here's the manual
Also more GS servers
You have also a fork of gnu social called postactiv that adds frequently more functions
The fork was made after the gnusocial developers asked it because they couldn't keep up with so much modifications.
So it will be one day merged with gnu social.
Use it if you want to have more recent modifications.

Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)02:52 No. 21211 ID: 7a1503

File RHPP34.swf - (2.09MB )

Peachy Pop is the new minus8!


Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)04:56 No. 21212 ID: 4b2dfa


Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)07:34 No. 21213 ID: e28090

I disagree. Not because PeachyPop is inferior artistically but because it feels like PeachyPop is chasing after minus8.

Also PeachyPop doesn't really do any rhythm syncing with their works.

Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)08:42 No. 21214 ID: 7a1503


At least he includes a proper cum button, though...

Anonymous 17/04/26(Wed)19:52 No. 21215 ID: bef766

Nah, -8 does it for the enjoyment and his fan and Peachy does it for the $$$ and locks her content behind the paywall known as patreon.

Anonymous 17/04/27(Thu)16:19 No. 21216 ID: ffb08c

PeachyPop's stuff is alright for what it's worth. I wish the patreon stuff they make would be "officially released" after so much time has passed but as long as they aren't hunting down people reuploading it, it's fine.

But yeah it'll never match minus8's stuff just due to his specific style. Saying "She's the new minus8" because "Made porn of same thing minus8 did" is... something else.

Anonymous 17/04/28(Fri)02:44 No. 21217 ID: 61fb9b

When they start making not-clickables, multiple faces, randomization and actually funny crap, THEN they'll be "The New -8"

Anonymous 17/04/28(Fri)11:41 No. 21218 ID: 3a960a

>actually funny crap
Did I miss something?

Anonymous 17/04/28(Fri)18:22 No. 21220 ID: 0016f1

This is pretty interesting. Do you know more about privacy- and user-friendly, decentralized services where people congregate and host content?

Who are you on gs.smuglo .li ?
Or if you have a Discord, we can chat through there.

Anonymous 17/04/30(Sun)21:00 No. 21222 ID: 6569e4

File TF_PP34_7.swf - (1.78MB )

Since we're on the subject of PeachyPop, I'm gonna post a few flashes from her Patreon

I have no remorse for paywalls

Anonymous 17/04/30(Sun)21:02 No. 21223 ID: 6569e4

File PP34_Meetup.swf - (654.05KB , PP34 Meetup.swf )

Anonymous 17/04/30(Sun)21:05 No. 21224 ID: 6569e4

File Peach_Rosa_Daisy_Full.swf - (1.52MB )

Anonymous 17/04/30(Sun)21:09 No. 21225 ID: 6569e4

File Palutena_Extra.swf - (1.32MB , Palutena Extra.swf )

Anonymous 17/05/01(Mon)06:08 No. 21226 ID: 0ed7a0

I can respect people like you.

Anonymous 17/05/01(Mon)12:43 No. 21227 ID: be5d8f

I respect you for your intent and outlook, however, honestly, this work isn't even near the level of -8. I do not enjoy it, I find it very mediocre, so I would prefer you abstaining from posting this work in a -8 thread.

Thank you and all the best.

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)00:05 No. 21230 ID: cbada8

I feel bad for people who actually payed for this.

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)04:05 No. 21231 ID: 6a9a75

Did people really pay for this?
I dont want to sound like a fanboy but minus8 is far superior than this.

I mean -8 did these

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)05:04 No. 21232 ID: 9a3271

Pornographic depictions of non-statutory rape are hella common. They're tolerated on the same principle- people should be able to distinguish fantasy/fiction from reality.

If they aren't capable of that, well there's already access to tons of media that depicts murder/gun violence etc., on top of the aforementioned depictions of rape, underage sexual relations, and generally unsafe sexual practices.

So this cat's already well out of the bag, people are just particularly uncomfortable with kid stuff.

That being said, actual kid-diddling is bad. I'm not going to condemn them for those fantasies, but they should probably seek some sort of help for that.

Maybe not professional therapy necessarily, but some outlet to sort out these thoughts and feelings in a healthy way.

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)05:07 No. 21233 ID: d2786c


You're replying to a post that's a month old. No one cares about that anymore.

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)05:14 No. 21234 ID: 9a3271

Death of the Author(Artist?)
If the art itself doesn't advocate child rape then it's fine.

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)05:15 No. 21235 ID: 9a3271

Not to say minus8 advocated it either, but even if he HAD gone that far, that reasoning for keeping the archive would stand

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)05:16 No. 21236 ID: 9a3271

Also not quite the correct usage of DotA if I recall correctly but w/e

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)06:09 No. 21237 ID: ada214

You must be new here, read the thread, learn who -8 is and watch some of his works then you'll be up to speed

Anonymous 17/05/02(Tue)09:42 No. 21238 ID: 9ba712

I wish I could animate like minus 8 but every time I look at it I'm always like DAMN THIS IS SOME HARD WORK!

minus8 17/05/03(Wed)03:45 No. 21239 ID: 6edefd


Anonymous 17/05/03(Wed)11:42 No. 21240 ID: c893d7

Had a really fun night getting caught up with your art history :) Thanks for the good times, hope you stay around forever.

minus8 17/05/05(Fri)11:57 No. 21245 ID: d4ad92


Anonymous 17/05/06(Sat)11:43 No. 21246 ID: 3a960a

I've seen everything he's made since he first released Rhythm Fever X. I have yet to see anything funny. Enlighten me.

Anonymous 17/05/06(Sat)16:45 No. 21248 ID: 310651

So you haven't seen the ASS raps?

Anonymous 17/05/08(Mon)06:29 No. 21249 ID: cf660e

ASS raps?

Anonymous 17/05/08(Mon)23:28 No. 21250 ID: 3ab561

peachy pop stuff is just reskins of -8's stuff?

Anonymous 17/05/08(Mon)23:28 No. 21251 ID: cfb224


Anonymous 17/05/09(Tue)08:15 No. 21254 ID: 09b316

Thanks for helping me out!

Anonymous 17/05/09(Tue)21:53 No. 21256 ID: 8fa1ff

File this_is_just_rehash.swf - (2.18MB , this is just rehash.swf )

I'm lazy ...
Currently I am creating something similar to noko.swf.
I'm sorry I'm too late, I'm making little bit and little bit...T.T
And I like peachy pop, he has a great talent.

Anonymous 17/05/09(Tue)22:57 No. 21257 ID: a7fddd

PP34's first few animations were reskins but she has begun to make her own stuff. Minus8's stuff is still the best. I'm looking forward to the next animation. I've been catching bits of it being worked on when m8 streams when I'm not asleep.

Anonymous 17/05/09(Tue)23:30 No. 21258 ID: cfb224

its fine bud, take your time.

Anonymous 17/05/10(Wed)02:53 No. 21259 ID: cfb224

can someone help me? flash animations are very slow.

Anonymous 17/05/10(Wed)22:35 No. 21262 ID: 86e20f

Just stay in a positive mood, even if you have to lie to yourself to get through the day. No one truly wants to see you quit and as well as being one of the very few people out there doing what you do, you're very talented at it. The recent concerns about you up and leaving for good was probably what forced Peachpop into doing what they did, imo there's no replacement for the original.

So no more freaking out and getting depressed over what literal fucking nobodies say about you on the Internet, thick skin and all that jazz.

Really looking forward to your new flash, rhythm-fap is something I never knew I liked till some of your earlier works. But yeah, take it easy meng.

Anonymous 17/05/10(Wed)23:44 No. 21263 ID: a74f3f


Rehash? Bitch, this is my favourite of all of your sex flashes, the fact that you remade it just makes my dick harder

Anonymous 17/05/11(Thu)06:30 No. 21266 ID: ec7d45


So ready for your next works. Your killin the game.

Anonymous 17/05/11(Thu)16:28 No. 21268 ID: a74f3f

Shiiiiet I want to titfuck that summer 7

Anonymous 17/05/12(Fri)04:26 No. 21270 ID: ac1d8e

In browser or downloading the files? If it's the browser lagging, try the stand-alone flash player or set the quality to low (right-click -> quality -> low).

If you're already using stand-alone flash, and have it set to low, either try different third-party flash players like Swiffer, or save up your money to get a better computer (you can build a really good one for $600-700 using parts from Amazon if ye know which ones to get. I have a wishlist of parts if you're interested in what I'm aiming for, so you have an idea of what you need.)

Anonymous 17/05/12(Fri)10:45 No. 21271 ID: a4d41a

I'm actually interested in that wishlist

Anonymous 17/05/13(Sat)00:46 No. 21272 ID: 871655

No hurries man! I just love your art and I won't stop coming to check every day! I just hope you always do what you like

Anonymous 17/05/13(Sat)02:50 No. 21273 ID: ac1d8e

Aye, ask and you shall receive. I don't suggest getting this exact set-up, since I haven't double-checked with computer geeks to see if it'll fit together like it should. Although from what resources I did look at, it should work.

You'll need some thermal paste to seat the processor, so that it doesn't overheat and basically die. Other than that, you should be good to go. But again, double check. First fucking thing I'm doing when I get it all together is finally pulling up more than one of m8's lengthier swfs and watching them at high quality. Toaster rn won't lemme get a peek at even one smoothly running at medium...

Anonymous 17/05/13(Sat)13:41 No. 21274 ID: 3a960a

What's funny about an asshole moving to a song? Seems pretty gay.

Anonymous 17/05/13(Sat)19:17 No. 21275 ID: ac1d8e

I forgot the damn link. http://preview.tinyurl.com/kxd9lze for the list if you're interested.

Anonymous 17/05/14(Sun)02:42 No. 21276 ID: d9920f

Many thanks

Anonymous 17/05/15(Mon)02:57 No. 21278 ID: cd8b9d

My computer never has issues with your flash loops.
This one runs really slow and laggy.
Could you please optimize it to have it run smoother?

Thank you for all the hard work you do.
Saw your next loop in your stream. Looking forward to seeing it here.

Anonymous 17/05/16(Tue)08:14 No. 21280 ID: 97275e

why is that sociopath bullying my minus 8

Anonymous 17/05/16(Tue)08:43 No. 21281 ID: 0a7d8b

why do your words sound like super-ultra-gay

Anonymous 17/05/17(Wed)00:52 No. 21283 ID: 94d1db


the last dregs of social justices trying to go out with a bang by scaring off minus8 AGAIN

i mean look at this guy's blog, he's freaking crazy

god i hate dumblr community

Anonymous 17/05/17(Wed)02:10 No. 21284 ID: e85a94

Too much blur, cant run flash.

Anonymous 17/05/17(Wed)02:45 No. 21285 ID: ba6e3a

i hope -8 doesn't freak out badly this time

Anonymous 17/05/17(Wed)05:44 No. 21289 ID: ba6e3a

didnt find them. did she deleted them???

Anonymous 17/05/17(Wed)08:42 No. 21290 ID: 0e3f91

Id rather have someone whos not a sperglord but puts stuff behind a cheap paywall than someone who gives out free mid tier junk and cant even handle a basic internet criticism.

Anonymous 17/05/17(Wed)22:42 No. 21291 ID: a05206

his stuff is god tier noob

Anonymous 17/05/18(Thu)20:06 No. 21292 ID: d4aaac

Hang on buddy, so you're saying you'd rather support someone who gives out low tier junk behind a cheap paywall instead? Mid tier my ass, peachypop is an imitation artist. No skill other than copy and paste/new-age tracing of other people's success, talents and abilities then passing them off as their own with the freaking nerve to ask for money

The world is in shambles thanks to people like you. No respect to the people who provide originality and worship those that steal other people's crafts just so long as they can jerk off regardless of how much they're being swindled or made to look like a desperate and pathetic dingus

No real hatred for peachypop though, they took a chance that the majority of people would take. Problem is that they'll fade eventually, there's no replacement for something that comes first hand to you rather than picking up from where someone else left off.

Minus8 has the mind and imagination for this, however unstable his emotions might be. Peachypop needs to make it on their own, not become the "new minus8" by imitation

Anonymous 17/05/19(Fri)10:36 No. 21294 ID: 0e4f8c

he dumped something on korean recently

Anonymous 17/05/19(Fri)22:03 No. 21295 ID: a7fddd

It's just the "beep beep I'm a sheep" song in Korean

Anonymous 17/05/21(Sun)19:06 No. 21297 ID: dc7a65

did she refuse to give nudes to a nice guy like you? what a whore

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)00:38 No. 21298 ID: 927039

She was spamming messages to -8 calling him a pedophile and telling him that he should've been the one to have died and not his neighbor. And when it turned out nothing was going to come of it she nuked all the messages so dumblr doesn't have to hold her accountable. She's a sack of shit.

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)00:46 No. 21299 ID: 927039

Long story short, this is the kind of person who makes up the "SJW" stereotype.

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)02:03 No. 21300 ID: 8fa1ff

File 233223.swf - (3.22MB )


Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)02:04 No. 21301 ID: 8fa1ff

File 223.swf - (3.20MB )

:D sorry

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)02:12 No. 21302 ID: 8fa1ff

File 24qwhud2.swf - (3.47MB )

OAO sorry

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)02:45 No. 21303 ID: 927039

Minus8 your avatar is as cute and fuckable as Peach, at least he is to me~

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)04:34 No. 21304 ID: d9f163


Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)15:28 No. 21306 ID: 6178b9

whenever i click on a flash it automatically starts downloading it. chrome://plugins wont work anymore so i cant change that setting from there. how do i get it to play in another window again?

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)16:47 No. 21308 ID: c3603e

Dude... you're not the only one!

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)16:49 No. 21309 ID: c3603e

if you look really close the veins on the dick says SWEET!!!

So I found this... Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)23:10 No. 21310 ID: 6652f7

And I think it's Minus8?


Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)23:18 No. 21311 ID: 0016f1

Yeah, he uploaded that just now, after his stream.
At that time, 7chan was down.

It's so good.

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)23:26 No. 21312 ID: a8b991

what is song name?

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)01:56 No. 21313 ID: e28090

So I made an HD version of the video.
It's available here.

Pornhub: https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph59235f4f351a5

Mediafire: https://www.mediafire.com/?63gjck2qc8ch266

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)06:25 No. 21315 ID: 36504b

Mine was doing that too. I was using 7 and a fuck ton of problems like this started popping up so I decided to say fuck it and upgrade to 10.

After removing all the shitty bloatware like Cortana, Minecraft and fucking Candy Crush it works fine and swf files FINALLY started playing again.

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)07:37 No. 21316 ID: 0fd7e6

I didn't know that was minus 8 but DAMN it's good!

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)09:23 No. 21317 ID: 15d6c5

I'm pretty sure the song is a remix of Super Mario Bros 3 Overwold 1, but for the life of me I can't find it.

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)10:08 No. 21320 ID: 2dc4b6

This is an easy fix. Go to chrome://settings/content, scroll to Flash, and set to "Allow sites to run Flash". "Ask first" will make chrome download the .swf files.

It's grown on me, too. I don't think anyone can complain as long as it isn't furry.

Three? And they're all amazing? -8 I love you forever.
The music you use is so nostalgic! Love what you did with the Hotel Delfino pink boo sheets, lol.
There's a lot of nice, little things in the kuri flash: the expressions, the hoodie, the movement; man, you never cease to impress. We are not worthy.

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)14:24 No. 21321 ID: ff31d0

Question, what did you use to make the mp4? Swivel? It's perfect quality for that small filesize. I find swivel usually HUGELY inflates filesizes.

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)17:11 No. 21324 ID: 8fa1ff

File kuri.swf - (1.53MB )

I wish I could share fla..:p

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)18:01 No. 21325 ID: 9b6c3f

I'm in love with your drawings and animations of Peach, please do more with her

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)19:11 No. 21326 ID: 456e07


Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)20:13 No. 21327 ID: 73ab04

Gr8 job my man!!!

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)20:55 No. 21328 ID: 79e43f

Can someone make a scene select version for the new flash like with the mighty switch force one? The scenes transition too fast to truly appreciate each one.

Anonymous 17/05/23(Tue)21:49 No. 21329 ID: be5d8f

Finally some new -8 material,

My dick actually came in rainbows.

Cheers for the new stuff, and never give up, -8.

About uploading the .FLA... Justadoo444 17/05/23(Tue)23:26 No. 21331 ID: a2a000

Why not use an online file host? Is something like Dropbox, Google Drive or Mediafire available in your country?

Anonymous 17/05/24(Wed)05:05 No. 21332 ID: 7cba9c

This is awesome!! I always love your new art Minus8, really appreciate your work man ;-;

Anonymous 17/05/24(Wed)08:27 No. 21334 ID: 78c6ff

Why? Half the point of flash is to not having to use inferior movie formats.

Anonymous 17/05/24(Wed)09:10 No. 21335 ID: 5fa401

I wouldn't call video inferior considering its utility.

Can't play Mp4's on your phone.

All I know is that I started making those videos because some of minus8's flashes actually have FPS issues and I wanted to make a video version that ran at high quality at consistent framerate and available everywhere.

Anonymous 17/05/24(Wed)15:28 No. 21336 ID: be2b43

what's the best format or settings to export a flash movie with high fps and quality?

Anonymous 17/05/25(Thu)00:05 No. 21337 ID: 5fa401

Also you can track through the video. The rosalina riding flash was 8 minutes long if I remember and being able to track through that was a help.

It honestly depends on the flash.

Anonymous 17/05/25(Thu)15:11 No. 21339 ID: d21448

I can play SWF on my phone by installing flash on it, no longer supported by adobe but still works.
I can open SWF either with the standalone player, or I can open with MPC, if I want a seekbar.
I'm glad -8 doesn't upload his stuff as video because it would be impossible to edit.

Anonymous 17/05/25(Thu)17:53 No. 21341 ID: 6a9a75

oh, it's that time again

Anonymous 17/05/26(Fri)04:15 No. 21343 ID: fef397

It's just routine at this point. I don't even give a fuck. Everyone is so good at archiving his shit now and he starts posting again like nothing ever happened after a day or two. It has absolutely 0 impact on anything now.

Anonymous 17/05/26(Fri)04:32 No. 21344 ID: bf24b5

summertime is peach time!

please do more -8, something involving creampies or based on http://i.imgur.com/RjGqBNz.png this image <3?

music inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNE2oCZH_4k

i love all of your work!

Anonymous 17/05/26(Fri)08:19 No. 21345 ID: effb99


Some fucking retard called HTD Mason keeps triggering him on the stream, which is why he nukes his tumblr. We need to solve the HTDMason question...

Anonymous 17/05/26(Fri)09:28 No. 21346 ID: 5fa401

Lol never said I didn't want the original swfs though? Also -8's flashes can't be tracked through unless you decompile and get the flash inside the flash.

You can't control other people on the web. Minus8 needs to just grow thick skin. TBH though, that wouldn't solve the problem either. Before this what-his-name showed up he'd nuke his tumblr just from people not thinking of him as better than other artists.

We just need to be patient, follow his work and support him as much as we can while hoping he grows stronger emotionally.

Anonymous 17/05/27(Sat)04:34 No. 21349 ID: ba6e3a

dox him ask him kindly to not even bother to say anything in -8's streams

glossfan 17/05/27(Sat)09:20 No. 21350 ID: 5ae0fd

File kuri3.swf - (1.03MB )

I made an edit of the last flash with alternate skin color and removed underbite (I am not minus8)

Anonymous 17/05/27(Sat)21:06 No. 21351 ID: ba6e3a


Anonymous 17/05/28(Sun)01:08 No. 21352 ID: 81baab

So who is that sheep that throws her hands up then points at the floor? Is she OC or a character from something? I like his two-frame doodle of her.

Anonymous 17/05/28(Sun)03:49 No. 21353 ID: 79e43f


That's Leggy Lamb, a minor character from an old Droopy Dog cartoon.

Anonymous 17/05/28(Sun)03:50 No. 21354 ID: 79e43f


Can you make an edit that removes the stomach bulge?

Anonymous 17/05/28(Sun)05:44 No. 21356 ID: 76f95e


Anonymous 17/05/28(Sun)11:47 No. 21357 ID: ac1d8e

I'd do it myself if I either had a better windows computer of if mac wasn't shit for editing flash (due to lack of support for flash swf editors that I know of)

Anonymous 17/05/28(Sun)17:49 No. 21358 ID: 7df9f9

How does Minus8 feels about fan art? Is he ok with it?
And if he is, is it appropriate to post them here?

Anonymous 17/05/28(Sun)20:07 No. 21360 ID: 84d660

Thanks for making it fappable, that underbite was off-turning.

Anonymous 17/05/29(Mon)07:38 No. 21362 ID: 79e43f

File kuri_nb.swf - (1.53MB )

Went ahead and edited it myself. Everything is the same just no stomach bulge

Anonymous 17/05/29(Mon)09:09 No. 21363 ID: c7d531

how do you edit these? any basic tutorials for beginners?

Anonymous 17/05/30(Tue)12:29 No. 21365 ID: eec0d3

Get a flash decompiler (Google FFDec or jpexs-decompiler, decent open-source free one)

open up the swf, and then look at the shapes/sprites assets. Sprites are a combination of the shape assets (For example, a shape might be a nipple and boob while sprite will be the combination)

Edit/delete the shape/sprites, I'm assuming for the no-bulge edit he just edited the bulge sprite so it's just an invisible, empty shape/sprite.

Anonymous 17/05/30(Tue)17:49 No. 21366 ID: 1b1773

>not liking fangs

gscot 17/05/31(Wed)05:46 No. 21367 ID: 439fdc

I'm a knockoff -8. Peachypop is a knockoff me.

Anonymous 17/05/31(Wed)15:28 No. 21368 ID: c7d531

thanks man much appreciated!

Anonymous 17/06/01(Thu)01:53 No. 21369 ID: c567d4

Do you know how to make the camera still?

Anonymous 17/06/01(Thu)03:50 No. 21373 ID: c7d531

File DK_Pounds_Pauline_by_BozzoPervert.swf - (43.15KB , DK Pounds Pauline by BozzoPervert.swf )

so i downloaded it and tried to screw around with some of the stuff. how would you alter speed of an swf? how would export a selection of the swf in a video format like mkv or mp4? anytime i export it as avi its just a single frame. lets say i wanted to make a stomach bulge bigger, how would i go about doing so? or is i wanted DK to pull paulines hair back further (i realize i would have to locate the sprites associated with her boobs, bulge, head face eyes eyebrows, hair, dks hand and arms. can i edit these all in the jpex program or do i need to install adobe flash editor? can i edit the pictures in GIMP if i cant do so in the JPEX program itself? sorry for all the questions. just a horny bastard with a lot of time on his hands and would like to learn how to do edits to my liking, and hopefully people would enjoy my edits as well.

Anonymous 17/06/02(Fri)05:14 No. 21376 ID: d4fce0

File PPcandig.swf - (70.21KB )

To answer your question, you can modify the speed of the flash but you have to export it as an .fla file and open it in Adobe Animate or Flash and change it there. Or you can look up the location of the FPS in the hex of the file, which isn’t easy.
JPEX is bad at editing shapes in a swf, you should TORRENT Sothink's flash decomplier because it lets you edit shapes IN THE CLIENT. Please don’t buy it
JPEX is good for modifying actionscript and has a built in hex editor, it’s very technical. I use Sothink to edit shapes and JPEX if i need to delete lots of stuff and modify code in the swf, EX press 1 to do this, 2 to … etc. If you have time on your hand, learn to use ‘Sothink decomplier’ its fun as fuck and I would love people to make edits that look different not just color changes.
I started off with that horrid pearl edit of God -8's not_new.swf, then improved it, still came out bad, then I did that Mable and Trixie edit of PP.swf (tentacle one), I made a shittload more [like this one; I doubled the framerate as well], none of which I thought are worth uploading anywhere.

And is the person who requested me make this ever sees this, I'm sorry I made it an hour after you commented that sorry it so late. :^) love you minus 8 have my kids please

Anonymous 17/06/02(Fri)05:16 No. 21377 ID: d4fce0

>And is the person who requested me make this ever sees this

God i fucked that up

And *if the person requested *I *make Candy ever sees this,...

Anonymous 17/06/02(Fri)06:29 No. 21378 ID: ac1d8e

One of the layers on the swf controls the movement of the camera. Try hiding layers and see which ones hide objects, the ones that don't (usually at top and bottom of layer list) are probably it. At least that's how I did it. I forget the actual process.

Anonymous 17/06/03(Sat)02:05 No. 21380 ID: b084b7

post all of the edits

Anonymous 17/06/03(Sat)13:54 No. 21381 ID: cfd711

Never even implied you said you didn't want SWF... People. lol

Anonymous 17/06/04(Sun)03:57 No. 21382 ID: c7d531

thank you so much for all the help man. im going to screw around with it and hopefully tweak some of my favorite swfs.

Anonymous 17/06/05(Mon)05:55 No. 21383 ID: 1121ba


Cinematone - Hef

fucking soundhound caught that shit bless

Anonymous 17/06/06(Tue)09:19 No. 21384 ID: 895439

From what I'm seeeing, all layers are being rotated and scaled. I'm not sure how to accomplish a still cam without undoing the rotation and scaling which would be extremely time consuming.

Anonymous 17/06/08(Thu)09:22 No. 21387 ID: cac372

>removing the underbite

I am honestly more surprised that this exists than the whole white dick edit thing. Goombahs literally all have that underbite, it's simply a part of what they are. You're just making them into generic, brown hoodie girls by doing this.

Anonymous 17/06/08(Thu)09:34 No. 21388 ID: 071f27

Never underestimate the power of normies.

Anonymous 17/06/08(Thu)20:35 No. 21389 ID: ad191e

literally this, like those fags that removed koopa girl's eye things on her head along with her tail in the noko flash.

Anonymous 17/06/09(Fri)21:04 No. 21391 ID: f71360

Who cares? It's porn. If you can do something to make it more fappable do it. I think judging someone based off how they fap is probably the most pathetic you could do. Fap and let fap.

Anonymous 17/06/10(Sat)09:32 No. 21393 ID: c2321c

Pretty sure they are just displaying their higher levels of autism. The guy above me goes even further. ;^)

Minus8 17/06/13(Tue)05:19 No. 21394 ID: 8cd1e5


Anonymous 17/06/17(Sat)07:08 No. 21398 ID: cac372

You sure are quick to defend it, even though no one was attacking it or "judging" you for liking it that way. I'm only saying it's surprising is all. It's just such a minor detail.

Anonymous 17/06/17(Sat)08:53 No. 21399 ID: fef397



Yeah, not me who doesn't like it. I think the underbite is hot as shit.

And even if I give you the benefit of the doubt and say you weren't judging (which I don't buy for a second), I was more speaking to the entire comment chain you started than to you directly.

Not looking to start yet another stupid argument in this thread though, so I'm not gonna respond about this again. I just wanted to point out that judging what people fap to is retarded.

Anonymous 17/06/17(Sat)09:56 No. 21400 ID: dfc3fd

Yeah. Just like when people judge my cuckold, scat, obese, pedo (not loli) and gore fetishes!
Open your minds! Don't judge!

Anonymous 17/06/18(Sun)10:43 No. 21401 ID: 2af921

>not knowing how to reply post
>calls him autistic

Anonymous 17/06/19(Mon)02:42 No. 21402 ID: 039195

>Implying I wanted to reply
>Implying know how to reply is important
Another autistic fag found!

Anonymous 17/06/19(Mon)02:43 No. 21403 ID: 039195

Oh yeah.
Don't forget to talk about how my grammar sucks, by the way. ; )

Anonymous 17/06/23(Fri)12:16 No. 21406 ID: 3bf6aa

Love you in the gayest way possible -8

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:01 No. 21408 ID: 5c1750

Minus8 just had a another mental break down 568 and still counting

Spamming over +150 msgs of the same thing.

I love his art but this kid really needs to get some help

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:03 No. 21409 ID: 6a9a75

Oh boy, it's that time again, folks!
The traditional childish spam before the traditional nuke.

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:04 No. 21410 ID: 5c1750


Actually nevermind he is still spamming, seems like it will be over 150 this time

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:09 No. 21411 ID: 6a9a75

What makes it even more pathetic:
This happened because of one single harmless criticism to the last pic he uploaded.

"Buttholes should be up higher"

"You are right
This drawing is shit"

And cue the spam.

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:12 No. 21412 ID: 5c1750

I mean it is sorta to be expected from a guy who admited to being a pedofile and wanting to have sex with real children on tumblr. He is kinda mental.

And yes he will well known for throwing a fit even if a single person does not like his art.

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:13 No. 21413 ID: 562e89

10 posts per page, 25 pages, about 249 posts of the same message. The amount of time this man spends copy pasting the same message into a text post and posting it over and over could be spent in therapy or doing something else to help his mental health.

He doesnt like being called "baby" but boy does he act like a baby. I wonder what he would do if someone spammed his inbox calling him a baby 200+ times. Do you think he'd spam post 400+ times in return?

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:15 No. 21414 ID: 6a9a75

I'm surprised trolls haven't taken advantage of his crippling insecurity already.

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:17 No. 21415 ID: 5c1750


They dont really need to though, I mean in his latest post people are trying to cheer him up and he is still getting offended by them

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:23 No. 21416 ID: 562e89

they definitely don't need to since the dude tears himself down enough as it is, but it would be interesting if he would even react to negativity when he gets into this state or if he'll ignore everything because he just numbs himself by being his own worst enemy. Dude really needs a self help book or something.

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)10:38 No. 21417 ID: 5c1750

Pretty much

Well seems like he calmed down again, now just to wait a few more days until he finds some mean comment and throws a another tantrum

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)22:29 No. 21419 ID: 79e43f

Minus going The Shining on us again? Sigh, expect the usual tumblr nuke afterwards as usual...

Anonymous 17/06/26(Mon)00:48 No. 21421 ID: 562e89

hes spammed like that at least 3 or 4 more times before, he hasnt been hacked hes just throwing a child tantrum again

Anonymous 17/06/26(Mon)03:46 No. 21422 ID: f71360

Anyone got a backup of the images since the last nuke?

Anonymous 17/06/26(Mon)10:00 No. 21423 ID: c99df6

Lord knows I wasn't hyped to wake up to 150+ notifications this morning.
Seriously, he's got to stop this nonsense. I don't expect him to just draw art and never speak, but this is just ridiculous. I doubt the ass-kissing everyone replies with on Tumblr will help either.

Anonymous 17/06/27(Tue)05:17 No. 21424 ID: 78c6ff

>Can't play Mp4's on your phone
you probably meant can't play swfs on your phone. that's arbitrary since apple refused to allow flash there due to the fact that it would hurt app sales. then because of adobe's incompetence in keeping flash on android; it was there but they just decided to pack it up one day. regardless of the reason why it isn't on phones it isn't the format's fault. just like it wouldn't be mp4s fault if all phones suddenly banned the container.

>FPS issues
yes, flash requires a good CPU to render at high resolutions. more of adobe's incompetence in being unable to keep up with todays increasing monitor sizes. despite there being a way of using the GPU to render flash adobe decided it was a good idea to require renderMode=direct in html for it to work, which pretty much killed off stage3D and made Unity drop flash support. again not the format's fault though, if everybody had good CPUs you wouldnt notice and itd be the same if mp4s had to render just using the CPU.

>you can track through the video
you can track perfectly fine in swf too, just needs to be implemented. adobe's incompetence prevented them to make a built-in seekbar that could be enabled when exporting the swf or via the html embed tag. again not really a flaw in the flash format.

i'm pretty pissed at Adobe for buying flash and then abandoning the format when they couldn't figure out how to make money from it. im also tired of people not really understaning what the format truly has to offer trash talking it when the only problem is adobe failing to keep up with what people want. muh video, muh html5. still cant provide what flash can. let's take two steps back and abandon a great vector based solution for 100 times the file size per second. bah.

Anonymous 17/06/27(Tue)09:37 No. 21425 ID: 22b217

Fastest recovery yet. Maybe he's... growing some skin?

Anonymous 17/06/28(Wed)19:57 No. 21427 ID: 8fa1ff

File Tsunderella.swf - (40.99KB )

Short loop...

jem boy’s OC

Anonymous 17/06/28(Wed)22:59 No. 21428 ID: ac1d8e

File kuri3-nb.swf - (1.03MB )

Edit of that skin edit of kuri. Doesn't loop properly, bc actionscript isn't supported in trial of swf decompiler I used. Bleh.

It's just bulgeless edit, nothing special

Anonymous 17/06/29(Thu)00:17 No. 21429 ID: fed263


Wow, seriously didn't expect that. I've been a big fan of Jemboy's drawings and beat mashups for a long time, and this is an amazing tribute to it.
Keep the quality content going, -8!

Anonymous 17/07/01(Sat)15:33 No. 21430 ID: 674311


Anonymous 17/07/03(Mon)05:24 No. 21431 ID: 96cb0f

Whats your favorite jemboy mashup

Anonymous 17/07/06(Thu)07:40 No. 21433 ID: 0e3f91

Still waiting for his next autistic freakout online.

Anonymous 17/07/07(Fri)02:16 No. 21435 ID: dbe1b8

nice edit

Anonymous 17/07/07(Fri)05:51 No. 21436 ID: ac1d8e

Aye, thanks, coloring ain't mine, tho. But I'll take you up on a request if ye like

Anonymous 17/07/08(Sat)22:26 No. 21437 ID: ac1d8e

File kuri3_-nb_fixed.swf - (1.03MB , kuri3 -nb fixed.swf )

Fixed edit or bulgeless edit of color edit (again, color change not mine). Have fun fapping!

Anonymous 17/07/11(Tue)21:45 No. 21438 ID: ee2833

Looked like he nuked again. What happened this time? anyone archive his shit?

Anonymous 17/07/11(Tue)22:08 No. 21439 ID: fa3d96


I suspect he didn't nuked it himself, but rather tumblr did.

Anonymous 17/07/11(Tue)23:24 No. 21440 ID: ac1d8e

This a first, or nah? Never seen his tumblr go down outside of his own doing... Wander if there's any better alternatives than that asinine site..

Any rate, hopefully he'll be up and running again shortly. Just patiently waiting for his next flash.

Anonymous 17/07/12(Wed)18:30 No. 21442 ID: 004adb


Did somebody call for an archive? Justadoo444 17/07/12(Wed)18:57 No. 21443 ID: a2a000


Here it is! And it contains the photos from last time, too! If anyone wants a re-up with all the text posts, I can do that, too.

ㅁㄴㅇㄹ 17/07/12(Wed)19:19 No. 21444 ID: 9c4047


Anonymous 17/07/13(Thu)04:41 No. 21445 ID: fa3d96


Looks like I was right, he said that tumblr banned him. But why? was the SNES-tan animations too much for the SJWs that run that shithole?

Anonymous 17/07/13(Thu)07:49 No. 21446 ID: af5506

Hey Guys! I hope you filled out that online form about net neutrality!

Anonymous 17/07/13(Thu)13:39 No. 21447 ID: 521539

Unethical ISPs want to overcharge you for your -8

Anonymous 17/07/13(Thu)15:31 No. 21448 ID: 7351bb

If it's not a tall woman with massive breasts and a canon age over 30, someone will call it pedophilia on that stupid site. Never mind the fact that it's a drawing not involving actual kids.

Anonymous 17/07/14(Fri)02:40 No. 21449 ID: 3bec9a

lol pretty much.


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