Nice one. Having looked at the implementation again in terms of shape assets, I can see you've separated lines and fills so good job on that. You might want to consider making your life easier in regards to skin tones and clothing.
Right now, you've got 3 shapes per tone per element, that adds up quick and makes maintenance tedious. Consider having the actual base skin shapes to be completely black, then apply fills over them. For those with linear fills I believe there's a means to convert shapes drawn in flash to their AS3 equivalent. You can use this to create a little helper method that can take any series of 0xRRGGBB ints and draw up the necessary shapes to form the base body. In this way you have even more power than HSL transforms.
As for clothing, you've got a few shape assets that are drawn with body elements, it might make for less work in terms of customisation to separate these from the body such that the shapes contain only the clothing.
In reference to the above elements, you can utilise the benefits immediately since the crown exists in two different forms in the assets. You can do away with one, and draw using specified fills depending on the correct character.
You've used the Flash UI elements to form your sliders, nothing particularly wrong with that but they're bulky for the minor convenience, they also litter your library with their resources. Consider writing a small control lib to better suit your aesthetic.
Having this control lib and then abstracting it will allow you to build common components for manipulating complex objects like your iris/sclera/hair etc.
What else... oh. Consider restructuring your code such that related components are part of some hierarchy. You have body elements like BaseEyebrow just sort of hanging around at the top level, having them occupy some lower level would keep things tidy.
Looking forward to further development, make a blog or something so you can throw up pictures, receive asks etc.