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Meatless Monday moha 23/07/13(Thu)02:17 No. 40414 Stickied

File 168920744713.jpg - (1.18MB , 2508x3344 , vitalii-khodzinskyi-jDru-j8Gia4-unsplash.jpg )

The last sticky had gotten so incredibly bloated moderating it was literally becoming a fire hazard. So, I have taken it upon myself to create a new sticky.
You retards never seem to get the hint but requests are specifically designed for this specific thread and no where else on the board. This is done to prevent shitting up the board and other discussion with millions of requests.

317 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
J3 University Marko 24/08/26(Mon)15:20 No. 41076

Anyone got videos/lessons from J3 University Level 1?

Anonymous 24/08/28(Wed)16:30 No. 41081

Anyone have new bbm templates? Are these any good?
Push-Pull-Legs Powerbuilding Template
Push-Pull-Legs Hypertrophy Template
Bodybuilding II Template

Anonymous 24/08/29(Thu)16:17 No. 41083

Anyone have BBM low fatigue?

Anonymous 24/08/30(Fri)12:10 No. 41084

Anyone got Shelastic Wolf flexibility training?

Jim 24/09/05(Thu)15:58 No. 41087

Looking for 3DMj courses from the vault..

Anonymous 24/09/13(Fri)04:32 No. 41090

Please, someone, post all of Conor Harris' PRI stuff. I'm desperate

BBM The Squatting Farter 24/09/15(Sun)09:45 No. 41091

Anybody have BBM General Strength & Conditioning 1 & 2?

Much Appreciated

Anonymous 24/09/16(Mon)00:30 No. 41093

I am kindly requesting JPS Arms template (excel),thanks

Anonymous 24/09/18(Wed)14:23 No. 41094

Dani Winks splits workshops?

Anonymous 24/10/06(Sun)07:22 No. 41102

Any will ratelle stuff fellas

Anonymous 24/10/12(Sat)15:13 No. 41103

Anyone have Elia Bartolini handstand book? Please and thank you

Anonymous 24/10/12(Sat)17:42 No. 41104

File 172874772220.png - (2.01MB , 3500x3500 , 19680e69828ba15887597fa46c5557de.png )

also stop saying "please and thank you", it sounds arrogant and presumptuous

Sike Strength Power building Programs Anonymous 24/10/18(Fri)21:08 No. 41105

Can someone please share some Sike Strength Power building Programs please.

Thank you so much.

Anonymous 24/10/19(Sat)18:26 No. 41106

Has anyone got any of the difficult anytime fitness books?


Anonymous 24/10/25(Fri)23:24 No. 41107

Anyone have FitnessFAQ's hybrid program? I have everything else by him I just need that.

Anonymous 24/10/29(Tue)06:07 No. 41108

Looking for Handstand Pro by FitnessFAQs

Anonymous 24/11/02(Sat)14:06 No. 41110

Currently unemployed, otherwise I would buy.

Got a request for 3 things.

Old Time Lifts for Modern Lifters (Atlas Powershrugged)

Westside Connection: The Ultimate Guide to the Methods of the Original (and Superior) Westside Barbell Club (Plague of Strength)

Building Your Ideal Physique (Plague of Strength)

Appreciate it!

Anonymous 24/11/02(Sat)17:08 No. 41112


There you go, assist this user >>41108 then someone else may help you in return ;)

Anonymous 24/11/10(Sun)02:44 No. 41117

Does anyone have:
Kurt Havens - Human Growth Hormone - The Science of HGH
Kurt Havens & Paul K Barnett - The Science of Anabolics & PEDs E-Course
Paul K Barnett - Building Effective Cycles Cheat Sheet

Sam 24/12/05(Thu)01:07 No. 41126

Anybody have a BBM shoulder rehab template spread sheet? I only have a pdf of that and bad shoulders.

Anonymous 24/12/15(Sun)00:27 No. 41131

Guys does anyone have programs from vici powerlifting specially their bench ones ?

Anonymous 24/12/24(Tue)22:54 No. 41135

does anyone have any programs from Gait Happens? bunion or the foot health programs would be great.

also, how about conor harris' symmetric strength training program?

Anonymous 24/12/27(Fri)19:50 No. 41138

Anyone got ben yanes Exercise Library?

Bbm spreadsheets Dav 25/01/03(Fri)07:44 No. 41142

Looking for barbell medicine powerbuilding spreadsheets, all the previous links are expired :(

If someone could please reshare, it would be much appreciated!

Anonymous 25/01/03(Fri)10:08 No. 41143

You can find a bunch of them here:

However, not Powerbuilding III for which I am still looking for a valid link

kizen Anonymous 25/01/03(Fri)14:45 No. 41144

https://anonfiles.me/kNaX/strength-fat-loss-2-program.xlsx this is all i want thanks

Anyone have Brain Alsruhe's 60 sandbag sessions & Beginner's xiaogui9999 25/01/05(Sun)06:39 No. 41145

Anyone have Brain Alsruhe's 60 sandbag sessions & Beginner's Guide?

Dawson Windham Anonymous 25/01/06(Mon)20:19 No. 41147

Anyone got any Dawson Windham programmes? Specifically into the flames and Ghost 🙏

Stoned 25/01/12(Sun)19:38 No. 41149

Anyone got mike sommerfeld's dont waste your waist ebook? Would really appreciate if shared.

Power Lifting Anonymous 25/01/16(Thu)23:15 No. 41152

Hi all,

Does anyone happen to have MAPS Powerlift?

If not, can anyone suggest a good starting power lift program?

Anonymous 25/01/18(Sat)02:14 No. 41154


Absolute legend! :D You wouldn't have MAPS 15 (normal or performance) Would you?

Anonymous 25/01/18(Sat)05:15 No. 41157


Thanking you immensely good sir!

GLP1 JimJob 25/01/18(Sat)13:28 No. 41158

Anyone got Lyle M latest book?

The GLP-1 Solution: A Complete Program to Maximize Your Weight and Fat Loss Results

Anonymous 25/01/18(Sat)21:04 No. 41159


It's free on kindle unlimited at present, I just got it with a trial subscription

Anonymous 25/01/18(Sat)21:30 No. 41160


Do u have the kizen eric helms nutrition for lifters too ,if yes can u pls share it

Boxing science Anonymous 25/01/23(Thu)15:42 No. 41162


Does anyone have this?


Strength Studio Programs Plusultra69 25/01/23(Thu)23:12 No. 41163

Does anyone have the new "Jamal Browner’s The Powerlifter Vol. 1"?

Anonymous 25/01/29(Wed)18:23 No. 41165

thanks, but i want the v2

Move Strong Now 25/01/30(Thu)12:26 No. 41166

Would any kind gentleman or gentlewoman have the 'Move Strong Now' program? :)


blendzior 25/02/04(Tue)20:32 No. 41167

Anyone got the new Powerbuilding from Barbell Medicine? the v2 version, supposed to combine 2,3 and 4 day in one

Anonymous 25/02/05(Wed)00:38 No. 41168

where's the latest MASS archive

Anonymous 25/02/05(Wed)14:16 No. 41169


Try their website

Anonymous 25/02/07(Fri)07:17 No. 41170



Anonymous 25/02/16(Sun)22:03 No. 41172


No joke, I'm serious their website has it.

Req: Dave Lee TRT ebooks Anonymous 25/02/20(Thu)00:07 No. 41173

Looking for "TRT 101" and "Beyond TRT" ebooks by Dave Lee.



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