You should decide what you want to do with your health situation. Do you like being thin? If so, keep it that way. Do you like having muscle on yourself? If so, exercise. Consider where you want to go is one thing you can do. Do you want to go The Machinist or do you want to go Pumping Iron? Figure it out. There's countless steps in between those, so you know. lol
People need to be protected. You can do more protecting if you're in shape. I think AWorkoutRoutine and Elliott Hulse have good advice. There's a a lot you can read online. One small piece of advice is don't go berserk with all the possibilities available. Just choose what's interesting to you. Don't get consumed by the infinite what if's, just pick up a goal and live with that. lol How many people are helped by decision paralysis? Not vast amounts. There are more fulfilling ways to exist.