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MORE!!!!! Femcock Enjoyer 13/12/18(Wed)12:14 No. 92434

File 138736525358.jpg - (30.49KB , 306x306 , 75ce6d944a1c11e3a3d112226e1e851a_6.jpg )

More of her. She's hot, but there isn't enough to fap too

Femcock Enjoyer 13/12/18(Wed)12:15 No. 92435

Femcock Enjoyer 13/12/19(Thu)03:32 No. 92465

whos this

Femcock Enjoyer 13/12/19(Thu)05:46 No. 92468


Raphaela Laet

Femcock Enjoyer 13/12/23(Mon)00:28 No. 92566

Anyone have any more? I know for a fact there are videos of her out there

Femcock Enjoyer 13/12/26(Thu)23:16 No. 92678

one of the videos I have http://www.sendspace.com/file/alnotk

Femcock Enjoyer 13/12/26(Thu)23:25 No. 92679

Femcock Enjoyer 13/12/28(Sat)00:31 No. 92711

"One of"? Feel free to upload the others, Raphaela

Femcock Enjoyer 13/12/28(Sat)02:37 No. 92712

daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmnnn she's got a nice ass

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/05(Sun)05:05 No. 92923

I loved this girl, seriously. Knew her since she was younger. I've tried everything I could to just get closer to her but she's so damn flaky these days. I gave up trying to talk to her.

This is the first time I've seen her on public cam. (She's done some private shows for me on skype.) What site was it on? Cam4? Whoever recorded the video.. WTF? The video looks like a direct feed but the sound is like that of a microphone. You can hear him fapping in the background.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/08(Wed)21:47 No. 93011


How long have you been talking to her?

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/09(Thu)07:29 No. 93022

Well, I met her about 5 years ago when she was jailbait. Lost contact and then got back in touch last year. She has over a thousand contacts on her skype so she's damn near famous now. And we know how girls get when they become really popular. -_-

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/09(Thu)20:20 No. 93040


I don't usually lurk traps, but sometimes I'll google her name to see what shes up to. I dated her briefly and she visited me when she made trips to Florida. I miss her but I'm currently in a committed relationship. We still email from time to time and we used to Skype, now I don't feel so special though :(

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/10(Fri)01:47 No. 93049

I got some old pics of her. I know there are some videos on the web too but never find them. I got some friends that are close to her and they all tell me she is a lovely person when you met her personally.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/10(Fri)01:55 No. 93050

here some more

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/10(Fri)01:59 No. 93052

Thats all I have, I wish I could see her live on cam bu she doesn't do it anymore (at least not public the way it used to be on cam4), she is gorgeous!

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/10(Fri)02:04 No. 93053

Damnit, I never got to see her on Cam4.. She told me she was going to make an account and let me know what it was but she never did. I always wanted see her cum.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/10(Fri)03:21 No. 93058

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/10(Fri)20:12 No. 93081

I wish I had a video I made with her, we speak English in it so it would be different from her other ones. I don't know enough Portuguese to go on the Brazilian Chan and /r/ things.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/11(Sat)17:31 No. 93095

What kind of video was it?

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/11(Sat)22:51 No. 93103


We made two videos, one of them was a blowjob video and the other was me fucking her. She calls me a girl in it (I'm male), which is lulzy maybe she knows more about me than I do.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/12(Sun)01:59 No. 93111

How could you not have those?! lol

Man if I ever made a sex video with a girl like this, I'd put it in my instant fap folder and keep 5 backups. I wonder why she would call you a girl though. Surely she wasn't topping?!

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/12(Sun)05:50 No. 93113


No she never topped, I wasn't into her using her penis. I lost the videos because I started dating someone and I had them saved on megaupload. Megaupload was taken down by the feds though so I don't have anything.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/12(Sun)08:56 No. 93118

Megaupload.. Of course. Well, hopefully some people out there must have it? I'd really like to see the fuck (or non-bj) video.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/12(Sun)18:56 No. 93125


FirstTimer 14/01/13(Mon)22:22 No. 93138

Brazilian Chan? Where is it?

(PS: it's my first time here)

Femcock Enjoyer 14/01/15(Wed)09:03 No. 93158

enjoy rafaela laet, hottest brazilian trap


vid Femcock Enjoyer 14/02/02(Sun)09:22 No. 93407

here's the 1st vid on a site


Femcock Enjoyer 14/02/03(Mon)19:43 No. 93429


Femcock Enjoyer 14/02/19(Wed)06:25 No. 93619


Femcock Enjoyer 14/03/17(Mon)00:50 No. 93979


Femcock Enjoyer 14/04/02(Wed)01:28 No. 94358

File 139639491335.jpg - (39.36KB , 480x640 , 139618860781.jpg )

I know that there's a blowjob video but I cant find it anywhere.

Pic related.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/04/02(Wed)13:07 No. 94368

I have the (a) blowjob vid that I'll trade for the fuck vid if anyone has it.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/04/13(Sun)08:21 No. 94588

I don't have the fuck vid but please, anon, be kind, I need this vid!

Femcock Enjoyer 14/04/13(Sun)08:26 No. 94589

I can trade for a bunch of videos of her on cam4.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/04/15(Tue)01:53 No. 94617

I have 'one' Cam4 vid of her. I thought she quit that place. What's her profile address? I could never find her.

I'll trade, how do you want to do it? You upload then I upload and everybody's happy?

Femcock Enjoyer 14/04/18(Fri)10:21 No. 94682


Femcock Enjoyer 14/04/24(Thu)22:54 No. 94788

To the piece of shit "blackmailing" into us delivering something else:


Fuck you, little bitch.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/04/25(Fri)10:26 No. 94806

Blackmail? Bitch please.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/04/25(Fri)17:51 No. 94808

>what is quotes

Femcock Enjoyer 14/04/28(Mon)03:34 No. 94865

soo does any one have the video of her getting fcuked?? thanks guys

Femcock Enjoyer 14/05/01(Thu)22:33 No. 94960

We'll probably never know since some asshat had to ruin my bargaining chip.

94960 Femcock Enjoyer 14/05/02(Fri)16:31 No. 94979

well, if you have one goal in life, make it so you try and get that vid for us man. we'll owe you for life! appreciate it.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/05/03(Sat)00:20 No. 94988

Sure, blame it on the guy who didn't ask for shit in return, you fucking capitalist pig.

I bet you didn't even have it.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/05/03(Sat)00:41 No. 94989

File 139907049675.jpg - (231.00KB , 1018x330 , 000.jpg )

Fucker, I have that video and then some. It's called trading and giving potential holders the incentive to upload. It's not 'blackmailing' or asking for shit in return. I was even going to do it on here rather than in private so everyone would benefit. So if I'm a capitalist you're a communist and you'd don't deserve shit.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/05/03(Sat)07:14 No. 94994

Dude, it's an anonymous board. The general rule is, if someone has something, they post it. There's no trading or bartering or anything like that, since this stuff doesn't have significant real life value. It's just an unspoken agreement to share what we have. Post something and people will thank you, If you're looking for compensation other than that, an imageboard isn't a very good place place to find it.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/05/03(Sat)08:12 No. 94995

File 139909754614.jpg - (180.60KB , 1024x281 , 00000.jpg )

>The general rule is, if someone has something, they post it.

Except that's not the case here. Either no one has the video of her getting fucked or someone does and they're hoarding it. I want that video and rather than begging for it I offer something in exchange. You don't get hoarders to share by begging or giving them more stuff up front and expect them to play fair. You have to offer them something they don't already have. I have stuff I know no one else does. The only reason someone posted her blowjob vid is because they wanted to be a spiteful dicknugget. Not because a fellow fapper asked nicely and they felt generous.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/05/03(Sat)20:58 No. 95012

As a matter of fact, yes, that was the reason why I posted it. Someone asked for the vid and you were being a little bitch. "lol i have but someone gotta suck my dick first lolol".

So I said "fuck it" and uploaded.

Stop bitching. Seriously. You already are labeled as a little bitch. Don't make it worse on ya.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/05/03(Sat)23:10 No. 95013

Umad? Cuz it definitely sounds like it. If anybody's "bitching" or "being a little bitch" it's definitely you and the other fags demanding something for nothing. We'll be lucky if anybody shares new stuff with your ilk around.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/05/03(Sat)23:45 No. 95015

People should just post all of her content.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/05/04(Sun)01:15 No. 95022

Stopped reading there.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/05/04(Sun)01:32 No. 95024

Good, stop posting too because you're making it worse ya little bitch.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/05/04(Sun)09:11 No. 95030

are people seriously trying to barter or hoard fucking clips of random trap porn?

i'd call it a new low but i know this isn't even the top of the barrel

Femcock Enjoyer 14/05/21(Wed)00:51 No. 95277

Up biatches

Femcock Enjoyer 14/05/26(Mon)09:52 No. 95366

The video os her masturbating, you're welcome. <3 http://uploaded.net/file/me2kujgs

Femcock Enjoyer 14/05/27(Tue)07:20 No. 95395


HS 14/05/30(Fri)15:06 No. 95456

I searched and found videos > http://vegasmpegs.com/videos/4289040/trans-laet-show.html#.U4hlgfnIank

Femcock Enjoyer 14/05/31(Sat)00:24 No. 95462

where are the others? bump!

Information Analyst 14/06/04(Wed)04:30 No. 95548

She livestreams League of Legends and other various games here http://www.hitbox.tv/queenbee

Femcock Enjoyer 14/06/07(Sat)21:14 No. 95589

PLease, someone post the video

Femcock Enjoyer 14/06/16(Mon)14:11 No. 95772


Dear Uzuki, it's me. I was going to add you on Skype and tell you some stuff but I'd rather say here, because you know, you're an asshole. You're the only guy I've ever felt comfortable doing all this stuff after I stopped camwhoring on public, I not only shared with you my body and desires, but things I was going through. The screenshots you leaked, caused a riot on the brazilian community and I don't know if you notice, but I'm a local public person on the gaming community. Thankgod all this did not caused a lot of trouble to my career, but to my mind, it did and I hope you grow up and be a better person. Me not talking to you doesn't mean that I hate you or that I despise you, it means that I'm growing up and moving on and I kinda expected for you to do the same, it seems that you didn't. All this explicit stuff is from my past, from a girl that I was and I don't deny it, nor regret it, I just don't feel like doing it anymore, it's not hard to understand. My english is not at it's best, but I hope you get my message.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/06/17(Tue)15:17 No. 95796

Yeah, Uzuki! Grow up, and learn that the internet is all about sharing! ... and porn

Femcock Enjoyer 14/06/18(Wed)00:47 No. 95812


Raphaela just forget about him and focus on your life, you can't appease everyone and unfortunately what you post online will follow you forever. I miss you a lot, you will always have a special place in my heart for you. I wish you had come to Florida at a different time, before I met the girl I'm currently with. We could have had something special :( I still miss you.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/06/18(Wed)01:07 No. 95814

Whatever. I loved the hell out of you and you relegated me to fan status, so fuck it. I knew this would be the only way to get your attention, but at least I'm not uploading any videos. Enjoy your new life.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/06/18(Wed)02:25 No. 95816

Wow I come to fap and get drama.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/06/18(Wed)03:25 No. 95832

Funny. I fap to come. To each their own, I suppose.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/06/18(Wed)05:10 No. 95836

cool shits happening here

Femcock Enjoyer 14/06/19(Thu)11:20 No. 95915

And her feet and cumshot/ who saw?

Femcock Enjoyer 14/06/23(Mon)16:01 No. 95970

Cmon guys, just upload the videos already.

YyZ 14/06/27(Fri)04:52 No. 96071

I'm crazy, I need to see these videos!

Femcock Enjoyer 14/06/28(Sat)04:20 No. 96094

this 8449aa guy is the reason these sites are shit nowadays. fucking faggot. fuck off this site.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/07/28(Mon)00:51 No. 96723

Bump for the video!

Femcock Enjoyer 14/07/31(Thu)19:40 No. 96770

Problem solved. http://xhamster.com/movies/3219010/redhead_sucks_lucky_guy.html

Femcock Enjoyer 14/08/04(Mon)22:27 No. 96853


It's not this >>94995 .

Femcock Enjoyer 14/08/05(Tue)07:32 No. 96863

I want the video of her with blue hair, that ass........

Femcock Enjoyer 14/08/24(Sun)21:06 No. 97354

So far, what we got from her.

teaL AleahpaR eurT ehT 14/09/08(Mon)01:57 No. 97659

Deal is this, let's be honest with each other! The Raphaela is beautiful? Yup! It's a delicious trap, is beautiful, but oh, stop, right?

It seems that living in a make believe little world where everyone fucks and sucks it will not exhibit on the net, that goes be okay in the end and she will be happy forever. No you will not! This world're full, I said full of motherfuckers (like us here seeing her pictures) and sses same motherfuckers always will want.

"All this stuff is explicit from my past, from the girl I was que and I do not deny it, nor regret it, I just do not feel like doing it anymore"

Now that you've seen the shit that gave will lend a smart mature and move on? If you had minimal intelligence NEVER HAVE RELIED ON THE SONS OF A BITCH THAT YOU WRAPPED (WHICH I BELIEVE WERE MANY). NEVER HAVE LEFT A DELICATE MATTER SO WHEN TO YOUR transsexuality BE A MORE ATTRACTIVE FOR VARIOUS IDIOTS THAT COME HERE (Again I include us) to give that naughty ejaculation seeing you.

Wants to forget his past? Agree. I know you, you are an exceptional player of LOL, you really deserve respect and I have been among your contacts on facebook, I do not really have anything against you. But come play the victim and say that the views grew? Ah, fuck ... If you had grown even with his mature mind would never have given such a stupid misstep agreeing to be filmed by some fagots that after all only wanted a hole to put the cock, take a cumshot and order. You were dumb, stupid, immature. Take it and mingle in peace with your mind...

Femcock Enjoyer 14/09/15(Mon)23:25 No. 97811

Damnn shes HOT!!

Femcock Enjoyer 14/10/03(Fri)14:55 No. 98123

Her face is fucking nasty, but she has a decent rack. She'll end up like every other Brazilian with duck lips and a Michael Jackson nose

Femcock Enjoyer 14/10/08(Wed)00:33 No. 98208

Is she a escort?

Femcock Enjoyer 14/10/08(Wed)02:42 No. 98209


Uhh I hope not I didn't use a rubber.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/10/08(Wed)08:48 No. 98211

She told me she was. Offered her services to me more than once. I sai no

Femcock Enjoyer 14/10/08(Wed)22:18 No. 98214


Well, I got her for free so go me.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/10/09(Thu)05:47 No. 98216

That fucking video, I really need it.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/10/10(Fri)00:06 No. 98229

If you guys are one of the few lucky hundred and something people who fucked her, do you got a video of it? That's all I need to share the videos I have of her.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/11/01(Sat)08:04 No. 98503

Can someone post a video where she had a blue hair?

... 14/11/30(Sun)08:33 No. 98939

I need from her videos, the blue hair and more

... 14/11/30(Sun)08:34 No. 98940

Please, I need her video blue hair, and if you have others, please send !!

Femcock Enjoyer 14/12/04(Thu)19:28 No. 99045


Femcock Enjoyer 14/12/07(Sun)00:16 No. 99089

She had the loosest asshole I had ever seen. Didn't stop me though. Just made her squeeze

Femcock Enjoyer 14/12/08(Mon)07:37 No. 99130

I'd still give both my left nuts to fuck her.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/12/10(Wed)16:36 No. 99157


hot chick trap sexy boy 14/12/12(Fri)20:52 No. 99186

File 141841392147.jpg - (91.37KB , 360x480 , IMG_0572.jpg )

i like to give you a real fuck for ever!

Raphaela new photos? Rivaldo Do Nacimento 14/12/14(Sun)13:26 No. 99207


So after my hard search for this girl i just found some pictures of her when she was into some kind of japanese wierd shit

At that time around 2011 i think, her name used to be Princess Lili heres what i found






Nothing really special just a bunch of pictures of her dressed in some kind of japense clothing, but here comes the fun part i found this kind of "uncensored" search engine and theres where i found allot of good pictures


Maybe you guys already saw those pictures or not but i just wanted to made my contribution to this thread

Femcock Enjoyer 14/12/15(Mon)04:32 No. 99216

I still want the video where she had blue hair, i really wish i could have that

:) Femcock Enjoyer 14/12/15(Mon)04:33 No. 99217

I still want the video where she had blue hair, i really wish i could have it.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/12/15(Mon)04:35 No. 99218

I still want her video with blue hair.

Closet Homosexual 14/12/15(Mon)07:31 No. 99221

I still want her video with blue/red hair.

Raphaella new folder Rivaldo 14/12/18(Thu)04:22 No. 99259

File 141887296068.jpg - (65.13KB , 1006x367 , laet.jpg )

Hello guys, all the dropbox links are down so i found a new collection of all raphaella laet photos must of them are in this tread though, but here you go


Femcock Enjoyer 14/12/26(Fri)00:05 No. 99328

so that dropbox link doesnt work. does anyone not have the video of her getting fucked? please please share! Christmas gift for all.

Femcock Enjoyer 14/12/26(Fri)04:27 No. 99331

give it a rest with this girl already

Femcock Enjoyer 14/12/26(Fri)09:36 No. 99335

I'm still waiting for the videos :)

Closet Homosexual 15/01/05(Mon)07:27 No. 99446

We need these videos

unknown 15/01/11(Sun)23:17 No. 99508

Hi, the girl in the picture is a young brasilian shemale, she is a pro lol player. Here is her facabook profile https://www.facebook.com/laetqueenbee

Femcock Enjoyer 15/01/16(Fri)11:40 No. 99574

Haha! "pro" good one

Femcock Enjoyer 15/01/17(Sat)23:02 No. 99584

This is stuff we already know.

Femcock Enjoyer 15/01/18(Sun)01:27 No. 99585

Yeah, and I wonder if anybody actually gives a shit about her playing LoL.

Femcock Enjoyer 15/01/22(Thu)23:38 No. 99631


The only pro she does is suck off Brazilian rioters and steamers.

Femcock Enjoyer 15/01/27(Tue)20:05 No. 99670

Nice Thread

Femcock Enjoyer 15/02/01(Sun)08:37 No. 99729

where are the vídeos?

Femcock Enjoyer 15/02/07(Sat)04:45 No. 99781


Femcock Enjoyer 15/02/15(Sun)06:42 No. 99838

A própria postou isso aqui.

Femcock Enjoyer 15/02/25(Wed)00:35 No. 99975

plis more videos

sage 15/02/25(Wed)07:39 No. 99984

Dude, the rude uncultured swine anon said "she herself posted this stuff". Which means you shouldn't feed the attention whore.

99838 feijão 15/03/06(Fri)05:43 No. 100127

oie sou o feijão grande fã vc pode mi passar umas fts pelo e-mail vlw kkk tb so jogo mt

Femcock Enjoyer 15/03/06(Fri)21:24 No. 100131

>> 100127 translated

oie am the big bean fan u can spend a mi fts by vlw kkk email tb are set mt

Femcock Enjoyer 15/03/07(Sat)21:05 No. 100147

I'm still waiting for her blue hair video :)

feijão 15/04/05(Sun)06:41 No. 100566

[email protected] i am feijão ;)

vx 15/04/06(Mon)03:23 No. 100571


I dont think we will have it

Femcock Enjoyer 15/04/22(Wed)19:45 No. 100735

Uzuki can you post the videos? Everyone in Brazil has them, we need them in Canada. I can't go on Brazil chan to get those videos T.T

Femcock Enjoyer 15/04/23(Thu)21:46 No. 100743

She's the goddess of League of Legends.

Femcock Enjoyer 15/06/15(Mon)09:56 No. 101258


video lorjewre 15/06/28(Sun)18:57 No. 101380

Here br.spankbang.com/39hq/video/laparfaits+0320

private dropbox backup Femcock Enjoyer 15/06/29(Mon)07:12 No. 101385


there's another!

Femcock Enjoyer 15/08/02(Sun)02:05 No. 101647

No one got the blue hair vid yet ? =/

Dhhadm625 15/10/15(Thu)01:01 No. 102329

Any updates on Dropbox links for her or any new uploads still wanting the blue hair video and one of her getting fucked bad

Femcock Enjoyer 15/11/08(Sun)06:21 No. 102617

\she also preform?

Joaned Joanes 15/11/11(Wed)04:16 No. 102646


marcos paulo 15/11/13(Fri)22:19 No. 102690


Femcock Enjoyer 15/11/14(Sat)23:04 No. 102705

I found This:

Femcock Enjoyer 15/11/15(Sun)05:42 No. 102708


Femcock Enjoyer 15/12/01(Tue)04:01 No. 102899

We need more to fap

Femcock Enjoyer 15/12/08(Tue)05:20 No. 103054

need those two vids pls D:

Femcock Enjoyer 16/01/02(Sat)05:05 No. 103280

I need the blue hair video, come on.

Femcock Enjoyer 16/01/16(Sat)22:12 No. 103372

File 145297872567.jpg - (25.94KB , 320x388 , BANDEIRA.jpg )

Zacarias with tits

rockr 16/05/01(Sun)08:42 No. 104221

no longer trap, made surgery

rockr 16/05/01(Sun)08:43 No. 104222

no longer trap, made surgery

Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/05(Thu)01:02 No. 104270

That is such tragic news.. I guess I can stop stalking her instagram thing now. =/

Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/13(Fri)18:55 No. 104342


Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/16(Mon)18:56 No. 104355

>>>>no longer trap, made surgery
>>That is such tragic news.. I guess I can stop stalking her instagram thing now. =/

So, she can't get preggers and has one more hole to play with?


Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/18(Wed)08:30 No. 104368

Ive read up on the "after" SRS... its not fun. The woman has to insert different dilation dildos so the hole doesn't close back up, sort of like a ear or nose piercing, if you don't keep it open the body wants to heal it close. Plus, the new vagina is just an inside out penis, and of course penis skin doesn't self lubricate (even if foreskin is intact its not the same amount of lube a genetic females vagina secretes normally or when sexually arouse) So the MtF woman has to use store bought lubricant for the rest of her life.
Finding out all the specifics ruined it for me.

Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/19(Thu)21:56 No. 104374

>>Ive read up on the "after" SRS... its not fun. The woman has to insert different dilation dildos so the hole doesn't close back up, sort of like a ear or nose piercing, if you don't keep it open the body wants to heal it close. Plus, the new vagina is just an inside out penis, and of course penis skin doesn't self lubricate (even if foreskin is intact its not the same amount of lube a genetic females vagina secretes normally or when sexually arouse) So the MtF woman has to use store bought lubricant for the rest of her life.
Finding out all the specifics ruined it for me.

Didn't you know? Post-op is a whole different thing for transpeople (easier in some cases for FTM). The lack of lubrication after vaginoplasty surgery is one reason why some MTF individuals keep their OEM gear.

Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/21(Sat)08:55 No. 104380

>So, she can't get preggers and has one more hole to play with?
>Ive read up on the "after" SRS... its not fun. The woman has to insert different dilation dildos so the hole doesn't close back up, sort of like a ear or nose piercing, if you don't keep it open the body wants to heal it close. Plus, the new vagina is just an inside out penis, and of course penis skin doesn't self lubricate (even if foreskin is intact its not the same amount of lube a genetic females vagina secretes normally or when sexually arouse) So the MtF woman has to use store bought lubricant for the rest of her life.
Finding out all the specifics ruined it for me.

Yeah, dude, you getting excited over man-made pussy. Post-Op traps are inferior creatures. They're shemales who threw away their only advantage over real women while forsaking the men who like them for what they are. Because when a guy wants pussy, he'll get it from a woman that was born with one.

Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/23(Mon)23:50 No. 104389

>>Post-Op traps are inferior creatures. They're shemales who threw away their only advantage over real women while forsaking the men who like them for what they are.

I always wondered if a man/trap/woman marriage could be legal - because that would be awesome.

Unbeatable 16/05/26(Thu)16:38 No. 104404

God, and you wonder why none of us want to fuck you.

Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/27(Fri)00:21 No. 104411

You mean it's no wonder nobody wants to fuck a post-op, right?

Shitwillingtonthunderfart 16/06/04(Sat)01:27 No. 104469

lol. You're such a catty little cunt. Chill out man. Some traps have a cock. Some traps want a pussy.

Neither are going to fuck you kid.

Mulheres Gabriel 16/06/25(Sat)03:08 No. 104575

Sua dlç

asholz 16/07/02(Sat)10:43 No. 104617

the redhead blowjob vid

Paulo Paulo 16/08/08(Mon)19:57 No. 104805


Closet Homosexual 16/11/05(Sat)02:33 No. 105397

Where is the other videos from her?

Femcock Enjoyer 17/05/03(Wed)07:16 No. 106114

File 149378861941.png - (688.60KB , 954x701 , f 1330481422395 DSC_0009.png )

So I have a few corrupt images frmo an old hard drive, never thought much of them until I saw this thread. Does anyone know if this is her, and perhaps have the full images? And yeah, sorry, they're corrupt beyond any use unless you have a very vivid imagination.

NO Dev 17/10/17(Tue)01:24 No. 106523

Its not her

93407 Bretura 18/02/10(Sat)18:37 No. 106816

Alguem encontro o video de cabelo azul ou o de cabelo loiro da raphaela laet queen b

Femcock Enjoyer 18/06/03(Sun)03:15 No. 107074

Bump for more of this slut

Femcock Enjoyer 18/07/03(Tue)08:00 No. 107147


Femcock Enjoyer 18/12/12(Wed)02:10 No. 107450

Do you have any source on that?

lana rain Femcock Enjoyer 19/03/11(Mon)06:35 No. 107672


Femcock Enjoyer 19/05/12(Sun)10:08 No. 107757


Femcock Enjoyer 19/05/12(Sun)10:14 No. 107758


Femcock Enjoyer 19/05/12(Sun)10:17 No. 107759


Femcock Enjoyer 19/05/12(Sun)10:17 No. 107760


Femcock Enjoyer 19/12/12(Thu)19:14 No. 108052

I really need the blue hair vid anyone can help me ? Plssss

Femcock Enjoyer 20/10/21(Wed)04:12 No. 108459

I need more of her

Segun Segun 21/04/24(Sat)11:19 No. 108643

does anyone have more videos of her?

Segun 21/04/24(Sat)11:28 No. 108644

any link or folder that works?

Segun 21/04/25(Sun)02:40 No. 108647

>>closet Homosexual
U got anything?

Segun 21/06/05(Sat)06:47 No. 108677


alan+grin 21/07/08(Thu)09:20 No. 108708

I met girl similar to this one here https://vibragame.net/en/private-sex-webcast.html . There are many girls and I can choose with whom I want to chat. Now I can chat with beauties about everything without censorship.


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