>So, she can't get preggers and has one more hole to play with?
>Ive read up on the "after" SRS... its not fun. The woman has to insert different dilation dildos so the hole doesn't close back up, sort of like a ear or nose piercing, if you don't keep it open the body wants to heal it close. Plus, the new vagina is just an inside out penis, and of course penis skin doesn't self lubricate (even if foreskin is intact its not the same amount of lube a genetic females vagina secretes normally or when sexually arouse) So the MtF woman has to use store bought lubricant for the rest of her life.
Finding out all the specifics ruined it for me.
Yeah, dude, you getting excited over man-made pussy. Post-Op traps are inferior creatures. They're shemales who threw away their only advantage over real women while forsaking the men who like them for what they are. Because when a guy wants pussy, he'll get it from a woman that was born with one.