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MORE!!!!! Femcock Enjoyer 13/12/18(Wed)12:14 No. 92434

File 138736525358.jpg - (30.49KB , 306x306 , 75ce6d944a1c11e3a3d112226e1e851a_6.jpg )

More of her. She's hot, but there isn't enough to fap too

123 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
video lorjewre 15/06/28(Sun)18:57 No. 101380

Here br.spankbang.com/39hq/video/laparfaits+0320

private dropbox backup Femcock Enjoyer 15/06/29(Mon)07:12 No. 101385


there's another!

Femcock Enjoyer 15/08/02(Sun)02:05 No. 101647

No one got the blue hair vid yet ? =/

Dhhadm625 15/10/15(Thu)01:01 No. 102329

Any updates on Dropbox links for her or any new uploads still wanting the blue hair video and one of her getting fucked bad

Femcock Enjoyer 15/11/08(Sun)06:21 No. 102617

\she also preform?

Joaned Joanes 15/11/11(Wed)04:16 No. 102646


marcos paulo 15/11/13(Fri)22:19 No. 102690


Femcock Enjoyer 15/11/14(Sat)23:04 No. 102705

I found This:

Femcock Enjoyer 15/11/15(Sun)05:42 No. 102708


Femcock Enjoyer 15/12/01(Tue)04:01 No. 102899

We need more to fap

Femcock Enjoyer 15/12/08(Tue)05:20 No. 103054

need those two vids pls D:

Femcock Enjoyer 16/01/02(Sat)05:05 No. 103280

I need the blue hair video, come on.

Femcock Enjoyer 16/01/16(Sat)22:12 No. 103372

File 145297872567.jpg - (25.94KB , 320x388 , BANDEIRA.jpg )

Zacarias with tits

rockr 16/05/01(Sun)08:42 No. 104221

no longer trap, made surgery

rockr 16/05/01(Sun)08:43 No. 104222

no longer trap, made surgery

Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/05(Thu)01:02 No. 104270

That is such tragic news.. I guess I can stop stalking her instagram thing now. =/

Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/13(Fri)18:55 No. 104342


Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/16(Mon)18:56 No. 104355

>>>>no longer trap, made surgery
>>That is such tragic news.. I guess I can stop stalking her instagram thing now. =/

So, she can't get preggers and has one more hole to play with?


Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/18(Wed)08:30 No. 104368

Ive read up on the "after" SRS... its not fun. The woman has to insert different dilation dildos so the hole doesn't close back up, sort of like a ear or nose piercing, if you don't keep it open the body wants to heal it close. Plus, the new vagina is just an inside out penis, and of course penis skin doesn't self lubricate (even if foreskin is intact its not the same amount of lube a genetic females vagina secretes normally or when sexually arouse) So the MtF woman has to use store bought lubricant for the rest of her life.
Finding out all the specifics ruined it for me.

Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/19(Thu)21:56 No. 104374

>>Ive read up on the "after" SRS... its not fun. The woman has to insert different dilation dildos so the hole doesn't close back up, sort of like a ear or nose piercing, if you don't keep it open the body wants to heal it close. Plus, the new vagina is just an inside out penis, and of course penis skin doesn't self lubricate (even if foreskin is intact its not the same amount of lube a genetic females vagina secretes normally or when sexually arouse) So the MtF woman has to use store bought lubricant for the rest of her life.
Finding out all the specifics ruined it for me.

Didn't you know? Post-op is a whole different thing for transpeople (easier in some cases for FTM). The lack of lubrication after vaginoplasty surgery is one reason why some MTF individuals keep their OEM gear.

Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/21(Sat)08:55 No. 104380

>So, she can't get preggers and has one more hole to play with?
>Ive read up on the "after" SRS... its not fun. The woman has to insert different dilation dildos so the hole doesn't close back up, sort of like a ear or nose piercing, if you don't keep it open the body wants to heal it close. Plus, the new vagina is just an inside out penis, and of course penis skin doesn't self lubricate (even if foreskin is intact its not the same amount of lube a genetic females vagina secretes normally or when sexually arouse) So the MtF woman has to use store bought lubricant for the rest of her life.
Finding out all the specifics ruined it for me.

Yeah, dude, you getting excited over man-made pussy. Post-Op traps are inferior creatures. They're shemales who threw away their only advantage over real women while forsaking the men who like them for what they are. Because when a guy wants pussy, he'll get it from a woman that was born with one.

Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/23(Mon)23:50 No. 104389

>>Post-Op traps are inferior creatures. They're shemales who threw away their only advantage over real women while forsaking the men who like them for what they are.

I always wondered if a man/trap/woman marriage could be legal - because that would be awesome.

Unbeatable 16/05/26(Thu)16:38 No. 104404

God, and you wonder why none of us want to fuck you.

Femcock Enjoyer 16/05/27(Fri)00:21 No. 104411

You mean it's no wonder nobody wants to fuck a post-op, right?

Shitwillingtonthunderfart 16/06/04(Sat)01:27 No. 104469

lol. You're such a catty little cunt. Chill out man. Some traps have a cock. Some traps want a pussy.

Neither are going to fuck you kid.

Mulheres Gabriel 16/06/25(Sat)03:08 No. 104575

Sua dlç

asholz 16/07/02(Sat)10:43 No. 104617

the redhead blowjob vid

Paulo Paulo 16/08/08(Mon)19:57 No. 104805


Closet Homosexual 16/11/05(Sat)02:33 No. 105397

Where is the other videos from her?

Femcock Enjoyer 17/05/03(Wed)07:16 No. 106114

File 149378861941.png - (688.60KB , 954x701 , f 1330481422395 DSC_0009.png )

So I have a few corrupt images frmo an old hard drive, never thought much of them until I saw this thread. Does anyone know if this is her, and perhaps have the full images? And yeah, sorry, they're corrupt beyond any use unless you have a very vivid imagination.

NO Dev 17/10/17(Tue)01:24 No. 106523

Its not her

93407 Bretura 18/02/10(Sat)18:37 No. 106816

Alguem encontro o video de cabelo azul ou o de cabelo loiro da raphaela laet queen b

Femcock Enjoyer 18/06/03(Sun)03:15 No. 107074

Bump for more of this slut

Femcock Enjoyer 18/07/03(Tue)08:00 No. 107147


Femcock Enjoyer 18/12/12(Wed)02:10 No. 107450

Do you have any source on that?

lana rain Femcock Enjoyer 19/03/11(Mon)06:35 No. 107672


Femcock Enjoyer 19/05/12(Sun)10:08 No. 107757


Femcock Enjoyer 19/05/12(Sun)10:14 No. 107758


Femcock Enjoyer 19/05/12(Sun)10:17 No. 107759


Femcock Enjoyer 19/05/12(Sun)10:17 No. 107760


Femcock Enjoyer 19/12/12(Thu)19:14 No. 108052

I really need the blue hair vid anyone can help me ? Plssss

Femcock Enjoyer 20/10/21(Wed)04:12 No. 108459

I need more of her

Segun Segun 21/04/24(Sat)11:19 No. 108643

does anyone have more videos of her?

Segun 21/04/24(Sat)11:28 No. 108644

any link or folder that works?

Segun 21/04/25(Sun)02:40 No. 108647

>>closet Homosexual
U got anything?

Segun 21/06/05(Sat)06:47 No. 108677


alan+grin 21/07/08(Thu)09:20 No. 108708

I met girl similar to this one here https://vibragame.net/en/private-sex-webcast.html . There are many girls and I can choose with whom I want to chat. Now I can chat with beauties about everything without censorship.


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