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Oekaki Board Re-Opened by N3X15 - 10/29/11 @ 03:04 PM CEST

We've just fixed our Oekaki support, so /gfx/ has been turned into an oekaki. We'll be making CSS tweaks and fixes over time (such as allowing non-oekaki image uploads in an oekaki board).
For those of you who were born yesterday, an Oekaki is MS-paint for your browser. Click on paint, draw a picture, and click on upload to show your shitty doodles to the world.

Welp by Sazpaimon - 10/01/11 @ 08:18 AM CEST

Sorry for the downtime, a kernel upgrade on the server didn't go as planned, and as usual it takes support 10 hours to reply to my emails to boot the server into a recovery mode to fix it. As of now we're back in action, though.


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/zom/ is back by N3X15 - 08/21/11 @ 12:26 PM CEST

/zom/ has passed the traffic requirements, so you have it back. Keep up the posting rate or it'll go away again.
Additionally, /pr/ - Programming is the current /777/ topic. Keep posting if you want it back.

More like ipvdicks by Sazpaimon - 07/30/11 @ 09:34 PM CEST

Hi guys, as a part of the upgrades the other day which killed 7chan. I've enabled IPv6 on our server. This serves a dual purpose: to test how well Kusaba can work with IPv6 addresses, and to see IPv6 adoption on 7chan (if any). To help gauge this, I've also added a new board, /vip6/. Sorry regular /VIP/ users, this is exclusive to IPv6 users only, VIP and non. If you have IPv6, turn it on when browsing 7chan and help us test!

7chan - Boards
