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I need help finding the title of a movie please. Z13 20/01/10(Fri)21:03 No. 5686 ID: 3b1235

File 157868659631.jpg - (158.38KB , 674x802 , 961F556D-DB03-4924-94B1-E2C0F337BA9D.jpg )

So I’m looking for a certain zombie movie. I can’t remember if it’s a George A Romero film or not, but one scene has kids (maybe punks?) that were in a room. Basement I believe and one of the zombies is interesting. I remember it having a hole in its stomach with its spine exposed or a very elongated spine so it’s head was dragging. Not the zombies from Return of the dead and not any zombies from Land of the dead but it kinda was like the priest zombie that threw its neck to bite the character in land of the dead. If you know what movie I’m talking about please let me know what the title is. Please and thank you.

Shambler 20/01/10(Fri)21:22 No. 5687 ID: e722a4

Any other scenes you remember?
Also; year you watched this (so we can exclude latter films).

Shambler 20/02/03(Mon)02:56 No. 5690 ID: 530e8a

Return of the Living Dead is the movie you seek. One of my all time favorite movies! See >>796626 for a clip!

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