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Alright, I'll bite. I chose for a very reasonable loadout for where I live (In my opinion). Being in Arizona, in a very urban, built-up place, with lots of heat, I decided against having anything that would be too concealing as the heat would kill you more surely than the Zombies could in this weather.
As for headgear, I went for a big hat and a keffia, again for heat reasons. I wear prescription glasses because I can't make out letters over 20 feet away, but otherwise won't need any special gear.
I have only around 50 pounds of gear on me, and all of it is geared for hiding out in the city. I have a Shotgun mainly for warding off potential rival humans, and a pistol and silencer for when I want to take out a few zombies. For food I would primarily scavenge around the city, and otherwise carry with me dried or canned foods, and plenty of water.
I also have cigarettes as a kind of currency thing- I don't smoke but I am pretty sure I could use these for trade. My Smartphone, MP3, book, and the cards are all to stave off me doing something stupid because of boredom.
I have a wirecutter, multi-tool, and first aid kit to both hotwire vehicles, cut chainlink fences, and patch myself up.
My plan would be to go and hide out during the day somewhere nice and cool, perhaps a library (In my town the libraries are usually a stone's throw from a supermarket), and sleep. During the night, when the temperature is better I would actually explore more of the city and do any real work on fortifying the library I choose as my home. I would get up on tall buildings and use the binoculars to try and spot signs of other people so check out, and mark them on my map (An actual paper one, as I wouldn't trust tech to last too long)
Out here near the Hoover Dam, the hydroelectric plant built-in to that dam would keep supplying places with power for a while, so finding a generator wouldn't be top priority, which is nice.
I'm just not sure if staying in-city or leaving to live in the wilderness somewhere would be better.