Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.
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Kinemortophobia. How many of you here have genuine fear of reanimated corpses? Not me, zombie ridden world is my happy place.
>>5135 >combining a Greek root with a Latin one to form the name of a phobia Get your linguistics together
>>5146 I didn't invent the word. Please, taste some real life.
>>5147 You're welcome, private.
File 142021038954.gif - (186.80KB , 223x200 , He+had+a+messed+up+childhood+So+do+many+people+_e0.gif )
''Not me, zombie ridden world is my happy place.'' That's why the zombie preppers are the lonely kid eating glue of the prepper movement.