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THE GAME Martyn Grim 13/07/30(Tue)06:11 No. 4740 ID: 435599

File 137515748276.png - (961.55KB , 1500x1731 , Zombie CYOA mark V_finished_1.png )

The lack of CYOA threads here is disturbing. Here's some OC I whipped up. Enjoy.

Martyn Grim 13/07/30(Tue)07:01 No. 4741 ID: 435599

lemme get the ball *rolling*.....

noko Martyn Grim 13/07/30(Tue)08:42 No. 4742 ID: 435599

=Refugee Camp
>Baseball Bat
>Med Kit
>Jill Valentine

The other refugees probably have shit to trade for except their meager food rations. Still I would set up a makeshift hospital and recruit some volunteers to help with the patient care. The notoriety will help me get in tight with the assholes running the camp. With a little coaching I could get the med kit to produce vicodin and morphine on a regular basis, which in turn I use to start trading for ammo, batteries, and MREs (seems the most feasible to acquire in that setting). The camp sounds boring, so eventually I would bug out with the hot security chief (Jill). Even if she never warms up to me, Im fine. Just glad to have a good baby sitter. And if the bitch dies at least I can use her ammo in my gun. Now the segway...this just sounds fun. First I get to enjoy all the butt hurt looks on the other refugees as I cruise around like a pimp. Once I'm on the road, I strap it to whatever car or truck I hotwire and carry it along until Im out of fuel. Then I can just ride the segway until I find something else to hotwire. Plus, I like the hell out of the idea of riding that thing along at full speed with a bat in one hand...I dare venture that it might be rather effective for hit-and-run tactics.

Martyn Grim 13/08/05(Mon)05:45 No. 4753 ID: 435599

shameless self bump

Shambler 13/08/07(Wed)01:04 No. 4755 ID: e1381a


Martyn Grim 13/09/17(Tue)19:38 No. 4796 ID: 435599


Shambler 13/09/20(Fri)02:37 No. 4797 ID: 0efd22

No rifle grip firearms? What the fuck OP?

Martyn Grim 13/09/20(Fri)03:35 No. 4798 ID: 435599

This was intentional. Too much variability to cater to everyone and cover the basics as well. Seemed easier to reduce the decision to hashing the differences between quality models of a specific type of gun (pistols), rather than rely on the vagueness of generic titles like "Shotgun", "Rifle", "Pistol" to cater to everyone (including someone looking to break the system).

Those who wish to rely heavily on firearms would be wise to choose the bandolier or bag-of-holding, and take on Jill as a partner.

CandleJack 13/10/01(Tue)03:15 No. 4813 ID: 2ea14f

>Fire Ax

I'm not going to be melee-combating zeds if I can help it, so I'm going with this for its utility value. Not very useful, however, unless you apply magical properties such as "never gets dull/corroded and is unbreakable", though. All items in the top row can be found lying anywhere, so it's silly.

>Glock 9mm

Just a simple gun, more for defense against other humans than zeds. Why the heck would I want something with hard-to-find ammo and huge recoil just so I can feel like goddamn Clint Eastwood? However, its utility is also negligible unless also magical (ie: never runs out of ammo); I'll pick up other firearms somewhere else.


A nice middle-ground of size and complexity. The humvee is too large/complicated to be useful, and the dirtbike too small to carry much cargo and/or passengers easily. I can easily find parts for and maintain/repair the ATV myself, something I can't do with the hummer. Segway is retarded: there will be nowhere to charge the thing two days after civilization collapses, and it's too delicate to survive in the dust out there.

> Gas Tank

The other items tempted me, but the truth is that mining and refining petroleum is something that can only really happen with large industry, at least cheaply. Gasoline would be THE MOST IMPORTANT resource (by way of scarcity) after civilization collapses, at least unless you intend to run from the zeds. Everything else I can survive without, but with no gas, I go nowhere. Also, due to its value, it would be the most useful thing to trade.


I don't have any reason not to pick Gay Barry (he's not really my type, but I'm not straight so the sex wouldn't be problematic) except that I fully intend to solo this little adventure. I don't want any dead-weight partners for anything other than short stretches of time when necessary. Also, an unkillable zombie-distracting-device would be quite useful.


I would camp in place for a short time in order to build up my resources by having my magic gas can produce what is essentially liquid gold, and trading it for what else I need. I feel weapons and technology and communication equipment are not very useful for me, but medical supplies are. Also, I'd rather not be stuck in an isolated trap (survival vault) if security is breached and zeds get in. A place out in the country offers ample chance to just break down a gate and escape into the forest.

Basically, I'd be Kevin Costner from Waterworld, wandering between these places trading an extremely-rare resource (gasoline, rather than dirt) that is nearly impossible for others to get, but easy for me. I'd always have to be traveling, because if word spreads about me, someone might find out about the magic gas can and attempt to kill me for it. Staying in one place too long or getting close to others would result in death.

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