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Zombie Defenses Shambler 12/10/21(Sun)07:11 No. 3864 ID: 435599

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Original Content. What do you think?

I think construction is going to be a bitch, but with a good crew and solid security it is an achievable build.

Shambler 12/10/21(Sun)18:14 No. 3867 ID: 435599

this board is slower than a Romero Walker

Cisla 12/10/21(Sun)21:24 No. 3871 ID: 4c81db

How much time and ressources would you need for that ?

Just take a van and close every door with a good lock, that would be way safer.

maninahat 12/10/21(Sun)22:01 No. 3874 ID: aaac94

Why is the wire necessary? They can't punch through steel and they can't reach the top of the wall, so the wire isn't really needed. Once a bunch of zombies end up dead in the trench, you'll simply end up with a much harder job of dragging their rotting, diseased corpses out of the wire and away from your fort.

Shambler 12/10/22(Mon)09:44 No. 3877 ID: 2e1b7c

I would replace the razor wire with something more like a punji stick. Say you have a large horde of Zeds attack and you have a pile in front of your perimeter defense and not have a way to clear them. The punji sticks are just as, if not more effective as razor wire and replaceable. After an onslaught you would be able push the bodies out with a dozer or loader or burn all of the bodies and just replace the defenses in your trench that way. If you had razor wire in the trench it would probably end up a big hassle.

Otherwise good design, hope you know how to operate heavy machinery.

Shambler 12/10/22(Mon)10:20 No. 3878 ID: 647047

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barbed wire wont stop zombies. that trench could just fill with zombies and then how will you be able to check if they're neutralized? the solid fence's foundation needs more work.

how do you plan to take out zombies that get to the solid fence? you don't want the zombies running over a pile of zombies and using that mob fence pushing tactic.

perhaps a solid defense wouldnt be to your advantage. you need to take a lesson from medieval castle design and set up killing floors. make a particular route seem easy and attractive to the zeds only to have several phases of attacks. an open corridor where zombies can be tunnelled through, killed, the entrance to the tunnel closed while the corpses are removed and then gates reopenned. so far you dont have a safe disposal plan and the best you can hope for is to repel an attack rather than wearing down the local population through attrition.

Shambler 12/10/24(Wed)09:07 No. 3892 ID: 435599

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Just burn out the trench once a weak. The bones would gather, but they can be crushed.

I like the pike idea, and same for the rebarb, and agree the more solid the foundation the better. The internal HQ structures could be built with the medieval theme you mention for added levels of security. This design is itself an incarnation of medieval castle wall defense. Just needs a solid keep with reliable agriculture and water supply, and you can call it home in the zombie wasteland.

Shambler 12/10/25(Thu)18:06 No. 3903 ID: c2a8bf

Seems like a lot of work when you could just get on a boat and float around in the great lakes fishing and enjoying pretty sunsets for the rest of your life.

Shambler 12/10/26(Fri)00:06 No. 3906 ID: 435599

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Updated with stronger foundation and pikes!

maninahat 12/10/29(Mon)10:56 No. 3921 ID: d4b529

The pikes are ridiculous. I couldn't think of a worse weapon for killing zombies, considering how easily they could get lodged in the torso of a zombie and dragged out of your hands. Get enough zombies stuck on the wall pikes, and you've created a ladder out of bodies. To stop zombies at the walls (if you even need to), just have the towers jutting out, so that people in them can see the along the entire length of the wall - creating an enfilade of fire.

If you want to build a simple, zombie proof fort, here is what you do:
1) Get lots of sturdy wire.
2) Relocate to a wood or copse.
3) Make a 5 foot high perimeter fence through the woods, wrapping the wire around trees and nailing it into place. The perimeter should be a short distance into the woods, so that the wire can't be easily seen from outside the woods by raiders, but of a wide enough perimeter, so that a zombie can't look through it and see the human settlement within. Check occasionally to see if a tree has fallen and pinned down the wire.

That's it. Zombies can't see the settlement for the forest, so they won't try to siege. The wire creates a simple barrier which impedes individual zombies from passing through the woods. Could be put together by one man in a single day, using common materials found in rural farmland. The only problem is the settlement itself - which should really be the number one priority of any survival situation anyway.

Shambler 12/10/29(Mon)13:28 No. 3922 ID: 5337a2

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You forgot about the big black guy

Shambler 12/11/02(Fri)17:51 No. 3946 ID: 435599

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reshaped, new overlays

Shambler 12/11/02(Fri)17:55 No. 3947 ID: 435599

I like this idea as a supplement, assuming you have enough wire. I don't think I would place the safety of myself and an entire community solely on a wire fence tho.

The pikes are a solid idea since they save ammo and wont attract too many more with noise. They can't be pulled away from you, since they will be fitted thru a small square frame that is too narrow for the handle to pass thru. And why the fuck would you aim for the torso? If things get terrible, we drop the pikes and start mowing em down with gunfire.

Shambler 12/11/02(Fri)18:59 No. 3948 ID: 435599

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Also, when the pikes aren't in use we wouldn't leave them hanging off the wall where ghouls could grab them and try to pull themselves up.

You would pull it out of the pike rest and throw it on top of the berm for storage. Theyre flat and narrow, so they shouldn't get in the way or be much of a hazard. Stash one along the fence line every 10-15 yards or so, have a few extra laying around in the armory.

Most of the ghouls would never even get close enough to need a pike. They would just get caught up along the fence or fall into the trench to get tangled in razor wire. Guards have a plain line of sight to them and beyond, so when they come across one stuck on an initial barrier they can just take it out. Preferably with a silenced firearm or crossbow.

Whatever gets the job done, I say.

Shambler 12/11/02(Fri)19:41 No. 3949 ID: 44804b

what's your plan for when raiders crash cars through your wall

Shambler 12/11/02(Fri)20:44 No. 3950 ID: dad69a

Walls are great and everything, but you'll need to pass through them at some point. And the gate will be your weakest point in the perimeter.

Sergeant+Bruce+Willis 12/11/03(Sat)02:07 No. 3951 ID: c485d0

I agree with this in most cases. Use and build applied to situation to situation will govern this from case to case but it's not a bad rule of them to plan around.

maninahat 12/11/03(Sat)11:33 No. 3952 ID: aaac94


The beauty of wire is that there are miles upon miles of the stuff around cow farms already. Even if you can't find wire, rope can offer a similar (albeit temporary) alternative. Wire won't stop a horde, but if used correctly, you should never have to deal with one.

I have no idea where OP plans to get 10 foot sheets of plate metal, and transport them. It would be a logistical nightmare to acquire that much material to build something on such a big scale.

Daraclore 12/11/04(Sun)10:56 No. 3957 ID: 606801

He never said plate metal, he said metal siding. Meaning the kind of stuff you see on the side or roof of warehouses. Alone, quite weak, but would be backed with hundreds of pounds of excavated earth, quite solid. The metal, it would seem, is just to keep the undead from getting a place to dig their hands in.

Shambler 12/11/05(Mon)14:36 No. 3975 ID: 5337a2

Think about your life. Count to 10.
Now think about your life with a big black guy next to you the entire time.

Shambler 12/11/05(Mon)17:30 No. 3976 ID: 435599

I've started working up the blueprints for the main gate, but they may take a while. So here's my thinking...

Continue the trench 360º but leave a gap in the berm for the gate. The concrete foundation is continued 360º as well, and widened by 5' along the gate entrance.

Wooden decks ~10'x10' are erected at each end of the berm along the internal gate entrance, ~10 yards apart, built to the same height as the berm.

Mounted to the wall adjacent to each deck will be a ratcheting block tackle. Each pulley system runs steel cables down to the far side corners of an 8' drawbridge which covers the trench. The drawbridge is affixed with a simple pivot bracket on the close side corners.

The trick to building the bridge will be making it sturdy enough for loaded convoy trucks, but light enough to be winched up with 2 ratcheting block tackles. If possible, check the manufacturers recommendations for the block tackle. For safety purposes, only one passing vehicle will be allowed on the bridge at once.

I'm thinking an ideal build would use (2) 8' long steel slats each twice as wide as a large tire. These would be mounted to a wooden lattice (2x4s?).

The gate itself would be similar in construction to the wall; metal siding mounted to each side of a steel fence-post frame. In this case the gap between the sheets of siding would be reinforced with 2x4s. A groove is worked into the concrete foundation across the width of the gate entrance; the groove will be a channel guide for the gates castors (wheels). A bracket guide for the top of the gate is welded into place along the top of the of the gate entrance. Small axels are welded to the gates base at the corners, it is mounted with sturdy castors, and the whole bit is put into place in the bracket guide. What you now have is essentially the same as a shop door or warehouse entrance, and by all means if you can just retrofit an existing on of those to work for you, then do it.

Since the gate runs along a track on the outside of the wall (albeit along the inside safe edge of the trench), something will have to be fashioned to bar the gate from the inside. A good old fashioned pivoting cross timber would work and could fit into place on a perpendicular fence post welded to the inside of the gate.

Shambler 12/11/05(Mon)18:08 No. 3979 ID: 435599

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As a sidebar note, I'd like to say I realize these are relatively massive projects to undertake given the duress of the zombie wasteland. They would require a skilled labor force, no matter what the case may be, and a stout security detail in this case. Additionally, you would need access to the resources necessary for the build: building supplies, heavy machinery, tools, and fuel.

All that said, I think this could still be a feasible build with a large, strong group. I've tried to imagine these builds as something that could be reasonably accomplished with limited resources common in the zombie wasteland. You may be scavenging and stripping old buildings, or raid a couple warehouses and industrial shop yards for supplies. There's likely going to be abandoned machinery everywhere, and you really only need a couple backhoes, bulldozers, flatbeds, and concrete mixers for the job.

I grew up in a rural city and its surrounding areas. I would see the required materials all the time, it's what used to get my gears turning. So yes the setup would need to be perfect and our execution flawless, but if we can get a group together that's well organized and motivated, this would be a great build. Our aim would be to create a secure and sustainable environment in the zombie wasteland. We aim to not only survive, but to thrive.

And if a car gets over the trench in some miraculous way, I doubt it will have enough momentum left to do much damage to the wall. Especially if we build this thing out in the middle of the woods with only 1 road going in and out.

Brotherhood Of The Tentacle 13/11/25(Mon)10:57 No. 4907 ID: 844558

You forgot op works for Umbrella. I've seen his work. His fortress designs have been incorporated into many defense structures all over the world. I'd give a listing but its classified.

Shambler 13/12/02(Mon)08:23 No. 4923 ID: 9ee338


Yeah, but is that really a positive reference for the guy's skills at designing defenses? Every single one of Umbrella's defensive works have folded like a well used accordion. Just look at that mess in Opossum City...uh, I mean...

Seriously, though, I see a potentially fatal flaw with the design. The basic idea, using the detritus from a moat to build the dike for the fortress, is as old as organized warfare; an idea doesn't survive that long unless it has some REAL merit. I think that the way OP has used modern materials and construction methods for his works is very pragmatic and encouragingly competent. The problem, I think, is one of scale. The curtain-wall needs to be AT LEAST twice as tall as it is currently rendered. There is a real danger that, if the position falls under serious attack...surrounded by the usual horde of tens of thousands of walking corpses...that the zeds you kill will eventually form a ramp which the next wave can shamble up and clamber over your ramparts. That would be VERY bad; better to take longer in the construction phase (though this would of course be very risky) than to find out that your position is not sound after it is too late to do anything about it. Short version; deeper ditch, higher dike, problem solved.

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