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Every time i eat a twinkie it makes me think of Zombie Land. So /zom/ what simple pleasure will you miss the most?
a clean, proper shitter.
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Toilet paper...beautiful two-ply, lotion infused toilet paper...and I don't plan to miss it. I will hoard it and be the toilet paper king.
I saw on Discovery Channel or something that Twinkies would be good for a Zombie Apocalypse. Sage because useless sourceless post.
internet, of course!
open minded coversations and level headed debates is what i would miss. but then again,i've missed those things since before Reagan ran for President.
FYI: Twinkies have a shelf-life of only a couple weeks. Nobody knows where the myth that purports they "last forever" came from, but it's completely untrue. Now, for a food that really can last DECADES in its original packaging, turn to Spam. Anything else canned is about 2 years at the most.
Toliet paper by miles.
Nothing comes to mind but that's what preparedness is for.
Movies, a bed, cooked food, video-games and funny stuff.
Necrophilia... oh wait all you can pork buffet! Neverfuckingmind!
playing videogames, for sure. the moment shit hits the fan, my massive collection goes to waste. also, if i want food that lasts "forever", would be military rations. turns out MGS3 wasnt kidding (on the taste too)
I will miss the twinkies. On account of the fact that hostess closed down :(
Hostess fruit pies! Till this day I wait for them to throw them out into the dumpster and I simply help myself. I usually score a good number of unopened twinkies boxes too. The miracle of preservatives! xD
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Getting baked and playing GTA.
being alive
>>3687 Rest.