You want as much people on guard possible?
More people standing around doing nothing, guarding the perimeter from threats that may or may not be such a huge problem means those who do productive work has to work much harder to feed all the people who basically gets food on the table standing around acting tough and pretending to be alert. Obviously guard duty is tons of fun, wandering around the same perimeter or standing up in a deerstand staring at the same view all day, every day means you will be even more alert to the slight changes that would indicate a threat. In fact, you'll be having so much fun there is no way you'll allow yourself to be distracted by things like the peasant girls working all day every day to keep your lazy ass fed or the "games" that you guards will inevitably invent to pass the time faster. Hell today looks like a quiet day and there are so many of us guarding our stuff surely no one would object if one were to take a quick power nap every now and then.
You want as many people on guard duty as possible long term you're going to have to deal with the inevitable morale issues too.
>livestock, this is both a terrible idea, and a waste of land, here's why:livestock need food, food that the people also need to survive.
I don't know if you're joking or really that stupid/ignorant about agricultural practice and where the food on our plate comes from.
Using your brilliant logic it would be a death sentence for a poor farmer in say africa, to buy a goat/chicken that immediately provides milk/eggs, fresh, thus requiring little work making up elaborate storage schemes to keep it from spoiling. This because that damn animal keeps eating all the precious food in the form of grass and weeds and other assorted things one wouldn't eat anyway because last time one did so they got the worst stomach pains and liquid shitting sessions spanning a quarter of a day. Hell, buying a big bag of seeds is exactly what they should be doing, work hard constantly to prepare the fields, ripping weeds out of the ground by hand rather than have a hungry helper do it for you, seed it all and pray to god you get decent weather or your only stable food supply is ruined. How you're going to sustain yourself for a couple months until the plants are ready for harvest is anyones guess but i heard from a "reliable" source that if you take out the animals you kill off the competition to a whole new world of culinary goodness fresh for the harvest and using only an old hand powered lawn mower to fill that plate.
You know what happens while animals are just mucking about, doing their own thing mostly unsupervised? they fertilize the field for growing crops for next years planting so that you actually get decent crop yields. The recommendation is that you let a field grow wild and pasture some livestock on it at least every four years to get the most out of a field, this is in addition to crop rotation.
Oh and here's another thought, what if you have to move for whatever reason mid season, harvesting plants is a LOT of work and takes time and if something were to force you to relocate then all the work you've put down netted you a total of nothing. Now if you had some livestock then you could take them all with you and set up somewhere else quite quickly as livestock isn't particularly picky about the field you choose to pasture them for a while. Hell, your livestock could even carry some of the heavier stuff for you but if you only have plants then you're going to be hauling all that shit by yourself. A couple chicken cages, all your tools, sleeping mattress, tarp and a lot of rope can be easily strapped to a single animal of the right size leaving you mostly unencumbered, which is a big factor in how long you're going to be able to travel on foot.
You do have a point about fishing but as i'm sure you've understood by now, one source of food isn't food security, it's putting all of your eggs in one basket. What will you do when you lose your last hook or line and a substitute isn't close at hand or all of the fish in a particular body of water is poisonous due to the massive amounts of organic and chemical waste that will flood the rivers and lakes from any mass death event like say, 80-99% of humanity suddenly dieing off, leaving no one to tend to what will eventually be big rusty barrels leaking god knows what right into the ground and/or a close by water source, water can be purified easily enough and in a multitude of ways of which some are quick and easy and some a bit more permanent, you can't purify fish like that. At that point it's always nice to realize one had the foresight to bring a companion that is expendable, always carries all your stuff for you without cursing nor complaining and doesn't have the mental capacity to plot to kill you and steal your precious items. Did i mention this companion fills your food stores daily with fresh food and being expendable is basically a sack of meat that does a whole lot of the hard work for you and doesn't spoil for as long as you decide to keep it alive.