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List of over 300 cases of DEATHS from the COVID VACCINES 23/01/05(Thu)08:52 No. 21296

File 167290514594.jpg - (70.80KB , 767x1041 , kamala feet 2.jpg )

I have collected a list of over 300 cases of people dying from the COVID vaccines. It's time to spread the truth and finally expose the COVID Vaccines and try to save people's lives! I've posted the cases to my personal blog at https://freespeechextremist.com/DiamondMind

23/01/06(Fri)04:54 No. 21297

anyone read it?

23/01/06(Fri)20:02 No. 21298

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no, have i look on twitter these days way more than 300 dead

@ /b/ the idea was floated, for making a kid edition
each year seems like around 3.5% of shot and/or boosted
take a left turn, I guess 8 years from now it will all be
more over down with.

23/01/07(Sat)12:45 No. 21299

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Gabrielle 'Gabby' Casper aged 15
west bend winsconston
She pass away in her sleep on the 28 December

Why she dead, who knows
Don't think it was shooting smack though
Diffently looks like a chaser

23/01/10(Tue)10:13 No. 21302

vaxxed are dead meat, there's been people dying on live TV almost daily now, that shit never happened before the vaccine roll-out.

I'm happy about it. I hope the elite succeed in killing off 70% of the human race.

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