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I have recently btfo'd even freaking astrology
So, I was reading some "here's what's coming for your birth chart next week:"
And it was first Nice, but then not nice, and then I changed my mentality about it (e.g. just smiling about the reading instead of being disenchanted from it)
First part was like about 10%, then about 50%, then the mentality shift, 'I'm gonna beat destiny itself, motherfuckers' type of stuff, and I SHIT YOU NOT
Negative before switching mentality:
Family relations and shit going lower
There will be a great max-tier improvement of your family relationships
Like, BRUH
and I swear it was like this for every single bad thing that I had seen before in that reading
(and this is one of those long-ass freaking readings dude)
and then at the end:
You will find yourself free from what held you back before {or something like that}
Mind over motherfucking matter my dudes, even if it's FATE ITSELF
Regarding that last bit:
I was aware that Magic/k can change pretty much literally everything in your life, but I was sort of reticent about it's effect on written F A T E, even moar specifically, about these; at first card readings, which I at some point successfully changed, and the freaking lady reading them in some video took a moment of pause mid freaking sentence and said something like "WTF, something's changing here, Spirit says not to change this particular thing though"(FUCK ME DUDE, that was freaking EBIC), so I did what the reader recommended, but yeah, that's cards, astrology could be another story entirely since it was capable of showing me the exact past as well (which was how I first started to believe this fate stuff).
But yeah, now that I had this weird bizarrest ever reading with literally every single bad thing being mirrored in their respective MEGA Uber-Good versions but literally downwards through the reading - never seen ANYTHING like that, exactly contradicting 'this aspect says this, but then this other aspect says THE **EXACT** OPPOSITE', and then the 'yep, you're free now bruh, gj!"
That was freaking ebic as freaking frick
(also, the bad aspects were supposedly going to come from a reason, in this case 'knee-jerk negative responses to certain things'
but then the positive stuff about becoming free said that I was going to overcome instincts and uber ebic things were going to thus happen, and it freaking did, freaking instantly [note that the negative knee jerk instinctive reactions were probably what made the at first NAYSU reading into what came after, but then, by changing my negative view to a good view about the stuff on the reading, i.e., overcoming my negative instinct, it became great instead
this was freaking epic and makes me see that, basically,
I make my own flipping fate, bitch
I am now also convinced that basically, it's pretty freaking likely that Astrology is just people guessing at the meanings of the different stuff and then believing in that, and then it's basically made to become truthful
E.g. why the fuck would the aspects of the planets and shit have anything to do with their random arbitrary traits like the fact that Aries/Mars = Fire because it's visibly red or saturn being walls/obstacles just because it has a ring around it ('tightening' it) That shit STINKS of freaking magic, (what you think about gets brought about)
in fact, I wonder how much of hard factual science started with belief