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20/09/10(Thu)07:05 No. 20862

File 159971432199.jpg - (48.35KB , 566x480 , 1599463489219.jpg )

When I was a kid I had a surreal and terrifying experience watching a VHS of the special edition of Star Wars: A New Hope with my mom. I believe this was the late 90's (1998?) but I can't give an exact date so I apologize, however I was approximately 11 or 12. Basically we were watching the part of the film where they're in the Death Star. At one point when confronted by stormtroopers, Luke's nose suddenly extended grotesquely into a strange flesh-colored elephant's trunk. It then flailed around making elephant trumpet sounds scaring the stormtroopers off. I vividly remember this, and I was absolutely terrified. My mom was really jarred and confused and trying to calm me down. Leia then says "that's enough Proboscis Luke" and his nose returned to normal. The film also continued on as normal. Every subsequent viewing of our VHS was completely normal, as with every previous viewing. We had already watched the film multiple times prior to the incident so that precludes it being some strange edited copy which would be weird in and of itself.

My mom still remembers the event and sometimes we talk about it. It honestly feels somewhat demonic. Like something was trying to fuck with us through the VHS. The recent talk of the "Bigger Luke Hypothesis" kept reminding me of the incident so I thought I'd finally post it somewhere. Anyone else have any strange experiences watching films like this?

damn ublackmoma 20/10/28(Wed)14:11 No. 20870

are you okay?

20/11/12(Thu)04:49 No. 20881

Quick clarification, were you and your mom freebasing at the time?

20/12/22(Tue)19:00 No. 20923


20/12/24(Thu)07:10 No. 20925

Seems legit

21/01/26(Tue)02:09 No. 20949

Did the elephant trunk shoot water out of the TV?

Sopisticated+Gentleman 22/09/05(Mon)21:14 No. 21226

make me kek

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