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The theory of existence, why do we exist? My logical reason for us being here is...i have no answer, all i can say that we are here for something. From either learning about it or just enjoying the good things we have. I can fairly say that i just love what we have, we could squander on the thought of knowledge is something we have to gain, but what if in the sense we just live the life we have to fullest.
I may sound like someone who is one of those people who just love to let loose and live however they want, not saying to actually go and live life like its your last. What i am saying is just go and live, knowledge is a useful thing to get, but is it really worth your entire life?
Our existence is that of just we just happened, we shouldn't waste our time wasting away the little time on this life. We just are, shouldn't we leave some questions alone and just live?