Welcome to /wp/, 7chan's board for hi-res images and wallpapers.
Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.
File 134636415639.png - (902.25KB , 1680x1050 , 13.png )
Can we get a thread for tech related wallpapers? I will post what I have.
File 134636424923.jpg - (90.00KB , 1680x1050 , 1336707639631.jpg )
File 13463642942.jpg - (856.44KB , 2560x1600 , 1336708009185.jpg )
File 134636444972.jpg - (96.11KB , 1280x800 , 1340424879979.jpg )
File 134636455855.jpg - (624.00KB , 1920x1200 , 1342704202812.jpg )
File 134636469091.jpg - (194.44KB , 1920x1200 , 1342703967569.jpg )
File 134636476178.jpg - (684.95KB , 1920x1080 , 1342704367988.jpg )
Seeing as how I posted something from another video game...
File 134636482652.jpg - (287.08KB , 1920x1080 , 1343176521081.jpg )
File 134636487351.jpg - (1.11MB , 2560x1600 , 1343177294650.jpg )
File 134636493098.jpg - (622.06KB , 1600x1200 , 1343183647043.jpg )
File 13463650393.jpg - (502.31KB , 1920x1200 , 1344074567747.jpg )
Now, ladies and gentlemen, the 3rd video game related post in this thread.
>>77619 Do you have that without the "Its been a long time" text?
File 137505133472.jpg - (403.32KB , 1280x800 , Apache_Compile.jpg )
I have some but I'm not sure how many. I'll demp them. >>77615 This is cool, by the way. What is this from?
File 137505137694.jpg - (213.43KB , 1440x900 , cmd-wall.jpg )
File 137505145468.jpg - (2.00MB , 1900x1314 , code-blue.jpg )
File 13750518574.png - (1.95MB , 1300x812 , Code-blue2.png )
File 137505207252.png - (4.91MB , 1680x1050 , code-is-poetry.png )
Some old Linux Mint wallpapers I still have saved. 1 and...
File 137505214944.jpg - (191.51KB , 1600x1200 , code-mint.jpg )
File 137505222885.jpg - (141.07KB , 1280x960 , code-violet.jpg )
File 137505227235.jpg - (110.72KB , 1920x1080 , cube.jpg )
(kind of related?)
File 137505235740.jpg - (494.22KB , 1920x1080 , deb-blue.jpg )
File 137505255076.jpg - (3.18MB , 3839x2400 , dna-schematic.jpg )
File 137505257646.jpg - (182.53KB , 3000x2000 , ein-aus.jpg )
File 137505272256.png - (684.29KB , 1022x657 , ETA-hackyourwaythrulife.png )
From some "hacker group" forum I used to visit...
File 137505315295.png - (2.10MB , 1920x1080 , ETASuper-Core.png )
Same as above...
File 137505323946.png - (555.79KB , 1024x768 , ETAwall-1.png )
Another from ETA.
File 137505335561.png - (318.16KB , 1024x768 , ETAwall-3.png )
Same as above, just edited.
File 137505340052.png - (18.73KB , 1920x1080 , GLaDOS.png )
File 137505347973.jpg - (1.05MB , 1680x1050 , green-data.jpg )
File 137505362233.jpg - (342.89KB , 1600x1200 , linux-generation.jpg )
I have tons of Linux walls so I'll just post this one and call it good.
File 13750537298.jpg - (152.85KB , 1440x900 , Rainbow-Code.jpg )
File 137505375265.jpg - (36.95KB , 1440x900 , Power.jpg )
File 137505385473.jpg - (2.32MB , 2560x1600 , power-on.jpg )
File 137505395084.jpg - (184.47KB , 1920x1080 , red-compaq.jpg )
No idea why I had this in my folder, I've never owned a Compaq.
File 137505401177.jpg - (77.42KB , 1024x768 , window-BSOD.jpg )
I think this is the last tech-related wall I have.
File 13750560287.jpg - (345.20KB , 1600x1200 , 128266430249.jpg )
File 137505605920.jpg - (1.13MB , 1680x1050 , 12826644741.jpg )
File 137505610357.png - (1.94MB , 1280x800 , 128266447494.png )
File 13762509791.gif - (34.98KB , 1280x1024 , 1312691320564.gif )
File 137635676449.gif - (179.33KB , 1280x800 , and-im-pc.gif )
File 137635700544.jpg - (563.98KB , 1600x1200 , linux-space.jpg )
File 13763571662.png - (730.47KB , 1024x640 , vista-broken-glass.png )
File 139112481974.jpg - (3.02MB , 3839x2400 , DNA Nano Tech (edit).jpg )
File 139446866670.jpg - (30.63KB , 800x500 , radical-ed-wp.jpg )
>>78280 fuckin DOS man lol...that cake is totally a lie.
>>77609 >>78267 >>78281 more like these?
File 141040946599.jpg - (1.00MB , 1920x1200 , ibmWP.jpg )
here you go faggots
>>78270 >mint gnu+linux >freedom