Welcome to /wp/, 7chan's board for hi-res images and wallpapers.
Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.
File 133089085529.gif - (2.69MB , 1280x720 , wallpaper-1683227.gif )
Gif Thread, tried to find a bunch online, all shitty. These were mildly okay..
File 133089109957.gif - (3.40MB , 1600x1200 , wallpaper-695255.gif )
File 133089128174.gif - (14.78KB , 1280x800 , wallpaper-513742 (1).gif )
File 133089131436.gif - (127.24KB , 1680x1050 , wallpaper-887728.gif )
File 133089141254.gif - (3.35MB , 1280x960 , wallpaper-597643 (1).gif )
>>77024 what have you done with my comp. lol
these are all very nice but how does one make an animated gif one's wallpaper, and still keep it animated? It used to be possible for windows, but I don't think Win7 has this function. Does it?
>>78000 Get dreamscene and onvert gif to wmv, boom. Moving wallpaper.