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/wp/ - Wallpapers

Welcome to /wp/, 7chan's board for hi-res images and wallpapers.

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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Anonymous 11/05/25(Wed)14:19 No. 74404

File 130632595156.jpg - (651.65KB , 1680x1067 , 13053528127.jpg )

who knows of a decent automatic wallpaper changer?

Anonymous 11/05/26(Thu)14:55 No. 74422

dont, but now i'm interested

Anonymous 11/05/27(Fri)01:56 No. 74425

Windows 7...

Anonymous 11/06/05(Sun)13:55 No. 74475

I'd like to know as well.

anon 11/06/06(Mon)05:05 No. 74477

I don't know what you consider "decent", but here's a simple lil proggy I use:

Anonymous 11/06/06(Mon)06:18 No. 74479

Try wallpaper randomizer.


Found!!HkZzV5AmOu 11/06/07(Tue)00:55 No. 74480

I have a dual monitor set-up so I use DisplayFusion (to get a second toolbar) and among many very useful features it has a good automatic wallpaper changer if you use a keygen to get the full version. If you do that though, make sure you turn off the "automatically check for updates" option, if you don't it'll give you a pesky message about your key being fake every time you turn your computer on..

Anonymous 11/06/07(Tue)04:46 No. 74481

Would strongly recommend http://johnsadventures.com/software/backgroundswitcher/
Best I've found auto sizes and tons of other features, this is freeware too

Anonymous 11/06/15(Wed)01:49 No. 74529

Gaia Wallpaper Desktop. Works like a dream on XP, even has the "best fit" option that XP doesn't come with. I use the free version and it's enough for my needs.


Links to the Pro Edition trial and Free Edition are at the bottom.

Anonymous 11/06/15(Wed)03:06 No. 74534

I just got a second monitor, and now all the dual monitor wallpaper programs people are pointing out don;t seem to also allow rotating wallpapers. Anyone know of a program that can do both?

Anonymous 11/10/25(Tue)01:42 No. 75540

I used wallpaper master (free version) for quite a while on my laptop (windows xp). Now that I built my new boss gaming pc, I was pleasantly surprised that Windows 7 has this feature built in.

Anonymous 11/10/25(Tue)06:38 No. 75548


Anonymous 13/01/05(Sat)02:42 No. 77976

File 135735015959.jpg - (1.55MB , 1440x900 , Japan Art.jpg )

This thread is old as fuck

Anonymous 18/09/22(Sat)00:16 No. 79150

File 153756821326.jpg - (4.58MB , 5312x2988 , 20180913_152646.jpg )

Nope, I don't.

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