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/wp/ - Wallpapers

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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Anonymous 10/07/07(Wed)17:36 No. 34990

File 127851697765.jpg - (747.69KB , 1920x1200 , CCCP.jpg )

Gonna dump some flag eagles.

121 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Anonymous 12/01/15(Sun)06:47 No. 76849

Thanks OP. Eu te amo! It's fantastic. Keep up with this nice thread.

Anonymous 12/01/25(Wed)23:15 No. 76879

/r/ing swedish one but with the cross in the middle not on the side plz

Anonymous 12/01/30(Mon)21:21 No. 76903

Can I has Upper Silesia?

Zupin 12/02/01(Wed)11:17 No. 76911

can i have a portuguese flag, please?

AnVoWiDo 12/02/06(Mon)01:51 No. 76918

File 13284894734.jpg - (583.65KB , 1920x1200 , engelseadelaar.jpg )

So I spent the past 30 minutes doing the last handful of requests here (apologies to the Silesia guy). This is not difficult people, you can do it yourself!

AnVoWiDo 12/02/06(Mon)01:52 No. 76919

File 132848952855.jpg - (594.90KB , 1920x1200 , italiaanseadelaar.jpg )


AnVoWiDo 12/02/06(Mon)01:52 No. 76920

File 132848955532.jpg - (546.87KB , 1920x1200 , portugeesadelaar.jpg )


AnVoWiDo 12/02/06(Mon)01:53 No. 76921

File 132848959572.jpg - (551.60KB , 1920x1200 , zweedseadelaar.jpg )

Centred Sweden

AnVoWiDo 12/02/06(Mon)01:53 No. 76922

File 132848963410.jpg - (516.10KB , 1920x1200 , PRINSENADELAAR.jpg )

Dutch Republic

AnVoWiDo 12/02/06(Mon)01:54 No. 76923

File 132848965452.jpg - (496.50KB , 1920x1200 , dutcheagle.jpg )

Dutch Monarchy

Anonymous 12/02/10(Fri)15:11 No. 76929

File 132888309047.png - (1.03MB , 2500x1038 , upper_silesia_here_you_go_high_resolution_desktop_.png )

Anonymous 12/02/29(Wed)08:44 No. 76981


New Libyan flag? Last I checked that was just the black Al Qaeda flag. Thank you Mr. Obama ... dumbass.

Anonymous 12/02/29(Wed)13:04 No. 76982

I love you. Congrats on not being brainwashed like the rest of the Western public :) I'm tired of running into all those supposed anti-war fucktards who are all, "BUT GADDHAFFI WAS A DICTATOR BECAUSE CNN SAID SO LOLOL"

Anonymous 12/03/07(Wed)06:05 No. 77028

CHILE flag bro! !

Anonymous 12/03/08(Thu)20:48 No. 77031

File 133123611649.png - (1.53MB , 1920x1200 , french flag.png )


Anonymous 12/03/10(Sat)15:12 No. 77033

Can someone make it with West Ham United?

anon 12/03/22(Thu)22:39 No. 77052

how about a Mexican and a Texas flag... thanks on advance, brobeans

Anonymous 12/03/30(Fri)16:09 No. 77095

what about anything with the Anarchist 'A' symbol or Anarcho-Capitalist colors?

Anonymous 12/03/31(Sat)21:03 No. 77096

Blood Eagle has our flag
>the butchers have our flag

Anonymous 12/04/13(Fri)06:45 No. 77121


Anonymous 12/04/18(Wed)00:29 No. 77132


Thanks mate!

Pakistan Armed Forces bin.zourain 12/04/26(Thu)23:23 No. 77143

File 13354753966.png - (174.27KB , 269x273 , 1462.png )

Tariq Bin Zayad's Prayer




Anonymous 12/05/23(Wed)23:16 No. 77201

File 133780778010.jpg - (787.03KB , 1280x1024 , 4chan1311277226231.jpg )

Anonymous 12/05/25(Fri)18:30 No. 77211

File 133796341137.gif - (1.83KB , 453x302 , bulgarian-large-flag.gif )

Can u post bulgarian?

Anonymous 12/06/03(Sun)18:22 No. 77222

Bulgarfag reporting in. I am up for some wallpapers as well.

Anonymous 12/06/17(Sun)01:47 No. 77261

Hungarian flag?

SWISS PLS Daniel 12/06/20(Wed)01:00 No. 77280

Swiss Edition please!

Anonymous 12/06/22(Fri)17:28 No. 77319

saved. not even French tho

Anonymous 12/06/29(Fri)20:31 No. 77330

If there is anyone still doing these, these are some of the ones I think might be good to make. If you do make them then thanks so much.

Royal Standard of Scotland
Flag of the Isle of Man
Royal Standard of the United Kingdom
Ensign of the Royal Air Force

Anonymous 12/06/29(Fri)20:35 No. 77331

Is anyone able to turn http://images.wikia.com/cybernations/images/8/86/Prussian_Eagle.svg

into the eagle used in this thread.

Anonymous 12/07/10(Tue)07:18 No. 77363

File 134189748458.jpg - (52.79KB , 400x400 , 6134959-simbolo-para-el-partido-de-nacionalista-de.jpg )


Anonymous 12/07/28(Sat)10:17 No. 77381

File 134346343842.jpg - (1.36MB , 1920x1200 , photo.jpg )


wallpaper Arun Raj 12/08/29(Wed)07:07 No. 77605

File 134621685193.jpg - (248.25KB , 700x515 , Indian-Flag-Wallpaper-3.jpg )

jai hind

wall Arun+Raj 12/08/29(Wed)07:24 No. 77606

indian flag in eagle

Anonymous 12/09/03(Mon)19:33 No. 77621

File 134669359745.jpg - (706.47KB , 1920x1200 , 1345949448103.jpg )

Only one I have

ash 13/04/28(Sun)12:15 No. 78179

please make ARMENIAN !
thanks a lot)

Anonymous 13/10/29(Tue)11:11 No. 78432

How about a Pride flag? Sure beats another swastika.

Anonymous 13/11/03(Sun)06:33 No. 78434

OP can you post the PSD or xcf your making these with?

Anonymous 13/11/26(Tue)04:52 No. 78448

File 138543792546.jpg - (779.52KB , 1920x1200 , Armenian Flag bird.jpg )

never mind


make a morocco eagle flag salah 14/01/21(Tue)22:33 No. 78485

please someone make a morocco eagle flag

Anonymous 14/02/02(Sun)12:17 No. 78488

Denmark, anyone?
/r/ing denmark

Anonymous 16/05/19(Thu)02:30 No. 78908

File 14636178403.png - (1.61MB , 1920x1200 ,    .png )


Anonymous 16/05/19(Thu)02:31 No. 78909

File 146361788823.png - (1.99MB , 1920x1200 ,     .png )


Caco 17/06/02(Fri)15:31 No. 79005

What a bunch of fags.

Anonymous 19/02/02(Sat)11:08 No. 79239

File 154910209433.png - (18.09KB , 1200x800 , 1200px-Flag_of_the_Republic_of_the_Rif_svg.png )

I want the rif-Republic flag please

Anonymous 19/02/02(Sat)17:41 No. 79242

File 154912569080.jpg - (1.22MB , 1680x1050 , rif 2.jpg )

Anonymous delivers.

Anonymous 20/08/06(Thu)01:54 No. 79462

Rhodesian flag pls

AnVoWiDo 21/01/31(Sun)14:59 No. 79482

File 161210159130.png - (1.56MB , 1920x1200 , rhodesia adelaar.png )


AnVoWiDo 21/01/31(Sun)15:00 No. 79483

File 161210164515.png - (1.44MB , 1920x1200 , rhodesia 2e adelaar.png )

Or fucking this?

Eagle flag Lorenzo 23/12/28(Thu)12:36 No. 79589

File 170376336470.png - (47.98KB , 2560x1640 , 2560px-Flag_jbala_maroc_svg.png )

I want jbala flag in eagle flag design please


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