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/wp/ - Wallpapers

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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Your Representation Anonymous 10/02/04(Thu)06:23 No. 26982

File 126526098843.jpg - (244.54KB , 800x492 , Bipolar_by_Kernunnos23.jpg )

ITT post a single wallpaper which you feel best represents you, your personality, whatever, and if you want mention why.

<---- Mine. It represents me being a bipolar.

188 posts omitted. Last 50 shown.
Anonymous 11/12/24(Sat)00:25 No. 76664

File 132468275217.jpg - (2.66MB , 2400x1600 , Crepuscular_rays_in_ggp_2.jpg )

"Calm above the water, and paddling like hell underneath."

Anonymous 11/12/24(Sat)01:32 No. 76665

File 132468677955.jpg - (246.25KB , 1920x1080 , wallpaper-664153.jpg )

I have aspirations.

Anonymous 11/12/26(Mon)09:23 No. 76777

File 132488779034.png - (205.98KB , 566x601 , 131967666360.png )


Anonymous 11/12/29(Thu)02:16 No. 76792

File 132512137759.jpg - (326.04KB , 2223x1551 , 1322796488274.jpg )

Anonymous 11/12/29(Thu)23:12 No. 76793

File 132519676322.jpg - (55.41KB , 1280x960 , 1324243658991.jpg )

need i say more

Anonymous 12/01/09(Mon)09:34 No. 76835

File 132609806667.jpg - (255.89KB , 1024x768 , blue-screen-of-death.jpg )

Anonymous 12/01/30(Mon)12:01 No. 76891

delayed. fellow streetlight fan, i adore you <3

Anonymous 12/02/01(Wed)00:42 No. 76910

File 132805337667.jpg - (167.83KB , 930x902 , 0d1de99e1728fcfd70347ad6caebed5d.jpg )

I have over 104MB in wallpapers, but I have to go with this one.
I sometimes feel like I'm just a means to others' ends. I hardly blink at whatever happens to me. If I do blink, or react, whoever I define as "family" don't care or are too preoccupied with wanting me to help them instead.
When I was a kid the only thing I would be asked is if I'd grow up to become like someone they hated. I think, that to some of them, I am a tool to use and a weapon against others.

/pretentious rant and urges to write.

Anonymous 12/02/22(Wed)08:32 No. 76966

File 132989593861.jpg - (293.88KB , 1680x1050 , 1329538868896.jpg )

Because my mind is a strange and mysterious place even to myself, and I'm deeply intruded by creativity.

Anonymous 12/02/22(Wed)08:33 No. 76967

File 132989599865.jpg - (11.33KB , 265x297 , 1327350251473.jpg )


Anonymous 12/03/07(Wed)08:48 No. 77029

File 13311064976.jpg - (372.03KB , 1920x1080 , 130937952697.jpg )

Anonymous 12/04/22(Sun)05:47 No. 77140

File 133506646475.png - (22.91KB , 1280x800 , 1328716344205.png )

Anonymous 12/04/22(Sun)05:53 No. 77141

File 133506678331.jpg - (798.93KB , 2560x1600 , 1334940408268.jpg )

Over-worked, over-caffeinated, FAR too little sleep

Anonymous 12/05/18(Fri)06:41 No. 77157

File 133731608627.jpg - (183.34KB , 1440x900 , 1335669924643.jpg )

handbanana 12/05/18(Fri)07:59 No. 77159

File 133732074158.jpg - (818.32KB , 1920x1200 , 1337214307603.jpg )

Anonymous 12/06/12(Tue)19:38 No. 77249

File 133952268695.jpg - (0.99MB , 1680x1050 , 1339401505187.jpg )

I guess this is me then...

Anonymous 12/06/13(Wed)00:43 No. 77251

File 133954103662.jpg - (218.50KB , 1200x778 , Expedition_to_hell_by_alexiuss.jpg )

This is beautiful, epic and perfect, all in one. Thanks for posting.

This one, for the pursuit of a goal, no matter what needs to be shed, where it takes me, or what beauties/horrors are on the way.

Anonymous 12/06/14(Thu)22:06 No. 77254

File 133970441318.jpg - (35.66KB , 900x540 , 120568.jpg )

i have a ton of trouble translating my thoughts into words

Anonymous 12/09/19(Wed)05:35 No. 77685

File 134802572279.jpg - (378.19KB , 1920x1080 , rat riding cat into battle.jpg )

i may not be the greatest. but i sure as hell am going to give it my best shot.

Anonymous 12/09/25(Tue)05:45 No. 77690

File 134854475762.jpg - (140.02KB , 1600x1200 , danzig.jpg )

It doesn't really represent my personality....i just like Danzig.

Anonymous 12/10/20(Sat)07:06 No. 77725

File 135070958143.jpg - (110.46KB , 1280x800 , 124926307229.jpg )

Anonymous 13/05/06(Mon)13:02 No. 78184

File 13678381539.jpg - (247.12KB , 1920x1200 , 1332589305609.jpg )

It's just sound advice.

Anonymous 13/05/24(Fri)18:42 No. 78193

it is ever changing. Every thirty minutes it changes. It is a representations of moods, memories, fear, hate, pain, passion, millions of people all in unity.

That's right. It's all of us as one.

Anonymous 13/06/22(Sat)07:13 No. 78231

File 137187799094.jpg - (140.53KB , 1400x900 , 1341730831864.jpg )

because i've never been good at monogamy

Anonymous 13/08/15(Thu)05:53 No. 78380

File 137653879579.jpg - (759.28KB , 1920x1284 , 46760.jpg )


Anonymous 13/09/17(Tue)08:24 No. 78408

File 137939906682.jpg - (302.42KB , 1500x1000 , cj_miles_8_003.jpg )

because im a horndog.

Anonymous 13/12/22(Sun)04:48 No. 78470

File 138768408649.jpg - (551.50KB , 1927x1080 , Taylor-Swift.jpg )

Anonymous 13/12/23(Mon)05:35 No. 78472

File 138777330239.jpg - (247.77KB , 1600x900 , Hal.jpg )

because i want to be the best (and terribly mysterious)

Anonymous 13/12/30(Mon)09:28 No. 78478

File 138839210856.jpg - (404.26KB , 1920x1080 , military_tanks_artwork_warsaw_pact_t_64_1920x1080_.jpg )

because i collect warsaw pact uniforms

Anonymous 14/01/05(Sun)11:03 No. 78482

File 138891619853.png - (1.01MB , 1600x900 , hd_anime_wallpaper_by_pixpox-d6d0tzl.png )

I wear headphones sometimes.

Anonymous 14/01/05(Sun)12:38 No. 78483

File 138892188383.jpg - (1.86MB , 2500x1340 , 1377662091475.jpg )

Because Metal Motherfuckin Gear Goddamn Solid.
-because everyone has their agenda
-because sometimes i feel like im the only one whos agenda is to better myself and the environment around me

Anonymous 14/02/24(Mon)05:00 No. 78497

File 13932144208.jpg - (397.42KB , 1920x1080 , 1337987271157.jpg )

I feel ya

Anonymous 14/03/28(Fri)20:09 No. 78582

Calvin & Hobbes

Anonymous 14/03/28(Fri)20:12 No. 78583

Mario is evil.
Nothing he does is for anyone else.
When Luigi does something better than him, he grinds his shoe into Luigi's shoe and laughs in his face.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'll never do anything involving that evil carpenter-turned-plumber again.

Anonymous 14/04/01(Tue)19:56 No. 78588

File 139637498972.jpg - (286.93KB , 1645x1041 , wp48.jpg )

This. I'm not afraid to step up and fight.

Anonymous 14/04/08(Tue)08:10 No. 78592

File 139693742125.jpg - (503.58KB , 1920x1080 , apocalyptic.jpg )

I feel like apocalyptic cities sort of represent the aberration of modern society for me. I'm not a loner, but I guess I kind of see an independent/survival outside of society type of thing in things like this.

Anonymous 14/05/30(Fri)23:17 No. 78638

File 140148461950.jpg - (710.64KB , 1600x1200 , black lagoon 2.jpg )

Anonymous 14/06/02(Mon)05:28 No. 78640

File 140167969993.jpg - (215.46KB , 1920x1080 , 1401557918634.jpg )

Because science is a grand tool we can all use

Anonymous 14/06/03(Tue)20:26 No. 78641

File 140182000019.jpg - (136.45KB , 750x1064 , don_t_lie_by_dark134-d64vzat.jpg )

Center this.

I am always saying the opposite of how I feel and I look better than I feel. I have borderline personality disorder.

Anonymous 14/06/19(Thu)16:55 No. 78654

File 140318973528.jpg - (459.83KB , 1600x1200 , peace.jpg )

filters over filters over filters over filters over filters over filters over filters over filters over filters over filters

<this, because I have indescribable feels about walking down empty streets at night. Idk, something about being alone with my thoughts while surrounded by everyone off in their own little worlds. I find it really fucking meditative... Kind of makes a perfect metaphor for my life now that I think about it. Plus, I really wanna bomb this hill... I'm going to stop typing now.

Anonymous 14/07/06(Sun)23:31 No. 78662

File 14046823109.jpg - (173.25KB , 1366x768 , 34.jpg )

I'm like old abandoned library, you might feel insecure around me. just like spending night in abandoned library you are scared that there can be something out there, where in reality there is nothing but emptiness and loneliness

Anonymous 17/01/08(Sun)10:09 No. 78960

File 148386658013.jpg - (421.01KB , 1920x1080 , 1468567612466.jpg )

Anonymous 17/01/28(Sat)14:44 No. 78979

File 148561107144.jpg - (281.63KB , 1920x1080 , nuclear-explosion-near-the-city-digital-art-hd-wal.jpg )

Cause misanthropy is an alluring worldview

Anonymous 17/03/16(Thu)05:47 No. 78981

File 148963962576.png - (1.16MB , 1920x1080 , Edgy.png )

Because edgy.

Anonymous 17/05/11(Thu)03:18 No. 78986

File 149446552957.jpg - (124.31KB , 402x1024 , b9efrjh.jpg )

>I have over 104MB in wallpapers
That's quite a tiny collection, I wouldn't go bragging about it.

Anonymous 18/10/18(Thu)18:28 No. 79164

Is this from Calvin and hobbes?

Anonymous 18/10/28(Sun)23:34 No. 79191

File 154076607241.jpg - (557.60KB , 800x600 , Scotland1482.jpg )

Anonymous 18/11/02(Fri)22:33 No. 79199

File 154119438280.jpg - (34.05KB , 854x480 , angrygremlin.jpg )

Anonymous 18/11/03(Sat)09:33 No. 79200

File 15412340318.jpg - (1.86MB , 2800x1200 , 9488640ddc81561ca789a8bb31f4e2a8.jpg )

JTHM is fucking gold

Pink Diamond is me

Anonymous 20/01/13(Mon)11:59 No. 79454

File 157891316366.jpg - (445.39KB , 1280x1024 , durandaldesktop1280x1024.jpg )

It's complicated when you know you will witness the end of the universe.


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