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/weed/ - 420chan Refugee Camp
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Total Cannabis Devotion Dimebag Anon 24/12/08(Sun)14:43 No. 803

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I have three bongs, five pipes, and five different ounces of weed. Have several jars of hash and concentrate, shatter, tincture, gummies galore.
There's a smoking piece and a lighter and weed in almost every room of the house, including both bathrooms and the front porch. I smoke pretty much always, but I'm not a 'stoner guy' who looks like a hippie in any way.
I smoke so much weed that it's now all that I do. I don't have much else to do but I should do more. I should have hobbies and build things again. But I'm stuck in a rut. I know the answer is to stop smoking weed but I don't want to do that either. I'm not asking for advice or looking for a solution. I'm just confessing that I've lost my spark and I'm leaning into the depression by smoking more for now. It's far fucking safer and cheaper than any other drug. Less destructive. But still a drug. The procrastinator drug.
I'll do it later. For now I'm going to smoke another bong hit of amazing chronic hybrid 27% THC weed and stay chilled out.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/08(Sun)14:58 No. 804

Dimebag Anon 24/12/08(Sun)14:59 No. 805

Dimebag Anon 24/12/08(Sun)15:04 No. 806

Dimebag Anon 24/12/08(Sun)15:08 No. 807

Dimebag Anon 24/12/09(Mon)04:33 No. 808

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This board is super dead. How do we remedy that?

Dimebag Anon 24/12/09(Mon)11:57 No. 809

time machine, probably

Dimebag Anon 24/12/09(Mon)12:18 No. 810

Things are getting livelier already. Welcome to the thread.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/11(Wed)00:03 No. 811

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I like it dead. Less dipshits this way.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/11(Wed)07:36 No. 812

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Let's get stoned. I got this 'Triangle Kush' for $50/oz. It's surprisingly dank and sticky for budget weed prices. 24% THC, not too shabby. I love Oregon. I will never leave unless it's to a state as weed-friendly with a similar climate, so that leaves Washington.

How the fuck did I get an hour ban for "spam"?? WTF

Dimebag Anon 24/12/11(Wed)13:15 No. 813

I'm high and I can't get any higher. The more I smoke the less I want to sleep. Then when I do finally crash I don't want to get up for 11 hours. All the edibles and bongs catch up with me while snoozing and I can't get out of bed.
Still I love it and refuse to live any other way until I have to. I'm doing this for now.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/11(Wed)13:27 No. 814

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I splurged and paid $35 for an 8th today. Real gourmet shit grown just 50 miles away and 28% THC, totally frosted with crystals.
The stuff that costs $60 per ounce is 24% and also amazing in every way, but sometimes it's nice to get the absolute best in the house. They had one that was more expensive at $15 per gram, but it was just because it was a popular strain that came out really nice. The salespeople all agreed the stuff I got was the best. And the only thing stronger was moonrocks, which is a pretty overrated gimmick product not worth the hassle of breaking it up and smoking it.
Took one final rip of this stuff as a 4:20 nightcap. If I turn out all the lights and lay down I'll go to sleep. If I stay fucking around online I'll stay up until 7 or 8 and fuck up the whole next day.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/11(Wed)14:03 No. 815

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The one good thing about the slowness of this site/board is the lack of contrarian cunts stopping by to call weed smokers 'degenerate junkies' and such. Any other anonymous forum with real traffic would have those retards.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/12(Thu)13:09 No. 816

And it's almost 4 a.m. again. Going to be Thursday I guess. Just another day. Getting low on tincture and need to think about brewing up another batch. I still have half a pint of everclear and plenty of weed to make it happen, but I'll probably hit one of the budget dispensaries to grab a $40 ounce anyway. Sometimes they have a couple of great strains all sticky and stinky and strong for that amazing price, but often it's pretty dried out and stemmy batches of familiar strains. Still strong, still good (especially at $5 an eighth!), just not the smoothest smoke or the most dense buds. It's the kind of stuff you'd get for $150 an ounce instead of $300 back in the day, but you'd still buy it as your 'B-bud' and use it for exactly this kind of purpose; brownies, candies, butter, or tincture.
I have four really good ounces right now and one crappy one, and that eighth of really awesome weed I paid much more for. Usually I'd toss some of each into the tincture, but these are just too good for smoking and there's no reason to waste it in drinks. There will always be more dry and crappy batches and I'll still buy them because you don't walk away from $40 ounces of ANY weed. It's like I'm someone's great grandfather from the Great Depression era and I snatch up and hoard all the weed I can out of some irrational fear that they're going to take it all away somehow. Maybe overturn the law and recriminalize it or somehow the market will stabilize and they'll all band together to fix the price at basically street prices (or higher!) and weed will be like it was when they first legalized it; fucking expensive. Fuck that. I'm getting ahead of this. I should have done this with tobacco but I just don't have the money. Plus I need to quit smoking. But why the fuck NOT stockpile weed for months or years while it's bargain basement prices? It won't go bad. I still have a few grams of some shit from 5 months ago that I saved because it was so good and it's still pretty fresh, and that's out of the bag/pouch it came in. Imagine weed quadruples in price (still being cheaper than 90s black market weed though) and you're sitting on a couple of pounds you bought in bulk?

I'm getting paranoid over nothing though. They can't put the genie back in the bottle. There will always be weed. Apparently the black market isn't even suffering due to legalization. I know people who still have a 'weed guy' they get from. Some people don't want 'corporate weed', even though it means testing and standards and knowing the strength and all that jazz.
This has been my weed diary for today. Now to smoke more bong hits. The tincture I drank at 2 is really kicking my ass now. And I've gone on and on with this.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/13(Fri)07:10 No. 818

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I'm smoking the Mt. Hood Magic. It's got that almost minty terpene going on. That's my favorite. There are 5 or 6 distinct weed aromas to me. And it's been many years since I smelled the skunk. That was awesome. I don't get why they had the balls to grow so much of it in the illegal 90s, but now that they can do what they want all of the skunk seeds have disappeared? That's fucking ridiculous. I remember so clearly smoking that stuff in high school, a mere 25 years ago. There's no way that lineage is just dead. It doesn't make sense. I'll bet they grew some and it tested at below 20% THC or something and they didn't bother to mass produce any more. I think that stink it has would be an enormous selling point. Imagine weed stores smelling even weedier. That shit would sell out so fast if they brought it back. But it's all about popularity I guess. I was all jazzed for traditional hashish but there's just no demand they tell me. Everyone wants "dabs" and specifically strong concentrates, but it's no trouble to make hashish on an industrial scale now that it's legal. They just don't bother. I've seen some stuff that's pretty close and I buy it when I can, but they just don't have a big market for it. It's neat smoking shatters and crystalized chunks of THC, and golden amber goops I guess, but where's that tootsie roll hash I used to see in High Times? That shit that melts and bubbles. Why can you get that all day long in Europe but it's some rare boutique shit in the supposedly hippie state of Oregon? The people that invested in these companies are probably old enough to have smoked imported hash. I never got to experience that. I want to try Thai sticks and Acapulco Gold too. They should do a whole retro weed thing and bring back 'Panama Red' and all the stuff we learned about from Cheech and Chong. I know it pales in comparison to today's weed, but I still want it. And with growing techniques they could coax the best buds out of those old seeds.
I imagine there are seed banks for cannabis. I hope there are some wise old hippies in Humboldt County with safes full of old landrace strains preserved for the ages. And they need to take on of each and fruit them and make cuttings and distribute clones to everyone around the world so they can keep them alive and grow them on demand.
I sometimes wonder if there's corporate espionage and secret strains and even stuff like skunk that's not being released yet because they're trying to patent or trademark or copyright it somehow to make a fortune later. Like imagine if they came out with some wonder strain that felt like opiates or one that worked like LSD or one that worked like aspirin and didn't give you any buzz. That'd be worth billions. So they'd protect the hell out of it. That kind of ruins the spirit of weed, but at the same time it allowed the science to unlock amazing possibilities that never would have happened if not for the profit-driven market.
That's all a stoner's wild speculation though. I don't really think that's happening.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/13(Fri)11:29 No. 819

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Got a new bong. Named it Suzanne. It's all that I wanted of a bong.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/13(Fri)11:32 No. 820


This song goes well with that GIF file.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/13(Fri)11:34 No. 821

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Like Wizard of Oz and Dark Side of the Moon and shit.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/13(Fri)13:14 No. 822

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Smurf special from 1987 on Showtime. I'm not really getting into it. Maybe because I'm an adult.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/13(Fri)14:15 No. 823

Triangle Kush with some 'sativa cured sugar' called Rogue Valley Wreck carefully placed on top. Last blasts before bed. If this is a refugee camp I'm going to pretend we have some tents and a fire. I'm just sitting in front of that fire rambling to myself and smoking weed. Forest animals will eventually become comfortable and join me by the fire when they realize I'm harmless. Looking around the area I see campfires that have been burning for many years. There's no reason this one can't. As long as I keep feeding and stoking it.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/13(Fri)14:19 No. 824



Getting stoned in a tent is awesome. Except when you're alone and could get scared. I haven't been in a tent in years. It's sad to think about so many people living in them now.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/14(Sat)12:47 No. 825

Alcohol tinctures tend to keep me awake while gummies or butter let me sleep. So I can have it earlier in the day but if I take it too late I'm up at least two extra hours. I don't get it, since it's only a 1/4 teaspoon of booze. I'm really doubting it's a strain issue.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/17(Tue)09:57 No. 826

I tried to clean my bong bowl and I chipped a big hole where it should just be a little hole. That happens quite a bit. So I bought two new ones, one a cone and one another poofy blown one much bigger, but both made of thicker glass than the one that came with the bong. And I used alcohol and my wire pipe cleaner set to restore it to new again. I don't know what the big deal is, it all tastes like weed smoke after a couple bowls anyway. Those guys you see obsessed with scrubbing it out after every smoke are a little anal if you ask me.

I also got this wooden stealth pipe in the mail. It's not a Proto Pipe but it's pretty cool. Except the name: Obetis. WTF
Sounds like some weird southern name for a black girl or something. "Obetis! Obetis! Get in this house right now and wash up for supper!" LOL

Dimebag Anon 24/12/17(Tue)10:01 No. 827

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Or an ailment of some sort.
"Are you suffering from obetis? Four out of five obetis specializing doctors recommend Obetivantix. Available now with a prescription. Ask your doctor about Obetivantix and watch your obetis just waft away."

Dimebag Anon 24/12/17(Tue)22:28 No. 828

Let he who hasn't smoked daily at some point of his life cast the first stone, and all that.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/18(Wed)10:35 No. 829

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I still compulsively save resin. I probably always will, even though I haven't smoked it in many years. I think once you've lived through real dry periods you always think in the back of your mind that it's a possibility in the future. Sure, we don't currently have any reason to believe that we'll lose our rights in this state to buy and smoke weed legally. But that doesn't mean that Trump could do some insane shit like enforce national laws where some every traffic stop involved some sort of drug test and if THC was in your system at all you'd lose your license. That's already a weird area where they're using common sense right now. If you're impaired then you're currently high or drunk and it doesn't matter. If you're not impaired and they find old weed in your system (because it stays a month unlike other drugs), well there's no reason to look for it since you're not currently impaired. Just some daydreaming paranoia thoughts I guess. Probably nothing like that will happen. As a total devotee to weed I'd quit driving before I quit smoking, but most people aren't prepared to do that I'm sure.

There's a really great storm that's been going all day and night here. It's raining and blowing and shaking the house. So nice to be totally ripped on a double dose of tincture and a few different varietals through the bong. I'm going to shut down the computer before the power goes out. Light some candles and listen to the radio as if the power is out already. That's why I like weed. Other drugs would make me just lay here like a lazybones and only think about doing stuff. On weed I'm actually going to make slight changes and sit by candlelight like a lazy guy and think about doing stuff. I think better without the internet in front of me.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/24(Tue)12:01 No. 839

I really went for it tonight. I ate 100 mg of rice crispy treats and smoked 90% extract on 31% weed through my hot water bong. I've gone about as deep as I can go.
Any more and I'd be hiding under the covers trying to square myself with the universe or something. I don't know why dispensary edibles are always chill and my tinctures can make me nervously high. Of course I have no way of knowing how powerful my tinctures are at what dosages and they vary from batch to batch. In fact I need to cook more tomorrow. It would be too decadent and costly to go through in gummies and treats from the store what I go through in green dragon. Even without knowing specifics I know that when the ingredients to make over a month's worth of the juice costs $6 in alcohol and roughly $25 in weed, there's never going to be a cheaper high than the one I brew myself. It's at least five times cheaper and I can't see prices getting any lower. It's almost too good to be true. I keep waiting for the catch. Or some federal overruling. But it's been a solid decade at this point. I guess once in a while we win in life. And for stoners it really is the pinnacle as far as potency, availability, legality, and cost are concerned. Can we go even higher?

Dimebag Anon 24/12/27(Fri)03:42 No. 841

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Got an eighth of Heir Heads. Strong stuff. $25. More than I usually pay, but sometimes you just have to spoil yourself.
Spoil yourself.
Spoil yourself.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/27(Fri)15:25 No. 842

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Created a new weed recycling program tonight. I made my tincture as usual with about 3/4 oz of decarbed, ground bud and half a pint of everclear. After squeezing the last of the juice through the coffee filter with my rubber gloves on, I saved the damp golden/green powder. I kept it wadded up in the filter, still resting in the funnel, in the fridge. So I made a coffee mug cake and subbed one Tbsp of almond flour with one Tbsp of the tincture powder and HOLY FUCK am I stoned. And I've got enough for like ten more doses. Whenever I thought I was wasting something useful by not just smoking the weed and knowing I'm getting it all, I was right. I could probably cook it in butter and strain it again. There's got to be some compounds that don't like to mix with alcohol but do with fat. They're slightly different highs. But I don't mind just eating the plant matter in the cake. It's not gritty or anything. I remember some old school pot brownie recipes that didn't bother with decarbing and butter extraction and all that. Back in the days of 'lids' of stuff that was packed in bricks, stems, seeds, leaves and all. They just made "flour" out of that in the same way I do and used in in the mix. Between the heat and the fat in the recipe, the magic happened. I've eaten those kind and while they're crumbly and kind of gross sometimes, they kick your ASS. And it's easy to choke them down when you're excited for the effects. Obviously black market shit from years ago that would never be sold in any respectable dispensary. But it was so much more fun back then. It made scoring some really amazing weed all the more satisfying. There were long periods of steady connections to the chronic, then there were droughts where no one seemed to know where to find any. Eventually I was plugged in enough and lived and worked in an area where that just wasn't a problem anymore. But until legalization of rec weed you couldn't guarantee yourself great stuff. Usually your connections would be consistent and reliable. But the stars didn't always align and you might have had to settle for mids or schwag even. This was rare though. Now all the weed is great. Some batches are just drier or less crystalized. Weed that makes it to the showroom is never just garbage. I've seen some sad stuff with little popcorn nugs and stems galore, but it's still over 20% THC and kicks your ass. So there was stickier, brighter green weed back in the day that didn't have half the strength of the shittiest weed you can even find for $20/oz. That's what's weird. That's what's weird. I got one of those stoned moments where I have a loop in my head tripping me out: 'that's what's weird', 'that's what's weird'. It's smashed together and even my thoughts are stumbling over it as if my mouth were having the problem. That green dragon byproduct slightly boozy wet weed grounds cake is fucking with my world right now. I need some eyedrops and water and laying down.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/27(Fri)17:37 No. 843

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I saw a guy sleeping on the sidewalk in my home city. I lived there for 26 years, during the Reagan era no less, and I never saw something like that. It made me sad and angry for that guy and anyone else stuck in similar situations.

Dimebag Anon 24/12/29(Sun)12:08 No. 845

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Today I ate like 70mg of recreational gummies and then I made another mug cake with two heaping half tablespoons of the tincture powder. I just caught myself lighting up another bong load and realized I'm zonked out of my schnord. You can really keep piling on the edibles but sometimes they catch up to you. Luckily it's only 3 and I'm going to get into submarine mode before I'm too impaired. I'm going to play the humpback whale sounds and the underwater sounds and put the 20,000 Leagues audiobook on. Once I'm in complete darkness I can imagine the dog and I are in a bedroom of the Nautilus and that my window is a porthole and we are miles below the ocean on an adventure. Sometimes I put on space soundscapes and Asimov or Heinlein and pretend I'm in a spaceship, but that's lonelier and just not as comfy as being deep under the sea. Plus whales wouldn't make sense and I still want to hear them.


It's the perfect combo and I've been diving deep for years when the going gets rough.

Dimebag Anon 25/01/02(Thu)11:59 No. 851

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Ringing in the new year with lots of marijuana. Eating it, drinking it, vaporizing it, and of course smoking it. I've finally hit that level where I can't really go any higher. I've had more than 100 mg. in a day for a few days. At this point I know doubling the dose does not double the high. And I'm not going to start ingesting more. I can tell already that just smoking blunts and bong bowl after bong bowl will do more harm to my lungs than good to my high. I'll just have to start decreasing my usage. I'm smoking over a gram a day just in bud and still using tinctures and gummies and concentrates on top of that. If I'm going to be constantly high it's got to be less high. Or I'll start waiting until just before bed to get really high. But there really cannot be any getting really high all day long. You hit a plateau. The first high you get is the highest you're going to be all day. The longer you space it out the stronger it will be.
I never realized how much maintenance a bong is when you smoke a lot of weed. Doesn't take long for them to clog. I've bought a few of the cheapo foreign weed pipes that they sell on amazon and they always have small holes and passages. Glass spoon pipes have a lot of air in them and can really take months of smoking before they need scraping. But when you smoke a lot all of your pieces get dirty and clogged regularly. I've been just buying new pipes instead of cleaning old ones. For $15 you can start over. And it's nice to know that if the unthinkable happens there are old pipes with vast stores of black gold.

Dimebag Anon 25/01/03(Fri)18:12 No. 853

I got this super dank weed today called Peanut Butter Breath. It's 30% THC, and $40 for an ounce. It actually smells like peanut butter. Once in a while a strain's aroma is vaguely reminiscent of its namesake, but who'd expect one like peanut butter to fit? Pretty heavy stuff. I should get more at that price. Can only buy 2 ounces per day. Sometimes they have so many good strains at that price that I really would get 3 or 4 if I could. As if there's not going to be more tomorrow. As if I'm going to miss out on some weed. As if I don't already have an ungodly stash. Once an ounce pouch gets down to about an eighth I slow way down as not to run out, to keep more variety. So I'll have several full ounces and then 5 or 6 more smaller bags. Then ceremoniously end up finishing each one eventually, or I'll dump them all into a batch of tincture when I'm sick of all the bags. I'm set for a few weeks. Months if I were to run myself down to nothing. But at this point it's like food; I have it every day and get bored with what I have. So spoiled. I used to be lucky to even find weed and have it be good. At least no one can accuse me of not appreciating my good fortune. I'm absolutely grateful to live in this amazing time. As much as other aspects of life may suck at times, the weed part is pretty amazing.

Dimebag Anon 25/01/04(Sat)01:23 No. 855

I find smoking and vaping weed is much more compulsive (moreish) than taking low-moderate doses of edibles in the afternoon/night. Also I find it doesnt wear on me the same way smoking/vaping does.

Dimebag Anon 25/01/05(Sun)03:21 No. 860

Strawberry banana smelled and tasted of its namesake. Yum!

Dimebag Anon 25/01/07(Tue)02:28 No. 862

Compulsive moreish? I don't understand what you mean.

Dimebag Anon 25/01/11(Sat)21:48 No. 871

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Moresish means a snack or something like that will make you want more of it. They say it in England a lot. Pic related.

Dimebag Anon 25/01/31(Fri)14:40 No. 902

Can I actually hit the wall and edibles just stop working? I'm not there yet but I'm probably consuming an entire tablespoon of tincture throughout the night now, where 6 months ago I'd take a 1/2 teaspoon. The tolerance has really shot up quickly these last couple of weeks. I'll start the day with 20 mg gummies and barely feel it. Smoke a few bong hits and get high and then step things up with a teaspoon of tincture, maybe more. This kicks my ass for a couple of hours but it passes more and more quickly each day before I'm doubling up. Then it's been another two hours and I realized I haven't smoked anything and just zoned out reading or watching TV for the whole time. Then I kind of sober up and can't get any higher. Then I go to bed. Wake up with the sweats, still kind of high. Maybe smoke a hit or two. Go to the bathroom and have a cigarette. Smoke another bong or pipe hit in there before going back to bed. Then I finally hit a deep sleep later. No dreams. That's one of the true things about a lot of weed. Or maybe I just can't remember them because of the memory thing. I do have brief "glimpses" into the dream world, but it's always the most mundane, real world activities that it barely counts. And then it reveals itself via deja vu later in the day when I'm doing something that reminds me of the only slightly different dream. Like "that's right, I'm NOT out of paper towels. That was a dream". May as well not be dreaming at all. I'd be grateful for a nightmare at this point. Not really. I guess the trick is to wake up a lot and go back to bed. That's when I dream; in the morning after a couple of early wake ups. I've tried to take sleeping aids and sleep like 14 hours a day in hopes of forcing the dream world. But it doesn't work. I can't stay asleep more than ten hours. I always wanted to try a meth bender so I could be tired enough to sleep for 16 hours or more, but it doesn't seem like it'd be worth it. With more exercise and less weed my sleeping habits would doubtlessly be more fulfilling. But it's a case of total cannabis devotion for now. The new memory foam mattress I've ordered will have to do what it can to make my nights a bit better. But it's a small price to pay to be blazed out of my mind all the time. I can take naps whenever I want and get up whenever I want. 9 perfect hours of uninterrupted sleep is for yoga joggers who eat organic fruit "leather" from the hippie store. No thanks.

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