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bad experiences? Dimebag Anon 24/06/18(Tue)21:21 No. 398

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hello has anyone ever had a bad experience from cannabis? for example

>drink too much liquor
>head spins puking, feel like im stuck in this feeling forever and i want out

>smoke too much cannabis
>yea ill just lay down

for me ivenever hated what i was feeling and never freaked out or "greened" before, have you? a lot of my friends have puked after a few hits of my bong, ill never understand puking from smoking somthing.

Dimebag Anon 24/06/19(Wed)01:27 No. 399

Yeah I've blacked the fucke out before from the weed

>Smoke Fathead
>Lose blood pressure or something
>Go blind
>Faint and start convulsing

Dimebag Anon 24/06/23(Sun)18:02 No. 400

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No, I'm lucky enough to only have had good times.

Dimebag Anon 24/07/14(Sun)16:22 No. 402

Not all that bad, but once I had a mild panic.

I was smoking at a dealer's house with a half dozen or so people; we were hitting a six-foot bong, passing a pipe, and hitting joints in rotation.

It was a cloud in there.

At one point I rolled back and went to outer space.

It wasn't the kind of effect one usually gets from weed, but my dosage was insane. My head was spinning, so I laid back and closed my eyes, but then I couldn't get them open again and for a moment I felt way out of my body, like out of my body and off the planet and are those the stars?

I recall laughing, but feeling terrified. It didn't last long. I went right back to hitting the pipe.

Dimebag Anon 24/07/14(Sun)17:08 No. 403

This one time I made brownies and I ate a little too much. I was having sex w my wife and we both started to feel too much dizzy. My anus felt like it was too hard and I was convinced an invisible demon was trying to rape me. Not fun.

Dimebag Anon 24/07/20(Sat)14:10 No. 404

Yeah I greened out but basically it's just you fall asleep

Dimebag Anon 24/07/31(Wed)00:57 No. 405

Good ol' "la palida" Inexperienced a whole year like that, I really thought I was allergic to zaza, turns out being baked a whole week cures it, never had the frights again

Dimebag Anon 24/11/03(Sun)21:35 No. 410

>poppoo cums
>what y9u want him to say
>you glue purple dildo in car?
>siren stops

Dimebag Anon 24/11/03(Sun)21:40 No. 411


Dimebag Anon 24/11/03(Sun)21:40 No. 412


Dimebag Anon 24/11/07(Thu)00:38 No. 413

Your bong is fucking disgusting and filthy, brother, you don't puke from it, because at this point, your immune system could probably survive a nuclear Holocaust. That thing has so much resin buildup, it's basically fossilized. There's probably enough oil and gas there to power America for the next 300 years.

Hive!jE2CxpfWFs 24/11/18(Mon)22:32 No. 414

I greened out after not smoking for 4 years.
All I did was giggle at everything and drool all over myself, at least according to them. I haven't had that problem since, though the next day taking a couple massive rips felt like I was on acid (without the hallucinations).

Dimebag Anon 24/11/19(Tue)07:05 No. 415

Who are you responding to?

I can post multiple images? What kind of fantastic forum wonderland is this??

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